I know, I know: cold calling is hard. The art of talking to strangers and asking them to buy your product or service can seem intimidating at first.
But if you’re committed to growing your business and increasing revenue, it’s worth it!
In this article, we’ll go over the basics of what makes a good cold call script, how to turn a conversation into an opportunity for a sale (and keep the conversation going), how to handle objections effectively, and more. Let’s get started!
Takeaways |
1. Focus on the ultimate cold calling telemarketing strategy. |
2. Dive deep into the comprehensive guide for success. |
3. Learn key techniques to improve your cold calling game. |
4. Understand the essentials for a successful telemarketing approach. |
5. Master the art of connecting with potential clients. |
Know Your Audience (And Your Goal)
As with any good marketing strategy, knowing your audience is the first step. You have to know who you’re talking to, what their needs are and what they expect from your product or service.
Once you have a clear understanding of who your audience is, it’s time to get into the specifics of how they want to be communicated with. What does that mean? Are they more likely to respond if you send them an email about a new product?
Or do they prefer receiving snail mail in the form of postcards and brochures? Do they want information on their mobile devices via text message or social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook?
The answers may seem obvious at first glance but not all audiences are created equal when it comes out comes down cold calling telemarketing strategies. It all depends on who they are as well as how old they are!
Cold calling can be an effective strategy, but don’t forget to explore other avenues as well. If you’re new to the concept, check out our guide on Cold Emailing 101: A Beginner’s Guide for valuable insights into reaching potential clients through emails.
Get To The Point
Don’t waste time with small talk. This can be one of the most difficult aspects of cold calling, but it’s important to keep your conversations short and sweet.
You want to make sure you keep your phone calls as brief as possible so that you’re not wasting anyone’s time – including your own! Salespeople who try to waste time or who don’t get right down to business will often find themselves losing leads and opportunities for sales.
Get to the point quickly – don’t waste time with small talk or attempts at humor, and don’t be afraid to ask for a sale!
Do Your Research
Before you start dialing, there are a few things to consider. First, make sure you know what you’re talking about. You don’t want to be caught off-guard and flounder around when asked a question with which you are unfamiliar.
Second, do your research on the person or company that will be receiving your call. It’s always best to have some knowledge of their business before speaking with them that way if they ask any questions that stump you, your response won’t be “Sorry I didn’t have time.”
Thirdly, learn as much as possible about the industry in which they do business.
The more informed and prepared for this conversation (and all future ones), the better equipped you’ll be at creating rapport quickly with potential customers who may use our products or services someday soon!
Last but certainly not least: understand what problem we’re solving for them so that future conversations go smoothly too!
Crafting a successful cold email campaign requires careful planning and execution. Learn from the experts with our 14 tips for your next cold email campaign, and discover strategies to boost your outreach effectiveness.
Use “Triggers” And “Hooks”
Triggers and hooks are words and phrases that grab your listener’s attention. They’re more than just saying “Hello” or “How are you?” they’re ways of making yourself stand out from the crowd, making your listener think of you as a person rather than just another salesperson.
They can take many forms: asking a question, sharing an interesting story, or even saying something controversial (in moderation!). You don’t have to memorize these lines verbatim; instead, use them as inspiration when developing your unique style.
Be ready for negative responses; they’re inevitable when cold calling! Use this opportunity to show empathy and ask questions about what is upsetting them so much.
Keep It Short, Sweet, And Simple
You must be brief and to the point. Don’t try to ramble on about anything. Just get in, make your pitch, and get out. Remember: less is more when it comes to cold calling telemarketing strategy.
Don’t oversell yourself or your products/services it will only come across as desperate and pushy if you do so!
You don’t have time for that nonsense; make sure that all of your efforts are focused on making a sale as quickly as possible by asking for it right away if possible (but don’t be afraid not to do it at all).
Don’t talk too much about yourself either the person on the other end doesn’t care what you think.
Or feel about yourself; they only care whether or not they can help solve their problem(s) with whatever product/service you’re trying to sell them on the phone right now! So once again: keep things short, sweet, and simple!
To maximize your marketing efforts, it’s crucial to have a well-rounded approach. Dive into our guide on The Ultimate Cold Email Marketing Strategy to discover how cold emails can integrate seamlessly into your overall marketing plan.
Start With A Question
This is one of the easiest, most effective cold calling tips on our list.
Start with a question that you can answer yes or no to. Ask a question that will lead to a conversation (e.g., “Can I ask you about your experience with locks?”), or show you are interested in the person (e.g., “How long have you worked here?”).
You should also make sure your questions are open-ended so they allow for follow-up questions. A good example would be: “What kind of lock do you have now?”
Remember The “AMA” Rule (Ask, Mirror, Ask)
If you are trying to get a prospect to say “yes,” then you need to first ask a question. Then mirror the response back to them. Finally, ask them what they think of your product or service and their needs about it. Remember that this is also known as the AMA rule (Ask, Mirror, Ask).
Let’s look at an example of how this might work: First, we’ll start with our initial pitch for why we should work together:
“Hi, Mr./Mrs. Prospect! My name is John Doe from Company X! I am calling because I have something that could help solve one of your biggest challenges today and it may surprise you how quickly we can do that!”
This works great if things go smoothly from there on out but what happens when things don’t go so well? “Well, thank you for taking my call today Mr./Mrs., but unfortunately we’re going to have to pass on working with each other.”
What do they say next? They might start asking questions like “How much will this cost?” Or maybe even worse yet: “What makes your product better than any other option available right now?”
Actively Listen To Their Responses
You need to be prepared to listen to what they have to say. If you interrupt or talk over them, the conversation will take a turn for the worse and your chances of succeeding in selling something are going to drop dramatically.
If you’re not sure how this works, try it with someone in your office who isn’t very good at listening: “I’m going out for lunch.” “Did I already eat?” “Yes.” “Oh! Are we eating together?” “No, I’m meeting up with some friends.”
This is an example of not actively listening because both sides of the conversation we’re talking simultaneously without any real chance for engagement or understanding from either party.
When someone is talking at you (as opposed to talking with you), their words aren’t going anywhere anyway you don’t miss anything important because nothing was said in the first place!
Cold calling remains a valuable technique in sales, but understanding its fundamentals is key. Explore the basics with our comprehensive guide on Cold Calling 101: What It Is, Why It Works, and How to Do It, helping you approach this strategy with confidence.
Be Patient And Persistent
Be Patient and Persistent. Don’t give up! The person you’re calling may not be available when you call, but don’t let that stop you from trying again later.
Don’t be Discouraged by “No”. If the person on the other end of the line doesn’t want to talk with you at first, don’t take it personally; they might just not be in a position where they can help or want to help right now.
You never know when they may change their mind or become receptive down the road if there’s an opportunity for them, it’s worth making sure they know about it!
Don’t Let Them Get Away With Not Answering Your Call (or Text). As much as possible, avoid leaving a message and then waiting for someone who never calls back instead ask if there’s another time when it would be better for them to speak with someone from your company.
Have Persuasive Objection Handlers Ready To Go
With the right cold-calling telemarketing strategy, you’ll have a series of persuasive objection handlers ready to go. If they say they’re not interested, ask them why and keep asking until you get a real answer.
You might think this is rude, but it’s helpful for them because it permits them to talk about their objections without feeling bad about them or apologizing for being difficult.
If they say “no thanks,” ask if there’s any way that would change their mind, like if your product or service was priced differently (or even better yet: “what would make it worth your while?”).
Don’t be defensive when people tell you no; take notes on their objections so you can learn from them and improve later!
Tell Them What You Want Them To Do Next Professionally, Not Emotionally
It’s always a good idea to tell the prospect what you want them to do next in terms of their business. For example, if they ask for more information, tell them that you are happy to send over a few samples or answer any questions they might have over the phone.
If they aren’t interested at this time, try not pushing too hard and instead wish them well and tell them that if their needs change in the future, your company would be happy to help out again.
When it comes time for personal follow-up with prospects who have expressed interest but have not yet converted into customers, focus on creating a relationship first.
This means asking about what interests them personally (hobbies? or sports?) before getting into business discussions at all; it also means keeping your communication casual and friendly throughout each interaction no matter how many times you speak with someone over time.
Once trust has been built up between yourself and an individual prospect through friendly conversations focused on non-work topics like hobbies and interests.
Then moving towards asking why they decided against making an immediate purchase is much easier than simply trying to convince someone who doesn’t care about anything except doing what’s best for his or her company’s bottom line–which can feel cold at best (and manipulative at worst).
Talk Like A Human, Not A Sales Robot
It’s important to talk like a human, not a sales robot.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard cold callers use jargon, scripts, call logs and call sheets as if they were taking part in some sort of elaborate game of telephone where one person says “I’m calling because we have this great product that will help your business.”
The next person hears “I’m calling because we have this great product,” and then tells the third person “We have this great product that will help your business.” Do you get where I’m going with this?
So yeah…don’t do that. Be yourself and use plain English when talking to prospects on the phone (or emailing them). If you make someone feel comfortable with what you’re saying from the beginning there’s no way they won’t want to hear more from you later on!
Don’t Take It Personally When People Hang Up On You Or Don’t Want To Talk To You
As a cold-calling telemarketer, you will inevitably experience a lot of hang-ups. Some people are going to be rude or even aggressive in their attempts to get rid of you. And while it’s easy to take this personally, don’t!
It’s not about you it’s about them. People are busy and want to get on with their day as quickly as possible. They don’t have time for salespeople who call them at home uninvited (especially when they’re already on the phone with someone else).
They’re not interested in whatever product or service you’re offering, so it doesn’t matter how great your pitch is: if someone isn’t interested, then they won’t buy from you no matter how hard anyone tries!
The bottom line? If someone hangs up on you during one of these calls, don’t let it ruin your day or put a damper on your mood just move on and make another call!
Think About Your Tone And Pace Of Speech
Be clear and slow. You should speak at a natural pace, with all your words enunciated and pronounced. Avoid rushing or pausing for too long, as these will make you sound unsure of yourself or distracted.
Don’t get too excited or monotone. Most people tend to one extreme or the other when speaking;
If you’re overly enthusiastic about what you’re saying, it can come across as unnatural and distracting from the message you’re trying to convey (e.g., “Our products are fantastic! We have lots of great features! You’ll love them!”).
On the other hand, if you drone on in an emotionless monotone that sounds like it was written by a robot (and not in a good way), people won’t want to listen either because they’ll think that no matter what they say back there won’t be any emotional connection between them.”
Sending effective cold emails requires a unique touch to stand out in recipients’ inboxes. Uncover the secret to success with insights from our article on The Secret to Sending Remarkable Cold Emails, and learn how to make your outreach truly memorable.
Take Notes During The Call, But Not Too Many Notes!
You may feel like you want to take notes on every single thing that is said during a call, but try not to.
This can get annoying for both parties and you might find yourself writing down things such as “I’m interested in learning about your product” or “I am not interested in learning about your product.”
It’s important to remember the relevant points when making notes so that you don’t waste time writing down information that doesn’t matter.
Instead of taking full note of what was said, try highlighting key parts of their answers or questions and write them down at the end of each call.
You’ll be able to look back at these highlights and piece together what they discussed during the conversation without having an entire page filled with tiny handwriting!
Use Fun Props If It Helps Break The Ice (But Don’t Let Props Distract YOU!)
So, you’re trying to break the ice with your potential customer. You have some kind of prop (think: stuffed animal, sandwich board, beach ball) that you think might help. But what if it doesn’t? What then?
The best thing about using props is that it helps the customer feel more comfortable talking to you on the phone. It can also be a great way for them to get their mind off their day and focus on something else entirely you!
However, there are some pitfalls with this strategy: too much fun can distract from what YOU need from THEM! Be sure not to let your props distract YOU!
Here are some tips for successful prop use:
- Don’t use anything too personal, it could make either of you uncomfortable
- Don’t use anything too professional, it could look like an advertisement or be seen as inappropriate in any number of ways (e.g., making fun of other companies that use advertising tactics)
- Don’t use anything too silly, it will make both parties uncomfortable (and may seem immature)
Be Honest About Who You Are And What You Want Upfront
Be honest about who you are and what you want. Don’t be afraid to show your personality, ask questions, and tell them no if necessary.
Ask for their help to make a better product or service. It will increase your chances of getting an appointment with the prospect and allow them to feel like they have more agency in the process than just being another number on your list.
Ask for their time. People are busy! You need to ask them how much time they can give you so that they don’t feel rushed or like they have all day to talk with one person when someone else might need their attention instead (or both).
Exude Confidence Over The Phone (Even If You’re Faking It!)
You don’t have to be perfect. You’re not supposed to know everything about your product or service, so don’t worry if you stumble on a few key points.
Just be honest and admit when something isn’t quite right in the conversation, and then move on without letting it affect the rest of your pitch.
You don’t have to be a salesman. There’s nothing wrong with being uncomfortable with making sales calls, especially if you’re not used to talking about yourself or selling things (like me!).
You may even feel uncomfortable telling someone that they need what you’re offering just remember that every person is different and has different needs when it comes down to business matters!
You don’t have to be a telemarketer either (or at least act like one). People automatically assume that anyone who is calling them must want something from them.
But this isn’t true especially when there’s no reason for us to call other than because we need help getting through our daily tasks faster!
So instead of thinking about how much money will come into my bank account once everyone answers their phone calls from me every single day…I focus on helping others instead.”
Cold Calling Is An Important Part Of Business But It Requires Some Tact
Cold calling is an important part of business, but it requires some tact. You need to be able to sell yourself and your product, explain the benefits of what you’re offering, listen carefully to the customer’s needs and ask questions that will help you find out what they’re looking for.
And that’s it! You now have everything you need to create a killer cold-calling campaign. But before you go out and start implementing these strategies with your own business, remember:
No matter how great the campaign is, if your salespeople aren’t equipped with the right skill set then it’ll all be for nothing! So if you want to make sure that your team understands how to take advantage of all this in their day-to-day – whether they’re new or experienced.
Then we suggest sending them on our email marketing course. It gives them all the information they need to succeed over at least 20 lessons.
Each one covers topics such as prospecting tactics, leads nurturing strategies, and even call tracking best practices (to keep track of what works best).
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to explore for further insights on cold calling strategies:
Zendesk’s Guide to Cold Calling Learn about the principles and best practices of cold calling to improve your outreach effectiveness.
Sales Hacker: Cold Calling Tips and Techniques Dive deeper into advanced cold calling techniques and strategies that can help you connect with potential clients more effectively.
HubSpot’s Cold Call Script Guide Discover tips for creating an impactful cold call script that resonates with your audience and increases your chances of success.
How can I make my cold calls more engaging?
Engage prospects by personalizing your pitch, addressing their pain points, and offering value early in the conversation.
What are some effective ways to overcome objections during a cold call?
Listen actively to objections, empathize with the prospect’s concerns, and provide solutions that address their specific objections.
Should I follow a strict script during cold calls?
While having a script can provide structure, it’s important to adapt your approach based on the prospect’s responses to ensure a more natural and personalized conversation.
How do I handle rejection during cold calls?
Rejection is a part of cold calling. Use it as an opportunity to learn, refine your approach, and move on to the next prospect with a positive attitude.
What are alternative strategies if cold calling isn’t working for me?
Consider incorporating cold emailing, social selling, and other outreach techniques to diversify your approach and reach prospects through various channels.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.