What Does It Take To Be A Freelance Administrative Support?

You may have heard the term “administrative support” before, but do you know what it means? Administrative support is someone whose role is to help manage and organize the business operations of a company. They are tasked with providing key services to clients and other departments within their company.

These professionals usually work in an office setting, so they need to be comfortable with working in front of a computer all day long or at least part of each day. Their main responsibility is to ensure that all company documents are organized and up-to-date. 

Other duties include managing calendars; creating reports about financial information; organizing meetings, and making sure everyone gets paid on time!

If you’re considering becoming administrative support yourself someday, here are some traits that you should look for when looking for jobs:

Technical Skills for Administrative Assistant
1. Strong organizational skills are crucial for success in freelance administrative support roles.
2. Effective communication is essential for understanding client needs and providing exceptional customer service.
3. Proficiency in relevant software and tools, such as Microsoft Office and project management platforms, is highly beneficial.
4. Continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends can help you stay competitive as a freelance administrative support professional.
5. Building a strong online presence, including a professional website and active engagement on social media, can attract potential clients and showcase your expertise.
6. Time management and the ability to prioritize tasks are key to managing multiple assignments and meeting deadlines efficiently.
7. Developing a strong network and establishing relationships with clients and fellow freelancers can lead to valuable opportunities and referrals.
8. Flexibility and adaptability are important traits for freelance administrative support professionals, as client needs and projects may vary.
9. Confidence in problem-solving and decision-making allows you to handle challenges and provide effective solutions in your role.
10. Attention to detail and a high level of accuracy are essential for producing error-free work and maintaining client satisfaction.

A Good Work Ethic

A good work ethic is the foundation of any successful career. Without it, you won’t last long. You must be able to work hard and long hours in order to get your projects done on time. You must also be able to work under pressure or when there are other distractions going on around you. 

It’s not uncommon for someone who works from home to have kids running around upstairs while they’re trying to finish that important report for their boss! 

You must also have good time management skills because so much can go wrong if you don’t keep track of all your responsibilities well enough not only will it stress everyone out (including yourself!), but it could also lead directly to disaster if those deadlines aren’t met successfully!

If you’re interested in starting a career as a freelance administrative support professional, our guide on how to become a Freelance Administrative Support will provide you with valuable insights and step-by-step instructions to help you get started.

The Ability To Be Self-Motivated

The ability to be self-motivated is an important skill for administrative support. Self-motivation allows you to complete tasks without being micromanaged by your boss and work independently. To become an effective administrative support, you must be able to set goals and deadlines for yourself without constant supervision from your supervisor.

This is especially important when it comes time for pay increases or promotions: if you don’t know how well you’re performing, it’s difficult for your supervisor (or potential employers) to evaluate your performance objectively.

Even if you are good at what you do, it can be difficult for someone else in the organization who doesn’t interact with clients directly every day (like a manager) to know whether or not this person deserves higher compensation than others who may have similar job titles but never come into contact with clients directly.

The Ability To Complete Tasks On Time And Without Supervision

One of the most important things you’ll need to do as a freelance administrative support worker is to complete tasks on time, without supervision. This includes everything from ensuring that your clients get their documents on schedule to making sure that paperwork is sent out with sufficient time for it to reach its destination before the deadline. 

This can be tricky if you work remotely or from home, but there are ways around this issue as well. For example, many people who run their own businesses set aside certain days when they work from home in order to avoid distractions and focus solely on completing assignments in a timely manner.

The ability to work independently is what separates good freelancers from great ones and those who aren’t cut out for this type of job at all! If you have excellent self-motivation and can push yourself past any blocks or setbacks along the way (and know how much slack you’re allowed), chances are that being an independent contractor will come naturally for you.

Are you looking to hire a freelance administrative support professional for your business? Check out our article on how to choose the right freelance administrative support to find valuable tips and advice on selecting the best fit for your specific needs.

Good Attention To Detail

You’ll be responsible for making sure that your clients’ office is running smoothly. That means you’re going to need a lot of attention to detail, so it’s important that you’re able to notice when things are out of place or incorrect.

For example, if one of your clients wants an invoice sent by fax, but the fax number listed on the document has been changed since the last time they requested this service, then you would have noticed that there was something wrong and corrected it before sending off the document. 

This kind of thing happens all day long in offices across the country and if someone doesn’t catch these kinds of mistakes right away (or at all), then they can really affect businesses negatively by causing delays or even being costly in terms of money spent fixing errors later on down the road

Strong Communication Skills

As freelance administrative support, you’re responsible for the upkeep of your client’s businesses. You handle their finances and help them keep track of their appointments. This means that strong communication skills are essential for any freelance administrative support.

First, you need to be able to speak clearly and concisely about your work. The ability to write is also important: good communication skills include being able to document your work well so that it can be easily read by other people in the future. 

This includes emailing clients or writing reports about what you did for them in the past week or month if someone needs proof that you actually did something for them, they can go back through those emails or documents and see exactly what was done at which time!

In addition to this general information-sharing component of being an effective communicator within one’s own field/profession (which basically boils down to “I told them so”), there are also two more specific areas where strong communication skills play out:

A Willingness To Accept Feedback And Make Changes

You should always be open to feedback, no matter how it comes. If your boss or client gives you suggestions on how to improve your work, listen carefully and take their input into consideration. This doesn’t mean that you have to follow through with all of the things they say it’s fine if certain changes aren’t in the best interest of your business or yourself but being open-minded will help you grow as an administrative assistant. 

You should also be willing to admit when you’re wrong or don’t know something; not only is this humility a virtue, but it shows others that they can trust in your abilities and expertise. And there are times when even experienced administrative support workers reach out for help—don’t be afraid of seeking guidance from those who might have more experience than yourself!

Curious about the responsibilities and tasks of a freelance administrative assistant? Our comprehensive guide on what does a freelance administrative assistant do will provide you with a clear understanding of their role and the value they bring to businesses.

A Willingness To Account For Mistakes In Your Work Product

Being freelance administrative support is not for everyone. Because you are your own boss, you have to be willing to account for the mistakes in your work product. If there is an error on a report, or if a client is not happy with the quality of work you gave them, you will have to accept responsibility for it and figure out how to fix it. There are several ways that this can happen:

When a mistake occurs, an apology should be made immediately by the freelancer so that there’s no doubt about their concern over making sure that their clients are satisfied with their service.

Once proper apologies have been made by both parties involved in any situation (this means both parties need to apologize), then steps should be taken towards resolving the said problem as quickly as possible so it doesn’t cause further harm down the line! 

The Ability To Complete Routine Tasks Without Feeling Like You’re Stuck In A Rut

As freelance administrative support, you’ll probably be doing the same tasks over and over again. For example, if you’re an office assistant who is responsible for filing paperwork, you might end up doing this task every day. If this is the case, it can get boring and tedious pretty quickly. However, there are ways to avoid getting stuck in a rut. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t let routine tasks become boring try to find ways to make them more interesting or challenging than they already are (e.g., file papers according to color instead of alphabetically).
  • Ask for help whenever you feel stuck this will allow other people within your organization to get involved as well. This will also give them a chance to learn from what others have done so far!
  • Take breaks when needed it’s important that everyone feels motivated about their work so don’t let yourself get burned out too fast!

A Cheerful And Friendly Attitude

To be a successful administrative assistant, you need to be someone who people like being around. You’re going to be dealing with people all day long, so it’s important that everyone has a good impression of you. Your personality can make or break your career as an administrative assistant. 

I’ve worked with some cheery people and some grouchy ones over the years, but there’s no question that the cheerful ones are far more pleasant to work with than their counterparts.

If you know how to keep things lighthearted and fun at work, then you’ll have an easier time making friends (and even friends in high places), ensuring that when something goes wrong for one person on your team say, if someone else needs help they will be willing and able to help you out because they trust both your skills and attitude toward work in general. 

One of my best coworkers was always smiling, cracking jokes about everything from our jobs to current events happening around us at home or abroad; because she made me laugh all the time we were together working together it was easy for me not only to enjoy working with her but feel comfortable asking her questions when I needed answers or advice on how best handle certain problems myself!

Searching for freelance administrative support jobs? Explore our list of the best places to look for freelance administrative support jobs to discover top platforms and resources where you can find exciting opportunities in this field.

An Appreciation For Good Work Environment Etiquette 

You may have heard of work environment etiquette, which is a fancy way of saying that you appreciate good work environment etiquette. Good work environment etiquette means being quiet when colleagues are on the phone, keeping your voice down in the kitchen area, and not interrupting others who are working hard to get things done (unless necessary). 

Such rules may seem trivial or even unnecessary, but they’re definitely important for administrative support because they keep everyone focused on their tasks at hand and that’s how you get things done!

For example: If your colleague has an important call coming through, don’t talk loudly nearby; instead, wait until after their conversation has ended before speaking again so as not to distract them from their task at hand. 

And if there’s someone else around who needs help with something related to their job function (e.g., filing), wait patiently until they’re finished before offering up any ideas about how else those files could be organized in order for them to be more efficient at their job functions later on down the line–again showing respect for those around us while also demonstrating patience when solving problems together.”

Hiring a freelance administrative support professional can bring numerous benefits to your business. Learn about the top reasons to consider this option in our article on top 10 reasons to hire a freelance administrative support professional and see how they can enhance your operations.

All Of These Traits Will Help You Succeed As An Administrative Support

The following traits are essential to success as freelance administrative support:

Don’t Give Up

If you’re looking for work, you’ll probably have to apply for many positions before you land one. Even if the first few jobs don’t work out, don’t get discouraged and lose hope! You might be able to transfer your skills and knowledge into another job that’s right for you. 

Be prepared for your interviews by researching what others in the industry are doing well and how they are positioning themselves in relation to other companies.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions Or Seek Help When Needed

It’s okay if you don’t know everything, in fact, being open about what makes things challenging can actually make it easier for others to help guide you through sticky situations that arise throughout the course of completing tasks (and projects) at hand as part of their daily responsibilities.

As administrative support professionals who provide invaluable services within organizations across various industries such as healthcare facilities where there is always something new happening every day because the patient needs change constantly so staying up-to-date with current happenings around town is important too!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources related to freelance administrative support that you may find helpful:

Freelance PA or Administrator: Explore the differences between being a freelance personal assistant (PA) and a freelance administrator, and discover which role may suit you better.

Starting a Freelance Business as an Administrative Assistant: Learn the essential steps and considerations for starting your own freelance business as an administrative assistant, including tips for marketing, setting rates, and managing clients.

How to Become a Freelance Virtual Assistant (VA): If you’re interested in becoming a freelance virtual assistant, this guide provides valuable insights on getting started, finding clients, and managing your virtual assistant business.


Here are some frequently asked questions about freelance administrative support:

What skills are important for a freelance administrative support professional?

The skills that are important for a freelance administrative support professional include strong organizational abilities, attention to detail, excellent communication skills, proficiency in relevant software and tools, and the ability to multitask effectively.

How can I find freelance administrative support jobs?

You can find freelance administrative support jobs by leveraging online platforms, job boards, and freelance marketplaces specialized in administrative roles. Networking, reaching out to potential clients directly, and building a strong online presence can also help you discover job opportunities.

How do I determine my rates as a freelance administrative support professional?

To determine your rates as a freelance administrative support professional, consider factors such as your experience, expertise, the complexity of the tasks, market rates, and the value you provide to clients. Researching industry standards and conducting market analysis can help you set competitive and fair rates.

How do I market myself as a freelance administrative support professional?

To market yourself as a freelance administrative support professional, create a professional website or portfolio showcasing your skills and experience. Utilize social media platforms and professional networking sites to connect with potential clients and share your expertise. Networking events, referrals, and joining relevant industry associations can also help you expand your client base.

How do I handle client communication and expectations as a freelance administrative support professional?

Clear and open communication is key when working with clients as a freelance administrative support professional. Set clear expectations from the beginning, establish efficient communication channels, and maintain regular updates. Actively listen to clients’ needs, address any concerns promptly, and strive to provide exceptional customer service to ensure client satisfaction.

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