Things I Have Learned About Freelance Copywriting

I started my freelance copywriting career about two months ago. I’ve been freelancing for a long time, but going all-in on copywriting instead of just doing it on the side has given me a lot of interesting insights. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

Is Freelance Copywriting for You? with Jessie Kwak – #179
Continuous learning is crucial for growth as a freelance copywriter.
Building a strong portfolio and online presence is essential for attracting clients.
Effective communication with clients helps in understanding their needs and delivering quality work.
Pricing your services appropriately based on your experience and the project’s scope is important.
Time management and meeting deadlines are key to maintaining a successful freelance career.
Networking and building relationships with industry professionals can lead to new opportunities.
Adapting to different writing styles and target audiences enhances the versatility of a freelance copywriter.
Staying updated with industry trends and techniques keeps your skills relevant and competitive.
Providing excellent client service and building long-term relationships can lead to repeat business.
Balancing creativity and persuasive writing techniques is essential in creating effective copy.

Don’t Pitch One Client That You Are Working With Another

It’s a big no-no to pitch the same client that you are currently working with. This is especially true if you’re still in the middle of your project with them or if they are currently evaluating your work. 

You don’t want to create competition between yourself and the other copywriter for their attention, especially if it means losing control over your content and how it will be used by your client.

In addition, it’s also generally frowned upon (and sometimes considered unethical) to pitch a client who has been on an extended review period with another freelance writer before they have made their decision. 

The reason behind this is that there may be more than one person pitching ideas to this potential buyer at once and pitching someone before they’ve finished assessing all options could create confusion about who should get credit for any given idea or concept.

Similarly, it’s not wise for you as a freelance writer to pitch anyone who has hired another freelancer to avoid redundancy in terms of services rendered. 

For example: If there are two different writers providing content marketing services for one company then both would probably want some sort of exclusivity clause built into any agreement so that only one person gets paid per month instead of having multiple payments coming from just one client/account relationship

Building a successful freelance career requires consistent effort and tracking the right metrics. Check out our guide on The Consistent Freelancer: 20 Metrics You Need to Track to learn how to measure your progress and achieve long-term success.

You Don’t Have To Write What Anyone Wants You To Write

You are not a slave to the client. You are the writer, and you’re in charge of the project. You decide what content will be included and how it will be presented to your audience.

Some of my best copywriting projects have been ones where I’ve had complete creative control over everything from tone, style, and format to the title itself. And those tend to be my favorite clients the ones who trust me enough to let me run with an idea that excites me rather than forcing me down another path based on their preferences.

Don’t be afraid to ask for more money, especially if a project is taking longer than you expected or starting to get complicated.

There’s a lot of talk about how to price yourself. But I think it’s more important to ask, “How do I pay myself?”

If you’re doing a great job and taking on projects that are outside your comfort zone, then it’s time to start asking for more money. It doesn’t have to be right away in fact, the best time is when the project has started but isn’t finished yet. 

If they say no (and they probably won’t), then it’s still fine: you should know in advance what your minimum hourly rate is and make sure that rate is reflected in your contract. 

If anything goes wrong later down the road and you find yourself having to redo or correct work that was done for cheap or free initially, don’t worry about charging extra for those hours because this type of thing happens all the time when working with freelancers

Writing a persuasive proposal is essential for winning freelance projects. Learn valuable tips and techniques in our article, 13 Tips on How to Write a Great Proposal, and increase your chances of securing clients and landing freelance gigs.

If You’re Going Through Writer’s Block, Take A Walk And Get Away From Your Computer

  • Take a break from the project
  • Walk away from your computer
  • Get some fresh air
  • Get a drink of water
  • Think about other things/do something completely different (this could be cleaning or doing yoga)
  • This works because it gives you time to relax, think about other projects, or just do nothing at all!
  • If something isn’t working, shift it in a different direction rather than getting frustrated and deleting everything.

You’re not going to be a self-taught freelance copywriter overnight. You will have to experiment and try new things. If something isn’t working, shift it in a different direction rather than getting frustrated and deleting everything.

  • Don’t get frustrated if you’re trying something new and it doesn’t work the first time around.
  • Keep what you’ve already done so far! It may be helpful when trying out a new idea or direction.
  • Try again! Get help from others if necessary don’t give up!
  • Don’t just go for the big clients. Going after several smaller ones will keep a steady flow of work coming in, which is better for both financial stability and motivation.

While working with a few large clients can be great, it’s important to remember that your freelancing career is not just about getting paid for your work. At the end of the day, you want to enjoy what you’re doing and feel satisfied with what you’ve done. 

If you only have one client and they aren’t happy with their copywriting campaign or project, this will hurt both of your lives because why would they keep coming back if they weren’t happy with the outcome?

Working on several smaller projects also gives me a sense of variety in my daily life. It’s hard enough keeping up with deadlines without having too many different things going on at once; if I’m working on more than one project at once (like right now), then there’s no way I could ever get bored!

Freelancing is a journey of learning and growth. Discover the secrets and insights from experienced freelancers in our article, Secrets I’ve Learned from Being a Freelancer, and gain valuable knowledge to enhance your freelance career.

Create The Content On Your Blog As Well As Curate Posts By Other People That Relate To Your Industry Or Niche Market

As a copywriter, you can write about anything in the world and it will still be interesting to someone. But if you’re working with a specific client, start reading all of their newsletters! You don’t have to read every one of them just try and get an idea of what they’re writing about so you can pick up on some common themes or interests.

Always stick to your deadlines! Even if it’s just something small like an email update, make sure the client knows that they can count on you.

There’s a lot to be said about sticking to deadlines, but it’s important for you as a freelance copywriter to keep your clients informed of the progress of their projects. If you’re working with a client who has paid to have something done by a certain date, it’s up to you to make sure they know what’s going on with their project at any given time. 

This will prevent any bad feelings or confusion from developing between you and your clients and the last thing anyone wants is unhappy clients!

Making a great first impression is crucial when it comes to attracting clients on Upwork. Discover effective strategies and tips in our guide, How to Make a Great First Impression with Your Upwork Profile, and optimize your profile to stand out from the competition.

Always Make Sure To Check The Spelling Of “Freelancer” In Emails And Pitches! 

  • Make sure your emails are grammatically correct.
  • Make sure you’re spelling is correct.
  • Make sure your punctuation is correct.
  • Make sure your grammar is correct (and if not, don’t be afraid to use a dictionary).
  • Make sure your tone is friendly and professional, but not too formal or stiff (you’ll make yourself sound like a robot).

Are you on the path to a successful freelancing career? Learn about the 15 signs that indicate you’re heading in the right direction by checking out our article, 15 Signs You’re on Your Way to a Successful Freelancing Career, and ensure you’re on the right track.


By now you’ve probably gathered that I’m a big fan of freelance copywriting. If you’re thinking about getting started with it, my advice is simple: just do it.

It’s a fun and fascinating career that will constantly challenge you to grow as a professional and as a person (I’ve learned so much more than what I’ve outlined above). Plus, you get to work from home and make your schedule!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on the topic of freelance copywriting:

7 Lessons Learned Working as a Copywriter: Discover valuable insights and lessons from a copywriter’s firsthand experience in this informative article.

Things I’ve Learned During My First Year as a Freelance Copywriter: Gain valuable knowledge and practical advice from a freelance copywriter’s journey through their first year in the industry.

The Most Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned as a Freelance Copywriter: Explore the most valuable lessons and insights gained by a freelance copywriter, providing valuable takeaways for aspiring and experienced professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Freelance Copywriting?

Freelance copywriting is writing that is not done for a specific client or company. Instead, you write for a variety of clients with different needs.

How Do I Become A Freelance Copywriter?

To become a freelance copywriter, you will need to start by learning the basics of writing, including grammar and spelling. Then, you can find work on websites like [website name here].

What Is Freelance Copywriting?

Freelance copywriting is the art of writing for clients on a paid, per-project basis. You are hired by a client to write something, and you get paid in cash or goods for your work. It’s a little bit like being an employee, but you don’t get benefits or any kind of security. Instead, you have flexibility and freedom over when and how you do your work.

How Do I Become A Freelance Copywriter?

Becoming a freelance copywriter is easier than you think. You don’t need to have a degree in marketing, or even be able to spell “marketing.” All you need is a good idea of how to write, and be willing to learn as you go.

What Type Of Content Should I Write For My Clients?

This depends on your client’s industry and business goals. You should always try to figure out what these goals are before starting work on any projects so that you can make sure your writing aligns with them. 

If you’re not sure what they are, ask! It’s better to ask now than find out later that the work isn’t going to be useful for the client at all and worse yet, that they didn’t want it in the first place.

How Do I Know If My Freelance Copywriting Services Are Valuable Enough For Clients?

The answer here is simple: ask them! Tell them exactly what kind of results they can expect from working with you and see if they’re interested in hiring you on those terms (and if they are, great!). If not, keep looking until you find someone who wants the same things from their writing

How Do I Become A Freelance Writer?

You can start by learning how to write in your spare time. Then, once you feel confident with your abilities, see if anyone in your network needs help writing content. If not, start looking for freelance writing jobs online and apply for them!

What Kind Of Copywriting Experience Is Required?

It depends on the job. Generally speaking, the more experience you have in this field, the better off you’ll be. But if you don’t have any experience yet don’t worry! You can still apply for the job and show them what you can do!

What’s The Best Way To Get Started?

The best way to get started is by practicing writing every day or every week until it becomes second nature to you and then applying for jobs when they arise!

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