You’ve discovered a new product and you want to share it with the world. You’re wondering how to write a product review, so you go online and search for “how to write a product review.” But there are so many different ways of doing it! So where do you start? What do you include?
How much information should be included in each section? Well, that’s what I’m here for! In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about writing reviews.
Takeaways |
1. Product reviews can be a lucrative business opportunity. |
2. Writing engaging and informative reviews is crucial. |
3. Transparency and honesty build trust with your audience. |
4. Utilize multimedia elements to enhance your reviews. |
5. Tailor the length of your review to suit the product. |
Quality Content Is The First Step
It’s intuitively clear that quality content will be more helpful to readers than poor-quality content, but it’s important to consider the long-term effects of this decision as well.
A blog post that offers vague or repetitive information won’t necessarily turn away readers immediately, but they may not return or share the post with others. You want them coming back for more!
Quality content also helps search engines determine what your company does and how it compares to other companies in the same niche. This can make a big difference when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization).
Google has announced that they’re giving priority placement in search results to companies whose websites have better quality content than their competitors.
Not only will this help increase traffic and sales, but it’ll also improve your chances at winning new customers who might otherwise have gone elsewhere because they didn’t find what they were looking for at first glance while searching online.”
Writing product reviews can be a lucrative venture. If you’re considering starting a product review writing business, our comprehensive guide on Product Review Writing: A Business on the Rise can provide you with valuable insights and tips to get started.
A List Of Terms For Product Reviews
Product review: a type of writing that gives readers an idea of what to expect from a product or service.
Product review writing: the act of creating and publishing product reviews.
Product review article: an article that covers the features, benefits, and other details about a specific product.
Product review writing services: companies that will write blog posts, articles, press releases, or other types of content for your business.
Product review tips: tips to help you create more effective text in your product reviews. This can apply both when writing them yourself and when hiring someone else to do it for you! (We’ll get into these later.)
How To Search For “Product Reviews”
If you don’t know of any websites that have product reviews, take a look at Google’s search results. Search for “product reviews” and see what comes up.
You can also try searching for “product reviews” in the search box of a website that features reviews it may be buried somewhere on the homepage or hidden under its tab or section. If you’re unsure where to start, try searching for “reviews” as well as “testimonials.”
These two words are often interchangeable, so it’s not uncommon for websites to use them interchangeably (even though they’re not exactly synonyms).
How To Ask For A Review From A Company
Once you’ve written your review, it’s time to contact the company and request they post it.
The best way to ask for a review is via email. You can find the company’s contact information on their website or by searching Google for “[company name] reviews”.
For example, if you were writing about the Apple Watch Series 4, you could search Google for “Apple Watch Series 4 reviews” and copy-paste the first result from Apple’s website into an email.
Include your full name in the subject line of your email as well as your product name (the one from earlier) so that they know who wrote this review!
In addition, be sure to include an image of where they can find it online by including a link with relevant keywords like “[company name] + [product name], etc.”
Are you interested in honing your product review writing skills? Look no further than The Complete Guide to Product Review Writing. This guide covers everything you need to know, from crafting engaging reviews to building a successful career in this field.
What To Include In Your Request Letter
Here’s a breakdown of the key elements of your letter:
Why you are writing: You should include the reason why you are writing this letter. This may be to request a product review or to ask questions about a certain product or your experience with it.
Product information: Make sure to include all relevant details about the products, including their names and prices. Also, list any additional products that are needed for use with these items (such as batteries).
Criteria and questions: List out the criteria that will be used in evaluating each product and how you will evaluate them. For example, if one product is meant for nighttime use, then daytime wearability shouldn’t count against it.
After listing out the criteria for evaluation, write down any questions that need answering before deciding on whether or not to purchase these items based on this information alone (without actually trying them out).
How To Write The Review
The first thing you need to do is be clear about what you are reviewing. Are you reviewing a product? A company? A service?
For example, if you’re reviewing a website, be specific about what it is and who owns it. If you’re writing about a piece of software, say which version and for which platform(s) it runs on.
And if your review covers an entire product line or brand, mention that in the title (e.g., “iPhone XS Max Review”).
Next up: price! The cost of something is important information for any potential buyer, so let people know whether your review applies only to one specific product or whether there are multiple options available at various prices depending on their needs and budgets.
And explain how they can find out more details on their own (such as by clicking through links within the actual article).
If you’re unsure about how to kickstart your journey as a product review writer, we have you covered. Check out our guide on How to Get Started as a Product Review Writer for practical steps and expert advice to set you on the right path.
The Creation Process For The Review
The creation process for the review is:
Write a draft. This can be rough, but you should always have some kind of outline to follow.
Edit the draft. Revise, revise, revise until you are satisfied with your work and all facts are accurate.
Proofread the draft. Read it out loud to yourself or have someone else read it back to you as they would if they were reviewing your post on their own blog/website/etc., then go through every sentence one more time after that (you’ll catch more errors this way).
If there are any glaring errors left over after two passes, then rewrite them so that they’re correct and clear! After everything has been edited three times or more, move on down below!
Publish the draft (or not). If you’re happy with how everything looks at this point – awesome! You could publish it now if it’s early enough in advance but remember that there might be updates later on so don’t hesitate too long before doing so 😉
However, if there’s still some work needed before publication then don’t worry too much because these steps apply equally well whether or not something’s posted online right away… just keep going until everything looks great 🙂
Tips About Editing, Proofreading, And Publishing The Review
Make sure the review is free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Check for consistency in the review’s layout. Are there any typos? Did you use a lot of capitalization that might be off-putting to readers? Is everything spelled correctly?
Are there any disgruntled exclamation points or question marks peppering the piece that could be removed without losing meaning or tone? Is it all consistent with your brand’s voice (if you have one)?
Reviewing your work can be difficult because we’re too close to it, so enlist help from someone else if possible.
Product review writing can be a rewarding endeavor, but it’s essential to understand if it’s the right fit for you. Delve into the article on Product Review Writing: Should You Be Doing It? to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision.
How To Find Other Reviews Of Similar Products
If you want to find more reviews of similar products, there are several different places you can go.
Google Search: You can usually find the best results by using Google’s search function. For example, if you’re looking for reviews of similar products on Amazon, simply type in “Product Name + Review” into the search bar (for example: “Hose + Review”).
And then sort by date so that the most recently published reviews are on top. You’ll usually see some sort of rating system like stars or thumbs up/down underneath each review as well.
Amazon Search: If your product isn’t available on Amazon yet but is similar to something they’re already reviewed, try searching for the name of your product plus “Reviews” instead of just “Review” (for example: “Drinking Bottle + Reviews”).
This will give you all sorts of helpful information about what users thought about their purchases!
The same rules apply as above sort by date so that most recent reviews appear at the top; look out for stars/thumbs up/down symbols next to each one; take note if any reviewers mention any problems they encountered with their purchase and try not to make those mistakes yourself!
How To Write A Spotlight Article
The spotlight article is the most popular format for product review writing. It offers a comprehensive look at the product and its features, as well as information about how it compares to similar products.
How Long Should My Spotlight Be?
A good rule of thumb is that you should aim for between 1,500 and 2,000 words in your spotlight articles. This will allow you to cover all the important points without being too wordy or run-on sentence-y (is that even a word?).
If you’re running out of room before you get through everything you want to say, try cutting down on some photos or paragraphs instead of adding more text!
How Many Pictures Are Needed?
As with any good piece of writing: “It depends.” But in general terms, we’d recommend no fewer than five pictures per 500 words (or 10 per 1000).
You’ll also need an image illustrating each point made in your article if someone’s reading it online then they can easily click on these images and see larger versions by clicking again within the browser window itself;
If they’re reading from printouts then those giant thumbnails will show up nicely beside each paragraph so there’s no need for additional explanation about what each one contains
When The Spotlight Article Is Published
When your spotlight article is published, it’s time to promote the living daylights out of it. You can do this by reaching out to your audience directly on social media and emailing them an announcement about the new piece.
Make sure you have everything from the name of the article, link back to its home page, as well as any other relevant information for readers that might be interested in learning more about your product or service (like pricing information).
You can also use a tool like Buffer to schedule posts at specific times throughout the day so that you don’t need to worry about promoting on multiple networks at once just let Buffer take care of all those pesky tasks while you focus on creating amazing content!
Earning money as a product reviewer is an enticing prospect. To learn how to turn your passion for reviewing products into a source of income, explore our guide on How to Make Money as a Product Reviewer: Easy Way for practical tips and strategies.
With all of these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to writing a quality product review. Remember that it’s an important task for any blogger, but especially for someone who wants to make money from their blog!
The more reviews you have, the more opportunities there are for people to find your content and click on links within it.
Further Reading
How to Write a Product Review on Indeed: A comprehensive guide on crafting effective product reviews, including tips for showcasing your expertise and providing valuable insights to readers.
The Complete Guide to Product Review Writing on Medium: Discover how writing product reviews can drive more traffic to your website and learn essential techniques to create engaging and informative reviews.
How to Write a Product Review on Bloggers Goto: A step-by-step tutorial on writing product reviews that resonate with your audience, attract readers, and potentially lead to monetization opportunities.
How can I write a compelling product review?
Crafting a compelling product review involves thorough research, genuine insights, and clear communication of the product’s benefits and drawbacks. Focus on the product’s features that matter most to your target audience and provide an honest assessment of your personal experience.
Should I disclose any affiliations in my product reviews?
Yes, it is essential to disclose any affiliations or relationships you have with the product or brand you are reviewing. Being transparent about any potential biases helps maintain trust with your audience.
How do I ensure my product reviews are unbiased?
To ensure unbiased product reviews, try using the product extensively and objectively assessing its performance. Avoid being influenced by external factors, and present both positive and negative aspects fairly.
Can I include multimedia elements in my product reviews?
Absolutely! Including images, videos, or infographics can enhance your product reviews, making them more engaging and informative for your readers.
How long should my product reviews be?
The ideal length of a product review may vary depending on the complexity of the product and your writing style. Aim for a concise review that covers all essential aspects while keeping the reader’s attention throughout the article.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.