When I’m writing, my mind is like a runaway train. It goes from one thought to the next without stopping at any of the stations in between. Sometimes that’s great and sometimes it’s not so great. But here are some thoughts you might have if you’re anything like me:
Takeaways |
1. Unleash Creativity: Utilize these prompts to spark your imagination and explore humorous storylines. |
2. Diverse Scenarios: Experiment with a wide range of funny scenarios, from everyday situations to fantastical adventures. |
3. Embrace Variety: Discover prompts suitable for short stories, essays, or even as starting points for longer narratives. |
4. Practice Humor Techniques: Hone your comedic writing skills while engaging in enjoyable writing exercises. |
5. Inspire Laughter: Create content that not only entertains but also brings smiles and laughter to your readers. |
Why Do I Even Bother?
You’re here, aren’t you? You might as well keep reading because I have some thoughts on writing that are bound to entertain and educate.
So, why do I write? The answer is multi-faceted. Writing is a form of self-expression that allows me to get my thoughts out in the world. It also helps me make a living (I write blog posts for a lot of different companies).
Writing is fun! It can be therapeutic when life gets stressful and overwhelming, especially if it involves putting pen to paper and getting words on paper (or screen).
Looking to kickstart your creative journey? Our guide on Ways to Get Your Creative Plunge Off the Ground offers valuable insights and strategies to help you overcome those initial hurdles and unleash your creative potential.
Are My Friends Sitting On The Couch Right Now Eating Ice Cream Without Me?
Do you wish you were sitting on the couch with your friends right now, eating ice cream and laughing? Yeah, me too. I wish I had friends who would sit on a couch with me and eat ice cream together.
Sometimes I even think about what color that couch would be if it were in my apartment: probably green or red. That’s because when I think of couches now (and later), it feels like I’m picturing the one from Friends you know the one where Joey eats food off of its cushions?
No matter how much time goes by or where I am or what else is going on in my life, this feeling always comes back to me in some way.
Sitting on a couch watching Friends episodes as they air live when they originally aired (which was before Netflix), drinking wine while having deep conversations about our lives while being surrounded by people who love us unconditionally regardless of whether or not we have any talents whatsoever except for being funny.
Did I Leave The Oven On?
I don’t have to worry about leaving the oven on because I never cook. If I did, though, it would be a huge concern that my roommate would be forced to deal with when he gets home from work. He has a temper and he doesn’t like things that make him angry.
If I left the oven on, he’d probably punch me in the face and leave me bleeding into an ice bucket until my body went cold enough for him to call 911 without feeling bad about it.
If you’re thinking “I live alone,” then congratulations! You can certainly feel free to leave your ovens running without fear of retribution from anyone else who might be around while they do so but consider this: What if people are living under your house?
Are mice not just as deserving as humans of being able to cook meals at home? Will they starve if their source of heat goes out? Consider these questions before making any final decisions about whether or not your appliance will go unattended today.”
Elevating your creative writing skills takes practice and dedication. Discover the power of these 17 tips to enhance your writing style and craft captivating narratives that resonate with your readers.
What Am I Going To Eat Later?
As you may have noticed, I tend to write about food a lot. It’s because I have a deep and abiding love for it; it’s one of my favorite things. But sometimes, when I’m in the middle of writing and thinking about what to type next (or if I need to pee), my stomach will start rumbling. And then this happens:
What Am I Going To Eat Later?
If there were such a thing as a word count tracker for your mind, mine would be stuck on this question right now. Being hungry is distracting! It makes me wonder how long until lunchtime or dinner time so that I can know how long until my next meal will be available and whether there’ll be leftovers or not!
Ever wondered what bizarre thoughts cross a writer’s mind during the creative process? Explore the world of Weird and Hilarious Things I Think About While Writing as we share some comical musings that often accompany the writing journey.
I mean…What Am I Going To Eat Later?
Is the dog pooping in the house?
If you are a dog owner, there is a good chance that your dog has, at some point in its life, pooped in the house.
If you are one of the lucky few who have never had to deal with this horror show, don’t count yourself out just yet! Dogs love to poop almost anywhere and everywhere: on top of their beds (the ones they sleep in), on top of yours (the ones you sleep on), in between them (your bed and theirs); even occasionally inside or outside their own homes!
There’s no limit to where your dog might decide to drop a deuce. They aren’t picky about it; they’ll leave it wherever they can find the space or an open area big enough for them.
This means that even if your pup goes outside every time nature calls him or her which is what most responsible pet owners strive for there’s still a good chance he or she will leave something behind when indoors because it’s such an easy target for him or her every time he hears those familiar sounds coming from his little body.
Did I Have A Moment Of Genius When I Created This Idea Or Should I Just Quit Right Now?
You have to believe in your idea. You have to be passionate about what you are writing. You have to believe in yourself, and that your story is good enough for others to read. The same goes for the characters; if they don’t feel real, then why would anyone else? If a character doesn’t seem like they would do something, don’t make them do it!
If you don’t believe in your story, no one else will either. There’s nothing worse than reading a book where the author doesn’t even care about what they wrote because then it just comes off as being lazy and uninspired—and readers can tell when an author has no heart or soul behind their words on paper!
Why Am I So Stressed Out Over Something That Doesn’t Pay Me Anything?
Writing is a hobby, but it’s also a passion. Writing is something that you do to express yourself and make sense of the world around you. It can be done for fun, but you can also use writing as a way to make money and get paid for your work.
Writing is not easy and there are many different ways to approach it. Some people like writing short stories or poems while others prefer writing longer books or articles with an actual plotline (sometimes even character development). Whatever type of writer you are, one thing remains true: Writing requires hard work and dedication if you want to become successful at it!
Embarking on a journey as a fiction writer can be daunting. Learn from experience with insights shared in What I Wish I Would Know When I Started Writing Fiction, where we reflect on valuable lessons that can help aspiring authors navigate the creative landscape.
Am I Drinking Enough Water Today?
It’s a question that has plagued me for years. I’ve been asked countless times how much water is needed to maintain peak mental performance, but the answer remains elusive. So I decided to make it my goal to drink two full glasses of water every hour on the hour AND one glass before bedtime (for a total of 8 glasses per day). This didn’t work out so well.
I found myself often forgetting about that second glass of water at night and would wake up in a cold sweat, parched and shaky. My husband would find me curled up in our bathroom with my face pressed against the faucet like a dehydrated cat begging for mercy, whispering “Please let me drink.”
He’d bring me some tap water and we’d sit together in silence as he watched over me while I drank it down like an animal in need of hydration after being trapped during an earthquake.
Is It Time To Drink Wine Yet?
If you’re a writer, the answer is always yes. You just have to know when it’s appropriate and when it’s not. I’ve learned that there are three situations where drinking wine can be beneficial for my writing: 1) When I need to relax after a long day at work or school; 2)
When I need to celebrate the fact that I’m being paid for my writing (this happens about once every four months); 3) When all of my friends are out of town and it’s just me and my laptop on Friday night (it’s true what they say the more alone time we get, the better we write).
What If My Head Explodes And Then What Will Happen To The Article That’s Due Tomorrow?
This is a great question. I’ve been asking myself this since I started writing this article.
I’m pretty sure that if your head explodes, then you’ll be dead and no longer have to write an article at all. But let’s say your head doesn’t explode and instead it just starts bleeding profusely or something like that, then what happens? You might get sick from all that blood in your body and start vomiting everywhere (if you’re lucky). So probably best not to do that!
Whose Turn Is It To Walk The Dog Later? Me. It’s Always Me
You have to walk the dog. Every day. You can’t get out of it, even if you try. Even when you hate walking the dog, even when it rains and you’re tired and just want to go home and drink some wine instead of walking around with a large wet animal slobbering all over your shoes you still have to do it.
It’s not fair that I have to walk him every day while my husband gets off easy on nights we don’t go out (which is often), but that is how life works sometimes!
Why does my cat rub against my leg so much when there’s a perfectly good pair of pants for her to use as a scratching post? What does she want from me, blood? Are cats vampires???
I’m sure you’ve heard the old wives’ tale that cats are plotting to take over the world. That’s just not true, right? Well, no. Cats are selfish and they want to be petted! It’s also true that cats aren’t vampires or evil spirits; they’re just little furry creatures who want attention from their owners.
And I think that’s why my cat rubs against my leg so much when there is a perfectly good pair of pants for her to use as a scratching post she knows we won’t give her any attention if she keeps destroying our clothes! Cats are smart like that, but not evil or plotting anything against us humans (or at least not yet).
Choosing the right words can transform your writing. Dive into the world of impactful vocabulary with our article on Words That Are Surprisingly Helpful in Creative Writing, and discover how a well-chosen word can elevate the impact and emotion of your narrative.
Writing Can Be Stressful
Writing isn’t always as collaborative and fun as I wish it were.
You can’t just wake up one morning and decide to write a book. You have to put in the time, or else nothing will happen.
It’s not easy to stay motivated when you’re writing alone all day long; sometimes the desire fades away before you know it.
It can be difficult to focus on your work when there are so many distractions the internet, social media notifications, and TV shows playing in the background and that’s just if you’re working from home!
When you’re in an office with other people around (or even worse), having conversations with friends about what happened last night on The Bachelor? Forget about writing anything productive!
Writing is a funny thing. It can be stressful, but it’s also a great way to express yourself and tell stories. The best thing about writing is that you can do it anywhere and at any time, even if you don’t feel like doing anything else!
After all, if there were no writers in the world then we would all be stuck with only watching television shows instead of reading books or magazines or articles online.
Further Reading
Looking for more inspiration and tips on injecting humor into your writing? Check out these resources:
Funny Things to Say: Explore a collection of witty and amusing phrases to add a touch of humor to your conversations and writing.
101 Hilarious or Slightly Amusing Comedic Story Prompts: Need ideas for comedic stories? Dive into this list of prompts that can spark your creativity and help you craft humorous narratives.
Funny Writing Prompts: Unleash your imagination with a set of funny writing prompts that can ignite your creativity and lead to entertaining stories.
How can humor enhance my writing?
Incorporating humor into your writing can captivate readers, make your content memorable, and add an enjoyable dimension to your work.
What are some techniques for adding humor to my writing?
Consider using wordplay, unexpected twists, relatable situations, and comedic timing to infuse humor into your writing.
Are there specific genres that benefit most from humor?
Humor can be applied to various genres, from light-hearted fiction and comedy to even non-fiction and instructional content, adding a refreshing element to any subject matter.
How do I ensure that my humor resonates with the audience?
Understanding your target audience’s preferences and cultural context is key to crafting humor that lands well and resonates with readers.
Can humor be used in serious or sensitive topics?
Yes, humor can be a powerful tool even in serious topics, as long as it’s approached with sensitivity and respect, avoiding offense and ensuring it complements the subject matter.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.