Things To Remember When Writing An Effective Sales Letter

It’s hard enough to craft the perfect sales pitch, let alone write for the web. The way you write your marketing copy is directly related to how much money you can make and what kind of reputation you have in the industry. These 29 tips will help you improve your writing and make sure that people take action after reading your sales letter.

How to Write Sales Letters That Sell | Copywriting Tutorial
Key Takeaways
1. Know Your Audience: Understand their needs and preferences to tailor your message.
2. Compelling Headline: Craft a captivating headline that grabs attention.
3. Address Pain Points: Highlight problems your product or service can solve.
4. Showcase Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits customers will gain.
5. Create Urgency: Use time-limited offers to encourage prompt action.
6. Clear Call to Action: Provide a strong and concise CTA that guides readers.
7. Personalize Content: Make the letter relevant by addressing the recipient personally.
8. Use Persuasive Language: Use persuasive words to evoke emotions and action.
9. Provide Social Proof: Include testimonials or success stories to build trust.
10. Edit and Proofread: Ensure the letter is error-free and polished before sending.

Give Your Readers A Clear Call To Action

It’s important to give readers a clear call to action. If you don’t make the purpose of your sales letter clear, then readers will be confused about how they should respond.

Your call to action (CTA) can be in any format: an image or text link, button, or even just a bolded sentence at the end of your copy. Whatever you choose, make sure it is easy for your reader to understand what they need to do next. 

You can use different words such as “click here” or “sign up now!” It doesn’t matter what words you use as long as they are easy for the reader and communicate that there is something that needs doing right away.

Writing an effective sales letter requires a deep understanding of your audience and their needs. Learn about the essential components in our guide on writing an effective sales letter to create compelling content that converts.

Follow The Kiss (Keep It Simple, Stupid) Principle

The KISS principle, or Keep It Simple, Stupid, is a design principle that emphasizes simplicity and the importance of removing unnecessary complexity from most systems. This can be applied to all types of writing, including sales copy. When following this principle, you want to avoid using complex words and sentences that might confuse or turn off your readers.

To Keep Things Simple, Here Are Two Things You Should Do

Eliminate unnecessary information from your sales page so that it’s easy for people to skim through quickly (the goal is for them not to abandon the page).

Use short sentences instead of long ones because they’re easier for people who aren’t native speakers of English (or any other language)

Use A Consistent Voice Throughout The Sales Letter

The following are some of the most common mistakes I see with sales letters. Mistakes like these can cause readers to lose interest and move on to another website, so it’s important you keep an eye out for them as well.

Using inconsistent voices: The voice of your sales letter will be different from paragraph to paragraph, but it should be consistent within each section and throughout the entire letter.  For example, don’t use formal language in one section and casual language in the next! 

This is confusing for readers and makes it harder for them to follow along with what you’re saying and that means fewer purchases from them down the road (if any). 

If you must use multiple voices because there are things about your company or product that need addressing specifically (i.e., “We have been around since 1887” vs “We sell high-quality products”), then do so just once or twice not every other sentence!

Crafting a persuasive legal memorandum is crucial for presenting your case. Explore our comprehensive tips for writing a legal memorandum that effectively communicates legal arguments and analysis.

Tell Readers What To Do And Include A Direct Call To Action

You don’t want to lose your reader in all the details. You want them to know exactly what you’re asking them to do, how they should go about it, and why they should do it. This is especially important if what you’re asking is a little out there or outside of the norm (like if you’re selling something completely new).

If someone’s considering buying your product but isn’t sure, they may not take the plunge on their own. Your job is to convince them that whatever it is that you are offering will solve a problem for them or make their life easier in some way and that doing so now will save them time later on.

Answer Any Questions Or Doubts Readers Might Have

Be prepared to answer any questions: Even if you think your product or service is perfect, there’s always room for improvement. If you’ve done your research and know that there are no alternatives out there, it’s okay not to mention them. 

Just make sure you have a backup plan in case of emergencies and these days, with so many products on the market, it’s likely that others will be making similar claims as yours.

If you don’t know the answer, say so: While this may be obvious advice for an effective sales letter (and pretty much in general), it goes without saying that honesty is key when it comes to writing one of these things. 

Don’t try and make up facts (or even just not talk about certain details) just because they’ll make a better story; instead, focus on being transparent with readers from start to finish so they can trust what they’re reading!

Encourage Readers To Take Immediate Action

When it comes to sales letters, there are certain things you just can’t forget. You know that there are people out there who need what you have for sale and want to buy it but how do you get them to do so?

The most effective way of doing this is by encouraging your readers to take immediate action. If they have questions about your product or company, encourage them to contact you immediately before making any decisions on their own (so they don’t end up buying from a competitor instead). 

If they see an offer that interests them, make sure they know how long it lasts before disappearing forever! The same goes if something is only available while supplies last; make sure customers feel like they need this product right now! 

These kinds of reminders help drive sales because they prompt consumers into making purchases quickly before something else happens (or expires!).

Copywriting is more than words; it’s about persuading and captivating your audience. Discover how to enhance your skills with insights from copywriting tips from top earners in the industry who consistently achieve remarkable results.

Be Specific With Numbers And Percentages

If you have to use numbers and percentages in your sales letter then do so in a way that helps the reader understand the benefits of your product or service.

In a friendly tone: “Our product reduces wear on your tires by 40%”The reason for this is because it makes it easier for the reader to understand the value of what you are offering. In the sentence above, if someone saw that number they might not see how big of an issue tire wear was until they read more closely and realized that 40% is significant!

Another reason why using numbers can be helpful is because sometimes people don’t know how much something costs or what something is worth so by using a percentage like this you can help them make better buying decisions without making them feel like they’re being misled.

Show How Long You’ve Been Selling Your Product Or Service, With Supporting Testimonials

[You should] show that people have been successful using the strategies you teach. You can do this by including testimonials of real people who have used your program and achieved success.

[You should also] let them know how long it took for others to achieve their goals so they can gauge how quickly they might be able to reach theirs if they follow the same program.”

Building a solid foundation for your writing skills is essential for legal professionals. Dive into our guide on getting started with legal writing to cultivate the techniques necessary for effective communication in the legal field.

Recommend That Readers Contact You If They Have Additional Questions Or Concerns

When you’re writing your sales letter, make sure to include information on how readers can contact you with any questions or concerns they have. This is an important step because if it’s difficult for them to get in touch with you, they may simply move on and not buy your product or service. Include all of the following contact information:

Your email address (an actual email address not just an auto-generated message)

Your business hours (when are you available)

Your phone number (if applicable)

Your website address (so that they can visit it if they need more information)

You should also give people the option of contacting you via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Provide a free report to give them more information on how they can benefit from your product or service.

Provide a free report to give them more information on how they can benefit from your product or service.

It’s important to let customers know what they are getting and why you feel it will be of value to them. Your audience needs to know the benefits of what you have to offer. If you have done your research, then you’re prepared with facts and figures that will help convince customers that this is the right solution for their needs and they need not look any further than you!

In addition, a free report can be an effective tool when it comes time for sales follow-up. The report gives people something more tangible than just words on paper; it helps reinforce your message with useful content in an easy-to-understand format (and saves time for busy prospects).

It’s important not to make assumptions about how your reader will react when you tell them what kind of information they need, for example, by being too conservative about money-back guarantees and other terms of sale

As you’re crafting your sales letter, it’s important not to make assumptions about how your reader will react when you tell them what kind of information they need, for example, by being too conservative about money-back guarantees and other terms of sale.

Remember that a “good deal” depends on each person’s priorities and situation. If potential customer feels like they’re getting something valuable at a good price, then they’ll feel comfortable buying from you. 

However, if there is any doubt in their mind that the deal isn’t fair or right for them (perhaps because it doesn’t offer enough protection), then they may decide against buying from your company altogether.

Transforming mundane product names into attention-grabbing brand assets requires creativity. Learn how to craft captivating product names with our insights in formulating product names that stand out, ensuring your offerings resonate with your target audience.


Remember that you want your reader to feel comfortable with the idea of buying from you. If they don’t trust your sales letter, they won’t buy anything! Take a look at these tips and see if any of them will help make your sales letters more effective:

Further Reading

How to Write a Sales Letter on Indeed: Explore comprehensive guidelines for crafting persuasive sales letters, enhancing your communication skills to engage potential customers effectively.

Useful Tips for Writing Effective Sales Letters for Your Startup: Discover valuable insights tailored for startups, offering practical advice on creating compelling sales letters that resonate with your target audience.

7 Tips for Writing Dynamic Sales Letters: Dive into this Entrepreneur article to learn seven essential tips for writing sales letters that capture attention, drive engagement, and boost your business growth.


How can I improve the effectiveness of my sales letters?

Enhance your sales letters by focusing on customer benefits, addressing pain points, using persuasive language, and creating a sense of urgency.

What role does personalization play in sales letters?

Personalized sales letters resonate more with recipients, showing that you understand their needs and are offering tailored solutions.

How can I grab the reader’s attention right from the start?

Start your sales letter with a compelling headline, addressing the reader’s problem or desire, and piquing their curiosity.

What’s the recommended length for a sales letter?

The length of a sales letter should be sufficient to convey your message effectively, but concise enough to maintain the reader’s interest. Avoid unnecessary fluff.

How do I create a strong call to action (CTA) in a sales letter?

Craft a clear and compelling CTA that guides the reader toward the desired action, using action-oriented language and highlighting the benefits they’ll gain from taking that action.