The Art Of YouTube Video Script Writing In Simple Steps

YouTube has become today’s go-to place for information about anything and everything. You can find videos about how to bake a cake, how to fix your car, or even how to do taxes. 

In fact, with over 1 billion users worldwide and billions of hours of video watched each month, YouTube has become one of the most popular websites in history! It’s not just entertainment anymore; it’s also an educational tool that can help you learn new skills and master old ones. 

So if you want to write a script for your YouTube channel (and who doesn’t?), here are some tips:

How to Write a Video Script for Social Media (4 Simple Steps)
1. Master the basics of video script writing.
2. Use storytelling techniques to captivate your audience.
3. Keep your scripts concise and engaging.
4. Incorporate emotional elements to connect with viewers.
5. End with a strong call-to-action for higher engagement.

Preparing To Write

Before you start to write, consider the channel you’re writing for. Are they educational? Entertaining? Informative? Once you’ve established the tone of your video, think about what type of script will fit best with it. 

Also, make sure to set a goal: Do you want to teach a few tips or entertainingly share some ideas? After deciding on these details, decide how long your script will be and create an outline!

Think about the channel you’re writing for.

We’ve discussed this throughout, but here’s the point: YouTube is a video platform. So, what does that mean for you?

YouTube is a social media platform. People use it to share their life with others and connect in meaningful ways. 

A successful video script will reflect this and make your audience feel like they belong to something bigger than just watching your video alone in front of their computer screen or phone screen (although that’s important too).

YouTube is a search engine. It’s one of the most popular platforms on the internet, so it’s no surprise that people use Google to find videos on topics they’re interested in learning more about or watching funny videos with friends when they have time off from work or school! 

Your writers should focus on making sure each piece fits neatly into its place within this ecosystem by providing original content that addresses real needs among users who are looking for answers on subjects.

Such as parenting advice or how-to tips for doing household chores faster than before – whatever it may be!

Crafting a compelling video script is essential to grab your audience’s attention and keep them engaged. Learn the basics of video script writing 101 to create scripts that resonate with your viewers and drive more views.

Decide On Your Goal

  • Before you can start writing your script, you have to know what you’re trying to accomplish.
  • It’s important for the writer and anyone working on your project to agree on this.

Decide How Long Your Script Will Be

The first step to writing a script is deciding how long it will be. YouTube videos can be as short as 30 seconds or as long as 15 minutes, with the average length coming in around 3 minutes. 

You’ve got some wiggle room here you don’t need to stick to any rigid rules about your video’s length, but this will help you figure out what sort of pacing and story structure works best for your project. 

YouTube Analytics shows that the average number of words per minute is around 300, so if you’re looking for something along those lines (about 2-3 sentences per second), that’s a good place to start. 

If you want something more conversational and informal, aim for closer to 200 words per minute; if you’re going for something more formal and informational, try going up to 400 words per minute.

To find out how many characters there are in a word: 110 characters = 1 sentence.

Don’t worry too much about hitting exactly these numbers when writing scripts they’re just guidelines but they may help give you an idea of how long each sentence should be if they feel off balance while reading them aloud

Create An Outline Of Your Points

This is a guide to help you write your script. The outline should be a summary of the information you want to convey, including the major points and sub-points you want to make.

Starting To Write

Before you start writing, make sure you have a clear idea of what you’re going to write about. This might sound obvious, but it’s really important because otherwise you may end up with an unfocused script and nobody likes an unfocused video (or a dull story). 

So take some time to figure out the structure of your script and how it will flow from point A to point B.

You can use this [short guide]( for inspiration!

Once you’ve got an outline in place, it’s time to get down and dirty with the actual writing itself! 

Like any good writer knows, having a clear end goal helps keep things on track while working towards that goal and there are lots of tools out there that can help guide or inspire us along the way when we need them most:

Want to make your YouTube videos go viral? It’s all about understanding the factors that make content shareable. Check out these helpful tips for creating viral YouTube videos and start making waves on the platform!

Create A Title That Draws People In

You want to create a title that draws people in and gives them a reason to click on the video.

If you have a great video, this is easy: use the right keywords and choose an attention-grabbing question or number.

Write a compelling intro that tells people what to expect and why they should stay for it.

You can think of a video script as an outline for your video. It’s how you structure the information that people will see. But, it’s not just any outline…

The first step to writing a script is to create an intro that tells people what to expect and why they should stay for it. 

This is where you want to be clear about the topic of your video, and what they can expect from watching it (e.g., “In this short tutorial, I’ll show you how to fix your dishwasher in under 5 minutes!”).

Consider Ending With An Outro That Sums Everything Up And Gives Viewers The Next Step To Take

At the end of your script, you’ll want to include an outro. This is where you can summarize your main points and give viewers the next step to take. If you’ve done a good job explaining everything clearly, this will be easy for them to follow.

If any important things weren’t covered in your video, make sure they’re briefly mentioned here. 

The outro also works nicely as a call-to-action: ask viewers if they have questions or ideas that weren’t addressed in the video, then ask them what they’d like to see next!

Writing The Body Of The Script

You can do this by:

  • Starting with a question, anecdote, or story related to the topic you’re covering.
  • Do your research and write down notes based on that.
  • Write the body of your script, which will be broken down into sections (e.g., Introduction, Body, and Conclusion).

It’s important to start with a hook — something that makes people interested in what you have to say. The hook should be compelling enough for viewers to watch the video, even if their intention wasn’t initially one of consuming content from an online source such as YouTube. 

There are many different ways in which you can create a hook using text or images before starting the actual script itself; some examples include A quote from someone famous; statistics about how many people are affected by whatever topic it is; or even just something funny!

Are you seeking surprising insights to enhance your video content? Discover the most surprising video tips from a recent journey that can elevate the quality of your YouTube videos and captivate your audience like never before.

Do Your Research First (If Applicable)

The first step to writing your script is to make sure you know the answer to all of your questions. It may seem obvious, but if you don’t know the answer, how can you expect your audience?

If there are any gaps in your knowledge, find them out before writing anything else. We’re not saying that it’s OK for a video script writer to lie; we’re just saying it’s better than having no idea what they’re talking about.

If all else fails and there isn’t anyone who knows how this works (and I mean ANYONE), then say so! If someone asks me how much weight one needs to bench press 250 pounds with their arms alone and I don’t know the answer…

I’d be honest about my lack of knowledge on the subject matter before offering an uninformed guess or opinion based on personal preferences that aren’t necessarily backed up by data or research.

Start With A Question, Anecdote, Or Story Related To The Topic You’re Covering

You can start by asking a question, telling an anecdote that relates to the topic, or simply sharing something personal about yourself.

One example would be: “How many of you have ever had any trouble with acne?” If this is the case, then we’d like to share with you something that has worked wonders for us, and it may help you overcome your skin problems.”

Or another example would be: I remember when I was younger and wanted so badly just to fit in with everyone else,” said John as he locked eyes with each of his coworkers as they crowded around him in his cubicle. “I could never get close enough though because there were always too many people!”

Crafting compelling stories is key to YouTube success. Unlock the power of storytelling with these top 11 YouTube story formulas that are proven to work and keep your viewers hooked from start to finish.

Editing Your Script

Once you have a script, it’s time to go through it with a fine-toothed comb. Editing is one of the most important parts of video production and it can make or break your final product.

Here are some things you need to check for when editing your script:

  • Make sure it’s clear and easy to understand (e.g., avoid ambiguity)
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors or get someone else who knows English well enough to do this for you.
  • Check for accuracy of facts, again, get an expert in this field if need be.
  • Check for the flow of ideas (i.e., does each sentence flow logically into the next?)
  • Check for consistency of tone (how does everything sound together?)
  • Check for clarity of language(what words would someone unfamiliar with technical jargon understand?)  
  • Double check consistency of voice(does each character sound like themselves?)

You should also carefully consider whether any changes need to be made based on style guide requirements or other guidelines specific to your project’s genre or format; these may include industry standards like AP Style Guide.

This will help ensure that all copy conforms with established norms within journalism circles around topics such as punctuation rules and capitalization styles–and they’re especially critical if there might be any confusion over what constitutes acceptable usage among editors/proofreaders who aren’t familiar with certain terminology!”

Go Through And Check For Any Grammar, Spelling, Or Punctuation Errors.

Go through and check for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. These things can be easily fixed before you upload your video.

To do this, you will need several tools:

Spell checker: You can use Word or Google Docs to find any mistakes in spelling that you may have made. You should also run the spell checker on the entire script before uploading it to YouTube.

Grammar checker: There are many different grammar programs available online such as Grammarly which will allow you to identify grammatical errors in your content such as split infinitives (two words used together when only one is allowed), misplaced commas, etc. 

It’s also worth noting that some people consider these programs too strict so make sure you don’t take their suggestions too literally if they don’t seem right for what your writing style is like on regular basis (e.g., if something sounds off but still makes sense).

Punctuation: Check over all paragraphs for missing punctuation marks such as periods at end of sentences or semicolons between independent clauses; look out for missing apostrophes; make sure each sentence starts with its capital letter; 

Double-check quotation marks around direct quotes where necessary; make sure numbers follow the proper format (percentages with no space between the percent sign and number) the list goes on! 

This step may take some time so try not to get frustrated if there seems like no end in sight 🙂

If you’re aiming for more views and sales on YouTube, a killer video script is a must. Learn how to create persuasive and captivating scripts that drive results with this comprehensive guide on writing a killer video script.

Have An Editor Check For Things You Might Have Missed, Like Typos And Facts That Don’t Add Up Or Are Inaccurate In Some Way

Get feedback from your network of friends, family, colleagues, and other trusted people in your industry to make sure the script is both effective and free of errors.

Read the script aloud and listen carefully for word repetitions or phrases that sound awkward when spoken out loud.


I hope that these tips help you to create an awesome YouTube video script. Remember, you don’t have to do everything on this list at once or even ever! You can start with one tip and see how it goes from there. 

If you need help with anything else along the way – from brainstorming ideas for your script or brainstorming ways to make more money – please feel free to contact me here on my website!

Further Reading

HubSpot: How to Write a Video Script Learn valuable tips and techniques for crafting an effective video script that engages your audience and delivers your message with impact.

Hey Mickey Anderson: YouTube Script Writing Dive into the world of YouTube script writing and discover strategies to create captivating scripts that resonate with your viewers.

Wordtune: How to Write a Great YouTube Script Get a free template and expert advice on crafting compelling YouTube scripts that boost your video’s performance and viewer retention.


How can I write a compelling video script that keeps viewers engaged?

Crafting a compelling video script involves understanding your target audience, keeping the content concise, and using a captivating storytelling approach.

Are there any free templates available for YouTube script writing?

Yes, there are various online resources that offer free templates for YouTube scripts, which can serve as helpful starting points for your video creation.

What are some effective techniques for improving YouTube scriptwriting skills?

Practicing scriptwriting regularly, studying successful scripts from popular videos, and seeking feedback from peers can significantly enhance your YouTube scriptwriting skills.

How long should a typical YouTube script be for optimal viewer engagement?

Aim to keep your YouTube script concise and engaging, usually between 3 to 5 minutes, as this duration tends to hold viewers’ attention and increases the likelihood of higher engagement.

How can I make my YouTube script more persuasive and compelling?

To make your YouTube script more persuasive, focus on presenting a clear call-to-action, addressing the audience’s pain points, and incorporating emotional storytelling elements.