Things To Keep In Mind If You Want To Become A Writer

Writing is a skill and like all other skills, it requires patience and practice. It also requires hard work, dedication, and discipline. Writing isn’t some mysterious art that only a select few can master. Like many other professions, writing is both an art and a craft. 

There’s no doubt that you will encounter trials on your journey to becoming a writer. But with the right amount of perseverance, dedication, and hard work you’ll get there one day!

How to Become a Writer (In 10 Incredibly Simple Steps)
1. Develop consistent writing habits.
2. Embrace feedback and continuous improvement.
3. Read widely to broaden your perspective.
4. Overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome.
5. Practice writing in various styles and genres.
6. Cultivate patience for the writing process.
7. Find your unique voice and writing style.
8. Learn from successful writers and their journeys.
9. Set clear goals and milestones for your writing.
10. Persevere through challenges and rejections.

Start Writing

Writing is a skill. To become good at it, you have to practice.

This can be scary for people who are afraid of failure or don’t want their writing projects to be judged by others and that’s okay! 

You can start simply: write about something you know well at the moment. If you’re out and about, just write down what you see around you; if not, sit down at your computer or grab a pen and paper and just start writing whatever comes into your head.

After that first draft is done (or if this was part of a larger project), go back over it again and revise it until it sounds right to YOU. 

Once again: this doesn’t mean perfection; just make sure that YOUR satisfaction level is high enough so that when someone else reads what you’ve written they won’t think “ehhhhh”.

Avoiding these 16 deadly sins can significantly enhance the quality of your writing. Discover how to overcome common pitfalls by learning from the mistakes of others. Explore more in our article on 16 Deadly Sins That Will Kill Your Writing.

Keep A Journal

Many writers keep journals. Yours can be a notebook, a file on your computer or phone, or even just a series of notes on scraps of paper. Whatever method you choose, writing in your journal will be beneficial in many ways:

It helps you reflect on your life and build self-awareness as well as understand others around you. This will help when it comes time to write about other people’s lives.

It allows you to record ideas and thoughts that may not necessarily make it into the final draft of your work; 

This is good because sometimes an idea isn’t at its best when first conceived but becomes more interesting after some time has passed and other ideas have been added onto it (or perhaps long forgotten). 

By writing down these ideas now, rather than waiting until later when they might not be as relevant anymore or worse yet never think about them at all you’ll save yourself some trouble later on down the road!

Read More

Reading is a great way to learn, improve your writing, and expand your vocabulary. It’s also an excellent way to become a better storyteller.

Read books, magazines, and newspapers regularly to learn more about the world around you. Reading helps you become a better communicator by allowing you to understand how things work and why they happen.

Certain personality traits can give you an edge as a writer. Understanding and cultivating these traits can improve your writing journey. Learn more about the traits that can make you a better writer in our post on Personality Traits That Make You a Better Writer.

Write Every Day

You should write every day. Set aside time for it, and make sure to stick to that schedule.

Start writing in the same place as a habit; it will help get you into the groove of things. Try setting up your desk or workspace so that it provides all the tools you need for successful writing (a computer and internet access, paper, pens, and pencils).

If possible, try not to leave your house until after each session of writing is finished (if this isn’t possible then at least try not leaving before). 

This will keep you focused on getting those words down and not distracted by other things going on around you which might take away from your productivity overall

Write What You Know

That’s an adage in the writing world, and for good reason: it’s the key to creating authentic characters, settings, and dialogue. 

If you’re writing about a character who is a business owner, then it’s important to invest time in learning about how businesses work and not just by Googling them! 

The same applies if your story takes place on an island or in outer space; research that setting thoroughly to be able to write about it believably.

In addition, this rule can help guide your writing if you find yourself struggling with how best to describe something complicated or abstracted like love or loss in text format (which can feel intimidating). 

One way around this is by basing your work off experiences of yours that have touched upon these topics; another might be by using personal anecdotes from others who have been through similar experiences themselves (if they’re willing).

A collection of books can serve as your companions on the path to becoming a skilled writer. These 15 recommended books cover various aspects of writing, from craft to inspiration. Find out which books can help you become a better writer in our article on 15 Books That Will Help You Become a Better Writer.

Storytelling Is One Of Humanity’s Oldest Forms Of Entertainment

Storytelling is one of humanity’s oldest forms of entertainment. It was the only way to pass on “knowledge” or “wisdom” in ancient times because the writing was not invented yet. 

Think about it: humans were limited to passing on information verbally, and there were no books or computers for them to write on!

Storytelling is still an extremely powerful tool today, even though we have all kinds of ways (books, movies, radio shows) now that allow us to tell stories in different formats than just speech alone.

Stories can be used as a way to express yourself by telling people what your beliefs are; they can also help others understand things better if they’re not sure how they feel about something important like war or religion or even simple objects like cars or houses!

Faster Is Not Always Better

Writing is not a race. It doesn’t matter how quickly you can write, or how many pages you can churn out in a single day. If your writing isn’t up to par and does not reflect your best self, then it’s not worth publishing. 

Both readers and publishers are looking for quality content from great writers not the number of words written in a short period.

A good writer takes his or her time with every sentence, no matter how long it takes (and yes, there will be times when it feels like eternity). 

Don’t rush through your work just because you want to get published as soon as possible there’s no point in rushing if the result doesn’t meet industry standards or if readers don’t appreciate what they’re reading! 

The bottom line: Take care of yourself before taking care of others; make sure everything’s perfect before sharing it with anyone else; never compromise on quality just because someone wants something sooner than later.

Be Critical Of Your Work

You’re a writer. You’re not supposed to enjoy being critical of your work, right?

Wrong! It’s part of the process and it will help you grow as an artist. As long as you don’t let your insecurities get the best of you, criticism can be very helpful. It forces us to think about our mistakes so we can improve on them next time around.

It’s important to be critical of ourselves because if we aren’t able to identify our weaknesses, then there is no way for us to fix them. 

If we are afraid that someone else might tell us what’s wrong with our story or poem or script (or whatever), then chances are good that we’ll never improve ourselves enough for anyone else (including editors) to point out those mistakes anyway!

Curious about how to transition to a career as a writer? Discover the journey of someone who became a full-time freelance writer while managing other commitments. Read more about the strategies and insights in our post on How I Became a Full-Time Freelance Writer in My Spare Time.

Use The Right Words

You should use the right word. Not the most popular word, not the word that sounds the best, not even the most common one. You want to pick a word that is obscure enough to intrigue your reader but familiar enough for them to understand you.

You want to make sure that all of these words are used in a way that helps convey your message and doesn’t distract from it by being too clever or too obvious.

Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams

Don’t give up on your dreams: No matter what, don’t give up on your dreams. Your passions are what make you unique and keep you going through life. Write about them and share them with people who care about you!

Don’t let fear stop you from writing: The fear of failure is the number one reason why many people don’t pursue their dream careers as writers or artists. 

Just because someone doesn’t like something that you create doesn’t mean it’s bad or wrong it just means that they didn’t get the same feeling from it that others did.

Don’t settle for less than what makes sense for your career: When trying to figure out how much money to ask for in an offer letter or contract negotiation, always remember that there are two ways at play here: (1) What can I justify asking/taking? 

And (2) What do I deserve? If they’re asking too low but won’t budge on the price tag, then walk away until they come around with a better offer your time is valuable too!

Whittle Down Your Ideas To One Single Idea And Work With That Idea, First

It’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to write about before you start writing. This can happen in several ways:

If you are writing for a specific platform, like a magazine or blog, then the topic must suit that platform. For example, if you are writing for a travel magazine, then talk about travel (obviously).

If you are writing an article for yourself and not publishing anywhere else, then make sure the subject matter interests or excites you enough so that when it comes time to publish your article, there will be no hesitation in putting it out there.

But what if I don’t know what I want to write about? How do I figure this out? Easy start by brainstorming! 

Take some time every day and sit down at your computer or notebook (or whatever tool works best) with no distractions like TV or social media and jot down ideas as they come into your head. 

Don’t worry about how long these ideas are; just get them down on paper so they won’t disappear into thin air again! 

Once you have accumulated enough ideas after doing this exercise consistently over several days/weeks/months (whatever works best).

Then go back through all of them again and pick out which one sparks more excitement than any other idea among those options available to you at the moment this could well be THE ONE!

Starting your writing journey can be daunting, but learning from those who’ve been there can be incredibly valuable. Gain insights into a writer’s experiences and find out what they wish they knew during their first year of writing. Check out our article on 11 Things I Wish I Knew for My First Year of Writing for helpful advice.


This is what I did, and it helped me get through a rough patch in my life. I hope that you’ll be able to develop the same kind of discipline because it will take discipline and hard work to become a successful writer. 

You may not see any results at first, but if you keep at it, progress will come to believe me when I say that writing is something worth doing. Good luck!

Further Reading

25 Habits That Will Make You a Writer: Explore a comprehensive list of habits that can boost your writing skills and productivity, helping you excel in your writing journey.

How to Become an Author: A Step-by-Step Guide: Delve into a step-by-step guide that provides valuable insights and practical advice for those aspiring to become successful authors.

Grammar School: 15 Writing Tips to Make You a Better Writer: Enhance your writing prowess with these essential writing tips that cover grammar, style, and effective communication techniques.


How can I develop habits that improve my writing skills?

Developing effective writing habits can significantly enhance your skills. Consider incorporating strategies like setting aside dedicated writing time, reading regularly, and practicing consistency in your writing routine.

What steps should I take to become a successful author?

Becoming a successful author involves a series of steps, including honing your writing skills, identifying your niche, creating a writing schedule, seeking feedback, and exploring publishing options to share your work with the world.

How can I improve my writing by focusing on grammar?

Improving your writing through grammar involves paying attention to proper sentence structure, punctuation, and language usage. Regular practice, self-editing, and utilizing grammar-check tools can help you refine your writing.

What are some effective writing techniques to enhance my content?

Effective writing techniques include storytelling, using vivid imagery, maintaining a clear and concise writing style, engaging the audience, and incorporating persuasive elements to captivate readers and convey your message effectively.

How do I ensure my writing is engaging and relatable to readers?

To make your writing engaging and relatable, consider understanding your target audience, incorporating relatable anecdotes, addressing common challenges or questions, and creating a conversational tone that resonates with readers.