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Here we’ve compiled the most useful copywriting techniques that you can use to increase your conversion rates and get more leads and customers. Read this article, bookmark it, and refer to it when writing your first draft of content – blog posts, webpages, landing pages, ads…
There’s something in this article for everyone! Below is our comprehensive list of the most useful copywriting techniques:
Takeaways |
1. Copy techniques are essential for effective B2B marketing. |
2. Leveraging emotions in copy can resonate with B2B audiences. |
3. Using storytelling helps create relatable and engaging content. |
4. Highlighting benefits and solutions can drive interest and conversions. |
5. Crafting compelling headlines captures attention and encourages reading. |
6. Incorporating social proof establishes credibility and trust. |
7. Creating urgency in copy can prompt quicker decision-making. |
8. Personalizing copy to individual needs enhances engagement. |
9. Addressing pain points shows an understanding of clients’ challenges. |
10. Utilizing concise and clear language improves readability. |
1. The AIDA Formula
AIDA is an acronym for attention, interest, desire and action.
The AIDA formula is a marketing formula that helps marketers to write persuasive copy. It is a 4-step formula that can be used to write effective sales copy. It consists of:
- Attention – The first step in writing persuasive copy is getting the prospect’s attention by grabbing their interest with an intriguing headline or subject line on your email message or social media post;
- Interest – The next step in writing persuasive copy involves creating interest in what you have to say by providing more information about your company and its products/services;
- Desire – After you have created some initial interest in what you have to offer, then it’s time to start creating desire for whatever it is that you are selling (or promoting);
- Action – Finally, once the reader has reached this stage where they want what you’re selling/promoting then all that remains is for them take action and buy from you (or respond).
When it comes to B2B email marketing, creativity and strategy go hand in hand. Explore the greatest examples of B2B email marketing to discover how innovative approaches can yield exceptional results.
2. KISS Principle
The KISS principle is used to simplify a message or process. The general idea is that we should “keep it simple, stupid” and avoid complexity. This principle is often applied in B2B marketing when you want to explain something complex in an easy-to-understand way. For example:
In this example from PearsonVue, the KISS principle is used to explain why they are using video for their exam preparation materials: “We know that some of you take these tests at night or on weekends.”
In this example from Marketo, the KISS principle helps make the case for prioritizing email marketing over social media marketing: “It’s important to remember that email marketing has one key advantage over social media: It’s a more private channel.”
3. Benefits Vs. Features
To properly position your product and convey its value, you must understand the difference between a benefit and a feature. The term “benefit” is more general than “feature,” but it isn’t necessarily better.
A benefit is more abstract than a feature because it represents the outcome of using your product or service. This outcome can be as simple as saving time or saving money (a result) or something more complex like reducing stress (an effect).
For example, if you’re selling an exercise machine, offering an improved body shape would be considered a benefit because it relates directly to how customers will use the machine.
In contrast, describing how many pounds of weight can be lifted by this particular machine would represent one of its features the number of pounds itself isn’t relevant to whether someone would want to buy it;
However, knowing that information could influence their decision in other ways: maybe they don’t need something heavy-duty but do want something that feels sturdy enough for their purposes?
Features are also known as specs or specs for short: specific details about attributes such as size/color/etc…
Generating demand for your B2B product requires a multi-faceted approach. Discover 12 effective ways to generate demand for your B2B product that will help you attract and engage your target audience effectively.
4. The Rule Of Three
The rule of three is a copywriting technique that utilizes the power of numbers to persuade audiences. The concept is quite simple if you want to emphasize something, list it in threes.
The rule of three has been used for thousands of years in literature, art, and music; people will remember what they hear or see in threes more easily than if you only use two items.
Many studies show people remember things better when they are grouped in threes instead of fours or fives (or just one).
For example: “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!” (Martin Luther King Jr., 1963)
5. Problem-Solution Fit
The Problem-Solution fit is a simple but powerful technique that you can use in your marketing messages. It’s one of the most important components of a good message because it helps bridge the gap between what your target audience wants and what you offer.
In essence, the Problem-Solution fit shows how your product or service solves their problem. This technique is used to create urgency and convince them to act now by showing them why they should choose you over other companies who offer similar products or services.
6. Loss Aversion
When it comes to buying, people are more motivated by avoiding losses than by achieving gains. In other words, they’re willing to pay more to avoid a loss than they would be willing to pay to acquire an equivalent gain.
This general principle is called loss aversion and has been well documented in behavioral psychology research.
In the context of B2B marketing, this means that if you can demonstrate how your product or service will help your customers prevent losses on their business (e.g., through improved productivity).
Then you have a higher chance of winning them over from their competitors as a result of their desire not to lose ground in the marketplace.
In the realm of B2B marketing, understanding both best practices and pitfalls is crucial. Learn from the 16 best and worst practices in B2B marketing to navigate your marketing endeavors with confidence and wisdom.
7. Unique Selling Proposition
One of the most important parts of any B2B marketing strategy is to create a unique selling proposition or USP. A USP is a unique, memorable way to explain what your organization does and why it stands out from competitors.
It should be easy to understand and memorable so that customers can recall it when they need your services or products.
To ensure that you have an effective USP in place, you should review these five elements:
You must be clear about what your organization does: Are you offering software as a service (SaaS)? Do you provide web design? Are you an accounting firm?
The clearer you are on this topic, the easier it will be for potential clients to understand how your company helps them achieve their goals
Explain what makes your business better than others: What sets yours apart from other companies offering similar services? If someone asks why they should choose us over our competitors, we should have an answer ready for them
Be concise: Instead of writing out everything about yourself right away, keep things short and sweet by stating only two main points at first; then slowly add more information as needed throughout the rest of the document
8. Social Proof
Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation. It’s also known as informational social influence and conformity.
Social proof can be particularly useful in the B2B space, where it can reduce anxiety and validate decisions.
For example, when evaluating new software options, you’ll want to know if other businesses like yours have adopted the same software.
You might find that many companies are using a particular piece of technology or service and this information could be enough to help you decide whether or not that solution is right for your business too!
9. Buyer Personas
Buyer personas are fictional characters that represent your ideal customer. They help you to stay focused on the customer throughout the sales process, and they help you to write content that resonates with your target audience.
You can use buyer personas as a starting point for creating content and marketing campaigns, or you can use them in more formalized workshops to develop strategies around how best to engage with prospective customers at each stage of their lifecycle.
When it comes down to it, buyer personas are an incredibly useful tool when it comes time for B2B marketers like yourself (and me) to create engaging copy and messaging that resonates with prospects and gets them excited about what we have in store for them!
Crafting copy that converts is an art that every B2B marketer should master. Delve into the secrets of writing copy that converts for B2B marketing to enhance your skills and create compelling messages that drive results.
10. The Power Of Stories And Metaphors
Stories and metaphors have been used for thousands of years to help people remember and understand messages. They’re a great way to engage your audience, make your content memorable, and motivate them to take action.
A good story can help you get your point across by providing context or giving an example of how what you’re telling them affects others.
It also helps you connect with the reader emotionally so they can see themselves in the situation that’s being described.
If a story strikes someone’s heartstrings or makes them think “I know exactly what this feels like,” it will be easier for them to remember what they just read later on because they’ll associate the feeling with what was written about it in their minds.
Stories are also useful when trying to convey complex ideas; using metaphors will help break down complicated concepts into smaller pieces that are easier for people to understand without having too much information thrown at them all at once (which could confuse them).
11. Negative Words In B2B Marketing?
Don’t use negative words in your copy. You should be doing everything you can to avoid using the word “no” or any variations thereof: no, no, don’t, nor.
It’s simple logic if you’re telling people what not to do or what they shouldn’t do, then they’ll assume that this must be bad for them.
This automatically puts them in a defensive place and leads them to question whether they should even consider doing whatever it is that you’re suggesting they avoid.
But when we use phrases like “please consider…” or “here’s why…”
Instead of straight-up saying “don’t”, we’re opening ourselves up to some seriously positive responses from prospects who are eager for more information about our product or service but haven’t had the chance yet (or felt comfortable enough) asking for it outright themselves yet
12. Specificity
Specificity is the key to writing copy that’s convincing and effective.
You want your prospects to understand exactly what you do, and why they should care. That means avoiding generalities, jargon, marketing speak, and examples that are too vague or abstract.
Instead of saying: “We have been in business for 20 years doing great work for our clients” say: “Since 1991 we’ve worked with 300 companies across 5 industries.”
Instead of saying: “Our product is custom-made for each client” say: “Our software has helped more than 1 million users find their dream job over the past decade.”
13. The Power Of Contrasting Information
Contrasting information is a powerful tool that can be used to highlight your message and add emphasis.
Let’s look at an example: you’re selling a product that uses technology as its selling point, so you want your copy to emphasize the cutting-edge nature of the product.
You could do this by using two contrasting statements in your headline and then following up with more details about how it works, but let’s go further than that. Let’s give some examples of contrasting information in action:
- “You don’t have to worry about the future.”
- “There are no limits on what we can achieve.”
- “Business is never static; it always keeps changing.”
These all communicate similar messages but do so in different ways, for instance, one uses present tense while another uses future tense; one has a verb (to worry) while another has no verb at all; one emphasizes positive results (worrying less) while another emphasizes negative results (limiting potential).
The result is a more effective message because it uses multiple elements from our brains’ hardwired natural preference for contrast.
14. The Power Of Incomplete Information
The power of incomplete information is a copywriting technique that’s used by many B2-B marketers. It means leaving out certain details about your product or service, and instead focusing on the benefits of using it.
Here’s a quick example: “Increase revenues by 20% in 30 days” would be more compelling than, “We can help you increase revenue” or “Our software will help you increase revenue.”
The first statement leaves something to the imagination; it creates curiosity and encourages customers to continue reading because they’re curious about how they’ll achieve these results!
The power of incomplete information can also be used in headlines, tweets, and email subject lines.
You might even see this technique used as an introduction for webinars (like in the example below) or videos on your website — anything that involves some sort of teaser tactic where there’s a gap between what has been said and what will happen next.
This technique works well because people like knowing more than just the basics — but only if it gives them value!
15. Scarcity And Urgency (Mention It!)
Scarcity and urgency are two of the most powerful copywriting techniques in your arsenal.
Scarcity is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when people perceive that there is a limited amount of something, and that thing is desired. The scarcity effect is a phenomenon that occurs when people want something more after it has been taken away from them.
Urgency is another effective way to get your message across it’s when you mention an event or deadline for purchasing something (i.e., today only).
16. Testimonials And Case Studies (Use Them!)
Testimonials and case studies are a great way to build trust and credibility and have your prospects relate to you. They are also a great way for your prospects to see that others have had success with your product or service.
A testimonial is simply someone saying how much they like something (your product). The most effective testimonials include real quotes from real people who can be found on the internet.
Testimonial videos are also becoming more popular because they provide visual proof of how well your products work.
Case studies are similar to testimonials but give more details about how someone used a particular product or service in their business/organization successfully.
And often include before-and-after photos/videos as well as any other relevant data points that show how effective your offering was for them.
A well-constructed content marketing strategy can be a game changer for your B2B endeavors. Explore our guide on constructing a content marketing strategy that deserves attention to harness the power of content and propel your business forward.
17. The Power Of Deadlines (Set Them!)
Deadlines are one of the most effective copy techniques in B2B marketing because deadlines can help you to make a decision, get started, finish and stay organized.
That’s why I suggest you set deadlines for your content projects. Do this by giving yourself an end date for writing and publishing each post or white paper.
This will help you focus on producing quality content quickly so that it doesn’t languish in draft form forever (and thus lose its value). It also gives potential customers something concrete to hold onto when they see your work advertised as “coming soon!”
18. Small Value Vs Big Value Propositions (Choose One)
There are two categories of value propositions: small and big. Small value propositions (SVPs) are immediately, tangibly valuable to the prospect something like a new feature or improved functionality that helps them get their job done better.
Big value propositions (BVPs), on the other hand, promise long-term improvement in business operations or profitability over time; these are more nebulous and speculative. A good general rule is to use SVPs for features and BVPs for benefits.
But having said that, it’s often best not to choose one at all and this applies just as much to B2B marketing copy as it does anywhere else! Consider two reasons why:
Many times your prospect isn’t looking for either an immediate benefit or a long-term advantage; they’re looking for both of these things at once!
If you can give them what they need right now AND prove how you’ll make their lives easier later on down the road well then that’s just perfect, isn’t it?
Once again: You know your audience best when writing copy tailored specifically toward them so don’t be afraid of mixing up your messages every once in a while!
As long as everything makes sense together as part of a larger whole from beginning through the end…well then go nuts experimenting with different ways of saying similar things!
19. Confirmation Bias (Validate Choices)
This is a great way to get people to make a choice. By confirming their existing beliefs, you can convince them of something they wouldn’t otherwise be sold on.
The concept is simple: what makes us feel good is more likely to be true because we want it to be true. This isn’t just true for individuals; it’s also true for companies and products as well. What does this mean for you?
If you want someone to do something buy your product or service or hire you as an employee you need to give them an incentive that aligns with their goals and values.
If there’s no match between what they want out of life and what you’re offering, then convincing them will take much longer than if there were some sort of connection between the two ideas.
Or concepts being presented together side by side in situations where those connections are obvious enough that someone could easily recognize how one relates directly into another without having any special knowledge about either topic at all (which is why some people might object when I say that “confirmation bias” isn’t even a bias anymore).
In addition, if someone has already made up their mind based on previous experience or other forms of information gathering such as reading reviews online before making purchase decisions or even worse.
Talking with other friends who have used similar services/products before buying themselves and then encouraging confirmation bias through repetition becomes even easier than when starting from scratch!
We hope you found this list of copywriting tips useful. It’s hard to cover everything, but we’ll continue updating our blog with strategies that work for us and for the companies we do business with.
To help you get started on your next piece of marketing collateral, here are some additional resources:
- Our guide provides a breakdown of how to write effective headlines.
- A free template you can use when creating your next infographic.
- Some examples of how video has been used in B2B marketing campaigns (and some ideas on what makes them successful). Don’t forget: if you need more help, feel free to reach out anytime!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to explore for further insights into B2B marketing strategies:
Trending B2B Marketing Strategies and Tactics: Discover the latest trends and tactics shaping the world of B2B marketing, and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
Effective B2B Marketing Strategies for Success: Learn about proven B2B marketing strategies that can drive success and growth for your business in today’s dynamic market.
Best B2B Marketing Strategies to Elevate Your Brand: Explore a comprehensive guide to some of the best B2B marketing strategies that can help elevate your brand’s presence and reach.
What are the key trends in B2B marketing strategies?
B2B marketing strategies are constantly evolving. Some key trends include personalized content, account-based marketing, and the integration of AI and automation tools to enhance targeting and engagement.
How can I effectively target my B2B audience?
To effectively target your B2B audience, conduct thorough market research to understand their pain points and preferences. Then, tailor your messaging and content to address their specific needs and challenges.
What role does content play in B2B marketing?
Content plays a critical role in B2B marketing by providing valuable information, establishing thought leadership, and building trust with your target audience. High-quality and relevant content can attract, engage, and convert potential clients.
What is account-based marketing (ABM)?
Account-based marketing (ABM) is a focused strategy where marketing efforts are personalized and directed towards specific high-value accounts. This approach aims to create customized experiences that resonate with individual accounts and decision-makers.
How do B2B marketing strategies differ from B2C strategies?
While both B2B and B2C marketing aim to drive sales and engagement, B2B strategies typically focus on building long-term relationships, addressing complex business needs, and showcasing the value of products or services in a professional context. B2C strategies often emphasize emotional connections and impulse buying behavior.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.