Ways Neuroscience Can Affect Your Hiring Decisions

You can’t afford to make hiring mistakes. Not only do they cost your company money, but they also impact employee morale and productivity. 

And if you think that’s bad, consider this: according to a study by CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists International Inc., the cost of a bad hire is up to 50 percent of an employee’s first-year salary plus benefits. 

That’s why it’s so important to have access to as much information about potential candidates as possible before making a decision about who gets hired — especially when neuroscience can help us get there!

Career tips: Neuroscience of career decision-making
1. Understanding candidate behavior through neuroscience insights.
2. Leveraging cognitive patterns for more informed hiring choices.
3. Enhancing assessments with insights into decision-making.
4. Tailoring engagement strategies for more accurate evaluations.
5. Addressing ethical considerations when using neuroscience.

Number One: Great Candidates Aren’t Always Who You Think They Are

You’re not just hiring for the skills and experience on your candidate’s resume. You’re also considering if they are the right person for the job, culture, company and team.

The importance of hiring the right candidate can’t be overstated. The wrong hire can cost you money, time and resources not to mention create problems in your workplace culture and relationships with fellow employees who won’t like working with that person either! 

A bad fit doesn’t just mean someone isn’t qualified for a position; it means they’re not suited for working at your company or teaming up with other people (which may include clients). 

If you have an open position that’s been vacant too long because no one seems qualified enough to fill it.

Or worse yet: everyone seems qualified but no one stands out as being particularly interesting or excited about coming aboard it may be time to rethink what makes a great hire.

Understanding the psychology behind consumer behavior is crucial in today’s market. Discover how subtle tactics like scarcity and social proof influence buying decisions in our article on psychological tricks for boosting sales.

Number Two: We Feel Before We Think

The second way neuroscience can affect your hiring decisions is that we make decisions based on emotion, not logic.

We often talk about how we’d like to make rational decisions, but the truth is our brains don’t work that way. Studies show that most of our decision-making happens without us even realizing it. We make a lot of our choices emotionally and then justify them with logic later.

So when you are trying to determine whether or not someone will be a good fit for the job or if they should even get an interview in the first place it’s important to pay attention to how they feel about themselves, their work.

And the company culture. It also helps if they have strong emotional intelligence (EQ).

Number Three: We Love A Familiar Face

We love a familiar face. When you are hiring for a position, it is easy to get caught up in the qualifications and skills required for the job. But there’s more to it than that; people are more likely to hire someone they know, buy something from someone they know.

Or even help someone they know. In fact, research has shown that we prefer our own candidate for presidency over any other candidate by 50%. We also tend to give preference to those who look like us as well. 

For example, if your company has mainly white male employees then it would make sense for you hire an equally white male CEO so that he’ll fit right into your workforce and be accepted easier by employees who feel closer ties towards him than other candidates who may not have similar appearances or backgrounds as theirs.

Cognitive biases play a significant role in decision-making processes. Dive into the world of cognitive biases and their implications for marketing in our comprehensive guide to learning from cognitive biases.

Number Four: We Are More Empathetic Than We Know

  • Empathy is a learned skill.
  • Empathy can be trained and practiced in the classroom, workplace or home.

Number Five: We All Lie

You might think you’re a good judge of character, but your instincts can lead you astray. Why? Humans have evolved to be extremely social animals and we’ve learned to distort our behavior for the sake of survival. 

We’re also self-deceptive when it comes to our own lies, which makes it even harder for us to spot them in others.

Why do we lie? We lie to protect ourselves: from embarrassment, pain or loss (of money, status or friends). We also lie because we want the best possible outcome for everyone involved whether that’s an individual or a larger group (such as an organization).

But how can neuroscience help us understand this complex topic? First off: The brain is divided into two hemispheres one analytical and one emotional which means there’s always room for error when making decisions based solely on neural evidence alone.”

Number Six: We Like It When Other People Mirror Our Behavior

If you’re like most people, you probably prefer being around people who are similar to you. This is because we have a tendency to like and trust those who are similar to us.

In fact, according to the principle of social proof, when we can’t find a reason not to do something that another person is doing (for example, smoking or drinking), then we will be more likely to follow suit.

Social proof also explains why many people believe that they need an MBA if they want a successful career in business; after all, “everyone else seems to have one!” 

And if everyone had what it took for success in their field of choice (or so they thought), then surely following their path would lead them there? Unfortunately not! As any wise person will tell you: “Different strokes for different folks.”

Number Seven: Our Body Language Tells Us A Lot About Ourselves And Others

Our body language tells us a lot about ourselves and others.

Our bodies are always sending out messages, whether we’re aware of them or not. So it’s important to pay attention to your own body language and that of others, because it can help you understand people better and even learn about yourself. 

For example, when you meet someone for the first time, your posture may tell them if you’re open or closed off to them based on how tall you stand (or sit). 

Similarly, if someone is sitting with their arms folded across their chest or legs crossed tightly together in front of them while speaking with you face-to-face at a table during an interview meeting.

Or even while they’re on the phone it could be an indication that they aren’t feeling very comfortable in that situation!

Your brain processes information in unique ways when making purchasing decisions. Uncover the science behind decision-making in our article discussing how your brain influences buyers’ decisions.

Number Eight: We Are So Much More Productive With Some Background Noise

Research shows that people can focus better and perform tasks faster when a bit of background sound is present, even if it’s just white noise or music playing in the background. 

The reason? When you have some kind of “noise” going on around you, your brain has to actively process the information being presented which makes it easier for you to focus on what needs to be done. You won’t get distracted by other things.

On the other hand, too much noise will have the opposite effect: It will make it harder for your brain to focus because it has too many distractions vying for its attention at once (think about trying to work at a construction site). 

Also, beware that loud sounds can cause stress and a counterproductive state when we want someone focused on completing a task quickly.

Number Nine: It’s Easy To Spot An Extrovert

Extroverts are more likely to be friendly, talkative, expressive, and energetic. They’re also more likely to be assertive. How do you tell the difference between an introvert and an extrovert? I’ve got a few pointers:

  • Be on the lookout for people who reach out to shake hands or touch their counterparts (this is common among extroverts).
  • Listen for nonverbal cues like eye contact and facial expressions (extroverts tend to make greater use of both).
  • Pay attention if someone’s body language seems open for example if they’re leaning forward in their chair or sitting cross-legged rather than upright on the edge of their seat.

Number Ten: Blue Is The Best Color For Productivity And Focus

Blue is the best color for productivity and focus. Blue has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, which can help you stay more alert and aware. It also helps us relax by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system (what we typically refer to as “rest and digest” mode). 

Studies have even demonstrated that blue light can help protect against jet lag because it signals melatonin production in our bodies, creating an internal clock that’s similar to those found in other animals including some birds and reptiles!

Blue is the best color for creativity. Although this may seem counterintuitive because most people associate blue with tranquillity or sadness (think about being submerged underwater).

It stimulates creative thinking by activating areas of your brain focused on problem-solving. 

Research suggests that exposure to blue lights at night could improve your ability to solve problems during sleep! And if you think about it logically: When was that last time you saw someone solving a math problem…in their dreams?

Blue is the best color for memory. People often say they remember things better when they see them written down; however, this doesn’t apply only during waking hours but rather also while sleeping! 

When researchers asked participants who weren’t dreaming yet (but had just fallen asleep) what they were doing earlier today or last week etc., 

They remembered over 80% more details than those who hadn’t seen any notes before falling asleep even though both groups were equally well rested before bedtime!

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Number Eleven: Peanut Butter Is The Best Brain Food (Besides Blueberries)

Peanut butter is a good source of protein, vitamin E, vitamin B6, and folate. It’s also got a little bit of vitamin B2 in it as well.

Researchers believe that peanut butter might be the best brain food besides blueberries because it contains a lot of these important nutrients (which are all linked to better mental health).

Number Twelve: You Can Turn The Beat Around!

It turns out that music can have a surprisingly powerful effect on how you perceive time. If you listen to a song with a steady tempo, your brain will automatically try to match your actions with it even if those actions would normally be much faster or slower than what the song demands. 

This effect is called “entrainment” and it means that we are highly suggestible when it comes to music we tend to want our bodies in sync with whatever is playing on the speakers. 

So if you need someone who’s quick-witted and efficient, try listening to some upbeat music while interviewing candidates. 

On the other hand, if you’re looking for someone who isn’t afraid of taking their own sweet time or following their rhythm, consider asking candidates about their favorite songs; then sit back and see whether they seem more relaxed or uptight as they discuss them!

Number Thirteen: Do First Things First — Then Do Them Fast!

The first task of the day can set the tone for success or failure. 

If you start with something that isn’t important, you’ll likely feel less motivated to do your best work throughout the day. Conversely, if you start with something that matters to you, then things are bound to get better from there.

In addition to this personal factor, there is also an objective component: tasks that require more mental effort and creativity tend to be both more enjoyable and more rewarding than mundane chores – so if possible, choose work that matches your personality type!

Neuroscience provides insights into human behavior that can revolutionize your hiring process. Explore the connection between neuroscience and hiring in our article on hiring decisions influenced by neuroscience.


So there you have it, thirteen ways neuroscience can affect your hiring decisions. It’s clear that this isn’t a new trend and that it can help you make better hires in the long run. If you keep these things in mind when looking for new employees, it will make all the difference!

Further Reading

Neuroscience in Hiring Decisions Short Description: Explore how neuroscience can transform your hiring process by understanding candidate behavior and decision-making patterns.

Is Neuroscience the Key to Better Hiring Practices? Short Description: Delve into the potential of incorporating neuroscience principles to enhance your hiring strategies and ensure better candidate fit.

Neuroscience in Hiring: How to Tap Directly into the Candidate Brain Short Description: Learn practical methods for leveraging neuroscience insights to gain deeper insights into candidates’ thought processes during the hiring journey.


How does neuroscience impact hiring decisions?

Neuroscience offers insights into candidate behavior, helping recruiters understand how candidates process information and make decisions that influence hiring outcomes.

Can neuroscience improve candidate assessments?

Yes, by integrating neuroscience principles, employers can create more accurate assessments that consider cognitive responses and emotional reactions during evaluations.

What role does candidate engagement play in neuroscience-based hiring?

Engaging candidates effectively can lead to more accurate assessments of their fit for the role. Neuroscience-guided practices can enhance the engagement process.

How can employers utilize neuroscience without overcomplicating hiring?

Employers can start by incorporating simple neuroscience-based techniques, such as using certain language patterns or designing interview environments that encourage authentic responses.

What are the ethical considerations of using neuroscience in hiring?

Ethical concerns include ensuring candidate privacy, informed consent, and avoiding biases. Using neuroscience responsibly and transparently is essential to maintain fairness and trust.