Video is an effective way to get your message across. Whether you’re creating a promotional video for your company or a public service announcement, it’s important to write a great script.
If you’re new to this whole script-writing thing, don’t worry! We’ll walk through the basics of how to write an effective video script using these simple tips:
Takeaways |
1. Mastering the art of video script writing is essential for captivating your audience and delivering a powerful message. |
2. Incorporate persuasive techniques and social proof to enhance the impact of your video scripts and drive engagement. |
3. Crafting a winning video script requires understanding dos, avoiding don’ts, and implementing good practices. |
4. Writing video scripts that attract millions of views can catapult your content to viral status and increase visibility. |
5. Explore expert advice and tips to create compelling video scripts that stand out in the competitive online landscape. |
Focus On The Audience
The audience is the MOST important aspect of your video script. Who are you making this for? Why do you think they’ll be interested in what you have to say? How can you make sure that your content speaks to them, not just yourself?
The audience is the reason that you’re making the video in the first place. You may have goals or objectives for your project, but if no one watches it, then those goals aren’t going to be met and those objectives aren’t going to be achieved.
Your audience will decide whether or not your videos are successful so don’t disappoint them! They’ll let you know if they weren’t impressed with something and help guide how future projects should look and feel.
Success on YouTube often hinges on the power of storytelling. Discover the top 11 YouTube story formulas that work and use them to captivate your audience. Unleash the potential of storytelling to make your videos compelling and unforgettable.
Write A Video Script As Though You Are Speaking To One Person
When you write your video script, keep in mind that you are talking to one person. You don’t need to write a script as if you were addressing a crowd.
The reason for this is simple: your audience can only process so much information at once! They might find it overwhelming if too many ideas are thrown at them all at once. This can cause them to become confused and lose interest in what you have to say.
So instead of thinking about things from the perspective of being part of a large group or audience (i.e., “these people should know this”), try thinking about how each member would think and act based on what he/she needs to know right now.
Write An Outline First
Before you start writing, it’s important to have an idea of what you want your video script to accomplish.
That means outlining the structure of your video and writing down the main points you want to cover (e.g., why is this product/service so great?), how those points will be structured (e.g., argument 1, evidence 1, argument 2…), and how they might come across visually through images or graphics (e.g., image 1 with text overlay).
Outlining also helps identify all the different arguments that need to be made throughout a video, as well as supporting evidence for each one making it easier for writers who are unfamiliar with your company.
Or brands can write better copy more quickly because they won’t need another round of revisions later on in production when they realize something isn’t quite right with the way their script matches up with what’s being said in voiceover or onscreen visuals!
And finally, this step is crucial: Outlining gives everyone involved insight into exactly when viewers should hear what sounds like an advertisement vs just normal conversation between people talking about their business/product; which brings us back around full circle…
Want to take your video scripts to the next level? Learn how to infuse your writing with persuasive techniques and leverage social proof to boost engagement. Our guide on how to write better video scripts: Get links & social proof has all the expert advice you need to succeed.
Use The Active Voice, Not Passive Voice
When writing video scripts, it’s important to use the active voice. Using the active voice tells your audience what you want them to do, rather than telling them what happened or what is happening.
The active voice is more direct and concise, which means it gets right to the point and doesn’t waste any time explaining things.
People who are interested in buying your product will be able to determine whether or not they want it based on how quickly you can convey that information.
The active voice also makes things more engaging by making your script sound more like a conversation instead of a lecture on how to use something (and if anyone has ever been forced into watching an instructional video before, we all know how terrible these can be).
It also makes videos feel like someone is talking directly at us as opposed to just standing in front of a camera saying words into thin air with no connection whatsoever between him/herself and us viewers which brings us back to our initial point about engagement!
Include Signposts For The Speakers And Editors
Signpost the video. In this case, the signposts would be “Introduction” and “Conclusion.” You do this by writing out your script as if you are speaking it yourself or reading it out loud. Read through each line aloud before typing anything into your text editor (like Word).
This will help you identify any words that might be confusing or awkward to say aloud, so you can fix them in the next step.
Make sure each speaker has enough time to speak without being cut off suddenly by another speaker. If two people are talking at once, then edit out one of their lines so that both speakers get equal airtime for their thoughts, and don’t worry about having too many cuts!
The audience understands that sometimes conversations happen quickly and don’t always go into detail about everything; as long as each person gets their fair share of time on camera, then it doesn’t matter how many times they’re interrupted
Keep It Simple
While writing a script, it’s important to keep things simple. The goal is to create a story that can be easily understood by anyone who needs to view it. This means avoiding complicated language and sentence structure, as well as jargon and passive voice.
The best way to do this is by using simple words and short sentences that don’t have too many clauses or phrases. For example: “the cat is eating” instead of “the feline is ingesting.”
And you should also avoid using complex or compound sentences whenever possible because they tend not to be easy for everyone (including children) to understand.
Millions of views can catapult your video to viral status. Discover the secrets to crafting video scripts that hit the mark and attract a massive audience. Check out our guide on how to write a video script that gets hit by millions of views to unlock the potential of your content.
Don’t Read From The Script
The most important thing to remember is that you should never read from the script.
If you’re reading from a teleprompter, it looks like you’re reading directly off of the screen and that can be very distracting for viewers.
If they know what words are coming next and when they’re going to say them, then they don’t have any reason to pay attention to anything else (like your face).
If you use notes or an app as a means of keeping track of what’s said in different places in the script, then it can be hard for viewers to focus on what matters if there is so much information being thrown at them all at once on multiple screens.
It also makes it harder for people who are watching video clips online rather than watching live streams because there may be buffering issues with streaming videos which causes breaks in immersion when switching between apps or screens with an internet connection.
Don’t Use Jargon Or Buzzwords
Writing for video is different from writing for print. When you’re writing for a video, you have to use simple language that everyone can understand. You also need to avoid words that are too technical or formal.
In most cases, this means avoiding jargon and buzzwords like “synergy” and “paradigm shift.” It’s tempting to use big words when you’re trying to sound smart, but using them will just make people feel stupid because they don’t know what you’re talking about!
Instead, stick with simple language so your viewers can understand what you mean by watching the video instead of reading a transcript afterward (which isn’t a bad idea either).
It’s also important not to overuse certain words just because they sound cool; if everyone already knows what something means then there’s no point in saying it again in another way!
Be Conversational
You may be writing your script with the intent of making it sound as though you are having a casual conversation with your target audience, but this can prove challenging if you’re not accustomed to talking in this way.
Try to write your script like you would speak with them, using contractions and other informal phrases that make you sound natural.
Don’t use formal language unless it’s necessary for legal purposes or some other reason. If possible, have someone else read the script and ask them how they feel about how you’ve written it so far.
Writing video scripts that resonate with viewers requires mastering the dos, avoiding the don’ts, and adopting best practices. Explore our comprehensive guide on video script writing: Dos, don’ts, and good practices to enhance your storytelling skills and create impactful videos.
Sound Natural, Like You’re Talking Directly To Your Audience, Not “At” Them
- Be conversational. Don’t use jargon or buzzwords. Speak directly to your audience as if you were talking with them about the topic, rather than at them.
- Don’t use passive voice: “The results were measured” is better than “measurement was done.” For example: “We measured these results” instead of “These results were measured.”
- Don’t read from the script! Make sure that it sounds like you are speaking naturally and not reading a script. This will help keep viewers engaged in what they’re watching.
- Use contractions such as “I’m” instead of “I am” and “We’ll” instead of “We will.”
This will make it feel more personable and less formal when saying something like “I’m going to show you how we can find out more information,” rather than using complete sentences where each word starts with capital letters (as in this sentence).
Also, using too many contractions can sound weird (e.g., “we’ll go”), so try not over-using them throughout the video script.
Just enough so that people know that it’s coming from someone comfortable talking with others face-to-face rather than just writing down information on paper for them!
Ask Questions In Your Script And Pause For Effect, Then Answer Them Yourself
When it comes to video scripts, you have the opportunity to ask questions and pause for effect. Then, you have the opportunity to answer these questions yourself.
Then, repeat this process. This will allow you to use both the question and its accompanying answer in your videos.
The result of this method is a script with much more personality than if it had been written straightforwardly. It also allows your audience some agency over what they’re seeing and hearing; they’ll think “I’m getting answers” or “There’s going to be more.”
Think Of Your Video As A Story That Has A Beginning, Middle, And End (With A Clear Call To Action)
The next step is to think of your video as a story. A good story has a beginning, middle, and end (with a clear call to action). The same goes for videos.
Think of the video as if it were a conversation with your audience. If you’re trying to convince someone to buy something from you.
Then you might want to keep their attention by starting with some sort of hook so that they continue watching until the end when you’ll make your sales pitch or ask for their email address.
Get Feedback From People Who Aren’t Familiar With The Subject Matter Of Your Video
As you write, it’s important to get feedback from people who aren’t familiar with the subject matter of your video. This way, you can find out if it’s clear enough for your target audience or whether they’re confused by anything in the script.
Here are some ways to get that kind of feedback:
- Ask someone who isn’t familiar with the subject matter of your video to read through it and highlight any paragraphs that don’t make sense or could be confusing.
- If possible, play a recording of yourself reading through the script aloud so that other people can hear how it sounds when spoken out loud (this is especially helpful if there are technical terms or jargon).
Crafting a compelling video script involves careful consideration of various elements. From hooking the audience to delivering a powerful message, our guide on 17 tips for crafting a compelling video script offers valuable insights and practical tips to make your videos stand out in a crowded online world.
“The basics” is a pretty broad topic and we’ve only covered the top ones here. But if you follow this advice, you should be well on your way to creating an excellent script for your video.
The most important thing is to keep in mind that it’s not about writing for yourself it’s about writing for your audience (and there are many creative ways to do that). If anything in this article has helped inspire you or spark an idea, then we’re happy!
Further Reading
Easy Guide to Writing Successful Explainer Video Script: A comprehensive guide that simplifies the process of crafting effective explainer video scripts for your business.
How to Write a Video Script: A Step-by-Step Guide: A step-by-step guide from HubSpot on writing compelling video scripts to engage your audience and achieve your marketing goals.
Video Scripts: How to Write Persuasive Content That Sells: This blog post by WordStream delves into writing persuasive video scripts that drive conversions and boost your marketing efforts.
What are the key elements of a successful explainer video script?
A successful explainer video script should have a clear and concise message, a problem-solution structure, engaging visuals, and a strong call-to-action.
How can I make my video script more engaging?
To make your video script more engaging, use storytelling techniques, incorporate humor, keep it concise, and tailor it to your target audience’s interests and needs.
What is the recommended length for a video script?
The ideal length for a video script depends on the platform and purpose of the video. Generally, shorter scripts of around 1-3 minutes tend to perform well for most online platforms.
How can I ensure my video script aligns with my brand’s voice and tone?
To ensure your video script aligns with your brand’s voice and tone, stay consistent with your brand guidelines, use language that reflects your brand personality, and maintain a cohesive style throughout the script.
Are there any best practices for incorporating a call-to-action in a video script?
Yes, a compelling call-to-action should be clear, actionable, and relevant to the video’s content. It should prompt the audience to take the desired action, whether it’s visiting a website, subscribing, or making a purchase.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.