The Cold-Calling Marketing Strategy That’s Actually Useful

We all know that cold-calling is a part of the sales process and it is not something that you can ignore. However, most people hate doing it. You may have tried many times in the past, but it did not yield any fruitful results. 

If this has happened to you then there is nothing to worry about because no one likes doing cold calls but they are necessary if we want to achieve better sales results in the future. Here are some tips which will help you improve your performance on phone calls:

Cold calling techniques that really work – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Cold calling can be a valuable marketing strategy when executed effectively.
2. The article emphasizes the importance of a well-prepared cold calling approach.
3. Building rapport and addressing objections are crucial during cold calls.
4. Successful cold calling requires continuous practice and refinement.
5. Understanding the prospect’s needs and providing value can lead to conversions.

1. Use A Script

It’s time to get a script. A script will help you remember what to say, keep on track while speaking with prospects, and stay focused on the task at hand. 

If you have trouble remembering what to say or where you’re supposed to go from there, it may be difficult for your prospect to stay engaged in the conversation.

The best way to use this strategy is by creating two scripts: one for cold calls and another for warm calls. The cold calling script should include only those things that are necessary during your initial contact with a potential client or lead. 

Your warm call script can include extra information such as follow-up questions and additional information about your company that might be helpful during future conversations.

Cold calling is an art that requires mastery and technique. Learn from experienced professionals who have achieved success through their strategies. Explore Cold Calling 101: How I Got Over 100 Interviews with This Strategy to gain insights into effective cold calling techniques.

2. Always Do Your Homework

It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that calling people out of the blue is an easy way to drum up business. The truth is, you won’t be very successful if you don’t know your audience and what they want. To succeed at cold-calling, you need to know:

Who you are calling. Find out as much as possible about who you are talking with by reading their LinkedIn profile or other social media profiles (or even just looking them up on Google). 

If a prospect has a blog, read some posts and see if there are any topics or concerns that would interest them in working with your company.

What company they work for (and if applicable) why they work there: It’s important to understand not only what industry this person works in but also why he wants to stay there maybe because he loves the culture.

Maybe because it gives him flexibility with his family life or maybe because he doesn’t want anyone else telling him what type of projects he should take on next year when his current project winds down whatever it may be!

What problem/pain point do they have? This will help determine whether your solution actually solves a problem worth solving and if so then how much value does this solution bring compared to other potential solutions out there right now? 

For someone else like yourself when doing their homework about somebody else who might become interested enough by hearing something from one source before checking others sources too before making decisions based upon facts rather than hearsay rumors etcetera.”

3. What Is Their Pain Point?

When it comes to getting to know a prospect, the most important thing you can do is find out what they need. A pain point is a specific problem someone has that makes them want to solve it. 

If someone visits your website and sees something they like, they may not need it right now or ever. 

However, if they have some sort of pain point (like a lack of time or money) and see that you solve that problem by offering an affordable solution on your website, then they might be interested in buying from you.

The difference between a problem and a pain point is subtle but significant: if I say “I don’t have enough money,” that’s just a general statement about my finances it doesn’t give me any information about how much I make or spend each month; 

However when I say “I don’t have enough money because my car broke down last week,” then we’re getting somewhere! 

This tells us specifically how much I’m struggling financially right now because of this one incident and therefore could be prompted into taking action by buying something from us!

Mastering the cold calling marketing strategy can significantly boost your business growth. Discover the methods and approaches to excel in cold calling by reading How to Master Cold Calling Marketing Strategy and Boost Your Business Growth.

4. Have An Elevator Pitch

The purpose of an elevator pitch is to be able to clearly and concisely explain what your product or service is and why someone should buy it. It’s usually less than 30 seconds, but can also be a minute or two if you need to explain more details about the product/service.

The key to a good elevator pitch is being able to quickly highlight the benefits of your product/service, as well as how it relates to your prospect’s needs. 

If you’re selling something like an app, for example, don’t just say “it helps people find dates”  instead say “it allows users in NYC who are looking for love (and willing to pay) to find their soulmate within minutes.”

An elevator pitch is different from a sales pitch because it’s objective-focused; you’re not trying to convince anyone at this point that they need what you have; rather you’re focusing on getting them interested enough.

So they’ll want further information later on down the line when they’ve had time think about things more thoroughly (elevator pitches are often used before pitches).

5. Develop A Strong Introductory Statement

There’s no way around it: cold calling is going to be difficult, and you’re going to have to get used to being rejected. However, some steps can help you make the process easier on yourself. 

One such step is developing a strong introductory statement that will both help you focus your efforts and provide a template that your prospects can respond positively to even if they don’t want to hear what you have to say at first glance. A good introductory statement should include:

  • Your name and why you’re calling (i.e., “Hi, my name is Jane Smith from Acme Widgets.”).
  • A brief description of who/what Acme Widgets does (i.e., “We design custom widgets.”)

Cold calling stands out as a unique strategy for becoming a Marketo master. Delve into the insights and tactics that make Cold Calling Is the Only Strategy That Will Make You a Marketo Master an essential read for those aiming for marketing excellence.

6. Don’t Rush It!

You should never rush a call. If you do, you will be missing out on an opportunity to build rapport with your prospect and find out what they need from their next hire.

You should never hurry to get to the point; otherwise, you’ll end up just reading off a list of facts about your company or product.

You should never rush to get to the close; instead, take your time and listen closely as they share their thoughts and concerns so that when it comes time for them to make their decision, they know who is best suited for them (and why).

Finally, if all goes well at this stage then don’t rush off before asking questions about future projects a little more information now could lead to bigger deals later!

7. Set Up An Appointment

At the end of a cold call, you should ask for an appointment.

Whether you want a meeting with the person on the other end of the phone or a quick phone call, this is when you can get one. This is also where you can ask for their email address and phone number, and even their address if possible (this is rare). 

You might also want their fax number and social media handles so that they have options later on in case they need those things from you.

You’re almost done! All that’s left now is setting up an actual meeting time and knowing what to do when they say “no thanks.

8. Always Send An Email After The Call

The best way to get someone on the phone is to have a reason for them to pick up, and the easiest way to do that is by sending them an email. If you can, record your conversation with the prospect so that you can send it along with your email and reference it during future calls.

  • Include a link to where they can listen back on their own time if they choose not to download it right away (e.g., SoundCloud)
  • Include links to your website, blog, social media accounts, podcast episodes (if applicable), etc.
  • Be sure that everything in this email has been vetted and approved by other members of your team especially since this will be sent after every call.

So there’s no chance anyone could accidentally say something off-putting or awkward

9. Call In The First Place At Right Time

There are lots of different ways to call, but you should try to make sure that you’re calling at the right time.

The morning is usually when people are most likely to be awake and motivated, so it’s a good idea to call them after your target market wakes up. If they don’t answer, leave them a voicemail message with some information about how they can reach you and what services you offer.

The middle of the day is also a good option because it’s still early enough in the afternoon for them not to be busy with work but late enough so that they’re not already on their way home from work yet. 

This way, if you leave them a voicemail message again (with more information), then hopefully by now their curiosity will have gotten the better of them and

10. Find Out Who Is Calling And Why?

It may seem like a no-brainer to ask the prospect why they are calling, but you’d be surprised how many salespeople do not. For example, “Hi, this is Jim from ABC Company. Can I help you?”

The same goes for asking what they want and why. Ask them “What can we do for you today?” or “How can I help?” and then listen carefully to their response. 

Then ask again: “Why are you reaching out now? What about our services made you want to contact us today?” This will give you valuable insight into the best way to move forward with that lead.”

11. Have A Clear Goal In Mind To Achieve From Sales Call

Before you make your sales calls, it’s essential to figure out the most important thing you hope to achieve. This could be anything from getting a commitment for another meeting or an actual sale. 

Having a clear goal will help ensure that you don’t waste time and energy on irrelevant tasks like scheduling follow-up meetings or making follow-up calls on unqualified leads.

Embarking on the journey of cold calling requires learning from the basics. Beginners can find valuable guidance and advice in Cold Calling Tips for Beginners, helping them navigate the challenges of this marketing approach.

12. Be Prepared For Objections

When you’re cold-calling, it’s important to be prepared for objections. The most common objection is “I’m not interested” or “I’m not the right person to talk to.” If that happens, you need a good response ready.

It’s also useful but less common when someone says “we already have an agency” or “we don’t need any more agencies.” It can be difficult to respond positively in this situation because it feels like they are rejecting your company outright. 

Instead of justifying why they should use your services, focus on asking questions and finding out what their needs are so that you can learn whether or not there would be any benefit in working together after all.

13. Never Pretend To Be Someone Else On the Phone

You are not the only one who will ever call your customers. Other people may also be calling them, so your team members must identify themselves as soon as they pick up the phone. 

You never want to find out that a customer thought they were talking to someone else and then did not take any action based on their conversation with you. 

By letting them know right away that it’s you, this won’t happen at all and they’ll be more likely to engage in real interaction with you instead of immediately hanging up or ignoring your call altogether

14. Ask Open-Ended Questions (Who, What, When, Where, How?)

One of the most important things you can do when cold-calling is to ask open-ended questions. These are questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no answer, but rather require more than one answer. 

For example: “How does that make you feel?” or “Why did you choose our competitor over us?” These types of questions will give you insight into what your prospects want and how they feel about it. 

By asking these types of open-ended questions instead of closed ones, like “Do you want to receive our monthly newsletter?” or “Have we been in contact with your company before?” 

You’ll get much better results from this strategy because it helps get to the root of the problem and find out exactly what the customer wants from their product or service.

15. Know How To Introduce Yourself And Your Firm In Best Way Possible On the Phone Call In 30 Seconds Or Less

You’re a professional, and you know how to carry yourself. But when you’re cold-calling, it’s more important than ever to make sure that whoever answers the phone knows who you are and what you do. 

You should be able to introduce yourself in 30 seconds or less: “Hi, my name is Jane Smith.” (Plus the rest of your contact info.) 

Then say something like, “I’m calling because I’m interested in learning more about [your client’s industry] and I’d love an opportunity to speak with someone who has some experience with this area.”

Finally and this may seem obvious don’t forget their name! The best way to do this is simply by asking them for it as soon as they answer: “Hello Mr./Ms. Jones? 

It’s Jane Smith from XYZ Company.” Once they respond with their name (“Yes?”), continue with something like “It’s nice speaking with you today!”

Landing new B2B customers through cold calling demands a proven approach. Discover the secrets behind the 100% Successful Approach to Landing New B2B Customers that can revolutionize your cold calling strategy.


Now that you know how to make a call, it’s time to set up your first appointment. This means finding out where and when the best time is for both parties involved. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their business or what they’re looking for in an agency like yours so that your pitch will be tailored toward their needs instead of just shooting from the hip. Remember: there’s no such thing as a bad question!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to expand your understanding of cold calling techniques:

The Art of Cold Calling: A Comprehensive Guide: Explore this in-depth guide to learn the ins and outs of effective cold calling strategies, tips, and best practices.

Cold Calling Techniques for Small Businesses: Discover practical cold calling techniques tailored for small businesses, helping you connect with potential clients and drive growth.

Cold Calling: Meaning, Tips, Examples, and Techniques: Dive into the meaning, examples, and essential tips for successful cold calling to enhance your outreach efforts.


What is cold calling and how does it work?

Cold calling is a sales technique where a salesperson initiates contact with a potential customer who hasn’t expressed prior interest in their product or service. It involves reaching out via phone or other communication channels to introduce the offering and generate interest.

What are some effective cold calling tips for beginners?

Beginners can start by researching their target audience, preparing a script, and focusing on building rapport. Utilizing a confident and respectful tone, as well as actively listening to the prospect, can greatly enhance the effectiveness of cold calling.

How can cold calling benefit small businesses?

Cold calling provides small businesses with a direct way to reach potential customers and establish personal connections. It can lead to valuable leads, increased brand exposure, and the opportunity to showcase unique value propositions.

Are there alternative strategies to cold calling for customer outreach?

Yes, alternative strategies like inbound marketing, content marketing, and networking events offer different approaches to reaching potential customers. These methods focus on attracting leads through valuable content and fostering relationships.

What are some common cold calling mistakes to avoid?

Avoiding common mistakes such as failing to personalize the pitch, sounding too scripted, and not respecting the prospect’s time can significantly improve cold calling outcomes. Adapting to the prospect’s responses and objections can also make a difference in successful interactions.