Video Script Writing 101: 7 Common Mistakes (And How To Fix Them)

Whether you’re a seasoned video script writer or just starting out in the field, it’s important to know what not to do when writing for video. 

In this article, we’ll discuss seven common mistakes that writers make as well as how to fix them so that your videos will be clear, concise, and engaging.

How to FIX YOUR SCRIPT in 5 minutes! – YouTube
Avoid these 7 common video script writing mistakes.
1. Crafting a weak or unclear introduction.
2. Neglecting the importance of a compelling story or message.
3. Overlooking the call-to-action to drive viewer engagement.
4. Not considering the target audience and their preferences.
5. Failing to incorporate visuals and engaging elements.
6. Ignoring the power of pacing and structure.
7. Underestimating the value of revisions and feedback.
Learn how to fix these mistakes and elevate your video scripts.

Mistake #1: Writing In Your Native Language Instead Of The Audience’s

One of the most common mistakes made in video script writing is to write in your native language instead of the audience. 

This can be fatal because if you write with technical jargon, complex sentences, and obscure words, not only will it be difficult for them to read or understand, but they might also think that you are trying to show off.


Avoid using jargon and technical terms whenever possible; use simple, clear language instead such as “jacket” instead of “parka” or “pencil” instead of “crayon.”

Use short sentences whenever possible; long-winded sentences make it difficult for people who are listening on the move.

Or have limited attention spans (such as those viewing videos online) to follow along and understand what’s being said without losing interest quickly enough for their mind’s eye not even register anything else.

In between those moments when their attention does return back again later after having wandered away elsewhere briefly first during earlier parts where everything was still comprehensible.

Before getting bored out by too many words being used together at once without any breaks between them so there was no time left over afterwards either afterward either before doing something else entirely different again afterward.

Which felt awkward though not necessarily uncomfortable just yet because nothing bad happened yet except maybe some slight discomforting feelings began arising within one’s gut area before going away again soon after.

Because they weren’t strong enough yet anyway so were easily ignored while focusing more closely on engaging listeners with words instead–which led us right here…

Need help getting started with your video script? Our guide on how to write a video script provides detailed examples and step-by-step instructions to make your scriptwriting process a breeze.

Mistake #2: Not Knowing How To Write For The Visual Medium

This is the most common mistake among first-time screenwriters. It’s tempting to write your script in a way that you’re familiar with from novels, but this won’t work if you want your script to be read by anyone other than your mom (who will probably get bored of reading it halfway through).

Your goal when writing a film or TV script should be to create something that will make sense on screen. You can do this using dialogue, descriptions of actions, and visual cues. Most importantly: 

Make sure your characters are saying things that match the way they look! For example, don’t have two characters who look like they’re in their twenties talk like old men unless there’s an explanation for why they talk like old men (e.g., one of them is an actor).

Ready to write a compelling video script? Check out our essential video script writing tips & checklist to ensure you cover all the key elements and deliver a standout performance.

Mistake #3: Writing For Radio, Not For Video

Radio is a linear medium, so it’s conversational. The voice is the focus of the show; what you say and how you say it are more important than the visual elements surrounding your face.

Video, on the other hand, is non-linear: it takes advantage of its visual nature by using shots that help tell your story as well as revealing your personality and personality traits through facial expressions and body language.

Mistake #4: Not Writing To An Appropriate Reading Level

How many times have you heard that the audience is a key factor in the success of any script? That’s because it is! It doesn’t matter how great your idea is, if no one can read or understand it, then it won’t go anywhere. 

If you want your script to get read and considered by decision-makers, then make sure that it is written at an appropriate reading level for your intended audience.

If you don’t know what this means or how to do it yourself (and most people don’t), send me a message and I can help you out!

Want to maximize the impact of your videos? Discover the secrets to crafting persuasive scripts in our comprehensive guide on how to write video scripts that will boost conversions, and watch your audience engagement soar.

Mistake #5: Not Transcribing Your Script From Audio

If you have audio, transcribe your script. It’s the best way to ensure that what you’re saying is what you meant to say. Even if the audio quality is bad or there are some background noises, it’s still better than nothing!

You’ll find that as soon as you start writing down the words, a lot of common mistakes will jump out at you: “but” instead of “because”, “there” instead of “their”, etc. If possible, try having someone else proofread your script for these little errors before recording it.

Creating videos that drive sales requires top-notch scripting. Dive into our ultimate guide on video scripts that sell to unleash the power of storytelling and turn viewers into customers.

Mistake #6: Writing A Long Script That Requires Too Much On-Screen Text

Let’s talk about script length.

There are two main mistakes that writers make when it comes to their scripts: they either write a script that is too long or too short. 

Neither of these is going to give you the best results for your video production. It’s important to find the sweet spot between having enough on-screen text but not being so wordy that people lose interest in what you have to say.

Likewise, if you try and keep your script short by cutting out parts of it (like transitions), then this will also hurt the overall quality of your video because it won’t flow as well as it could have otherwise done if those cuts had been made elsewhere.

Instead for them not to interfere with each other so much throughout each section/scene/sequence etcetera depending on how big or small your whole project turns out to be once all is said and done).

Mistake #7: Not Doing Enough Rewrites

The seventh and final mistake is not doing enough rewrites. This is the most important part of the process, and it’s also a skill that needs to be learned if you want to become a good writer. 

The good news? Rewriting is something that can be learned by anyone who has access to Google and/or YouTube videos!

Rewriting is a skill that can be learned by anyone who has access to Google and/or YouTube videos!

The first step in learning how to rewrite your script (or any other piece of writing) is breaking down what makes up good writing in general, which we covered earlier in this video series. 

Once you understand why certain things work well together when written, it becomes much easier for you as an aspiring writer or screenwriter yourself.

To see what works with others’ work too; this will help improve all aspects of your craftsmanship including but not limited to right now let me just go ahead and click here.

Effective video marketing starts with a well-crafted script. Learn the essentials of scripting for marketing purposes in our guide on how to write a script for video marketing and captivate your viewers from the first word.


There you have it—7 common mistakes to avoid when writing scripts for video and how to fix them. I hope that this article has been helpful to you, but remember that there’s always more than one way to do things! 

If you find yourself stuck on a particular point or need some inspiration, look back through the rest of this guide. 

Hopefully, it will help give you some new ideas on how best to approach your next script-writing project.

Further Reading

How to Write a Video Script: A comprehensive guide on crafting effective video scripts

Screenwriting Mistakes to Avoid: Key points to consider when writing a screenplay

Video Script Writing Tips: Practical tips for creating compelling video scripts


What are the essential elements of a well-crafted video script?

A well-crafted video script should include a clear and engaging introduction, a compelling story or message, a call-to-action, and a memorable conclusion.

How can I make my video script more engaging?

To make your video script more engaging, use conversational language, incorporate visual elements, and focus on storytelling to captivate your audience.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in screenwriting?

Some common screenwriting mistakes include excessive exposition, lack of clear character motivations, and neglecting the importance of structure.

How long should a video script be for marketing purposes?

The length of a video script for marketing purposes can vary, but it’s generally recommended to keep it concise, focusing on delivering the key message within a few minutes.

How do video scripts contribute to successful video advertising campaigns?

Video scripts play a crucial role in video advertising campaigns by guiding the narrative, conveying the brand’s message effectively, and influencing viewers to take desired actions.