Reasons Why You Should Rule Fashion Journalism

If you have any appreciation for fashion, beauty and trends, and are at all interested in the principles of journalism, then this will be a great read for you. 

Learning about fashion journalism which combines the two interests can open up new doors to career opportunities. So put your sneakers on (or whatever shoes you’re wearing today) and get ready to see what it’s like to be a journalist who reports on the latest styles!

André Leon Talley, titan of fashion journalism
Fashion journalism offers exciting career opportunities.
Fashion journalism allows you to combine your passion for fashion and writing.
Fashion journalists have the power to shape and influence trends.
Fashion journalism provides a platform to express creativity and storytelling.
Fashion journalism enables you to connect with industry professionals and build a network.
Fashion journalism allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest fashion trends.
Fashion journalism provides opportunities to attend fashion shows and events.
Fashion journalism can lead to collaborations with fashion brands and designers.
Fashion journalism allows you to explore diverse topics within the fashion industry.
Fashion journalism offers the chance to make a meaningful impact in the industry.

You’d Get Plenty Of Opportunities To Travel

Traveling is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. It allows you to see the world and learn about other cultures, people, and places that you wouldn’t otherwise have been exposed to. 

As a fashion journalist, your job would be to travel all across the world covering fashion shows, interviewing models, and attending parties. This would give you plenty of travel opportunities.

Traveling helps you learn about new cultures: When traveling through different countries and experiencing their food, customs and traditions firsthand (instead of just reading about them). 

It’s easier to understand what makes that specific culture unique from yours or any other country’s culture.

Traveling helps you meet new people: When on assignment somewhere remote or different from where most folks go on vacation like Thailand or India for example., 

You’re bound to meet interesting people from around the world who have interesting stories about themselves as well as their country(ies).

Treating freelancing as a business is crucial for long-term success and growth. Discover why you should adopt this mindset in our insightful article on Is Freelancing a Business? Here’s Why You Should Treat It Like One.

You Would Never Run Out Of Shopping Options!

Fashion is a never-ending source of inspiration. There are so many new things to wear, and there’s always something new to see in the world of fashion. You’ll never run out of shopping options, as long as you keep an eye out for what’s new!

You can never have too many clothes. If anything, this is especially true when it comes to fashion journalism there’s always going to be something special about each article that makes it worth buying again and again. 

And with all those options at your disposal, don’t forget: you can always find something unique to wear or something flattering for your body type!

You Would Be Encouraged To Be Experimental With Your Style

Fashion journalism is all about being creative. You can be as creative as you want, but don’t get discouraged if an editor doesn’t like your ideas. Just keep trying and eventually someone will take notice.

You can also be as bold with your style as you want to be in fashion journalism. If you have an idea for something that only an insane person would wear, test it out on yourself first before going public with it (and make sure to get some photos!). 

Fashion editors love seeing edgy clothing pieces or accessories that are different from what everyone else is wearing they’ll jump at the chance to feature them in their magazine or online site!

You’d Create Content For Publications That Millions Of People Read Every Day

As a fashion journalist, you would be writing for several different publications that are read by millions of people every day.

You’d be writing for titles like Vogue, W, and Harper’s Bazaar. Each publication has its audience and style just like magazines do! This means your content should be tailored to each publication’s specific readership.

For example, The editor-in-chief of Vogue probably wouldn’t want to see an article about how makeup can help you get over a breakup on the cover of their magazine (unless it was written more tongue in cheek). However, an editor from Marie Claire might love this idea!

Journalism jobs may be fading, but freelance writing is thriving for several compelling reasons. Dive into our comprehensive post on 10 Reasons Journalism Jobs Get the Boot and Freelance Writing Is Thriving to explore the exciting opportunities in the freelance writing industry.

You’d Meet Some Of The Most Talented Designers From Around The Globe

There’s a lot of inspiration to be found in fashion journalism. One of the most inspiring parts of working in fashion journalism is meeting some of the most talented designers from around the globe. 

Whether you’re writing about their work or interviewing them, you’ll get to know how they think and how they approach different challenges and obstacles. You might even find yourself with some new design ideas for your style!

You Would Attend Fashion Shows All Across The World

Fashion shows are one of the best ways to see what’s new in the fashion world. You’ll get an inside look at what’s happening on the runway, which is a great way to network with other editors and journalists, as well as get inspiration for your style. 

Most fashion magazines will attend several events each season, so you can expect plenty of opportunities to mingle with other industry professionals.

Your Instagram Feed Would Become A Total Envy Magnet!

Social media is a powerful tool for fashion journalists and editors, allowing them to communicate with their followers and fans. 

Your Instagram feed would become a total envy magnet! Not only would you have access to the best outfits and accessories every day, but you could also share them with your followers on social media.

When it comes down to it, this is why most people love fashion journalism: because they get to shop all day long without spending money! Who doesn’t love that? 

With your passion for fashion journalism, there’s no way that you won’t want to share the best looks with everyone else to promote yourself (and maybe even make some sales).

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years at Fashion School 101: there are few things more important than knowing how clothes fit together well when creating an outfit. 

We believe that knowing how clothes fit together is just as important as being able to recognize the good quality fabric. 

Or construction techniques which will mean less time spent shopping around looking for these things later on down the line when all of us start working full-time jobs where money isn’t quite so plentiful anymore!

Curious how to freelance while traveling with just your phone? Our engaging story, How I Freelance on Phone While Traveling: The Story, reveals valuable insights and practical tips to help you maintain your freelance career on the go.

You’d Get The First Dibs On The Latest Trends

As a fashion journalist, you’d be the first to get wind of the hottest new trends. They might not even be on the market yet! You could tell your readers all about them as soon as they came out.

You’d also have the chance to see these styles yourself in person before anyone else does. That means that if you’re doing your job right (and we know you will), then people will trust your opinion and buy these clothes because they trust what YOU say about them. 

This is especially important for brands who rely on word-of-mouth marketing which many do because it means that when customers buy their products with confidence from someone who has tested them personally first hand. 

Then those customers are more likely to recommend those same products to others later down the road when they hear about something new coming out in stores next season.

You’d Be Able To Interview Celebrities Who Top The Best-Dressed List Every Time

The fashion world is full of interesting people. It’s also a more accessible world than you may think if you’re willing to work hard and make connections, you can meet some of the most famous people in the world. 

And once they know your name, they’ll be happy to talk with you about anything and everything related to fashion (and sometimes non-related).

You’ll learn what makes their style unique and why they dress the way they do, from how their outfits are put together down to what type of shoes they wear with an outfit (and why those shoe work). 

You’ll get an insider’s view on how trends start and spread throughout pop culture from Instagram posts that go viral up through street-style photographs taken by professional photographers at high-profile events like Paris Fashion Week or New York Fashion Week.

There’s No Cap On How Much You Could Earn If You Ace Your Job As A Fashion Journalist

According to a study by the British Fashion Council, journalists and bloggers in the UK who write about luxury fashion earn an average annual salary of £30k (roughly USD 40k). This is significantly higher than the national average salary for all journalists ($35k). 

And it’s even more impressive when compared to other industry jobs fashion editors make about $60k per year, while advertising creatives make about $50k per year.

In other words: if you can get into this field and prove yourself talented enough, there is no limit to how much money you could end up making at it (or with it).

You Get To Write About Something You’re Passionate About, And Make Money From It!

As a fashion journalist, you get to write about something you’re passionate about, and make money from it! 

You also get the opportunity to work for a publication that millions of people read every day. Not only that, but as a fashion writer, you’ll be able to meet some of the most talented designers from around the globe. There are so many benefits that come with being a fashion journalist!

Embark on a surprisingly simple journey to become a fashion designer with our informative guide. Learn more about this exciting career path in our article, Surprisingly Simple Way to Become a Fashion Designer, and uncover the steps to transform your passion into a successful venture.

You’d Have Numerous Opportunities To Learn From Some Of The Most Inspiring Women In Fashion Journalism

The best place to learn about fashion journalism? Well, it’s not necessarily the best environment for learning fashion magazines are hotbeds of drama, and they’re famous for their high-stress work environments. But the people who work there sure do know how to write! 

And if you get your foot in the door with a big magazine or blog, you’ll be surrounded by some of the most talented writers in the industry. 

These aren’t just any writers; they’re people who’ve been at it for years and decades and centuries. You’ll have access to first-hand advice from some of these masters (and also some second-hand advice from younger staffers who have yet to break out on their own).

It doesn’t matter what age you are or what experience level you have: anyone can learn something from working alongside true experts like these.

The World Is Your Oyster When It Comes To Career Options In This Space

As a fashion journalist, you’ll have the opportunity to do many things. You’ll have the opportunity to travel and explore the world. You’ll have opportunities for personal growth. You’ll have opportunities to learn new skills and expand your knowledge base. 

You may even be able to find some work-related travel opportunities that include your significant other or roommate!

You could use this space as an excuse to meet people with whom you normally wouldn’t interact and maybe make some lifelong friends in the process! 

I’ve made some of my closest pals from my time as a writer at Refinery29, one of whom was an intern at another publication when we began working together at R29 full-time in 2013. 

We bonded over our mutual love for men’s fashion (it doesn’t get more niche than that) and still catch up online or over drinks when we’re back home visiting our respective cities.

I don’t need much convincing when it comes down to why this is such a rewarding career path: there are so many ways in which fashion journalism can shape who we are as individuals while also allowing us to make money doing something we love!

If You Love Writing About Fashion, This May Be The Career For You!

If you love writing, this is a great career. If you love fashion, this is a great career. If you love writing about fashion, this is a great career. And if you love all three of those things in equal measure (as I do), then all the better!

As someone who writes and edits for multiple publications that cover everything from business to travel to food and drink. 

I’ve come to realize that we need more people who can combine their passion for writing with their passion for clothing and not just in the form of an occasional column or blog post like mine.

So if you’re looking for something new or maybe just want some validation that yes, there are jobs out there where your two biggest passions intersect here are 27 reasons why it’s okay if you’re considering getting into fashion journalism:

Being a prolific freelancer alone is not enough for sustained success in the competitive market. Discover the key factors that contribute to long-term sustainability in our thought-provoking piece, Why Being a Prolific Freelancer Is Not Enough to Be Sustained, and learn how to enhance your freelance career for lasting prosperity.


We’re pretty sure this list has got you thinking. Fashion journalism is a field that involves putting your best foot forward and making the most of opportunities. 

If you want to be a part of this fast-paced and glamorous world, you need to be prepared for on-the-go travel, long hours, and occasional setbacks. 

But if you do manage to get into fashion journalism, then you will have an adventurous job where no two days are alike. 

You’ll always be on the lookout for upcoming trends and latest styles; every trip will be a new adventure; every meeting will offer unique insights into your favorite industry; each article or blog post will provide a chance to introduce new voices, and ideas (and shoes!). 

While sharing your thoughts on current events in the world of fashion. So what are you waiting for? This may just be exactly what you were looking for

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore for further information on fashion journalism:

Fashion Journalism: A Comprehensive Guide: Delve into this comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of fashion journalism, including its scope, skills required, and career opportunities.

Media Law and Ethics for Fashion Journalists: Gain insights into the legal and ethical considerations specific to fashion journalism with this informative article.

Careers in the Ancillary Businesses: Explore the ancillary businesses related to the fashion industry and discover potential career paths beyond journalism in this FutureLearn course.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Fashion Journalism?

Fashion journalism is a form of journalism that covers the fashion industry. It can cover anything from runway shows to fashion magazines to designer collections, and it may also include coverage of celebrity style. 

Fashion journalists are often called “fashion writers” or just “writers.” A fashion journalist typically reports on the latest trends in clothing, accessories, and cosmetics for an audience that wants to follow the latest trends in fashion.

How Do I Get Started As A Fashion Journalist?

If you’re interested in writing about fashion for a publication or website, your first step should be to find out whether there’s an opening for someone with your skills and experience. 

You can start by visiting websites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor to see what types of positions are available at companies you’d like to work for; then reach out directly with an email or phone call if you think they might be looking for someone like you!

What Kind Of Education Do I Need?

Most jobs in the fashion industry require at least some college education and sometimes even a master’s degree! 

However, there are also plenty of opportunities for people without formal training if they have strong writing skills, particularly those who have worked on other types of publications before moving into this field.

What are the career prospects in fashion journalism?

Fashion journalism offers various career prospects, including roles such as fashion writer, editor, stylist, fashion critic, and fashion correspondent. These roles can be found in print and digital media, fashion magazines, newspapers, websites, and even television.

How can I stay updated with the latest fashion trends as a fashion journalist?

As a fashion journalist, you can stay updated with the latest fashion trends by following fashion shows, attending industry events, keeping an eye on fashion blogs and magazines, following influential fashion personalities on social media, and networking with industry professionals.

Are there any specific ethical considerations for fashion journalists?

Yes, fashion journalists need to consider ethical aspects such as responsible reporting, avoiding plagiarism, respecting privacy, and promoting diversity and inclusion in their coverage. It’s important to maintain journalistic integrity while reporting on fashion-related topics.

How can I build a strong portfolio as a fashion journalist?

To build a strong portfolio as a fashion journalist, you can start by creating your own blog or website where you can showcase your fashion-related content. Additionally, you can contribute articles to fashion publications, collaborate with fashion brands or photographers, and actively seek opportunities to cover fashion events.

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