The Top 19 Upwork Client Feedback You’ve Ever Heard

You’re an Upwork client, and you want to know: how can I make my clients happy? How can I keep them coming back for more?

Well, look no further. We have compiled a list of the most commonly heard feedback from clients about their experience with and what it means for your business. With this information, you can better understand what your customers are saying about their experiences with you and use it to improve your service.

How to Accept an Upwork Job Offer, Start/End Job
1. Valuable feedback from Upwork clients can provide insights and opportunities for improvement.
2. Client feedback can help freelancers understand their strengths and areas for growth.
3. Positive client feedback can enhance a freelancer’s reputation and attract new clients.
4. Addressing and resolving any issues mentioned in client feedback can lead to better working relationships.
5. Actively seeking feedback and incorporating it into freelancing practices can lead to continuous improvement.
6. Paying attention to common themes in client feedback can highlight areas where freelancers excel.
7. Client feedback can serve as testimonials to showcase a freelancer’s expertise and professionalism.
8. Responding to client feedback with gratitude and professionalism can strengthen client relationships.
9. Actively seeking out feedback from clients can demonstrate a freelancer’s commitment to delivering exceptional work.
10. Learning from client feedback can help freelancers align their services with client expectations and preferences.

You Are A Very Inefficient Worker

If you’re not used to being criticized, this can be a tough one to hear. Your boss is essentially saying that you are not working fast enough, and therefore inefficient in your work.

One example of this is when I was working on a project for someone once, I would get feedback saying something along the lines of “You’re finished already? That’s great but can it be done faster? Can we expect fewer revisions in the future?” It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear as a freelancer looking for more work opportunities on Upwork!

As mentioned previously in this article, if someone says they want fewer revisions with no other context provided then you can assume they are struggling with their ability to communicate effectively (which could lead them down an unproductive path).

Are you looking to showcase your skills and attract more clients on Upwork? Discover the best ways to market your Upwork portfolio and maximize your freelance opportunities. From optimizing your profile to leveraging social media, this comprehensive guide will help you stand out in the competitive freelancing market.

We Hired You To Do This, Not That

Translation: I hired you because your skills were the best fit for the job and I knew you’d be able to handle it. However, now that we’ve started working together, I’m beginning to realize that my expectations were misguided or unrealistic (or both) and am starting to question whether or not our mutual goals are in alignment.

This is a problem because if they weren’t in alignment from the start if they weren’t aligned before we began working together then there’s no reason why they should be aligned now! We have different priorities and values at stake here; therefore we need new goals and expectations.

This Doesn’t Make Sense

What you hear: “I don’t understand your question, go back and rephrase it so I can tell you what they want me to do!”

The client means: “I don’t get what this task is asking me to do. If a client has questions about their assignment or task, it is never a good idea to ignore them or pretend that the request was clear when it wasn’t! You should always try your best to understand their request and help them out in any way that you can.”

I Don’t Like The Way You Designed It

It’s important to know that when clients say they don’t like something about the design, they may not be saying what they mean. They may just be saying it’s “not their cup of tea.” Or they could be talking about an element of the design that doesn’t correspond with their concept of what the interface should look like. 

Maybe users will find a particular element confusing or difficult to use and you haven’t taken that into account yet. So before jumping on this feedback, try asking for more detail:

  • Why do you think it’s not your cup of tea?
  • What would make it more your cup of tea?

Want to boost your earning potential as a freelancer? Explore our list of top 10 freelance skills to charge more and enhance your value in the gig economy. From in-demand technical expertise to niche specializations, acquiring these skills can help you command higher rates and secure lucrative projects.

I Can’t Trust You

They won’t trust you if they don’t know that you’re reliable. So, keep delivering what you promise and make sure it meets their expectations. If you fail to deliver on a project, be honest about your shortcomings and communicate with them about how to fix them in the future.

If there are aspects of your work that aren’t exactly what the client wants, tell them: “This isn’t quite right yet, but I can get there for you! Here’s how I’ll do it.” This gives clients confidence in your abilities and allows them to trust that working with you will be worth their time.

That’s Not Going To Work Around Here

You need to be flexible. If you take a rigid stance on every single point, it is not going to work around here. Sometimes the client does not see the big picture. You must be willing to work with them and compromise if necessary. Some clients are just difficult people and will never be pleased, no matter how hard you try or how many compromises you make. 

Your job is not just about getting as many features in as possible; it’s also about putting up with some unreasonable clients who think their business is so important that everyone else should bend over backward for them (which isn’t true!). The thing is that when it comes down to it, most of these clients are just looking for someone who will listen and understand their problems without judging them too harshly or making fun of them behind their backs like most other freelancers have done before (because let’s face it those clients were jerks)

I Have A Nephew Who Coded This For Me For Free. Can You Take That Code And Build On It For Us?

You’re asked to take a bunch of code that was never actually used and build something new on top of it. When you tell the client that their nephew’s code (that they didn’t even use) has already been discarded, this is what they say: “Oh no! He wanted me to give him your email so he could send you some files. Can we still do this? The code is in his private repo, but he said he would help us set up an account so we can use it too!

Can You Please Change The Background To White?

If you’ve worked on Upwork, you’ve heard this one. We’re talking about a client looking for a white background while they use your design. 

The best part of this feedback: it comes from all sorts of clients! As we said, they range from farmers to housewives to musicians to novices (or people who just started learning) and even some professionals like photographers, writers, and even teachers/professors.

This is also something that can be easily remedied by clicking “Set as Background” in your PSD file and selecting white, as the color for both text layers as well as backgrounds.

Are your freelance proposals often met with rejection? Learn valuable strategies and tips in our guide on how to write a freelance proposal that doesn’t get you rejected. From crafting compelling introductions to addressing client pain points, you’ll discover proven techniques to create persuasive proposals that win over clients and increase your chances of landing projects.

This Is Much Better Than What We Need! But We Need It To Be Much Worse!

This is one of the most common feedback you’ll receive, and it’s not a personal attack. It’s not unreasonable. And it doesn’t ask for free work or works outside the scope of the current project.

For example, if you delivered a proposal that was exactly what your client had asked for and they responded with “This is much better than what I need!” that’s good! That means your proposal was well-written, thorough, and informative. You should feel proud knowing that you earned such high praise from your client!

I Don’t Want People To See This Yet, But Send It To Me. (You Hear Nothing Back.)

Why can’t they see it yet? Are they afraid of something? Do they have a legitimate reason for being concerned about the feedback? If so, why are they not giving you any feedback? Is it because they want to see what you’ve done already or do they just want some action taken to get their hands on it as soon as possible.

Be On Time

If you’re new to the world of freelancing and working for clients, this feedback can be a little bit intimidating. The key is to make sure that you have everything ready before your client does. This means having all the files (particularly for writers) ready to send over and being prepared for any questions or concerns they might have about the work that needs to be done.

It’s also helpful to set up meetings with your clients early in the morning so there’s no chance of being late because let’s face it: who wants their project manager late?

I Need A Coder-Writer

If you’re looking to hire a freelancer, it’s important to first define the problem you’re trying to solve. So many people get stuck in the initial brainstorming phase because they haven’t thought through their goals enough. It’s easy to lose sight of what your ultimate objective is when faced with a barrage of ideas and alternatives on Upwork.

Here are some questions you should ask yourself before hiring someone: What do I want? Where am I now? Where do I see myself in 6 months? How much time can I dedicate each day or week to this project? How much money am I willing (or able) to invest into my preferred solution? 

Hiring someone without these answers will lead not just to an unsatisfactory result but also wasted money and time spent trying things out that don’t make sense for your situation.

You Are So Much Better Than The Last Person I Hired

This is a great compliment to receive, especially if it’s true! The client has given you this compliment because they feel your work is better than the previous worker’s. 

They may have been dissatisfied with their previous hire or they may be using you as an example of what they want in future workers. Either way, take pride in this feedback because it means that you are doing something right and should continue doing what works for you!

Before accepting any job on Upwork, it’s crucial to ask the right questions to ensure a successful collaboration. Our article on the 13 questions you must ask before accepting a job on Upwork provides you with a comprehensive checklist. From clarifying project requirements to discussing payment terms, these questions will help you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.

I’m Not Going To Pay You That Much

If you’re a freelancer, it’s important to remember that you are worth more than what you are being paid. If someone walks into an Apple store and asks for a new iPhone, then tells the salesperson that they don’t want to spend more than $50 on it, do they expect the salesperson to say no? Probably not!

Similarly, if someone comes to your website and says they want their resume written by Friday but only want to pay $100 (and then complains about how expensive the work is), keep in mind that this person is saying that they could go out and hire someone else who would do the same job for cheaper than what you’re offering. 

And because of this, if you agree with them then both of your businesses will suffer as a result since neither one of them will get paid enough money at all. In short: don’t devalue yourself or your skills by working below minimum wage levels just because someone else might be willing to do so (even though nothing is stopping them from doing so!).

The Client Is Always Right

If you’re a freelancer, you must have heard this phrase thousands of times. It’s one of the most common Upwork client feedback that you get to hear from clients. And it does make sense when we look at the scenario from their perspective.

When a client hires a freelancer, he/she is usually not looking for someone who will do what he/she wants them to do or how they want them done exactly. They are looking for someone who can deliver valuable solutions and results that they were looking for in the first place!

And as far as delivering value goes, there are many ways in which an Upwork worker can provide value: by researching an industry or topic; by providing insightful suggestions regarding improving your business (or whatever) model; by coming up with innovative ideas; etc., etc., etc.

I’m Looking For An Individual, Not A Company Please Don’t Pretend To Be Something You Are Not

You are a person, not a company. It’s okay to say so. We’re all people here, but you should always keep in mind that you are representing yourself as an individual and not hiding behind your business name or title. 

It’s fine if someone wants to hire a company instead of an individual, but keep in mind that those clients might be looking for something different than what you have to offer. If a client asks for examples of work done by your team members, don’t pretend they were done by individuals; just provide the client with links and let him/her decide whether he/she wants to engage with an individual freelancer or with a whole team of them.

Looking for ways to streamline your freelance workflow and improve productivity? Check out our curated list of 17 time-saving tools to streamline your freelance workflow. From project management software to productivity apps, these tools are designed to automate repetitive tasks, manage deadlines, and optimize your efficiency as a freelancer.

It Will Take Me Forever To Explain What I Want To You, So Don’t Ask Any Questions

If you’ve ever worked with clients who do this, then you know the best way to deal with it is to ask questions. You see, most of these people are just looking for a quick fix (and maybe a cheap one). They want someone else to take the responsibility of figuring out what they want, so they can get their hands on it as quickly and cheaply as possible. And that means that they don’t have time to explain themselves in detail.

The trick here is not necessarily asking lots of questions although sometimes that may be necessary but rather asking good ones. Your job will be much easier if you understand the client’s needs before starting work on their project.

This Is An Easy Job And Doesn’t Require Any Experience 

Easy jobs are always great to work! However, many new freelancers may not know what they’re doing and will ask for higher rates. If you want to make sure that your clients are getting the best service possible while still making a profit, try asking them if they have any questions before accepting their offer. The most important thing in a client-freelancer relationship is communication!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your knowledge and understanding of Upwork:

Upwork Reviews: Discover insights and reviews from freelancers and clients who have used Upwork to find and hire talent. Gain valuable perspectives and experiences shared by the Upwork community.

How to Find Your First Job on Upwork: Learn practical tips and strategies to secure your first job on Upwork. This article provides guidance on creating an attractive profile, crafting compelling proposals, and standing out from the competition.

Freelancing on Upwork: How to Build Your Profile and Write Client-Getting Proposals: Enroll in this Skillshare class to gain in-depth knowledge on building an impressive Upwork profile and writing persuasive proposals that attract clients. The course covers essential techniques and best practices to increase your chances of landing quality projects.

Final Thoughts 

So, in this article, we have covered the top 19 Upwork client feedback you’ve ever heard. This will help you understand your clients better and provide them with a better service. We hope that you found this article helpful and would like to hear from you in the comments below!

People Also Ask 

How Do You Get More Upwork Clients?

The best way to get more Upwork clients is by having a solid profile. This means having a great description, high-quality work samples, and excellent reviews from past employers. But don’t stop there! You should also use our tips on how to write a great cover letter or how to make your resume stand out as well.

What Was The Most Challenging Part Of Working On This Project?

This question is usually asked so that the client can get an idea of how well-prepared you were, which can show them that they’re hiring someone ready to take on whatever challenges come their way. 

So don’t be afraid to lay out all the issues that came up during your work on this project! But if there are any red flags, like if something happened outside of your control, don’t make excuses for yourself just address them as quickly as possible and move on.

Is There A Way To Leave Negative Feedback?

Yes! You can leave negative feedback on any job or project that was unsuccessful or unsatisfactory in some way. This is important because it lets other clients know what kind of work they can expect from this person and it helps everyone avoid wasting time with people who won’t deliver high-quality work.

How Much Detail Should I Go Into When Writing My Review?

As much as possible! The more information you offer, the better equipped other clients will be when deciding whether or not someone meets their needs and expectations. If you think something went wrong with the project and want to explain why without being too harsh on your client (for example), feel free to do so in as much detail as necessary so people can see what happened.

How do I create an effective Upwork profile?

To create an effective Upwork profile, focus on showcasing your skills, experience, and expertise. Use a professional profile picture, write a compelling headline, and provide a detailed overview of your services. Highlight relevant past projects and client testimonials to build credibility. Don’t forget to include relevant keywords to enhance discoverability.

How can I increase my chances of getting hired on Upwork?

To increase your chances of getting hired on Upwork, consider the following strategies:

  • Optimize your profile: Make sure your profile is complete, polished, and aligned with the services you offer.
  • Submit tailored proposals: Craft personalized proposals that address the client’s needs and demonstrate your understanding of the project.
  • Build a strong portfolio: Showcase your best work in your portfolio to provide clients with tangible examples of your skills and capabilities.
  • Develop a solid reputation: Deliver high-quality work, communicate effectively with clients, and consistently receive positive feedback.

How do I set my rates on Upwork?

Setting your rates on Upwork requires careful consideration. Research the market rates for your skills and expertise, taking into account factors such as experience and demand. Start with competitive rates to establish yourself and gradually increase them as you gain more experience and positive feedback.

How can I stand out from other freelancers on Upwork?

To stand out from other freelancers on Upwork, focus on the following:

  • Specialize in a niche: Position yourself as an expert in a specific niche or industry.
  • Highlight unique skills: Emphasize your unique skills and value proposition.
  • Provide excellent customer service: Communicate promptly, be professional, and exceed client expectations.
  • Maintain a strong portfolio: Showcase your best work and demonstrate your capabilities.

How does Upwork’s payment system work?

Upwork offers a secure payment system for freelancers and clients. Clients fund escrow accounts for projects, and payments are released to freelancers upon completion of agreed-upon milestones or tasks. Upwork handles the invoicing, time tracking, and payment processing, providing a convenient and reliable payment process for both parties.

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