Inbound marketing is great for bringing in potential customers, but it’s a lot of work for people that just want to get their product or service out there.
If you’re not the kind of business that can afford to hire a big team of copywriters and digital marketers, then outbound marketing may be the best option for you.
Takeaways |
1. Outbound marketing strategies can be highly effective when executed strategically. |
2. Cold calling remains a valuable outreach tactic if approached with relevant offers. |
3. Interruption marketing can work if it provides value and respects audience preferences. |
4. Combining outbound and inbound strategies creates a holistic customer engagement approach. |
5. Evolving marketing landscapes demand adaptable techniques for successful campaigns. |
Host A Workshop Or Webinar
Hosting a workshop or webinar is a great way to educate your audience. It’s also a great way to build relationships with your audience, and it builds your brand!
You can host these events on any topic, but they’re especially helpful when you have something specific that you want the community to learn about. For example, if you run an SEO agency and have done some work on local SEO strategy.
Then maybe hosting an event where you discuss what goes into creating good copy would be helpful for people in the community who are looking for advice on how to improve their sites (and could potentially become clients).
Discover the power of a well-executed cold calling strategy in the world of marketing. Learn how to implement The Cold Calling Marketing Strategy That’s Actually Useful and make meaningful connections with potential customers.
Create A Time-Sensitive Offer
One of the best ways to get people to respond is by creating a time-sensitive offer.
You can do this by offering a discount or special deal that is only available for a limited amount of time. To make it even more enticing, you could use a countdown timer on your website or landing page that lets visitors know how long they have left before the offer expires.
As an example, let’s say you run an online store and want to sell more products in your online store.
You could create an exclusive discount code for anyone who signs up for your email list and adds three items from your store into their cart within 24 hours – this would encourage people to make purchases quickly because they know there are limited spots available!
Give Away Free Stuff On Social Media
To make your content more appealing to potential customers, give away a free sample of your product or service.
You can do this by offering a coupon or discount on a purchase, an ebook that relates to your business and services, or even just a report detailing the highlights of what they will learn from you.
Giveaways are also a great way to drum up excitement among existing customers who have already bought something from you in the past.
If they’re loyal followers and fans of yours, they’ll love being part of the excitement around this giveaway by sharing it with their friends and family and perhaps some new friends too!
Unlock the secrets behind effective cold calling that captures attention and drives results. Dive into The Secret to Cold Calling That Has Everyone Talking and discover techniques to elevate your outbound marketing game.
Write A Blog Post On A Trending Topic
A great way to get noticed and build your brand is to write blog posts on trending topics. A trending topic is something popular right now, especially on social media.
If you can find a relevant trend and write about it in a way that your target audience will enjoy, you have the potential for great results.
For example, if someone is interested in running their first marathon but doesn’t know where to start, you could use this as an opportunity to write a blog post titled “5 tips for running your first marathon.”
When creating content around a trending topic:
Make sure the information or advice is relevant to your business and audience. If someone searches for “running” and finds nothing related directly from you or another company in your industry (such as Nike).
Then they won’t be interested enough in reading about it anyways—no matter how well-written it might be!
Make a viral video or meme.
Viral content is a marketing tactic that has been around for a while, but it’s still one of the most effective. Viral content is any type of media that spreads quickly and widely from one person to another (think memes).
You can make videos, blog posts, images anything! The most important thing about viral content is that it’s entertaining.
This form of outbound marketing can be less expensive than paying for traditional advertising because you won’t need to build an audience first or buy ad space to get people interested in what you have to say or sell.
It also gives your company exposure without having to rely on sales pitches or promises of discounts or deals: People will go looking for your brand if they enjoy what you’re putting out there!
Answer Questions On Quora And Linkedin
Quora and LinkedIn are two of the best sites for finding out what people want to know about your business. Here’s how to use them:
Go to Quora and search for keywords related to your industry. For example, if you’re a marketing consultant in Los Angeles, you might look up “marketing consultants in Los Angeles.”
Then click on that question and scroll down until you find an answer from someone who has been in the same position as you but has more experience than most.
Find out the author’s background and follow him or her on social media, if possible. That way, when he or she answers another question later on (or just writes something interesting), it will appear in your newsfeed automatically!
Success in cold calling comes with understanding its challenges and mastering its techniques. Explore The Brutal Truth About Cold Calling and How to Succeed at It to navigate the world of outbound marketing with confidence.
Run An Affiliate Marketing Campaign
If you’re already running an e-commerce store, you may want to consider setting up an affiliate marketing program. This can help grow your business by generating more traffic and sales through external websites.
There are two main ways to run an affiliate program: you can either create one yourself or you can use a third-party platform like ShareASale, which helps manage the process (for example, they will handle payments).
If you choose to go with ShareASale, they offer a 30-day free trial so that it won’t cost anything right away. Once your site has been approved for their network and approved for any necessary licenses (such as Amazon Associates).
Then all you have to do is add some code onto each page of your website where there are products/services listed so that when someone clicks on them from another site (like Pinterest).
Or from within Google itself by searching for something relevant and then clicking through links until reaching yours; information about who referred them will show up at the bottom of each page along with links back again.
So that users can easily return via social media sites like Facebook or Twitter instead of having only one option: going directly back home again after purchasing something new online without ever seeing what else might be available before making payment first).”
Compile Your Industry-Related Content Into One Piece Of Content And Reach Out To Influencers With It
The first step to building a solid influencer outreach strategy is compiling a list of people who you think would be interested in reading your content. If you’re not sure where to start, check out this blog post by Buffer.
It will help you find influencers and reach out to them on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.
Once you’ve compiled your list of influencers and created an outreach plan, it’s time to get started!
Here are some ways that companies have used this method in the past:
Create one piece of content that collects all of your industry-related information into one place (like an eBook) so that potential customers can easily access it without having to go through multiple pages on different websites.
Afterward, reach out and send the link via email directly from Buffer using their easy-to-use platform that allows users access from anywhere at any time.
Perfect for those busy professionals who may not always have time for coffee meetings but still want quality leads each day!
Witness the evolution of marketing strategies from the demise of old approaches to the rise of new ones. Dive into Content Marketing Is Dead, Long Live Content Marketing to grasp the dynamic nature of marketing landscapes.
Offer A Free Trial Of Your Product Or Service For a Limited Time Only
Limit the duration of the trial period to two weeks or less. Users must be able to see the value of your product or service in a relatively short period, because if they don’t, they may feel like they’re wasting their time and cancel before giving it a chance.
Make sure the length of the trial is long enough for users to see how well your product works (if you sell software), but not so long that they begin to feel like it isn’t worth paying for at all (which is likely if you’re offering an expensive enterprise-level software package).
Create A Facebook Live Presentation About A Trending Topic In Your Industry
Facebook Live is a feature on Facebook, which allows you to broadcast live videos to your followers and friends.
It’s an amazing tool for business owners because it allows you to connect with your customers in real-time, answer questions, make announcements and show off products.
It’s also fairly simple: all you need are a smartphone or laptop with a built-in camera or an external one such as the USB-attached Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. Make sure that the microphone on your computer is plugged in and working properly before going live!
Implement Cross-Channel Remarketing And Retargeting Tactics For Past Visitors
Remarketing and retargeting are two powerful tools that can help you regain site visitors’ attention.
Remarketing: This is a non-intrusive way to show ads to people who have visited your website. When you use remarketing, you’re showing ads to people who were interested in your business but didn’t make a purchase or sign up for your email list (which is why it’s called “remarketing”).
You can create Facebook Custom Audiences based on past website visitors and target them with ads on Facebook, Instagram, and other ad networks.
Retargeting: With this strategy, you show specific ads to people who have viewed specific pages on your website before they left.
For example, if someone visits your pricing page but doesn’t convert (i.e., buy something), then retarget them with an offer related specifically to the content they viewed previously like showing them a coupon code for their next purchase!
Reach Out To Bloggers Who Review Products In Your Industry, And Ask Them To Review Your Product/Service
Bloggers are great influencers. They have a huge following, they’re opinionated, and they can make or break your product through word of mouth (or lack thereof). So reach out to bloggers who review products in your industry and ask them to review your product/service.
One way to find these kinds of bloggers is by Googling “[your industry] blogs” or “[your industry] podcasts” and looking at recent articles/posts/episodes on their websites using Google Reader.
You might also search for your specific blog topics with Google Search like this: “blogging” OR “writing”, which will bring up more results than just searching for the words individually (don’t forget about exclamation points!).
Once you’ve found some relevant blogs, contact the owner(s) directly by emailing them from their website’s contact page (if it has one).
If that doesn’t work because there isn’t one listed, try sending an email directly from Gmail or Yahoo Mail instead since these accounts often have information about how someone wants you to get in touch with them listed within their profile settings.
Interruption marketing, when done right, can be a game changer in your marketing arsenal. Learn the art of execution with the Ultimate Guide to Interruption Marketing: How to Do It Right and harness its potential for driving growth.
Start Sponsoring Content, Creating Partnerships, And Guest Blogging Other Places That Are Relevant To Your Target Audience’s Interests
There are many ways to sponsor content, but some are better than others. You can find a blog that’s relevant to your target audience and pay them to write an article about your business.
This is great because you’ll get exposure on someone else’s site, which can help build trust with new potential customers.
You could also create a partnership with a blog or influencer who has a large following in the niche you’re targeting. In exchange for promoting their content, they may write something about you or even interview one of your employees!
Finally, guest blogging is another great way to start creating relationships with other sites on the web that cover topics similar to yours;
Guest blogging is one of my favorite ways for small businesses like mine (and yours) to build up our authority online over time by contributing valuable content from different perspectives under various voices and points of view which ultimately helps increase our reach through search engines optimization (SEO).
Host an event that would be relevant to your target audience at your place of business or at another location within the community you serve.
Offer snacks and beverages! Ask if you can have time to do a short presentation about what you do, too! (Great opportunity to offer something free.)
The event should be relevant to your target audience, so think about what they’ll enjoy. For example, if you’re an accountant and want to host an event centered around the tax season, it may not be effective to have pizza delivered from the local pizza place.
Instead, consider asking local restaurants if they would donate some appetizers or food items for your guests (and remember: always ask first!). If possible, use this opportunity as a chance to share something new with attendees.
For example, if it’s a small business event where many of the guests are owners themselves and are looking for ways to expand their businesses in 2017.
You could hand out some marketing materials (such as information on how website redesigns can increase traffic) or even offer a free consultation session where they can get feedback on their current website design/marketing strategy.
Hosting events like these will help attract more people into becoming customers because now not only do they know about what you do but also have been able to experience firsthand why working with you would benefit them!
Again though be sure that everyone invited has both the need AND interest in attending before sending out any invitations!
So, if you want to attract more people and make more money, it’s time to start implementing these strategies. Inbound marketing might be great for getting some leads, but outbound marketing is what will turn those leads into customers.
If you have any other ideas on how best to reach people outside of your target market, please leave them in the comments below!
Further Reading
WordStream: The Power of Outbound Marketing Short Description: Explore the impact of outbound marketing strategies and learn how they can effectively reach and engage your target audience.
Databox: Effective Outbound Marketing Tactics Short Description: Discover actionable tactics for implementing successful outbound marketing campaigns and driving meaningful results.
Evenbound: Mastering Outbound Marketing Techniques Short Description: Delve into advanced techniques for optimizing your outbound marketing efforts and maximizing lead generation.
And here’s the “FAQs” section with questions and answers in H3:
What is outbound marketing and how does it differ from inbound marketing?
Outbound marketing focuses on pushing messages to a broader audience, while inbound marketing attracts prospects through valuable content and engagement.
Is cold calling still an effective outbound marketing strategy?
Cold calling can be effective when executed strategically, targeting the right audience and offering valuable solutions to their needs.
How can interruption marketing be used responsibly in outbound strategies?
Interruption marketing can be effective if it provides relevant information and respects the audience’s preferences for communication.
What are some common outbound marketing tactics for B2B businesses?
B2B outbound marketing often includes email campaigns, targeted advertising, and attending industry events to engage potential clients.
How can outbound and inbound marketing strategies complement each other?
Outbound marketing can create awareness, while inbound marketing nurtures leads through valuable content, forming a cohesive customer journey.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.