We all have room to improve as writers. No matter how good you are at writing, there’s always something you can learn or do differently to make your writing even better.
Writing is an ongoing process of learning, so it’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to new methods and concepts. Here are a couple of dozen books that will help you become a better writer:
Takeaways |
1. Explore a curated list of books designed to enhance your writing skills. |
2. Gain insights and techniques from renowned authors to improve your craft. |
3. Learn about different aspects of writing, including storytelling and grammar. |
4. Discover strategies to overcome writing challenges and refine your style. |
5. Consider reading classics and modern guides to elevate your writing abilities. |
6. Find books that align with your specific writing goals and interests. |
7. Improve your creativity, storytelling, and communication skills through reading. |
8. Access a variety of resources that cater to writers of all experience levels. |
9. Take advantage of the wisdom shared by successful authors in these books. |
10. Enhance your knowledge about writing techniques, genres, and approaches. |
1. On Writing Well
This book is a classic. The author, William Zinsser, is a writing expert and has written many other books about it.
The book is well-researched, with examples from many different types of writing. It’s also well-written; if you read this book, you’ll probably be able to write better yourself!
The organization of this book makes it easy to follow along as he explains what makes good writing and why people enjoy reading certain things more than others.
He even provides several exercises for you to try out at home so that you can practice what he has taught in the text.
And finally, there are many illustrations throughout the text which help illustrate certain concepts that would otherwise be difficult to explain in words alone (such as how grammar works).
Overall: If you want some advice on how best to write something like an essay or story then this would be worth checking out!
Developing strong personality traits can significantly enhance your journey as a writer. Discover how these traits contribute to your growth in the realm of writing by checking out our guide on personality traits that make you a better writer.
2. The Elements Of Style
The Elements of Style is a book by William Strunk, Jr. first published in 1918. In 1959, the book was updated by E.B. White, who co-wrote with Strunk at Cornell University and later became famous as the author of Charlotte’s Web, Stuart Little, and other children’s classics.
The book is commonly used as a reference work in American universities and high schools to teach students how to write clearly and concisely in the English language. It contains many rules for writing such as “Use active verbs” or “Omit needless words”.
3. The Emotion Thesaurus
An emotion thesaurus is a list of emotions that are grouped by their source. This means that instead of just listing all possible emotions, you’ll have a breakdown into categories like “joy” and “sadness.”
The reason these are important to writers is that they help you get more specific with your language, so instead of saying something generic like “I was sad,” you can say something more specific like “I felt depressed.”
There are several different kinds of emotion thesauruses out there, but the most common ones are based on human emotions or animal behaviors.
Human-based ones include things like Love & Romance Thesaurus and Hurt/Comfort Thesaurus; animal-based lists include Animal Behavior Thesaurus and Animal Habitat Thesaurus (for example A beach).
Avoiding the deadly sins of writing is crucial to maintaining the quality of your work. Learn about these common pitfalls and how to steer clear of them by delving into our comprehensive article on 16 deadly sins that will kill your writing.
4. ‘Bird By Bird’
If you need help with your writing, this book is for you. In ‘Bird by Bird,’ Anne Lamott teaches us how to write well and become better writers. This book is especially helpful for those who are new to the world of writing and may feel intimidated by it.
The best part about this book is that it isn’t boring! It’s not just a bunch of dry information thrown together haphazardly–it contains humorous anecdotes from Anne’s own life as a writer and advice on how to improve your writing skills.
The tone of ‘Bird by Bird’ is conversational, making it easy for readers to relate their own experiences with the material at hand.
5. Stephen King’s On Writing
King’s autobiography is a must-read for anyone who wants to know how he did it. The book is a collection of essays on the craft, business, and art of writing.
Many of them are incredibly inspiring, especially those that were written in response to his first novel being rejected by publishers. It’s also a great way to learn about King’s background what inspired him as a writer, why he writes the way he does, and where his ideas come from.
Gaining insights from experienced writers can significantly improve your craft. Discover valuable tips and tricks shared by 18 seasoned authors in our article on 18 writers sharing 13 tips for being a better writer.
6. ‘The Writer’s Journey’
John Truby’s “The Writer’s Journey” is a necessary read for anyone who wants to write screenplays, novels, or short stories. The book explains the mythic structure of storytelling and how it works in real life, which makes it especially useful for those who want their work to be more than just an empty shell.
If you’ve ever wondered why certain movies are so good at pulling you into their world, this book will shed some light on that subject.
The book also includes some helpful exercises and examples of well-known stories that follow this structure.
For example: if you’re writing a screenplay about a superhero who saves the day by defeating an evil villain with his superpowers (or whatever).
Then this book could come in handy because you’d know what kind of conflict they should have between them. You’ll get plenty of practice with these types of stories from here on out!
7. ‘The Writer’s Digest Guide To Query Letters
A query letter is what you send to an agent to ask them to represent you and your book. It sells the idea of the book, tells a little about yourself (so they know how much work you’ve put into it), and explains why they should read your book.
It’s best if your query letter is between three paragraphs and one page long (but shorter is okay!)
Do not use personal pronouns like “I” or “me”; instead, keep it focused on the plot and characters of the story, not yourself!
It’s also helpful to include some kind of bio at the bottom of your query so that an agent can see that you have experience writing novels/nonfiction books/plays etc.
If an agent wants more information about your project, they may request sample chapters or even ask for something else entirely but don’t panic if this happens! Just be sure that whatever material they request meets their guidelines before sending out anything else!
Writing for television and the web require different skill sets and considerations. Understand the nuances and divergences between these two mediums by exploring our insights on 15 things that make television writing different from web writing.
8. ‘How To Write A Sentence’
You’ve probably heard it said that the key to good writing is to keep your sentences short. But what does that mean?
Simplicity is a virtue when it comes to writing, but just as important is the active voice. It gives your prose more energy and clarity than passive constructions.
This means that you should avoid phrases like “was eaten by a lion” and instead write something like “the lion ate him up.”
The next thing we need to do is make sure our sentences are clear and that there’s no confusion about what they’re saying. If you have a verb at the beginning of your sentence (or noun phrase), then readers will know exactly what’s happening in the sentence:
“Mom looked around for Dad; she found him asleep under their bed; she shook him awake and told him it was time for dinner!” Use verbs whenever possible! (Note: Many people find this kind of sentence hard to read.)
Now let’s talk about length: Don’t go too long without changing things up but don’t change them too frequently either!
The varying length keeps things interesting for readers and helps prevent boredom from creeping in before they get through everything else on their list today (and maybe tomorrow). One thing I always try my best not to do?
The dreaded run-on sentence–those monstrosities with multiple clauses separated only by commas or dashes where there should be proper punctuation marks instead…
9. ‘The War of Art’
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
This book is a great resource for anyone who wants to become a better writer because it helps you understand what resistance really is, and how it can hold you back from creating great art.
Resistance is the enemy of art, and it’s usually the voice in your head that tells you that your writing isn’t good enough or worthy of being seen by others.
It’s also the voice that tells you to quit when things get hard, which makes becoming a writer even harder because then there are no big rewards at all!
This book will help guide you through the war against this enemy so that they don’t stop your progress as an artist!
10. ‘The Chicago Manual Of Style’
The Chicago Manual of Style is a style guide for writers, editors, and publishers in the United States. It is the standard style guide for the publishing industry in the United States. It is also widely used in Canada and Britain, where it has been published since 1906 under various titles.
The Chicago Manual of Style provides guidelines for:
The arrangement of papers within a publication for example, how many columns wide should the pages be? Should there be space between paragraphs or not? What about headings or captions?
Punctuation rules like when to use semicolons or colons; when to start sentences with conjunctions (and what conjunctions are even allowed); whether commas go inside or outside quotation marks; if authors should be capitalized when mentioned in running text;
Punctuating foreign words; how often you’re supposed to rewrite something before you stick an “i” at the end instead of using italics the list goes on!
11. ‘The Sense Of Style’
You might’ve heard of this book before. The Sense of Style is a guide to writing, which means it’s a way to help you become a better writer. It teaches you grammar, style, usage, and punctuation by breaking down each rule and providing examples of how it works in practice.
The author also talks about how we learn as writers by examining our mistakes and how to think about words and language when writing (for example: “the word ‘good’ is not sufficient for describing writing”).
If you want to improve what you write (or if you want to write more), The Sense of Style will be an invaluable resource in your library.
12. How Not To Write A Novel
If you’re looking for a light-hearted, easy-to-read book that will help you learn important principles of writing, then How Not to Write a Novel will serve you well.
The author James Scott Bell uses humor and practical examples to illustrate his points about the importance of character development, scene structure, and dialogue in fiction writing.
He also gives valuable advice on how to avoid common mistakes writers tend to make when writing their stories.
You may think that this book is only for aspiring novelists a common misconception since it’s written by an author who has had great success selling his books through traditional publishing houses like Bantam Dell Publishing Group and Simon & Schuster Inc.,
Which are primarily known as publishers of novels rather than nonfiction titles such as self-help guides or how-to manuals on becoming better writers but there is much more than just advice specific enough only
13. Self-Editing For Fiction Writers, Second Edition
If you’re a writer, editor, publisher, agent, or reader (or anything in between) who wants to improve your writing skills, then this book is for you.
The first edition of Self-Editing for Fiction Writers was one of the most popular books on writing that I’ve seen in the last few years.
Gary has updated his classic book with new information on self-editing techniques and publishing trends. But even if you have read it before, this updated version will help refine your writing process and get more books out into the world.
14. The Grammar Devotional
This book is a great way to learn about grammar by someone who is not boring. You’ll understand why grammar rules are important, how they work and how you can use them in context.
It’s one of those books that will help you remember all their examples once they’re explained because they are so applicable to your daily life.
The Grammar Devotional is easy to read, but it’s also full of information that will make sense after you’ve read each entry!
It’s a book you can keep coming back to when you need some extra explanations on specific points of grammar or when something new comes up in your writing–there’s always something new here!
Learning from the experiences of renowned authors can provide valuable guidance on improving your writing journey. Dive into our collection of wisdom with 16 writing tips from the world’s most successful authors to uncover insights that can elevate your craft.
15. Story Structure Demystified
Story structure is an important part of the craft of writing. When you understand the basics of story structure, it becomes easier to write good stories and improve your writing skills.
Story structure is all about the order in which events happen in a story. It also refers to how characters are introduced and developed as well as when this happens within a narrative. There are several popular methods for organizing plot points:
The Monomyth (or Hero’s Journey) – Joseph Campbell describes a universal pattern that has been found in many myths and stories from all around the world, including Greek myths, King Arthur’s legend, American folk tales, and Disney movies like “The Lion King” or “Hercules”;
Freytag’s Pyramid – A triangle diagram with five stages: exposition (introduction), rising action (conflict/tension), climax (climax/resolution), falling action (denouement), dénouement (“what happens after”).
Writing is a skill that can be learned and refined. But it takes time and practice. The books in this list can help you become a better writer, whether you work on your own or are part of a writing group.
If you’re just starting, these should be some of the first books you read. And if you’ve already been writing for years, they’ll still help improve your skills!
Further Reading
For more resources on becoming a better writer, consider exploring the following links:
12 Books That Will Make You a Better Writer: Discover a curated list of books that offer insights and techniques to enhance your writing skills.
Writing Topics on Blinkist: Dive into a variety of summarized content on writing, including tips, techniques, and advice from experts.
Top 10 Books to Improve Your Writing Skills: Explore a selection of top-notch books that can help you refine your writing abilities.
What are some recommended books for improving writing skills?
There are various books that can help you become a better writer. Some popular choices include “On Writing” by Stephen King, “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott, and “The Elements of Style” by Strunk and White.
How can I access summarized content on writing?
Platforms like Blinkist offer summarized versions of books and articles, allowing you to quickly grasp key concepts and insights related to writing.
Where can I find more tips for enhancing my writing abilities?
Websites like Medium, Writing Cooperative, and other writing-focused platforms often publish articles, guides, and tips to help writers improve their skills.
Are there any specific writing topics to explore?
Blinkist’s writing topics cover a wide range of subjects, including storytelling, copywriting, grammar tips, and techniques for various writing styles.
How do I choose the right book to improve my writing?
When selecting a book to improve your writing skills, consider your specific areas of interest or challenges. Look for books that align with your goals, whether it’s honing your creativity, refining your grammar, or enhancing your storytelling abilities.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.