Technical Writing: The Career, Salary, And Some Fun Facts

Writing for a career is a dream for many people. As we all know, being a writer can be stressful, but it also comes with some amazing perks. For instance, writers get to express themselves and share their thoughts with the world. 

They also have the chance to travel around and meet new people all over the place not to mention get paid for all of this fun! But what if you’re not sure if technical writing is really your thing? Are there any other careers that compare? Let’s find out!

What is the Average Technical Writer Salary 2022? – YouTube
– Technical writing offers a promising career path with opportunities in various industries.
– Technical writers play a crucial role in translating complex information into user-friendly content.
– The demand for technical writers is on the rise, reflecting the importance of clear communication.
– Technical writing salaries can be competitive, especially for experienced professionals.
– Embracing continuous learning and adapting to new technologies can lead to success in this field.
– Exploring the intriguing aspects of technical writing can make the profession both rewarding and enjoyable.

What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is a type of writing that explains a complex topic to someone who is not an expert in that topic. 

This description covers many different types of technical writing, but there are also other more specific categories for it as well, such as user manuals and programming documentation. 

Technical writers typically work in fields where knowledge about the product or service they’re explaining is essential to its use, like engineering, software development, hardware manufacturing, and construction.

Building a successful career as a real estate writer involves mastering the art of storytelling and engaging your audience. Learn about 10 secrets to succeed as a real estate writer to create compelling content that captures attention and drives results.

Find Your Motivation

If you’re serious about becoming a technical writer, it’s important to know that there are several ways to go about it. The first step is finding your motivation and establishing goals for yourself.

Some questions to ask yourself: Why do I want to become a technical writer? What does success look like for me? How long will it take me to achieve my goals? Is this something I can accomplish on my own or do I need help from others? 

Once you’ve answered these questions, talk with someone who has already followed the path you hope to follow. Ask them about their experiences so far and if they have any tips or advice for approaching this career path as an entry-level professional. 

Working with mentors is always recommended because they can share their knowledge of the field and help guide your career choices based on their own experiences.

Identify Your Skills

Before you can start your journey, you’ll need to figure out what your skills are. Once you’ve identified what they are, then you can work on improving them!

Identify Your Skills

What do you enjoy doing? What are some of the things that come naturally to you? Do any of these things relate directly to writing and editing? If so, then those are skills worth focusing on in this section.

Identify Your Strengths

Did it take forever for someone else to edit your work because there were so many mistakes or was it easy for them because there weren’t many errors? 

When it comes down to it, everyone has strengths and weaknesses so don’t be afraid if yours don’t necessarily include writing as much as others. Just make sure that whatever strengths DO exist within yourself help improve upon some aspect(s) of being a writer/editor!

Are you intrigued by the idea of becoming a technical writer and earning a substantial income? Discover actionable insights in our guide on how to become a technical writer & earn six figures in the next 12 months to embark on a lucrative and fulfilling career journey.

Learn To Collaborate

When you’re writing technical documentation, it’s important to be a good collaborator. The same is true for software developers, UX designers, content strategists, and other tech professionals. But collaboration is also a key skill in any job and life.

Collaboration is so important that some companies have created their collaborative tools specifically for technical writers. One example is Pandoc: a tool that lets you convert documents from one format into another (like Markdown or HTML) without having to know the code yourself.

Read Good Books

Reading is an essential part of the technical writing career. You should be reading at least one book per month that’s 12 books per year! If you aren’t familiar with any of these titles, now is a good time to start.

Read Mindset

This is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their life or career in any way. It teaches us about how our minds work and how we can change them to achieve success (or as Dweck would say: “growth mindset”). 

It also has some great tips on how to learn more effectively by breaking down complex topics into bite-sized pieces that make it easier for your brain to digest and retain the information.

Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

If there was ever a book that could change your life (and many others), this would be it! Covey wrote this book specifically as an instruction manual on how he achieved great things in his own life by following these seven habits.

Be proactive; Begin with the end in mind; Put first things first; Think win/win; Seek first to understand then be understood; Synergize; Sharpen the saw (take care of yourself).

Content, Content, Content!

Content is king. If you’re on the Internet, that’s probably not a secret to you. But what does it mean for you specifically? Well, content is the most important thing on the web it’s why people come to your site and read your articles. 

It makes up what makes your site unique compared to others like it. Without great content that people want to read (and share), there would be no reason for readers to return again and again and that’s not good for anyone!

Improving your technical writing skills requires dedication and continuous learning. Explore 15 ways to become a better technical writer and discover strategies that can enhance your ability to communicate complex information clearly and effectively.

Research, Research, Research!

When you are writing a lengthy piece, it is crucial to research your audience and their needs. Do they use certain jargon or terminology? Do they have any particular cultural references that may be unfamiliar to readers from other parts of the world?

Are there topics related to yours that have been previously discussed by other authors and/or bloggers, but for which your perspective could be different or more valuable? Also, keep in mind what type of content is most popular in your field is it long-form articles like this one or short-form tweets?

How do you conduct these types of research? There are plenty of tools available online that can help: Google Trends will give you insight into how frequently people search for keywords related to what you’re writing about; 

BuzzSumo tracks the most shared links on social media; LinkedIn allows you (with some limitations) better access than Facebook does into its members’ professional lives as well as their interests outside work.

Reddit has very active communities where users post links about recent news stories or articles relevant to what we write about here on Medium (and if those aren’t enough, there’s always Twitter).

Learn To Write Well

Writing is a big part of being a technical writer. You need to write clearly so that your readers can understand you. To do this, use short sentences and paragraphs, keep your language simple, and organize information properly.

You should also use an active voice in your writing so that the reader understands who did what. For example: “The engineer built the robot.” 

This sentence is clear because it uses active sentences and tells who did what (the engineer built the robot). If we used passive voice here instead: “The robot was built by an engineer.” This sentence doesn’t tell us who did what so it would be less clear to read than our first example!

In addition to using proper grammar when writing technical documents, it’s also important for them to have parallel structure so that they flow smoothly from one idea to another without confusion on behalf of readers

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Practicing writing is the best way to improve your skills.

Practice helps you become a better writer. When you write constantly, you’ll notice small improvements in your writing style and vocabulary. You can even use a tool like Grammarly to catch mistakes that would have been missed when proofreading yourself.

The practice also helps improve your editing abilities by letting you know what areas need work, which makes it easier for an editor to make suggestions that will help bring up the quality of your content. Using an editor like Grammarly can help catch more errors than simply reading over written text they are specialized tools created specifically for this purpose!

If possible during practice sessions, try doing different types of writing tasks so that each part of being a writer (creating ideas, researching topics, organizing information) becomes second nature before actually getting paid for it professionally one day down the road when employed full-time as an editorial assistant at some publishing house somewhere in Manhattan.

The future of technical writing holds exciting possibilities for those in the field. Delve into our comprehensive guide, A Technical Writer’s Guide to the Future, to gain insights into emerging trends, technologies, and opportunities shaping the landscape of technical communication.

Learn To Edit Well

As a writer, you’ll be writing a lot. So it’s important to get good at editing your work. But there’s another side to this coin: You should also become adept at editing others’ work.

There are plenty of great reasons for both points of view here as well as some challenges (like when you’re assigned an editor role). We’ll talk about all that in just a minute!

Get The Right Tools And Tech

If you want to be a writer, it’s important to get the right tools and tech. Using a good word processor is essential. I use Microsoft Word, but there are lots of other options out there as well Google Docs, LibreOffice, Open Office, Apple Pages, etc.

It’s also important to have a good grammar checker (and spell checker) because…well…writers make mistakes all the time! 

If you write in English (or any language), there are countless resources online that can help you learn how to avoid these mistakes by using proper grammar and spelling rules. There’s even an app for your phone that will keep track of all these things for you!

I don’t recommend using Google Translate for translation purposes because it doesn’t always get it right sometimes meaning something different from what was intended in the original text!

For style guides: Chicago Manual of Style Online Edition (CMS), Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Guidebooks Series.

Know How To Find An Organization’s Writing Style Guides And Standards

When it comes to knowing how to write well, one of the most important things you can do is find an organization’s writing style guide and follow it.

A style guide is a standardized set of rules for writing, such as capitalization and punctuation conventions, grammar guidelines, and spelling conventions. Some organizations have “house” style guides that are specific to them; others use broader reference sources like AP Stylebook or The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).

If you’re not sure where to look for a particular organization’s preferred rules on how they want their content written, try asking around or checking their website first. Most companies will have this information available if they want people writing for them to follow it closely enough—you just need to ask!

Pick A Starting Point

In this section, you’ll learn about the various ways you can write and get paid for your work. Most of us start small and build up our writing careers over time. You may have a blog or newsletter of your own that gets great traction, but the fact is that there are many different ways to make money as a writer and it’s not all about blogging.

A few things will help when deciding what kind of writing career path is right for you:

What do you like doing? Do your best work when writing in a certain style. If so, start there!

Are you an experienced writer who wants more freedom? If so, going solo on self-employment might be ideal!

Do some research on what topics pay well in general (Google keywords), then find out if there’s any demand for them specifically (for example Google “how-to” + [topic]).

Start A Blog

Blogging is a great way to get started. It’s free, it’s easy and you can do it from anywhere.

Blogging is also a great way to practice writing. You’re able to set the tone of your blog, which means you’ll be able to hone your voice as well as write about things that interest you.

If blogging isn’t for you (or if you want more than just a blog), consider joining an online community like Reddit or Medium where writers share their work and build connections with others who have similar interests in this field.

Write For A Newsletter Or Magazine

Writing for newsletters and magazines is a great way to enhance your writing skills, as well as build up your portfolio. It’s important to do your research before getting started on this type of writing, though. 

Make sure that the publication has an audience who will be interested in what you’re writing about, and that the topic relates to your area of expertise. For example, if you’re a painter with a love for art history, it would make sense for you to write about famous paintings from the past or current trends in painting (like abstract expressionism).

Learn About A New Industry…Then Write About It

If you’re interested in learning about something new, writing can be a fun way to do so.

Learn about the industry: Whether it’s technology or food service, there are hundreds of different industries out there. If you want to learn more about one that fascinates you, start by reading articles written by experts on the subject. Then write some of your own! You can research the industry by reading its trade journals and magazines, too.

Write about a specific topic in the industry: Writing on topics related to your field is also a great way for writers to improve their skills and build up their experience levels without necessarily having any formal training in journalism or communications (though if this interests you, consider taking classes at community colleges). 

They’ll also help you understand what readers want from writers who specialize in that industry space-meaning that when opportunities for full-time positions arise later on down the road (as they often do), those who’ve spent time honing these skills may have an advantage over others who haven’t done so yet.*

Exploring the multifaceted world of technical writing can be enlightening and rewarding. Dive deeper into the insights shared in the article, Technical Writing: The Career, Salary, and Some Fun Facts, to uncover intriguing facts and perspectives about this dynamic and essential profession.

Make A Nice Website For Yourself. How? By Writing About It

The best way to start your website is to write about something you are passionate about. Don’t be afraid to share your opinion, or even go against the grain. You don’t have to be controversial just for the sake of it if there is an issue with which you disagree, then say so!

You can also try being funny or serious (or both!). This will help people remember what you wrote and feel like they got their money’s worth when they pay for access.


If you’ve read this far, then you’re probably interested in becoming a technical writer. If so, congratulations on taking the first step! 

Technical writing is one of those careers that can be challenging to break into, but if you have an interest in writing and technology (and let’s face it: who doesn’t?), then there are plenty of ways for you to do so. 

From building websites and blogs about topics you care about to writing articles for magazines or newsletters even if they don’t pay much at first the sky is the limit when it comes to your options as far as how much money or prestige they may offer.

Further Reading

Everything You Need to Know About Technical Writing

Explore a comprehensive guide that covers all aspects of technical writing, from its definition to its significance in various industries.

What Does a Technical Writer Do?

Gain insights into the role and responsibilities of a technical writer, including the skills required and the industries they serve.

What Does a Technical Writer Do?

Discover more about the day-to-day tasks, job outlook, and qualifications needed to excel as a technical writer.

And here’s the FAQs section based on the semantic of the title:


What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing involves conveying complex information in a clear and concise manner, often for a non-technical audience.

What skills are essential for a Technical Writer?

Technical writers need strong communication skills, an aptitude for understanding technical concepts, and proficiency in writing tools and documentation software.

What industries require Technical Writers?

Technical writers are needed in various industries, such as technology, healthcare, engineering, and finance, where clear and accurate documentation is crucial.

How does a Technical Writer collaborate with subject matter experts?

Technical writers collaborate closely with subject matter experts to gather information and translate it into user-friendly documentation, manuals, and guides.

What impact does Technical Writing have on product development?

Effective technical writing enhances user experience by providing clear instructions and explanations, contributing to the success of products and services.