The Neuroscience Of Buy Buttons

If you’re like most business owners, you’ve probably found yourself wondering if your site could be doing better. You know it could, because your competitors’ websites seem to be converting customers at a much higher rate than yours. 

But why? What’s missing from your website that makes people less likely to buy from you? Well, there are lots of reasons why someone might choose one website over another: the price might be cheaper on one site; 

The product selection might be more extensive on another, or maybe they feel more comfortable buying from one company over another. But there is one element that every online shop shares in common and it’s not price or brand recognition…

033: The Brain’s Buy Button Affects Decisions Your Clients Make
Buy buttons leverage neuroscience to trigger purchasing decisions.
The brain’s emotional and impulsive centers influence buying behavior.
Cognitive biases and psychological triggers play a role in buy button effectiveness.
Neuro-nudges shape consumer choices through subconscious cues.
Understanding neural processes behind buy buttons can enhance marketing strategies.

Keep Things Simple

Make your site as simple and easy to use as possible. A clean, non-cluttered design allows users to focus on the content you’re providing and makes it easier for them to find what they need.

This isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s also about usability. When you give people too much information at once, it can be overwhelming and difficult to process all of the different options available to them. 

This can lead to confusion or frustration when someone tries out a feature that doesn’t work properly because they haven’t given themselves enough time (and space) to figure things out first.”

Dive into the heart of marketing by exploring how a grasp of psychology can lead to success. Discover why understanding human behavior is key in crafting effective marketing strategies.

Use Familiar Design Elements

It’s important to use familiar design elements. Your customers have become accustomed to certain styles, shapes, and textures in their daily lives, so these elements should be reflected in your website or app.

Use a simple navigation structure that’s easy to understand. A good navigation design will help users find relevant content quickly and efficiently without having to spend too much time searching for it. 

The best way to do this is by making sure there are no unnecessary links on each page, your visitors should feel like they know where they’re going from the moment they arrive at the site or app.

For example: If you’re creating an eCommerce website that sells shoes online, focus on selling footwear rather than clothing or other accessories (like belts). This way people who click on “shoes” won’t be taken away from what you want them to look at most!

Tell A Story

Tell a story. A brain is a pattern-recognition machine. Tell it what you want to give, and then show how you can do that through the use of your product or service.

Your brand is more than just an image – it’s a story told with words, images and visuals. Stories are engaging because they engage our minds beyond rational thought and allow us to connect on an emotional level with both the storyteller and their message.

Good Website Navigation Is Important

Good website navigation is important. It’s the difference between a site that makes you feel like you’re in control and one that makes you feel like you’re being dragged through it against your will.

It’s easy to get lost on a website when there are too many options or too many links, especially if they all look alike and have similar names (like “Contact” or “About”). This can cause frustration for users who are trying to find their way around.

The most effective navigation systems are those that allow users to quickly locate what they need without having to search for longer than necessary.

Your product’s first impression can leave a lasting impact on consumers. Discover the intricacies of this process in our article on How Your Brain Decides to Like a Product from First Sight.

Be Consistent And Relevant

Consistency is also important. If you want your customers to trust that they can rely on your company, then you need to do everything in your power to make sure that they have a great experience every time they interact with it. 

The more consistent the brand feels, the more likely it will be that people will continue buying from you.

Relevance is also important you want to provide value for customers as often as possible! 

This can mean anything from offering discounts or free products when someone buys something else from your store (known as upselling), or simply just giving them access to information about what’s happening in their industry or community (known as cross-promotion).

Be Very Clear about What You Want People To Do

As we’ve discussed, the key to a good call to action is clear. It should be very clear what you want people to do, and it should be easy for them to do it.

In addition to making it clear what action you want people to take and how they can go about doing that action, other factors might determine whether your call to action will be successful or not. These factors include:

Your choice of language: The language you use in your calls-to-action matters because different words evoke different feelings in readers and trigger different actions. 

For example, if you’re selling something like an ebook on weight loss, “order now” may not feel like an appropriate CTA because ordering implies money out of pocket, something many people aren’t willing or able to do when trying new products or services (eBooks). 

In this case, using words like “download” or “get started today” would be better because they don’t imply a monetary commitment but still communicate urgency and encourage immediate action (something like downloading an eBook takes less than 5 minutes).

Know Which Colors Are Most Likely To Convert Customers

Your brain is a big part of the equation when it comes to web form design. Colors have a powerful effect on how people process information, so using the right colors for your buy buttons can increase conversions.

Red, orange, yellow, and green are the best colors to use because they’re associated with good feelings and motivate people to take action. 

Blue hues like royal blue and navy blue are also effective because they evoke trustworthiness and loyalty two qualities that are important when you’re buying something online. 

On the other hand, some colors should be avoided if you want people to spend more money: purple is associated with luxury but may make buyers feel uncomfortable; 

Black conveys authority but may make them feel intimidated; white has no associations at all (except maybe with cleanliness) so use this color sparingly or not at all if possible.[2]

Persuasion goes beyond just words – it’s rooted in neuroscience. Dive into the realm of effective strategies with our guide: 16 Simple Neuroscience Methods You Can Use to Sell Anything.

Get Your Customers To Commit Beforehand

As a marketer, it’s important to understand how commitment works so you can use it to your advantage. When your customers commit to an item before they check out, they’re more likely to purchase and less likely to change their minds after making their purchase decision. 

This can be a powerful motivator for customers to buy or register for something early and once they do that, they’re more likely to stay on board with the process until the end.

This is because humans have an innate desire and ability to self-regulate themselves so that we don’t make bad decisions or waste time and energy pursuing goals that don’t have much value in our lives. We want things like this:

  • better financial security
  • better relationships with family and friends
  • better health (physical and mental)

Ask People To Buy Now, Not Later

When it comes to encouraging people to buy, you have one shot. You need to get the message across quickly and clearly so that your prospect understands what they’re buying, why they should do it now, and where they need to go next. 

The best way to accomplish this is by making the commitment as easy as possible for them.

The first thing you can do is ask them to make an explicit decision about taking action now rather than later. One way of doing this is by using a question mark in your CTA (call-to-action) button text like this: “Buy Now?”

You could also use phrases like “Get Started” or “Start Here” if you want to emphasize that there’s no waiting around involved for people who respond positively.

The next step is making sure that every potential customer sees exactly how much money they’ll save by buying from you rather than someone else out there and reminding them how much time they’ll save too! 

By pairing cost-savings with time-savings in our CTAs we give consumers more reasons why they should buy right now instead of putting off their purchase until later when their memory may fade away completely.”

Repetition Can Be A Good Thing (For Marketing)

It’s not just repetition you should be wary of. It can also be a good thing.

Recognition is often the first step in the decision-making process, and we use familiarity to make things more attractive. 

The more familiar a product seems to us, the more comfortable we feel using it and eventually purchasing it. Repetition can be used to make things more familiar even if those things are bad for us (like cigarettes or fast food).

Neuromarketing’s impact on consumer behavior is fascinating and sometimes eerie. Take a closer look at 15 Terrifying Examples of Neuromarketing at Work to see the science behind these powerful techniques.

Remove Any Barriers That Might Stop People From Buying

There are a few key things you can do to make sure your site is converting:

Remove any barriers that might stop people from buying. Use simple language, and familiar design elements, and tell a story when explaining your product or service.

Make sure your website has good navigation. Visitors need to be able to easily find what they want on your site, so make sure it’s easy for them to navigate between pages without getting lost in the process.

Be consistent and relevant. If you have multiple social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook), each one should look similar in terms of branding and content, for example, don’t post something on Twitter but not on Facebook; 

If it’s important enough for one platform, use all of them!  Emphasize what matters most right now by being very clear about what people should do next after visiting the page (e.g., “Sign up now!”). 

This will help ensure that visitors complete their desired action at every step along the way, which means more conversions overall!

Give Your Customers A Reason To Buy

You can give your customers a reason to buy. But you have to make sure the reason is clear, believable, and relevant. And it has to be immediate and urgent.

Your customer needs a clear reason. If they don’t understand why they should buy from you instead of your competitor, then there will be no purchase decision at all. 

They just won’t see the point in buying from you if they don’t understand your offer or know how it benefits them personally.

Your customer needs a believable reason — not too believable (that’s scammy), but believable enough for them to take action with confidence that this is happening and worth their time and money today!

Your customer needs a relevant reason — if there isn’t any kind of personal connection between them as an individual buyer who wants this thing right now or feels these feelings at this time like now then yep sorry but no sale buddy! 

No way Jose’…or even worse yet if it doesn’t seem like something they could use right now either because let’s face facts here: nobody buys anything online unless they already know exactly what they want before going into those checkout lanes.

So whatever benefits aren’t immediately obvious need showing up front where you’re making sure people know exactly what benefit(s) would mean most benefit(s) etcetera ad nauseam until all doubts are removed from their mindsets once again!!!

Offer Guarantees And Make Them Visible

Offer guarantees and make them visible. Offering a guarantee is one of the most effective ways to show confidence in your product, and it can help increase sales by up to 38%. 

When you offer a guarantee, it shows that you’re willing to stand behind your product or service and that you know it works.

Use social proof where possible. Social proof is another way to show users that other people are purchasing something and if they trust enough other people with their hard-earned money, maybe they will too! 

Often we don’t want to be the first person on our block who has something new (think about how many people waited for months for those flying cars from Back To The Future 2 instead of buying one off the shelf).

But if we see others using it before us, this can provide reassurance that we’re not making a bad decision after all.

You May Want Fewer Options On Your Site, Not More

Here’s the thing: all those options can be a turn-off for users. In one study, researchers found that consumers had a negative reaction to websites with too many choices and that their decision-making process was slowed down by having too many options.

Having fewer options on your site may result in higher conversion rates than having more choices available. According to Kissmetrics, “A study done by Stanford University showed that adding an extra choice often reduces people’s satisfaction with each option.”

Seeking marketing’s magic bullet? Explore how Neuromarketing: The Magic Bullet That Can Actually Work could transform your approach, leveraging the potential of neuroscience to captivate your audience.

Do Some Market Research To Find Out What’s Best For Your Customers And Your Business Model

Asking customers what they want is important, but it’s only half the equation. You also need to understand who your competitors are, what they’re doing, and how you can differentiate yourself from them. 

How do their products compare to yours? What features do they offer that you don’t? Is there a product category out there that’s ripe for disruption? What kinds of things will make your audience go crazy (in a good way)?

Don’t forget about what the market expects from you as well. Customers will have certain expectations based on previous experiences with products like yours, so be sure to identify those and make sure your product meets or exceeds them.

Finally, don’t forget about preferences! Are there certain features that stand out to consumers when making a buying decision? 

Do some digging into why this might be so it could uncover some surprising insights into how people interact with technology in general as well as how this specific audience interacts with technology specifically!

To maximize conversions, keep things simple, be specific, and remove any barriers that might stop people from buying!

These tips will help you maximize your conversion rate:

  • Keep things simple
  • Be specific
  • Remove any barriers that might stop people from buying!

Using familiar design elements is also important, as it can make you look more trustworthy. It’s best to use a mixture of text and images, instead of just one or the other because this will help keep visitors’ attention on what they’re reading (or looking at). 

People have short attention spans so make sure your website has lots going on at once! 

This will also help them stay engaged longer because there’s always something new for them to discover every time they visit it again later on down the road. Remember not all websites need fancy graphics or animations – sometimes simplicity works best!


So, what can we take away from all of this? The most important thing is to keep things simple and make sure you’re clear about what your customers should do next.

Further Reading

Explore these additional resources to deepen your understanding of neuromarketing and the psychology of buying behavior:

Senteo: Understanding Neuromarketing Discover insights into the world of neuromarketing and how it shapes consumer decision-making.

ResearchGate: Multiple Buy Buttons in the Brain Learn about a study forecasting chocolate sales using functional brain activation through fMRI scans.

Neuroscience Marketing: Buy Buttons and Neuro-Nudges Delve into the relationship between buy buttons and the subconscious neuro-nudges that influence purchasing decisions.


How does neuromarketing influence consumer behavior?

Neuromarketing taps into the subconscious to understand how consumers make decisions, leveraging insights from neuroscience to craft more persuasive marketing strategies.

What role do buy buttons play in the brain’s decision-making process?

Buy buttons, both physical and virtual, trigger specific neural responses that influence consumers to make purchasing decisions, often bypassing rational thought processes.

Can functional brain imaging predict sales outcomes?

Yes, studies have shown that functional brain imaging techniques like fMRI can offer insights into brain activation patterns that correlate with sales outcomes, providing predictive power.

How do neuro-nudges impact consumer choices?

Neuro-nudges are subtle cues that target the brain’s subconscious, influencing decisions without conscious awareness. They can guide consumer choices towards desired outcomes.

What ethical considerations should be taken into account in neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing raises ethical questions about manipulating consumer behavior. Transparent communication and responsible use of insights are crucial to maintain trust and respect.