Signs That You Could Be A Full-Time Freelancer

Freelancing isn’t just a side gig to make some money on the side. It should be treated as a business. You don’t have to go out and get an office space or anything, but you can quickly adapt your home for the flow of freelancing work by setting up working hours, setting boundaries with your family, customizing your workspace, and more. 

If you are treating it as a business and still making good money, then perhaps freelancing has become something that you can transition into full-time. Here are some signs that indicate when it is time to do so:

What to Do Your First Day as a Full Time Freelancer
1. Assess your readiness before transitioning to full-time freelancing.
2. Consider factors such as financial stability and a strong client base.
3. Look for signs of demand and consistent income in your freelance work.
4. Evaluate your skill set and specialization for freelance success.
5. Embrace the benefits of flexibility and autonomy in a freelance career.

You’re Constantly Busy

To start with, you’re constantly busy. You have clients or jobs to take care of and deliver on, and you have projects to work on. Whether it’s taking care of administrative tasks or managing a team, these are things that keep you up at night but they also make your days fly by.

You’ve probably found yourself thinking about work when you should be having fun with friends or family and if that sounds familiar, it could mean that freelancing is the right career choice for you!

Before taking the leap into full-time freelancing, it’s crucial to evaluate various factors and assess your readiness. Explore our article on 13 Things to Consider Before You Quit Your Day Job to gain insights and make informed decisions.

People Compliment You Without Even Knowing You’re Working

This is a sign that you could be a full-time freelancer.

When you work on something, your work is visible to others. It’s not hidden behind closed doors; it’s in the world, and people can see it and appreciate it. In some ways, this makes life easier: if you do good work, people will know about it and tell their friends about how awesome you are. 

But there’s also an element of risk here: if your project goes south and doesn’t get the attention that was expected (or desired), then there will be consequences namely, disappointment among clients or fans who had high hopes for what they were expecting from your efforts.

You’d Rather Make Your Own Hours Than Wake Up At 7 Am

You’re a night owl, and you like it that way. You don’t think of yourself as a “morning person” (or even an early bird), but you know that there are some people who love getting up at the crack of dawn to start their day right away. 

Just because you prefer working through the night doesn’t mean that you’re lazy or have no motivation it just means that your body is telling you something different than those who prefer earlier bedtimes and waking times.

You Want To Work In Pajamas, Or Bathrobe, Or…or Absolutely Nothing

Working from home is a dream come true for some people. If you’re one of them and have been working at home for years on end, it may be time to consider going full-time freelance. If you’re already an online freelancer who’s making all your hours, this might sound like a great idea.

But first: what does “full-time freelance” mean? For many, it means working in their pajamas all day not just when they feel like it but as their primary place of business at least five days a week (or even more). 

This is ideal because not only does no one have to see you looking your best (you can throw on sweats), but also because there’s no commute time involved in getting dressed and ready for work! You’ll save money on gas and wear fewer clothes throughout the day (though perhaps more socks). It’s a win-win!

For others who aren’t quite ready to go full PJ/robe mode, working from home can still mean dressing up slightly more than usual before heading out into the world each morning but still not too much! 

The benefit here is that getting ready will only take 10 minutes instead of 40 or 50 if they were commuting somewhere else every day instead; plus they’ll get plenty of exercise by trekking back and forth between rooms multiple times per hour since there are so many distractions available nearby (television shows, Netflix streams).

Outsourcing work on platforms like Upwork can enhance your productivity and business growth. Discover the Top 10 Best Practices for Outsourcing Your Work on Upwork to optimize your outsourcing strategy and maximize results.

You Want To Be Able To Drink Iced Coffee At 10 Pm

If you’re a freelancer, you have no problem working at any time of the day. If you’re like me and thrive on routine, it can be difficult to stay up past 10 pm or even 11 pm if you’ve got work to do.

I also don’t need a five-minute commute to get my work done. I have clients in different time zones than me and I don’t care at all about what time they wake up or go to bed; if they need something done before 6 am or after midnight, that’s fine with me I’ll be there for them when needed!

Time Management Is Your Second Name

As a freelancer, time management is your second name. You need to be able to manage your own time, and your clients’ time; you also need to be able to manage your energy and your clients’ energy. 

It’s important that you can effectively balance these things out so that both parties are happy with the result and most importantly that there are no surprises along the way.

Time management skills are crucial because they help prevent miscommunications between both parties involved in any project or task at hand. This can lead to unnecessary delays in completion times which can ultimately affect deadlines or missed opportunities altogether!

It’s also important for freelancers themselves as well because having control over all aspects of their work helps them achieve higher levels of productivity throughout their career path.”

You Have A Hard Time Saying No And I Can’t Do That Right Now

If you have a hard time saying “no” and “I can’t do that right now,” then this is a sign that you might be comfortable with the freelance lifestyle.

As a freelancer, it’s very important to be able to say no sometimes. Your client will want something from you, but there are only so many hours in the day and so much work available for someone like yourself who has chosen this career path. 

You need to learn how to say no without feeling bad about it and for that to happen, you need a bit more confidence than most people have when they’re just starting as full-time freelancers.

The freelance landscape is reshaping the job market, opening up new opportunities for diverse talent. Find out how freelancing is influencing employment patterns in our article on How Freelancing Is Changing the Kinds of People That Get Hired.

The Most Popular Subject In Your Conversations Is ‘work’

If you’re a freelancer, then you know that sometimes your work is more than just a job. It can be something that defines who you are and how others perceive you. So if you find yourself constantly talking about your work, whether it is to friends or family members, then this could be a sign that full-time freelancing might be right for you.

You Already Have Three Side Hustles You Can Turn Into A Full-Time Job (If You Wanted To)

You already have three side hustles you can turn into a full-time job (if you wanted to).

You have a passion for something and are already doing it. You could make it a full-time job, part-time job, side hustle, or hobby.

For example:

I love organizing things like my stationery drawer or my closet so if I decided to do this on the side as a career? That would be awesome! If I started making money from it? Even better!

My husband has always been into woodworking so he regularly picks up odd jobs where his skills come in handy. He helps people make custom furniture or fix broken pieces of furniture they might have lying around the house. 

Once again, he’s not making millions but what he makes helps pay some bills off each month and gives him something fun to do while also giving back to his community.

“So, What Do You Do?” Question Makes You Cringe For Some Reason

  • You’re a freelancer, but you don’t want to talk about it.
  • You dread the question “So, what do you do?” because it makes you cringe for some reason.

As a freelance writer and editor myself, I know that this is a common feeling among my colleagues in the industry: we don’t want to talk about our work because we don’t want to be judged. 

We fear that people will think we’re not working hard enough or aren’t good enough at what we do if they find out how many hours/days/weeks/months go into completing assignments like yours.

Your Team-Building Skills Are Way Beyond Amazing!

Team building skills are important for freelancers, and they’re also vital for anyone who wants to be successful at their job. You can learn them, develop them, and improve them. 

But just because you have the potential to be a great team member doesn’t mean you’ll always act like one and that’s where your boss might notice something different about you as a freelancer compared to when you were working full-time.

One of the biggest warning signs that someone is getting ready to go full-time freelance is the amount of time they spend on self-promotion activities. This can include anything from writing blog posts (that no one reads), sharing social media updates (that no one cares about), and offering free advice (nobody wants).

Freelancing can be a life-changing career path, offering freedom and personal fulfillment. Dive into our inspiring account of How Freelancing Saved My Life to explore the transformative power of freelancing.

You Already Have A Network Of People Who Could Help You Get Your First Clients

Your network of friends and colleagues is your greatest asset. You already have a wide variety of contacts who are looking for new freelancers, and they’ll be the ones most likely to refer you when they need help with a project. 

If you already have a large group of friends, family members, and acquaintances who would trust you enough to outsource their projects to full-time freelancers then this could be an indication that it’s time for you too!

When people get together over drinks or at dinner parties, the most popular subject in their conversations is always “work.” You constantly hear about how someone’s boss isn’t letting them work from home or how another person doesn’t like how often he gets asked about his productivity level at the office. 

Time management is your second name! People compliment on how busy you look without even knowing that these compliments come from having worked until late into the night (and having woken up early again). If being busy makes others happy then let them continue thinking that way because it means more money in your bank account!

You Want To Travel The World While Being Able To Work From Anywhere In The World

Another reason you might be a full-time freelancer is if you want to travel the world while being able to work from anywhere in the world. It’s possible, and it can be done!

When you are traveling, there are many ways to make money. You could get a job that requires little or no physical presence (like working as an English teacher), or take on side-hustles like Airbnb rentals or selling products online through platforms like Etsy. 

You can also simply find ways of making money while on vacation: at beaches, parks, and other tourist attractions where tourists are likely to spend money (beaches in Bali anyone?).

If this sounds like something that interests you and fits with your lifestyle goals, then by all means consider becoming a full-time freelancer!

Your Schedule Always Changes, But You Like It That Way Because It Keeps Your Life Exciting

If you’re looking for a change of pace, this is a good sign that you might be ready to become a full-time freelancer. If nothing else, it means your schedule will always be changing and that can be exciting! In addition to the excitement, there are many other benefits of being a freelancer:

Flexibility. You can set your hours and choose when to take breaks or work on projects. The only caveat is that if you want clients to respect your time and pay well for quality work, then they need to know what kind of schedule works for them as well as for yours.

Freedom from office politics: No more gossiping about coworkers or getting involved in office drama; instead focus on doing great work so people will come back again and again! 

Variety You get to try out different experiences each day (e.g., writing for different clients) which keeps things interesting! 

Of course, sometimes it may feel like too much variety but overall this is probably one of my favorite parts about being self-employed because there’s always something else coming up next week or month even though today feels like “just another Monday”.

If At Least One Of These Characteristics Resonates With You Then Maybe Consider Going Full-Time Freelance!

If at least one of these characteristics resonates with you then maybe consider going full-time freelance!

You can do it if you want to. The freedom to decide when and where to work is a huge perk of freelancing, and many people are drawn to the idea of being able to set their hours, skip the commute and leave work when they’re done.

You can make your hours. Most freelancers I know are happy as long as they have enough work in their pipeline to keep them busy throughout the week or month (depending on what type of work they do). 

They don’t feel like they need a set nine-to-five job because there are always new projects coming up that need attention, which gives them more flexibility about when exactly those tasks get completed.

Working from anywhere is possible for most freelancers; some even go so far as saying that working from home isn’t really “working” at all since it feels like such a natural extension of their everyday routine they just end up doing different things! If this sounds appealing then perhaps it could be worth exploring further before settling into an office space full time again.”

Looking to achieve financial success through freelancing? Discover actionable strategies and insights in our article on How Freelancing Can Make You Rich, and unlock the potential for financial abundance in your freelance career.


In our busy lives, it’s easy to be “too busy” to do the things we love. But–if you find yourself always making time for a certain side project, you may be on your way to becoming a full-time freelancer. With so many options for finding work and sharing your talents online, it’s never been easier to make money on the side! 

And if you do decide that freelancing is right for you, remember: don’t get discouraged by all the work ahead. Freelancing is hard work, but it can also be extremely rewarding. In our next post, find out how to launch your own business and start making money doing what you love!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on signs and readiness for a full-time freelance career:

Signs to Start a Freelance Career: Discover the signs that indicate it’s time to embark on a freelance career and take control of your professional journey.

5 Signs Your Freelance Business Is Ready to Go Full-Time: Learn the key indicators that your freelance business is primed for the transition to full-time work and the steps you can take to make it a success.

Signs You’re Ready for Freelance Full-Time: Explore the telltale signs that signify your readiness to embrace freelance work as a full-time endeavor and unlock the benefits it can offer.


Q: What are the signs that indicate it’s time to start a freelance career?

A: Some signs include feeling dissatisfied with your current job, having a specialized skill set, desiring more flexibility and autonomy, and being motivated to take control of your professional life.

Q: How can I know if my freelance business is ready for full-time work?

A: Look for signs such as consistent client demand, stable income, a solid client base, a clear business plan, and the ability to handle the increased workload and responsibilities that come with full-time freelancing.

Q: What are the indicators that show I’m ready to freelance full-time?

A: Signs of readiness include having a strong portfolio, a stable financial situation, a solid network of contacts, the ability to market yourself effectively, and a clear understanding of the freelance industry.

Q: How do I transition from part-time freelancing to full-time freelancing successfully?

A: Ensure you have a sustainable income stream, a realistic budget and financial plan, a strategy for client acquisition and retention, a backup plan for contingencies, and the necessary resources and support to handle the transition smoothly.

Q: What are the benefits of freelancing full-time?

A: Freelancing full-time offers benefits such as increased flexibility, the ability to work on projects you’re passionate about, greater control over your schedule and workload, the potential for higher earnings, and the opportunity to create a fulfilling and self-directed career path.

What Is A Freelancer?

A freelancer is someone who works for themselves. They can choose the projects they take on, and the hours they want to work each day. You can be a freelancer in any industry or field, though some careers lend themselves better to being a freelancer than others (for example, programmers are often able to work as freelancers).

Why Should I Become A Freelancer?

It’s a great way to be self-employed and make money on your schedule. You’ll have more flexibility in your life, which means you’ll be able to spend more time with friends and family. Plus, you can choose what kind of work you do and not just because it pays well or has good benefits. You’re in charge!

How Much Money Do I Make As A Freelancer?

This varies from person to person and from career field to career field. The most important thing is that you’re making enough money for yourself so that you don’t have to worry about paying bills or putting food on the table for yourself and your family every month!

Do I Have To Pay Taxes?

No, you don’t. Freelancers are not required to pay taxes on their income. However, if your business is profitable and you have been in business for more than a year, then the IRS requires that you file a Schedule C (Profit or Loss From Business). 

You may also need to complete a Schedule SE (Self-Employment Tax) and file it with your Form 1040 if your net earnings from self-employment are $400 or more. If that’s the case, you will be responsible for paying self-employment tax on 92.35% of your net earnings from self-employment. 

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