Writing a cold email can be a little bit scary, especially when your career is on the line. You want to make sure that you’re putting your best foot forward and communicating in a way that will make your target a hiring manager or potential client feel like they can’t ignore you.
You also have to remember that emails can get lost in the shuffle: Sometimes it’s hard for people to keep track of all their messages, let alone respond to them immediately.
But if you follow these steps, writing great emails doesn’t have to be complicated or scary at all!
Key Takeaways |
1. Personalization is paramount in cold email outreach. |
2. Craft compelling subject lines that grab attention. |
3. Provide clear and concise value propositions. |
4. Focus on building a genuine connection with recipients. |
5. Effective follow-up can significantly improve response rates. |
6. Test and optimize different elements of your cold emails. |
7. Always respect the recipient’s preferences and privacy. |
8. Persistence, patience, and continuous learning are essential. |
Be Prepared
In the same way that you need to be prepared for an interview, you also need to prepare for your cold email.
You can’t go into it cold; there are some steps you need to take beforehand. If a company gives you the chance and reads through your email, then they will expect something great from you. In order to give them something great, here are the things that you should do:
- Be ready with answers for questions they might ask and questions that could come up during an interview
- Come up with a list of questions that could help determine if this job is right for me or not
Building a successful cold email strategy requires careful planning and execution. Learn valuable insights in our guide on A Simple Guide to Cold Emailing: How I Got 5x Response that will help you achieve higher response rates.
Double-Check Your Email Address
Cold emailing is a great way to make connections and build relationships, but it can only be effective if you are reaching out to the right person. To do that, you need an accurate email address, and don’t forget to double-check!
It’s easy to overlook this step because it seems so obvious. However, I guarantee that at least one of your recipients has received dozens of emails addressed “Jill,” when her name is actually “Jackie.”
Or perhaps you have seen a typo (or multiple typos) in an email address before? If so, then you know how frustrating it can be when someone takes the time to write something thoughtful and meaningful but doesn’t get back because they didn’t have the right contact information.
The simplest way to avoid these kinds of mistakes is by making sure every single person on your list has their correct information listed in their profile on LinkedIn or other social networks where they might connect with potential customers or business partners like yourself.
Start With A Compliment
The first step in sending a cold email is to find a way to set yourself apart from the masses. The best way to do this is with a compliment.
Compliments are powerful because they make people feel good not only when they’re given, but also when they’re received.
When you compliment someone, it makes them feel important and appreciated, which helps establish trust and rapport between two parties who may have never met before.
If you want someone to trust you enough to read your cold email message all the way through and even respond to it then start by making them feel special!
Crafting compelling subject lines is crucial for getting your cold emails noticed. Discover the power of creative subject lines in our article on 10 Cold Email Aha Moment that can make your emails stand out.
Get To The Point Fast
If you’re going to make a good impression on the reader, you need to be able to get to the point fast.
The first thing they’ll want to know is: “What’s in it for me?” If they don’t see some benefit from reading your email, there’s no reason for them to continue reading. So make sure that you can answer this question in less than 10 seconds.
Your headline should be short and snappy – no more than 3 words long. Your body copy should also be brief – each paragraph should only contain one thought or point (no more than 5 sentences per paragraph). And your call-to-action needs to be no longer than 2 paragraphs!
If any of these things are too long/have too many points/are too complicated then they’re not going to help sell your message and might turn people off instead of making them want more information from you.
Make Them Feel Important
The first thing you need to do is make them feel important.
This will come across in the way you write your email and how you ask for an introduction.
When reaching out to potential clients or partners, it’s tempting to think “I know this person can help me so I just want them to get back to me ASAP”. But if someone has taken time out of their day and read your message, they deserve more than that!
Make them feel like their opinion matters by giving specific reasons why they should answer your request for an intro instead of just getting back in touch with someone else. It could be as simple as “In my last conversation with John Doe, we talked about [X].
He said he knew someone who might be able to help me with [Y] but wasn’t sure if it was something he’d be interested in doing himself”
Say Something Different
You have to do something different.
This is the most important thing you can do when sending a cold email. If your cold email is just like any other email that person has received, it won’t stand out. It won’t be remarkable, and they’ll most likely ignore it.
You might think that you need to be funny or clever to make your emails stand out. That’s not true! People are much more likely to read and respond positively to messages that are well-written and concise (even if they seem boring).
They may even forward those emails around their office because they’re so useful! The best way to get someone’s attention is by saying something different than what everyone else says.
And then proving yourself with helpful content (like links or videos) as backup support for whatever claims you’re making about yourself or your business/product/service offering
If you’re new to cold emailing, don’t worry—our Cold Emailing 101: A Beginner’s Guide has you covered. Gain a solid foundation and learn the basics of effective cold email outreach.
Use Some Humor
We’ve all heard the saying, “the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Well, the same thing applies to email. You want to keep your recipient interested and engaged in what you have to say by making sure that what you’re saying is both relevant and amusing. Don’t go overboard with it though a little bit of humor can go a long way!
Now don’t take this as an opportunity to mask the seriousness of your subject matter (i.e., using humor instead of addressing issues).
Avoid addressing said issues altogether (i.e., using humor in place of addressing issues), belittle any particular aspect(s) related thereto (i.e., joking about them), or make fun of someone or something associated with them (you get my drift).
Let Them Know You’re Real
One of the most powerful things you can do to build trust with your prospects is to let them know you’re real. You’re not hiding behind a generic email address or phone number or using a picture from a stock photo site.
When I send an email from my account, it shows that I am serious about my business and what I have to offer. It also gives prospects the confidence that they can reach out if they have questions or concerns later on in our relationship.
Keep It Short And Sweet
It’s tempting to think that long paragraphs and complex sentences will get a response, but they won’t. The opposite is true: the shorter your emails are, the more likely they are to get read.
This doesn’t mean that you should cut out all explanations and stories from your communication just keep them short!
Try not to use jargon or abbreviations in your email; if you have any doubt about whether something is too complicated for your audience (or just not necessary), leave it out.
Remember that people want simple when they’re reading cold emails because they want nothing more than a quick answer before getting back to what they were doing.
Avoid slang and emoticons as well; stick with basic words like “you” instead of “u” or “r.” If an emoticon would truly represent how you feel about something, consider using an emoji instead!
Craft An Intriguing Subject Line
You want your subject line to be short and sweet, but also intriguing enough that the recipient will be compelled to read more.
Use a question: People love to feel like they’re part of an exclusive club, so ask them something they can answer with “yes.”
Use a statement: This is another way of making someone feel like they’re part of an exclusive club you know because it’s true!
Use a number: Numbers are usually pretty easy for people to remember and don’t require much thought (e.g., “5 Ways To Get Your Cold Emails Noticed”).
But since you should always try to stand out from the crowd, think about how you could make this number unique like maybe offering five tips instead of four or six (or whatever).
Use a question mark: This one is pretty self-explanatory you want people to read your email because you’re asking them something!
Finding the right words to engage your recipients can be challenging. Explore our collection of Cold Email Templates That Convert to streamline your outreach and increase your chances of generating positive responses.
Show, You Did Your Homework
The most effective cold emails are those that show the recipient that you’ve done your research. You can do this by:
Linking to relevant articles. If you’re reaching out to a hiring manager or someone responsible for the position, try linking them to an article or blog post related to their work or industry.
This shows that you’ve taken the time to understand who they are and what’s important in terms of their goals and responsibilities.
Provide specific examples from your own experience where possible (even if it’s just a personal anecdote).
For example, if you have experience with social media marketing, share links to specific campaigns where your efforts were successful at driving traffic and leads for clients, and include numbers!
A good way of doing this is via social proof: “Our team increased sales by 20% last year using these strategies.”
You can even give them some data points on how many new leads came in through social media during that period, which will help establish credibility without sounding pushy or aggressive about it!
Include A Call To Action
Here’s the thing: a call to action is not just a fancy term for “click here.” Instead, it should be clear and concise and benefit the reader. Here are some tips for writing an effective call to action:
Be specific about what you want them to do. “Click here” isn’t specific enough; you need to make clear what exactly they are clicking on and why they would want to click on that link in particular.
For instance, if you have an ebook or whitepaper available as an exclusive bonus with your cold email signature file, then tell people why they should download it!
Make it personal; don’t send generic emails without any relevance or context. You need personalization like no one else does because you’re approaching new contacts who might not even know who you (or your company) are yet!
Give Them A “Win.” If You Can Make Their Life Easier, Do So Right Away
Give them something to say “yes” to. Make sure that your email is clear on why the recipient should care about what you’re offering or asking for.
Make it easy for them to say yes by giving them clear instructions on how they can get what they want from you in the simplest way possible (e.g., “As soon as we receive your resume and cover letter, we’ll schedule an interview.”)
Offer a good example of how this will benefit them (e.g., “Our clients often report that after applying our strategies they…”).
Make It Personal (But Not Creepy)
If you want to make your cold emails stand out, there are a few simple techniques you can use to do so:
- Use their name in the email. In the subject line, body of the email, signature, and closing. It makes things more personal and it shows them that you’re paying attention.
- Keep it simple. If they don’t know who you are or what company you work for and if they have never heard of what products or services you provide, then why should they care? Don’t try too hard. Just be honest and put yourself in their shoes!
Securing your dream job through cold emailing requires a strategic approach. Uncover valuable insights in our post on How to Get Your Dream Job with Cold Email that will guide you in reaching out to potential employers effectively.
Target The Right Person For The Job
The first step in sending remarkable cold emails is to target the right person. Knowing your audience inside and out will help you craft a message that resonates with them, rather than wasting time on people who aren’t interested in your product or service.
To do this, you’ll need to understand their pain points, goals, budget, and timeline; what they prefer; where they’re coming from; which competitors are doing well (and why);
How does their industry work and what kind of culture exists within it; what kind of history the company has had so far with similar products/services/projects like yours.
Knowing all this will help you determine how best to connect with the person at hand so they can see why hiring you would make sense for them and why not hiring someone else would make even less sense!
Be Yourself
It’s tempting to try and pretend that you’re someone else, but don’t do it. This is a huge mistake for two reasons: one, it’s not genuine and two, the person you’re emailing has already seen your name in their inbox (or even worse, in an article like this).
When they open your email and see an unfamiliar name or a different tone than what they’re used to seeing from you, they’ll know that something’s up and they won’t trust anything else in your message either!
In addition to being honest with yourself about who you really are (and what kind of emails come naturally), make sure that the emails that come across as “you” are also consistent with the image of your brand or business.
If people have certain expectations about what kind of content comes from you based on previous interactions with them or similar businesses/people who work for them then it can make all the difference if those expectations are met consistently throughout each communication channel
Remember The Human Factor
Remember the human factor. This means making sure you’re sending the right message to the right person at the right time, company and position.
You mustn’t let your cold email become just another one lost in a deluge of messages.
Make sure it stands out by personalizing it with details about how they might be able to help you or what you can offer them. The more specific and genuine you can make this look, the better chance you have of getting an answer.
So, in conclusion, I think we can all agree that there is no secret to sending remarkable cold emails. It’s just a matter of being thoughtful and putting in the time. And if your idea for an email fails, no big deal! Just try again with another one later on down the road.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources you might find useful for enhancing your cold email strategy:
Understanding Cold Email: A Comprehensive Glossary: Explore a comprehensive glossary of cold email terms to deepen your understanding of the intricacies of cold email campaigns.
Crafting Effective Cold Email Subject Lines for Sales: Learn tips and tricks for creating attention-grabbing subject lines that increase the open rates of your cold emails.
Writing a Cold Email that Actually Works: A Six-Step Tutorial: Dive into a detailed tutorial that breaks down the process of writing a successful cold email, covering everything from the opening to the call to action.
How can I improve my cold email open rates?
To enhance your cold email open rates, focus on crafting personalized and relevant subject lines that pique the recipient’s curiosity.
What should I include in the body of a cold email?
The body of a cold email should be concise, engaging, and tailored to the recipient’s needs. Provide a clear value proposition and explain how your offering can solve their specific pain points.
Is it advisable to use cold email templates?
Using cold email templates as a starting point can save time, but always customize them to match the recipient’s context and requirements for better results.
How can I build rapport in a cold email?
Building rapport in a cold email involves showing genuine interest in the recipient’s challenges and demonstrating how you can assist them. Personalize your message and establish a connection before making your pitch.
What’s the best way to follow up on a cold email?
Follow up on a cold email by sending a polite and value-driven reminder, ideally with new insights or information. Avoid being pushy, and aim to engage the recipient in a meaningful conversation.
Remember that these FAQs provide general guidance, but adapting strategies to your unique situation and audience is key to achieving the best results in cold email outreach.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.