Freelancing online can be an excellent way to make money while working from home, but there are a few scam sites that freelancers need to watch out for. Never trust a job site that asks you to pay them any kind of money before giving you work.
Also, if a job site asks you for your social security number or other sensitive personal information when you sign up, run the other way. A legitimate freelance website will never ask for anything like that.
Make sure the websites you’re using have safeguards in places like two-factor authentication and HTTPS encryption so that your personal information is protected at all times. Finally, check out reviews from other people who have used the site you’re looking into; this can help give you an idea of whether it’s safe to use or not!
Takeaways |
Regularly update your software and use up-to-date antivirus protection. |
Research and choose reputable freelance platforms with strong security measures. |
Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security. |
Carefully review client feedback and ratings before accepting projects. |
Use secure payment methods and avoid sharing sensitive financial information. |
Be cautious of suspicious job postings or clients offering unrealistic opportunities. |
Read and understand the terms and conditions of the freelance platform you’re using. |
Maintain backups of your work to avoid data loss or ransomware attacks. |
Stay informed about common freelancing scams and be vigilant in detecting potential fraud. |
Trust your instincts and prioritize your safety when engaging with clients and projects. |
Research Your Options
When you’re getting into the freelance market, it can be a little overwhelming. There are so many different platforms to choose from, and each one has its pros and cons. To make sure you’re using a safe platform, take the time to research your options.
To get started on this research process, you’ll want to ask yourself what kind of work you want to do (freelance writing? or web design?) and how much experience you have in those areas (very little? quite a bit?).
Based on these questions, search for platforms that offer jobs in those fields but also cater to your skill level and location if possible this way there will be less competition for jobs that match your skillset because there will be fewer people who applied for them as well!
Understanding the intricacies of pricing models is crucial for freelancers. Our article on Upwork’s pricing model provides valuable insights to help you navigate and optimize your earnings on the platform.
Learn About The Payment Options On The Site
Before you accept a job, make sure the site has a payment option that you’re comfortable with. Some sites have PayPal. Others have credit card or debit card options. Still, others will let you pay by cheque, wire transfer, cash, or money order.
The best freelance sites include all these payment options so you can choose what works best for you. You should also consider how much each type of payment costs and how long it takes to receive your funds after completing work (e.g., when using PayPal).
Some people like to use PayPal because they don’t need an additional account in addition to their bank account; however, if this isn’t an option for your client’s business then it won’t be an option for yours either!
Look For Testimonials About The Site On A Third-Party Service
Look for testimonials about the site on a third-party service. You can usually find these by searching Google, Yelp, or other review sites.
Look for testimonials from clients and freelancers. These are your best bet when it comes to finding out whether or not a freelance site is safe to use.
Look for reviews written by people who have used the site in the past, either as clients or freelancers (or both). If there aren’t many reviews available, try asking around in different forums in search of former users’ opinions you never know what you might uncover!
If possible, look for testimonials from the site’s owner or employees. In addition to getting more information about how well a freelance platform operates internally (and its reputation as an employer), this will also give you insight into its safety measures as well as how often it updates them when necessary.*
Search For Client And Freelancer Feedback About The Site Online
To get a better idea of how safe a site is to use, do some research. Search for client and freelancer feedback about the site online. You can use Google or another search engine to find reviews. Sites with more positive reviews are likely to be safer than sites with fewer positive reviews.
Look for review sites that don’t only list companies but also include information on those who have used them in the past and are willing to share their experience publicly without being paid by the company (or opposed by it).
This will give you an idea of what people think about using this particular company’s services–and whether they would recommend it to others in your industry.
A standout profile is essential for success on Upwork. Discover tips and tricks for crafting a compelling profile in our guide on creating a killer Upwork profile and attract high-quality clients to boost your freelance career.
Look Into What The Site Does To Determine Whether The Project Needs To Be Paid For
If the site charges a fee for listing projects, ask yourself if your project needs to be paid for. If so, you’ll likely want to avoid sites that charge.
However, if you can’t find any information on whether they charge or not and they don’t list this information on their website (or at least can’t find it when you search), then it’s probably safe to assume they do charge.
Does the site charge a fee for posting a project?
If there is no mention of whether or not the site charges in their FAQs or other documentation, ask them directly via email before signing up with them.
This should help prevent any problems later down the road if something goes wrong and/or leaves both parties confused about why things didn’t work out as expected which can cause stress for both parties involved in working together which isn’t fair since everyone deserves transparency from their clients!
Check If The Site Offers A Dispute Resolution System
Make sure the site offers a dispute resolution system.
When you’re dealing with money and working with people on the internet, things can go wrong. You want to make sure that the site offers a dispute resolution system and a way for you to resolve problems like late payments or non-payment without having to go through legal channels.
A good dispute resolution system will be easy to use; it should also be fair for both parties involved in any disputes that come up.
Make Sure You Know What Happens To Your Payment If A Dispute Arises
When it comes to freelancing, you should always be careful about where you work. That’s especially true if you’re working on a freelance site. These are companies that act as middlemen for employers and freelancers.
You may have heard horror stories about people losing money when these sites shut down or close, but there are ways to make sure your payments will stick around in case something goes wrong with the company.
First of all, make sure you know what happens to your payment if a dispute arises between yourself and an employer! If this happens, there are many different scenarios depending on where in the world the dispute is centered:
In some cases, such as those based in Australia or New Zealand, disputes are handled by Arbitration Rules under which both parties agree beforehand which law applies – either Australian Consumer Law or New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA). In other words: they have their laws governing how disputes should be solved).
However, in most European countries including Germany but also Italy, and France – there’s no specific law regulating how things should be done.
Instead, each country relies on its legal system like the English common law style arbitration system (the judge will decide who wins) or the French code civil style tribunal de grande instance de Paris, etc…
Maintaining a good standing on Upwork is vital for consistent work opportunities. Learn about the common pitfalls to avoid and strategies for preventing suspension in our comprehensive guide on avoiding suspension from Upwork. Safeguard your freelance career today!
See If You’ll Be Able To Get Customer Support On The Freelance Site
Another important thing to consider when using a freelance site is whether or not there is customer support available. While most sites offer this, it’s worth asking if they are available around the clock and if they can help you in your time zone.
You don’t want to be stuck with an issue that goes unaddressed for several days because the team isn’t available 24/7, especially if you’re working on a tight deadline or something urgent needs addressing.
Find Out How Long You Have To Wait For Customer Support To Help You When Issues Arise
While you can’t always predict what might happen to your client’s project, it’s important to know how long you have to wait for customer support to help you when issues arise. If there’s a problem with their payment, or if they don’t respond at all after their deadline passes, you’ll want someone available who can help resolve the issue quickly.
When it comes down to it, customer service is just as important as the platform itself when considering whether or not a site is worth using. Take some time out of your busy schedule and find out how long a response takes and if there are any limitations on what kind of response you can expect (i.e., phone calls vs emails).
You should also take into consideration how easy it would be for someone without technical knowledge in these situations such as yourself or another freelancer working on the same project; this way there won’t be any confusion during those stressful moments when everything feels like it could fall apart at any second!
The bottom line here? When deciding between sites there shouldn’t be much difference between them except for one thing: how long before support responds once an issue arises?
This next step will save time later on down the road since no one wants things falling apart over something small like poor service quality from outsourcing platforms/sites where our livelihoods depend upon making money from clients completing projects accurately within deadlines specified by ourselves first before anything else is done with them afterward.
Read Up On Whether You’ll Be Able To Communicate With Clients Easily
Good communication is essential when it comes to any business relationship, but it’s especially critical for freelancers.
You need to be able to communicate with your clients quickly and easily if you want them to trust you because a lack of trust can lead to dissatisfaction and even worse outcomes like non-payment of client abandonment.
Here are some things to consider as you evaluate the platforms on which you plan on working:
Read up on whether you’ll be able to communicate with clients easily and quickly with the freelance platform’s processes or any other communication tools they offer.
If there aren’t clear instructions about how important tasks should be done, such as accepting jobs or sending invoices, then chances are that your work will suffer.
See if there are any restrictions on what kinds of projects can be found on the site in terms of type or length; this may affect who is willing (or able) to do them well enough without getting frustrated over having too many restrictions imposed upon them while still being paid fairly well for their efforts!
Check Out The Reputation Of The Platform, Including Whether They’re Well-Known In Their Industry
You may be able to find out more about a site by checking out its reputation in its industry. For example, sites like Fiverr and Upwork have earned their reputations as reputable platforms for freelancers, so you can trust them.
If you have never heard of the platform before and don’t know anyone who has used it for work, it’s best not to risk your money or time on a site that might not pay up if something goes wrong.
You should also check out the reputation of the platform on third-party review sites. These are often just as reliable as reviews from actual users because they’re written by experts rather than regular people trying to make money off ads on their blog posts (which happens sometimes).
Additionally, look through social media accounts related to this platform (such as Twitter) and see what kind of buzz they’re getting around town this will help you get an idea about how others feel about working there too!
Uncover the hidden gems of success on Upwork with our revealing article on Upwork secrets. From optimizing proposals to standing out from the competition, these insider tips will take your freelancing journey to the next level.
Find Out If There Will Be Any Communication Barriers Between You And Clients Who Speak Different Languages
Translating tools. There should be a translation tool on the platform or a way to get in touch with someone who can translate for you.
Translation tools are best when they’re integrated into the site (you don’t want to have to go find them), and they should automatically detect which language is being spoken and switch over Skype or another video chat service while transcribing everything said into text form.
Customer support team. You’ll want a customer support team that can help with translation issues, like if there’s an error in the system or if someone needs special assistance because of their unique situation as a non-native speaker of English (e.g., someone who speaks Mandarin).
Research How Much Money You’ll Have To Pay Upfront Just To Use The Platform Or Sign Up With It
Since some sites require you to pay an upfront fee, it’s important to know how much money you’ll have to shell out just to use the platform or sign up with it.
For example, if a site is asking for $50 per month and offers nothing in return other than access to the site itself and some basic membership privileges, that may not be worth it.
If they’re asking for $10 per month but then charge your credit card once a year or every six months when your billing cycle ends (and not before then), this might also be something that makes sense for your business model.
Before signing up with any freelance website or agency system, make sure you know what you’ll get back in return and what their refund policy is as well!
Find Out What Kinds Of Projects Are Commonly Posted On The Site So That You Can Make Sure Your Skills Match Up With Them
It’s important to make sure that the projects commonly posted on the site are something you can do. This is especially true if you’re new to freelancing and don’t have a lot of experience under your belt.
In addition, make sure that you have all of the right tools and skills necessary to complete the project successfully before accepting it. If this isn’t something you can do, don’t accept it!
You need to build up your portfolio slowly by completing projects that are within your wheelhouse so as not to alienate potential employers who may want to hire you in the future.
Ensuring your safety and security is paramount when engaging with freelancing websites. Explore our comprehensive overview on the safety of freelancing websites to gain insights into protective measures and make informed decisions for your freelance career.
We’ve seen that there are a lot of ways to make sure freelance sites are safe and secure for users, whether it’s by using SSL certificates to encrypt communications or having payment systems in place.
Although it can take some time, you should always make sure the sites you use have these features before signing up with them. If they don’t offer at least one of these safeguards (and ideally more), then maybe you should reconsider your decision!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to explore for further information on freelance security, data privacy best practices, and avoiding scams as a freelancer:
Freelance Security Tips by Kaspersky: Discover valuable tips and strategies to enhance your security measures as a freelancer and protect your sensitive data.
6 Data Privacy Best Practices for Freelancers by GlobalSign: Learn about essential data privacy practices that freelancers should implement to safeguard their personal and client information.
How to Avoid Getting Scammed as a New Freelancer by Elegant Themes: Get insights and practical advice on avoiding scams and fraudulent activities that target new freelancers in the digital marketplace.
Here are some frequently asked questions about freelance security, data privacy, and avoiding scams:
Q: How can I protect my freelance business from security threats?
A: Implementing strong passwords, using two-factor authentication, and regularly updating your software are some essential steps to enhance your freelance business’s security.
Q: What are some best practices for ensuring data privacy as a freelancer?
A: Encrypting sensitive files, securely storing client data, and using secure file-sharing platforms can help maintain data privacy in your freelance work.
Q: How can I identify potential scams as a freelancer?
A: Be cautious of clients requesting upfront payments, offering unusually high rates, or exhibiting poor communication. Researching client backgrounds and checking for reviews can also help identify potential scams.
Q: What should I do if I suspect a client is trying to scam me?
A: Trust your instincts and gather evidence of suspicious behavior. Cease communication with the client, report the incident to the freelancing platform or relevant authorities, and consider seeking legal advice if necessary.
Q: Are there any red flags to watch out for when accepting freelance projects?
A: Red flags may include projects with unrealistic expectations, vague requirements, or clients who insist on bypassing standard payment methods. Trust your judgment and carefully evaluate project details before accepting.
What Are The Best Freelance Sites To Use?
If you’re new to freelancing, this can be an intimidating question, because there’s so much choice out there. But choosing a site is important to some extent, it determines whether your clients will be happy with your work and whether or not they’ll pay up on time (or at all).
A quick Google search for “best freelance sites” will bring up dozens of results, but our favorite way to answer this question is by looking at review sites like TopTenReviews and TrustPilot that include rankings from industry professionals like real estate agents and startup founders alike.
Sites like Upwork,, Fiverr (which isn’t technically a freelance site), Toptal (for very selective projects), PeoplePerHour (for language translation), and others tend to rank highly among their users in these reviews but if they don’t seem right for what you’re trying to accomplish then look elsewhere!
What Is The Best Way To Find A Freelance Job?
The easiest way to find a freelance job is by joining large networks like Upwork. However, if you’re looking for something more niche, try searching for sites and platforms that cater specifically to your industry.
For example, if you want to be an online tutor or tutor in person, search for tutoring websites that are centered around your area of expertise and see if they have any openings available.
Is There An Easy Way To Find Freelancers?
Yes! If you’re looking for someone with specific skills or experience who can help with your business project, there are plenty of places where you can post your request and receive bids from qualified candidates including Upwork (formerly oDesk), Freelancer, and Elance-oDesk (now merged).
You can also post on social media channels such as Twitter or LinkedIn using hashtags like #freelance #contractor #writer
What’s The Platform’s Reputation?
A freelancer site’s reputation will vary from industry to industry and niche to niche, but it can be important for you no matter where you work. Be sure to investigate the site in question before signing up for an account.
Read reviews that have been written about it by other users, and try to see if there are any reports of bad experiences shared online or on social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter.
If there are none, ask around with some friends who may be familiar with your line of work and see what they think about this particular platform.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.