It can be tough to work on search engine optimization (SEO) for your website, especially when you’ve not done it before. The Internet is a vast and confusing landscape, with millions of web pages competing to be found.
However, if you think about SEO as a jigsaw puzzle and are willing to put in the time and effort needed to solve it, then the results will be well worth it.
This post will look at some basic concepts of SEO and show how they can help drive more traffic to your site so that you can get more sales or increase brand awareness…
Takeaways |
SEO requires assembling various elements like a puzzle. |
The complexity of SEO is akin to solving a puzzle in the dark. |
Effective SEO involves careful planning and strategic thinking. |
Just as puzzles need all pieces, SEO needs all optimization factors. |
Both puzzles and SEO take time, patience, and attention to detail. |
1. Find Keywords Before You Start
You should always find your keywords before starting. It’s the best way to know what you need to do next and how long it will take.
Google Keyword Planner is a great tool for finding keywords that are relevant, competitive, and easy to rank for. There’s also Ahrefs Keywords Explorer and SEMrush which are great too (though I prefer Google Keyword Planner).
You can use these tools by entering “keyword” into their search bar and then navigating through their results until you find something that seems like it might be a good fit for your products or services.
You want to make sure there are enough searches per month (at least 500k) because then there’ll be enough traffic coming through those searches that makes it worth optimizing your website/blog posts/etcetera!
Crafting an effective SEO strategy is like solving a puzzle. Much like how SEO is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle at night, it requires careful planning and the right pieces in place to achieve success.
2. Keywords Are Everywhere
Keyword research is a process that’s best done in tandem with your overall strategy. Search engines are constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep up with the latest developments in SEO and keyword research.
The first step is to make sure your website is user-friendly. Do you have an easy-to-navigate site? Is it mobile responsive? Are all of your links working properly? If not, fix those issues before moving on to other steps.
You should also take a look at which words or phrases people use most often when searching for information online these are called “long-tail keywords” because they have longer phrases rather than single words (like “dog training tips” vs “tips for dog training).
Long-tail keywords can be extremely helpful for finding new customers because they’re less competitive than short head terms like “dog trainer.”
Curious about rapidly growing your blog’s organic traffic? Learn from a blogger’s journey from zero to one thousand visitors in just fifteen days. Check out how I went from 0 to 1k organic visitors to my blog in 15 days for valuable insights.
3. What Was That Word?
If you have a word or phrase that you’re trying to remember, but can’t think of, there are several ways that you can find it.
Google is one of the best online resources for finding what you need when it comes to words and phrases. You can use Google to do things like translate words between languages and look up synonyms for any given word or phrase (just make sure that your spell-checker is on!). also offers a great way to find new words and phrases by searching for synonyms of words in either English or Spanish.
Google Scholar works similarly to Google Scholar searches for academic papers related to specific topics.
So if your client has written about something scientific or technical in their content then this might be worth checking out first before using another resource such as PubMed which provides similar information but tends not to include all types of documents available through other platforms like ScienceDirect (available via subscription only).
4. Websites Say A Lot About Your Business And Your Customers
Many people believe that a website is just a place where you put your information, but it is so much more than that. The website is the first impression of your business and your customers. It’s also an opportunity to show them what they can expect from doing business with you.
It’s the first impression of your brand: When someone visits your site, they get an idea of what kind of company you are and how professional you are.
If a potential customer finds outdated or wacky graphics on their screens, then this could send off red flags for them about whether or not they should do business with you.
It shows what type of customer service experience they can expect from doing business with you:
If someone comes across bad customer service from one company but then finds good customer service after visiting another site in terms of communication style and professionalism shown through different contact methods (phone calls vs emails) etc.,
Then this helps them decide which company will give them the best overall customer experience when buying something online through their site as well as other things like Facebook pages/Twitter accounts etc.
Effective copywriting can greatly influence your website’s SEO success. Discover the top strategies to optimize your content for search engines. Dive into top 15 tips for SEO copywriting to enhance your writing skills and boost your site’s visibility.
5. Do You Know What People Are Saying About You?
Social media can help you find out what people are saying about your business, which is useful in a few different ways.
First, it’s important to know how other people perceive your company so that you can learn from their experiences, whether positive or negative.
If someone writes that they had an excellent experience at one of your locations, then maybe you should offer them a discount next time they visit!
On the other hand, if someone complains about long wait times at one of your stores or poor customer service from an employee there well now you know something needs to change quick!
Second, social media helps engage customers who have already purchased products from companies like yours…they’re more likely than anyone else online right now (and probably offline too) because they have already bought something so they’re looking for new things.
So engaging those people on Facebook or Twitter will only increase sales when done correctly 🙂
6. When Writing Content, Get Relevant And Personal
You must write with a conversational tone. You want to speak directly to your audience, so use words and phrases that are common in everyday speech.
To do this properly, it’s important to know who your target audience is who are they? What do they like? How old are they? Where do they live? What does their lifestyle look like?
Knowing these things will help you choose the right words and phrases for your content. Try using specifics instead of generalizations whenever possible to make it more relatable:
Instead of: “We’ve all got our own unique experiences,” say: “I remember when I was 10 years old doing karate classes at my local community center.”
7. It’s Not All About Text, Images Speak Too
Images are important for a myriad of reasons and can be used to help tell the story, sell the product or service, explain the product and service or even just explain who you are as an individual or business.
The more visually appealing your site is, the more likely it will be shared over others with less than stellar images. So if you have a website that’s full of great photos and graphics, then people are more likely to visit your page than if it had no photos at all!
Writing is an art that holds secrets to effective communication. Learn the simple yet powerful techniques that underlie good writing. Explore the simple secret of good writing and uncover the core principles that can elevate your content.
8. Why Not Ask Your Audience What They Want?
The more you know about your audience, the more likely it is that you will be able to deliver exactly what they want. So why not ask them?
You can do this on your website by asking for comments and reviews. You can also ask for feedback via social media or email marketing campaigns.
You can even take this one step further and give them a survey with questions like “How would you rate this product?” or “What did we do well?”. This way, you’ll know exactly how pleased (or displeased) they are with your company!
9. URLs May Be Short But They Mean A Lot
URLs are the most important factors for SEO. They should be descriptive and unique so that people can quickly find what you want to say.
They should also be short, easy to read, easy to type, and easy to remember. These simple rules will help your URLs rank better in search engines.
10. Is Your Website User-Friendly? Check The Features
Your website must be user-friendly. If you are not sure how to test its usability, consider asking some of your friends if they can navigate it without any problems.
A site that is difficult to use will harm your search engine rankings as well. For example, if the site takes too long to load or uses an unintuitive navigation system, it might not rank highly in Google’s search results pages (SERPs).
Navigating the complexities of SEO can be challenging, and sometimes, seeking professional guidance is the best approach. If you’re considering improving your site’s search engine performance, read more about SEO and why you should hire a professional for valuable insights.
11. Don’t Let Them Get Away! Keep Them On Your Website Longer With Videos And Slideshows
Don’t let them escape your site! Make sure they stay on your website longer by using videos and slide shows.
Make sure the videos you use are relevant, useful, and not too long. Use captions or subtitles so that those who can’t hear the video will understand what’s going on.
You should also choose a player that allows users to skip ahead or pause; this makes it easier for users to watch in parts and not have to sit through everything all at once.
This is especially helpful when you’re trying to convey information in an engaging way, such as how-to tutorials or informational pieces about your products or services.
Another good feature of some players is that they allow viewers to click and jump directly into specific parts of the video.
Which makes it easier for viewers (especially if they’re new) who want only certain parts of what was said versus listening from beginning to end without any interruptions!
12. Drowning In Content? Regularly Update And Refresh It
You have to keep your content fresh and up-to-date. This is especially important for page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs:
Page titles should be concise but descriptive. The first sentence or two of a web page’s title tag should clearly describe what the page is about so that a searcher can decide if they want to click on it or move on.
Meta descriptions are short summaries of the content on a webpage, usually placed below its URL in search results.
The description should be relevant to what people would expect from that website just like when writing an email subject line or tweet preview text (140 characters), you need to grab their attention right away!
If you don’t know how long it should be, let Google tell you: type “” into Google Search with quotation marks around “your site” – the number next to “#” will show up next after each result;
This indicates how many characters from “site:” forward are being shown in search results.
As always, use common sense when determining whether something makes sense given who might be searching for terms related specifically to any given topic.
13. Appreciate The Google Algorithm
It’s important to appreciate the Google algorithm. It’s a powerful tool, and you’ll never be able to figure it out.
The Google algorithm is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle at night, with one hand tied behind your back, blindfolded, and riding a unicycle while juggling five flaming bowling pins using only your nose.
You don’t know what piece goes where or how many pieces there are besides the board itself.
You can’t see them in their entirety but must rely on touch alone – which is also changing as you move through space over time relative to light sources coming from different places;
Sometimes they’re moving around on their own without any input from you or anyone else nearby (or even people back home who did this before).
14. It’s Okay To Ask For Help Sometimes
It can be difficult to admit when you don’t know something, but it’s important to do so. Sometimes asking for help will lead you to a better understanding of the process and result in even better results.
It’s okay to ask for help sometimes, even if it does make you feel embarrassed or silly you won’t regret it!
Asking for expert advice is also a great way to take your SEO knowledge from beginner level up through advanced territory.
This can mean anything from using an SEO tool that provides guidance based on what keywords are most relevant for your website (like SEMRush), to hiring someone who specializes in search engine optimization (like me!).
Or simply getting advice from experts online such as Moz Community members or other bloggers who write about SEO topics like I do here on [blog name].
15. Get Linked Up With Authority Websites
In SEO, it’s all about the links. The more websites that link to you, the better your search engine ranking will be. So how do you get other sites to link to you? It’s simple: Get your name mentioned on other trusted websites in your field or industry! Some ways to do this are:
- Guest post on a blog with an audience that might be interested in what you have to say
- Create content for an online magazine (like EzineArticles) whose readers will find value in it
- Be an expert source for journalists writing stories related to your area of expertise
16. Share And Share Alike Be Social!
Social media is an important tool for businesses to use. It can help you connect with your customers and keep them up-to-date on the latest developments, as well as interact with them directly.
It can also help you communicate with suppliers, employees, and other parties associated with your business. This section will explain how to use social media effectively to promote your business and interact with others in a way that helps everyone involved in running it flourish.
17. Embrace Mobile Devices, They’re Everywhere!
As you can see, mobile is the future. It’s here to stay and it’s more popular than ever.
Mobile devices are important for any business that wants to succeed online because they allow people to access the Internet from anywhere in the world in their car on their way home from work, at home after dinner, or even on vacation in Paris!
If a company isn’t accessible through mobile devices, they’re missing out on potential customers who could be interested in purchasing their products or services.
The truth is that SEO is much more than just keywords. As we’ve seen, there’s a wide variety of factors that influence your website ranking, and it can all seem like a massive jigsaw puzzle to put together.
But if you take the right steps and approach it with patience and perseverance, you’ll find success in this challenging but rewarding process.
Further Reading
Planning a Meeting is Like Putting Together a Jigsaw Puzzle Short Description: Discover the parallels between event planning and solving a jigsaw puzzle, and how the process can help streamline your meeting organization.
What Jigsaw Puzzles and SEO Have in Common Short Description: Uncover the similarities between jigsaw puzzles and search engine optimization, exploring how these concepts share common strategies.
The Joy of Jigsaw Puzzles Short Description: Explore the personal enjoyment and satisfaction that jigsaw puzzles can bring, delving into the reasons why they are beloved by many.
What is the underlying analogy between meeting planning and jigsaw puzzles?
The analogy highlights the process of carefully assembling various pieces to create a coherent and complete outcome. Just as a jigsaw puzzle requires fitting different pieces together, planning a meeting involves coordinating various elements for a successful event.
How does the comparison between jigsaw puzzles and SEO provide insights into optimization strategies?
The comparison emphasizes the importance of understanding the bigger picture and how individual elements contribute to the overall success. In both scenarios, attention to detail, strategy, and a systematic approach play a crucial role in achieving desired outcomes.
What is the connection between the joy of jigsaw puzzles and personal satisfaction?
The joy of completing a jigsaw puzzle parallels the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that individuals experience when they solve challenges. The satisfaction derived from successfully assembling the pieces mirrors the gratification of overcoming obstacles in various aspects of life.
Can meeting planning benefit from the problem-solving aspect of jigsaw puzzles?
Yes, meeting planning involves similar problem-solving skills as assembling a jigsaw puzzle. Both require identifying patterns, making strategic decisions, and adapting to unexpected changes to create a cohesive and successful end result.
How do jigsaw puzzles and SEO highlight the significance of patience and persistence?
Both jigsaw puzzles and SEO demand patience and persistence. Just as solving a puzzle piece by piece takes time, SEO efforts require consistent optimization, content creation, and adaptation to see gradual improvements in search engine rankings and visibility.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.