Succeeding As A Freelance Legal Services Lawyer

Sure, freelancing can be scary. But it’s also exciting, and I’ve met some of the most interesting people in my life while working as a freelance legal services lawyer. 

Not only that, but there are so many different types of work available for those who want to go into this field – even if you don’t want to become an attorney yourself! 

So what does it take? Well, first off: a willingness to learn new things every day. If that sounds like you then read on because here are some tips for succeeding as a freelance legal services lawyer:

How to Become a Freelance Lawyer and Start Making Money
1. Embrace Diverse Opportunities: Explore freelancing beyond traditional legal roles, discovering new avenues for success.
2. Cultivate Mental Well-being: Prioritize mental health as a freelance lawyer, nurturing creativity and resilience.
3. Combine Legal and Business: Consider venturing into the business industry as a freelance writer, leveraging legal expertise.
4. Learn from Success Stories: Gain inspiration from other freelance lawyers’ journeys to achieve your own freelancing success.
5. Network and Build Relationships: Create a strong professional network to find freelance legal projects and grow your career.

Be Able To Work Independently

To succeed as a freelancer, you must have a good work ethic. You can do this by making sure that you have the right mindset and attitude when it comes to your work. 

You also need to be great at time management, so that you can stay focused on your tasks without distraction and confusion.

In addition, freelance legal services lawyers need to be able to take initiative in their own lives and careers. This means that they should be proactive about finding ways for themselves or others who may want help from them with whatever needs doing around the office.”

In the world of freelancing, opportunities are expanding beyond writers. Embrace the diverse possibilities by exploring why freelancing is not just for writers anymore, and discover new avenues for success.

Be Ready For The Unexpected

As a freelance lawyer, you will be required to deal with the unexpected. Projects will come in at the last minute and you’ll have no choice but to take them on. 

New clients will need your help right away, even if it means doing tasks outside of your normal scope of practice or taking on additional responsibilities. If you’re not prepared for this kind of thing happening, then freelancing may not be right for you.

This can be hard for some people because they like knowing exactly what’s going to happen next (I’m one of those people). But part of working as a freelancer is being able to adapt quickly and learn new things quickly because that’s just how life works sometimes!

Know-How To Network

Networking is a crucial part of building your business. It’s also one of the most challenging aspects if you’re not used to it. 

Take some time to think about how best to network in your particular industry, because there are various ways for lawyers and non-lawyers alike to network.

For example, if you’re looking for work as a freelance legal services lawyer, networking with other attorneys is important so that they know who you are and what kind of work you do. 

This can take many forms: joining a local Bar Association or trade association; attending seminars on professional development topics like ethics or marketing; 

Joining an online community where lawyers share ideas; participating in social media groups such as LinkedIn (or other professional platforms) where professionals talk about trends in their fields. 

All these things help put your name out there so other people will remember when they need your services!

If possible, try doing something special or unique at each event where everyone meets – maybe bring along some snacks? That way not only will they remember who brought cookies but also what kind of person they were interacting with.”

Get Used To Rejection

You’re going to get rejected. It’s just part of the business. If you take it personally, then it can affect your ability to take rejection in your stride and move on without letting it bother you too much.

There are many reasons why a client may not choose your services, but the most common one is that they don’t think they’ll be able to afford you (or at least not as much as they think they need). 

Freelance lawyers need to be able to handle this situation well so that their clients know that if someone else doesn’t want them, there will always be another client out there who does.

Unlock the secrets to excel as a freelance lawyer with our insightful guide on becoming a successful freelance lawyer. Learn valuable tips and strategies to thrive in the legal freelancing landscape.

Find Support With Other Freelancers

When you’re a freelancer, it can be tough to find the kind of support that you need. You may be looking for a mentor who can offer guidance and advice, or maybe you just want to connect with other freelancers who understand how it feels to be in your shoes. 

Either way, there are plenty of places online where you can find these resources including LinkedIn groups and even meetup groups (such as those offered through Freelance Legal Services Lawyer).

Regardless of whether or not you join any specific communities or networks, make sure that your network includes at least one other person who knows what it feels like to work as a freelancer. 

Having someone on hand who understands what makes your work unique and difficult will help keep things in perspective when times get rough.

Learn How To Say No

It is important to understand your limitations as a freelance lawyer, especially if you are working on your own. If a client wants something that falls outside of your area of expertise, you should be honest and let them know that it may be best for them to find someone else.

This advice applies just as much to yourself as it does to others. If you don’t know how to do something, say so! If someone asks for something unreasonable or impossible (which happens often), explain why it won’t work and then offer alternative plans or solutions.

Have A Plan In Place If You Get Sick Or Injured

Let’s say you’ve been working like crazy on a new case, and you’re at home in bed with the flu. You get a call from your client asking if they can meet with you to discuss the case. 

The clock is ticking, and if this meeting doesn’t happen today there won’t be another opportunity for weeks. What do you do?

You have no choice but to suck it up and go to work, right? After all, they’re paying your bills! But what if they had called two months ago? 

You would have been able to prepare yourself by setting aside some money for sick days or other emergencies so that now when this happens there is no financial burden (other than the cost of gas).

Just like any other job out there has set hours of operation or days off which are guaranteed by law or employer policy respectively; 

Being self-employed means that we need contingency plans just as much as anyone else does because as much as we may love what we do sometimes life gets in the way and when it does. 

We mustn’t suffer financially due solely on our decision-making process when trying not just survive but thrive independently instead.”

As a freelance legal services lawyer, your mental well-being matters. Discover how freelance writing can positively impact your mental health and find ways to nurture your creativity and mental resilience.

Focus On What You Can Control, Not What You Can’t Control

As a freelance legal services lawyer, there are many things you can’t control. You cannot control whether your clients will be amenable to paying on time, or how much they might ask for in the event of a dispute. 

You cannot control how many clients you attract and retain in any given period but what is within your power is how much you work and how well you manage your business as a whole.

You must learn to focus on what’s within your power, rather than waste energy worrying about things out of reach. 

If one client doesn’t pay on time or decides not to pursue mediation with other parties involved in the case, for example, ask yourself if there was anything else that could have been done differently to avoid this result. 

And then consider what steps would need to be taken next so that such situations don’t happen again (for example: reaching out ahead of time).

Sometimes it’s tempting just not to think about issues like these at all; after all, there’s always room for improvement, and who wants another thing on their mind? But these are problems that can affect our success as freelance lawyers if we don’t address them head-on!

Treat Your Clients With Respect And Courtesy And They Will Return The Favor In Spades!

When it comes to client relations and building a successful practice, there are a few things you should always keep in mind. The most important of these is the importance of treating your clients with respect and courtesy. 

When you show them that they are important to you, they will return the favor in spades – this can make all of the difference when it comes to getting your clients on board with whatever new ideas or services you may want to introduce into your practice.

For example, if one of your clients has been having trouble finding an attorney who deals with their particular kind of case before meeting with you for the first time. 

Simply telling them how glad you are that they came into your office will help put them at ease about working together on future cases. 

This small gesture goes a long way toward showing how much value we place on our relationships with each other (and makes it easier for us both!).

Make The Most Of The Opportunities That Come Your Way, Even When They Seem Strange At First Glance

It’s important to be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. You never know what you will learn from an experience. Opportunities can come from anywhere, at any time.

I remember when I first started working as a lawyer; I was very selective about the clients I accepted and the jobs that came my way. 

But as time went on, I became more flexible with how I approach work opportunities because of a conversation I had with an old colleague who had recently left his position at a larger firm in favor of starting his practice in another city. 

It was refreshing to hear him say that he did not regret taking this leap of faith into entrepreneurship because it allowed him to control his destiny more than ever before and build upon his success with each new client acquired over time. 

Even if it meant taking less financially rewarding cases at times just so long as they fit within your core values or goals established for yourself (and future).

Combine your legal expertise with the business industry’s opportunities by exploring our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance writer in the business industry. Open new doors and find rewarding ventures as a freelance lawyer.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Failure – Just Make Sure To Learn From It So That You Won’t Repeat Past Mistakes

Don’t be afraid of failure. It’s inevitable that at some point in your life you will fail. And if you’re a freelance legal services lawyer, that might happen more often than you’d like! 

But don’t let failure or the fear of it keep you from trying new things and learning from them. If something doesn’t work out the way you planned, it’s okay to make mistakes as long as they don’t hurt anyone other than yourself (or maybe your bank account).

A great way to learn about what works for lawyers is by talking with other lawyers who have been in business for years and asking them how they handle certain situations that come up during their careers. 

Such as how they charge clients, what services they offer, how much money they make per month/year/etc., and how many hours per week do they work? etc.

Keep An Eye Out For New Opportunities All Around You – Even If They Seem Like Something Out Of the Left Field!

“Don’t just look at your business as a law practice or firm. Look at it as a small business with many opportunities to grow and expand.”

This is very important because being in the legal profession means you will be faced with constant change, so you need to be able to adapt quickly. If you are only looking at your law practice as a business, then chances are it won’t last long. 

Instead, think about how other businesses operate and consider what they do well and how they can improve their products or services based on consumer demand.

You don’t want to fall behind other lawyers who have an edge over you because they were more open-minded about new ideas than you were!

Embark on a journey of personal and professional growth with freelancing, as it takes your career to new heights. Read the inspiring stories in how freelancing has brought careers to new heights and be motivated to achieve your own freelancing success.


We hope this article gave you some good advice and reassurance about what it means to be a freelance legal services lawyer. The industry is growing, and there are plenty of opportunities for people who want to leap! 

We also hope we helped you recognize that all lawyers must develop a certain degree of business acumen to succeed as solo practitioners. If you’re interested in learning more about your options, check out our guide on How To Start Your Law Firm today.

Further Reading

Indeed – How to Be a Freelance Lawyer: Explore the steps and tips to become a successful freelance lawyer, and learn how to navigate the freelancing landscape.

Clio – Freelance Attorney: Is It Right for You?: Discover if freelancing as an attorney aligns with your career goals and find valuable insights into the world of freelance lawyering.

Lawclerk – 12 Ways I Grew My Career as a Freelance Lawyer: Learn from a seasoned freelance lawyer’s experience and gain valuable strategies to advance your own freelance legal career.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need To Be A Lawyer?

No, you don’t. You just need to know your way around the law and be able to explain it to people who aren’t lawyers. You don’t even have to have a law degree; some of us have degrees in writing, communications, or something else entirely. 

But you do need to be able to think like a lawyer, so if you’re not already familiar with how legal jargon works, it’s helpful to brush up on that before you start working as a freelance legal services lawyer.

How Much Does It Cost?

It depends on your level of expertise and experience. If you’re new, expect to charge less for your services than someone who has been doing this for years. 

You can always look into taking classes or becoming certified in certain areas of law if you want to increase your rates later on down the line!

What Does It Mean To Be A Freelance Legal Services Lawyer?

It means that you are an independent contractor who provides legal services to clients on a contract basis. You can be either an attorney or paralegal, but you must have your own business and be licensed by the state in which you operate. 

You can use a wide variety of tools, including word processing software, email and social media marketing, virtual call center services, accounting software, cloud-based storage systems for client files, and other tools as long as they are compatible with your computer platform and meet all state requirements. 

You will also need to keep records of all activity related to your business so that proper taxes may be paid at the end of each tax year.

How Can I Succeed As A Freelance Legal Services Lawyer?

It’s not easy, but it’s possible. Here are some tips that will help you get started:

Find the right clients. This is key to your success as a freelancer! You want to find clients who need your services, and who are willing to pay for them at a fair rate. 

There are lots of ways to do this you can network with other lawyers, advertise on social media, or even cold-call potential clients from your phone book. The important thing is that you’re able to attract clients who are willing to pay for what you offer them.

Build up your reputation by offering free advice when possible. This is another way to attract new clients if they like what they hear from you, they’ll be more likely to hire you when they have a case that requires legal representation. 

Make sure that what you say on social media or in-person matches up with how hardworking and intelligent you are in person!

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