Things That Only Generation Z Will Understand

Generation Z has a lot going for it. We’re open-minded, flexible, and optimistic about the future. But sometimes these traits can be taken too far. We’re prone to being impatient and running away from things that are different from us. 

We don’t like to do things the same way as everyone else does. When we want something, we want it now, even if there’s no guarantee that we’ll get it later on down the road.

As Gen Zers, let’s work together to find ways of using our natural optimism for good rather than evil and perhaps even make this generation better than all those before it!

Tiktoks Only Gen Z Could Understand – YouTube
Generation Z possesses a unique set of experiences and perspectives.
Understanding Generation Z is crucial for businesses and marketers to effectively engage with this demographic.
The nostalgia and cultural references that resonate with Generation Z can provide insights into their values and interests.
Generation Z’s digital fluency and reliance on technology shape their communication and behavior patterns.
The events and societal shifts that have influenced Generation Z play a significant role in shaping their attitudes and outlook on life.
Businesses can leverage the entrepreneurial spirit of Generation Z and their desire for authentic experiences.
Generation Z’s diversity and inclusivity mindset make it essential for organizations to prioritize diversity and representation in their strategies.
Building meaningful connections with Generation Z requires businesses to listen to their opinions, engage on digital platforms, and provide personalized experiences.

1. Practice Being More Patient

Have you ever noticed that life is a lot of waiting?

You may be waiting for the bus, and then when it comes, you have to wait for someone else who’s also trying to get on the bus before you can get on. And then when you arrive at school or work, there are more people waiting in line than there are seats available. 

At lunchtime, some people will want food before others so they have to wait in line too!

It’s true: The only thing faster than a snail is a parent with limited time. And if you continue doing this throughout your life that is: living you’ll probably find yourself spending several decades waiting for things like planes or buses or trains or cars or even just walking into your house after work (because it’s not open all day).

Building a strong freelance career requires understanding the role of Generation Z in shaping the freelance economy. Learn more about how Generation Z is driving a freelance economy and discover the opportunities and challenges they bring to the table.

2. Being Open To Change Is Key

You’re the generation that will have to deal with changes in technology and society, but you can also be the ones to make those changes happen. To do so, you’ll need to think outside of your comfort zone and don’t be afraid to try new things. 

If you’re a member of Generation Z, it’s likely that some of your friends are experimenting with different jobs or even changing their lifestyles completely by moving somewhere new. You may not want to follow them right away, but keep an open mind as they explore what life could look like outside of their current situation.

3. Social Media Is Not A Game, But It’s Fun

Social media has become ubiquitous in the lives of Gen Z. They use it to connect with friends and family, share their experiences with the world, promote their businesses and brands, and even promote themselves. They understand that social media is not a game but also know that it can be fun as well.

4. Don’t Have Unrealistic Expectations About Life

You’re not going to be perfect, and that’s okay. You won’t be rich, famous, or even happy all of the time. Don’t expect life to give you these things just because you want them so much.

It’s important to understand this so you can set realistic goals for yourself and work towards them instead of waiting for things that may never come true anyway!

Are you curious about the unique characteristics of Generation Z and their impact on the freelance industry? Explore our article on 17 surprising things you’ll learn about Generation Z and freelancing to gain insights into this generation’s work style and preferences.

5. Embrace Change, But Don’t Run Away From It Either

Generation Z is a generation of change. It’s not like Generation Z is the first to go through massive societal shifts, but it’s certainly a unique time period of rapid change in our culture and around the world. 

If you’re reading this article, chances are you are part of Gen Z or at least someone who has seen some examples of Generation Z in action; this means that change is inevitable and will happen whether we like it or not.

The good news? Change can be good! The bad news? Change can also be bad and sometimes very difficult to deal with when we don’t want to accept it as reality. 

But on the whole, one thing most members of Generation Z seem to agree on is that they love embracing new ideas and making positive changes in their lives and communities whenever possible.”

6. Stay Informed About Things That Concern You

Generation Z, you don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to know everything that’s going on in the world and how it affects you or your country. 

But being aware of current events, especially those that directly affect you, is vital to stay informed. You need to keep a pulse on the issues that matter most: healthcare reform, education funding…I could go on forever (and I will).

The news isn’t always pretty sometimes it can even be downright ugly! But if we want things like gun violence and poverty rates to decrease over time (which we do), then we have no choice but to face them head-on by accepting them as part of life instead of ignoring them because they’re too hard or frightening for us.

7. Embrace Your Identity And Culture

Get to know yourself. Know what you like, what you don’t like, and how those things affect your personality. It’s more than just knowing your own interests it’s about knowing what kind of person you are.

You can’t be everything for everyone, so embrace the traits that make you who you are! Once you know who that person is, try to find people who understand and connect with them too.

And remember: If someone has a problem with something about your identity or culture (like if someone doesn’t like anime), it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with either of those things in themselves; it just means that some people aren’t open-minded enough yet to understand them properly

8. You Need To Know Yourself Better Than Anyone Else Does Anyway

The first thing you need to know about yourself is this: You are the most important person in your life.

If you don’t know yourself, how can anyone else? And if they don’t know you, how will they be able to be there for you when you’re feeling down? Or celebrate with you when something amazing happens?

Knowing yourself means understanding what makes you happy and fulfilled and knowing that it’s OK if other people have different ideas about those things. 

It means knowing what kinds of experiences fill your heart up the most, so that whenever someone asks why your life matters or what impact it has made on others (e.g., “What do my friends think of me?”), there’s an answer at hand without having to stop and think too long about it first.

Freelancing may seem enticing, but it’s not without its challenges. If you want to thrive in the freelance world, it’s important to understand why freelancing is surprisingly difficult and discover strategies to overcome common obstacles and achieve success.

9. Work On Loving Yourself Because No One Else Can Do It For You

When you’re a member of Generation Z, it can feel like the world is out to get you. The economy is in recession, your parents are struggling to make ends meet and there’s no guarantee that college will lead to a decent job after graduation. 

But one thing that you need to understand: You are not alone in this struggle!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time here at GenZ, it’s that the only person who can make or break your self-confidence is yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise it’s okay if they don’t like who they see when they look at you because no one else can love you more than yourself.

You are what makes up who we are as human beings you’re unique and special just by being alive! There’s no such thing as perfection; everyone has flaws (even celebrities) so why should we expect ourselves to be perfect? 

We shouldn’t! We need to accept ourselves for who we really are instead of living up to another person’s expectations of us which leads me to my next point.

Freelancing can be a challenging journey, often accompanied by impostor syndrome. Explore our insights on how freelancing is hard, but impostor syndrome is harder to gain strategies for overcoming self-doubt, building confidence, and thriving in the freelance world.

10 Don’t Expect Everything In Life To Be Predictable 

Being a part of Generation Z, you understand that life is unpredictable. It’s a lesson we’ve learned from our parents and grandparents. You know that things can be the same as always one day, but then they’re not the next day. For example:

  • Your favorite TV show might get canceled unexpectedly
  • Your friends’ parents might get divorced out of nowhere
  • A family member could get sick with an incurable disease

When things are unpredictable, it’s easy for your mind to get anxious about what will happen next but only if you let it! Being in control of your thoughts is essential if you want to stay positive throughout these moments of uncertainty. 

So even though life may not always go as planned and there’s no guarantee that everything will work out perfectly every time, try to remember that there are ways for you to help make things better when they don’t go right (or even right).

Working from home offers unique experiences that only remote workers can relate to. Dive into our article on things that only happen when you work from home to discover the perks, challenges, and unexpected moments of remote work life.


I’m a member of Generation Z myself and I’ve been through all the things that this article talks about. 

There have been times when I felt like nothing was going my way and it seemed like nothing would ever change, but now I realize how important it is to remain optimistic and keep trying no matter what. Life isn’t always easy, but if you stay focused on your goals then eventually things will get better!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore:

Nostalgic Things Generation Z Will Understand: Discover the nostalgic experiences and cultural references that resonate with Generation Z, offering a glimpse into their unique perspectives.

Generation Z: Who Are They and What Events Influenced Them?: Gain a deeper understanding of Generation Z by exploring the events and factors that have shaped their values, attitudes, and behaviors.

Generation Z: Understanding the Digital Natives: Dive into the characteristics and traits of Generation Z, particularly their digital fluency and how it influences their interactions and preferences.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Generation Z:

What age group does Generation Z encompass?

Generation Z typically includes individuals born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. However, exact dates may vary depending on different sources and definitions.

What events have influenced Generation Z?

Generation Z has been influenced by various significant events, such as the rise of social media, the financial crisis of 2008, the increasing focus on climate change, and the advent of technology-driven advancements.

What are some key characteristics of Generation Z?

Generation Z is often characterized as tech-savvy, digitally connected, diverse, socially conscious, and entrepreneurial. They are known for their adaptability, multitasking skills, and desire for authentic experiences.

How does Generation Z differ from previous generations?

Generation Z differs from previous generations in various ways. They have grown up with technology as an integral part of their lives, have different communication preferences, and tend to be more socially aware and inclusive.

How can businesses engage with Generation Z effectively?

To engage with Generation Z effectively, businesses should focus on authentic storytelling, emphasize social and environmental responsibility, prioritize digital channels, provide personalized experiences, and actively listen to their opinions and feedback.

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