Product Review Writing From A Writer’s Perspective

I have been writing product reviews for several years now. I am pleased to say that the skills I acquired while working on these assignments have helped me develop my own freelance writing career. 

When you’re writing product reviews, it’s important to be accurate and fair. In this post, I’ll share some tips on how to do just that!

How to Write a Product Review that Coverts? – YouTube
1. Understanding the writer’s viewpoint is crucial for effective product reviews.
2. The importance of balancing objectivity and subjectivity in reviews.
3. Tips for crafting engaging and informative product reviews.
4. How to cater to the target audience while maintaining authenticity.
5. Exploring different writing styles and approaches for varied products.

Build Your Credibility

Your credibility is your ability to persuade readers that you know what you’re talking about. For example, if someone is writing about music and has never been to a concert in their life, I am going to question their authority on the topic. 

If someone writes about a subject but uses incorrect terms or makes factual errors, I might also question whether they have enough knowledge about the material to be writing about it at all.

Credibility can be built in many ways: by providing good examples and explanations of concepts; citing credible sources (like peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals); showing that you have experience with a particular field; and more. 

The goal of credibility-building techniques is not just to make our readers think we are experts (even though this is certainly one benefit), but also because people feel better when they know what they’re reading has been vetted by an expert who knows what he/she’s talking about! 

This can help us avoid losing our readers’ trust when we make claims that turn out not to be true!

Building a successful career as a product review writer starts with the right knowledge and approach. Learn how to get started as a product review writer and set yourself up for writing success.

Consider The Product Objectively

As the writer of a product review, it’s important to be able to look at the product objectively. Many factors can sway your opinion about a product that has nothing to do with its quality:

The marketing for the product. Marketing is all about making you think you need something more than what you already have, and it can be hard not to get swept up in that mindset.

The price of the product. Sometimes people assume if something is expensive, it must be better than an inexpensive alternative.

But this isn’t always true! If there are two similar products on sale at different prices, don’t let one cost more than the other influence how much you like each one (unless there’s a good reason for why).

The packaging and branding associated with a brand name item will often influence people’s perception of quality before they even try out their purchase; therefore when writing reviews consider whether these elements play into your overall opinion or not

Identify And Substantiate All Claims

As a writer, you should be able to substantiate all claims with evidence that is well supported by research. 

You should also be able to identify and provide references (including sources and statistics) for each claim you make. To back up your points, you may also provide examples or data.

This is an example of how you could write this section:

  • “In the article ‘The Benefits of Coffee,’ author [name], who has a Ph.D. in biology, writes…
  • “A study conducted by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine found that drinking two cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by 50%. The results were published in [journal name].”

Writing an engaging product review requires attention to detail and a well-structured approach. Check out our 10 ingredient list to write a product review and make your reviews stand out from the rest.

Focus On Your Audience

You should begin with a clear idea of who your audience is. This will help you decide what type of tone and content to use in your review, as well as how detailed or broad you want to go. 

For example, if you are writing for an audience that consists mostly of parents with young children, then you might be more focused on the product’s ease of use and safety features than if you were writing for an older crowd who is more concerned about sound quality. 

Also consider what purpose your review will serve: Is it being used as promotional material? To inform potential buyers about new products? Or something else entirely?

Next, think about what purpose the product serves and who is using it, and why this is important for your target audience (the people reading your article). 

If a person looking at websites needs information quickly and easily presented so that they make quick buying decisions based on price alone then something like SEO content would work better than long-form editorial pieces.

Because search engines reward sites with high rankings based on keyword density (or how often certain words appear) which means there’s less need for longer sentences while still maintaining readability levels high enough.

So visitors don’t bounce out quickly due to limited attention spans caused by competing websites vying for their attention instead focusing exclusively on one specific thing.

Such as making money off clicks generated through advertising revenue streams instead of focusing solely on providing consumers with relevant information when searching online

Engage Readers Immediately

To engage readers immediately, you need to write in a way that makes them want to keep reading. This is done by:

  • Using a bold subhead that summarizes what follows underneath it (e.g., “The Top 5 Companies Hiring Writers”)
  • Including 3-5 bullet points
  • Writing an opening sentence that grabs the reader’s attention and makes her curious about what follows (e.g., “You don’t have to be a professional writer for these companies.”)
  • Closing with another bold subhead summarizing the main point of your article (e.g., “Here are the top five companies hiring writers right now.”)

Focus On Features And Benefits

Focus on features and benefits. A good product review focuses on the advantages of a product, rather than its features. 

The best way to do this is by using a list format bulleted lists are especially effective for this purpose. You can also use subheadings, numbers, and tables of contents to organize your review.

Use a glossary for unfamiliar terms or jargon. If you come across words in your research that aren’t commonly used but might be important to have an informed conversation about products (like “USB-C” or “point-and-shoot”).

Make sure they’re defined in an easy-to-find section of your article so readers can follow along without getting lost in jargon!

Curious about product review writing? Discover the ins and outs of this rewarding field with our comprehensive guide: Product Review Writing: Should You Be Doing It?

Give Your Review Structure And Substance

As you write, you should be sure to include the following information:

  • Product description. This is where you describe the product and its features, including any special benefits that it provides.
  • Product benefits. These are advantages of using the product that isn’t necessarily obvious from simply looking at it or reading its description.
  • Product drawbacks. For every advantage there’s also a disadvantage; these are things about the product that may not appeal to everyone who uses it for whatever purpose they have in mind (or no particular purpose at all).
  • Product limitations/restrictions/limitations on use and/or purpose(s). This can include things like pricing restrictions imposed by manufacturers or vendors, availability constraints imposed by third parties such as retailers or distributors (e.,g., “out of stock”), etc.; 
  • If there are any limits on what kind of people should consider purchasing this item due to physical limitations like weight capacity then this would also be included here (e.,g., “for children ages 10+”).

Write Well, With Correct Grammar And Spelling

The writer should adhere to the basic rules of English grammar and, in particular, punctuation. If you are unfamiliar with the rules of English grammar and punctuation, look them up.

Before writing your review!  

Once you know what is correct and incorrect usage in English, follow it as closely as possible when reviewing products for your audience! Make sure that everything has a comma after each item in lists (like “the following items:”), for example:

The pen writes smoothly but feels cheap due to its plastic construction; however, it does not bleed through paper like some other pens do on account of its ink drying quickly once applied by hand onto a surface (like paper).

Make sure that if an adjective modifies a noun that both words are capitalized (for example This is an excellent product.). If the adjective comes before a singular noun then only one word needs capitalization (for example This product is excellent.). 

Watch out for confusing homophones such as “their” versus “there” or “its”! 

You can also check out this guide from GrammarBook’s website which goes over how these common mistakes happen along with explanations on how best to avoid making them yourself while engaging in written communication online through blogs posts or reviews such as this one right here 🙂

Be Consistent In Tone Throughout The Review

One of the most important aspects of any review is its tone. Tones can be very distinctive, and in some cases, they are what makes a brand or product stand out. For example:

  • The unique tone that makes Coca-Cola so identifiable and beloved
  • The distinct tone of fast food chains like In-N-Out Burger and Jack In the Box (which often comes in the form of puns)
  • The serious yet humorous tone used by Nike when talking about athletic gear

Want to make your product reviews more compelling and impactful? Find out how to write product reviews that stand out and captivate your audience with every word.

Stay Within The Time Limit Allowed For The Review

When writing a product review, it’s important to keep in mind that you have a limited word count. This means that you should not rush through the review process. To stay within the time limit, follow these steps:

Make sure you have enough time to write a good review. If your boss asks for something in two days and your deadline is approaching, don’t panic! There are ways around this issue such as making use of templates (which we’ll talk about later).

Don’t forget all the required information in your product reviews. The most common mistake people make when writing their reviews is not including their contact details or even just filling out the template correctly. When submitting an article for publishing, be sure that all necessary information is included!

Don’t forget about formatting either! Formatting can help with readability by making text easier to digest visually; however, if done poorly it can hinder comprehension rather than enhance it so make sure there are no misspellings or typos before hitting send on any given piece of content

Use A Template For Recurring Reviews Or Follow Guidelines Provided By The Agency Hiring You

When you’re writing product reviews for a living, there are some basic guidelines to follow.

Use a template for recurring reviews or follow guidelines provided by the agency hiring you. Templates are a great way to save time and ensure consistency in style and content.

Make sure that all product information is current, relevant, and accurate. This helps avoid confusion with customers who may have recently purchased that same item.

As well as avoiding any legal repercussions for the company or yourself if someone were to get injured using an outdated product or found that an ingredient list had changed without their knowledge (for instance).

Be sure not to repeat yourself too much when describing each component of your review; keep it interesting and engaging so people will keep reading!

Be Descriptive

Your review should be descriptive. Be sure to describe the product in detail, from its features to its benefits. 

You don’t have to spend time talking about the limitations or performance of a certain product if you do not feel it is important for your readers to know about it but be aware that some reviews will include these elements because they are important for certain types of buyers.

The description of appearance can help buyers decide whether or not they want this particular product based on how well it matches their style preferences and home decor needs. 

If a piece is beautiful but too large for your space, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing! It just means that this particular item may not be right for you at this time (or ever).

Explain Why You Chose To Use Or Evaluate The Item Or Service Under Review

In this section, you explain why you chose to use or evaluate the item or service under review. You can tell if a specific experience prompted your purchase, or explains how it fits into your life and work. 

If any other writers might be interested in your product, this is where they’ll learn more about its features and benefits. In addition, any readers might want to avoid the item or service covered in the review (e.g., because it’s too expensive).

This is where they’ll get information about its drawbacks so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to try it themselves.

Explain why you’re qualified to write a review on this topic. Is it because of previous experience with similar products? Is it because of extensive research into related topics? Or do both apply? 

If none of these apply, consider including one or both anyway as long as there’s some connection between how well-versed readers are at all times and make up for the lack thereof when writing reviews themselves; otherwise known as “writing what matters most.”

Substantiate all claims with specifics–support each statement by citing evidence such as test results from independent labs (not just manufacturer recommendations). Ask yourself: Am I giving enough details here? 

Would someone else find them helpful when deciding whether or not to purchase something like this? Do all my claims seem reasonable given what’s available elsewhere online via search engines such as Google?”

Avoid Jargon And Technical Terms, And Define Any You Must Use To Convey Specific Meaning About The Item Under Review

The next step is to avoid jargon or technical terms and define those you must use to convey specific meaning about the item under review. 

If you are reviewing a vacuum cleaner, for example, don’t write something like “The suction was awesome.” Instead, say “The suction was powerful.”

If there’s an acronym in your review that you want readers to know about but can’t remember how it’s spelled (like SIA), include an acronym definition at the beginning of your review.

If other specialized words need definitions (like “bronchiolitis”), include a glossary at the end of your review where they can be found easily by readers who may not be familiar with them.

You can also use a dictionary if necessary just make sure all relevant definitions are marked as such so that readers won’t mistake them for part of what makes up your actual opinion on whatever product is being reviewed!

Include Relevant Urls But Do Not Directly Link To Them

Don’t Link To The Product Page

Don’t link directly to the product page of your review. The reason for this is twofold: first, it’s not allowed by Amazon’s terms of service (which we can’t ignore); and second, readers will be able to find that information themselves if they need it. 

If you want to direct people somewhere specific to learn more about a particular feature or piece of technology, use text instead of hyperlinks wherever possible.

Don’t Link Directly To The Manufacturer’s Site

This is also something that isn’t allowed because it gives someone else all your credit for research and it could get you in a lot of trouble if you don’t have permission from them first!

Use A Bold Subhead That Summarizes What Follows Underneath It

This is the first thing your readers will see when they’re scanning through the article. It’s also our opportunity to hook them into reading more. If we do it right, this bold subhead will make them stop for a moment and ask themselves: “Wait, what does that say?”

I recommend using one or two abbreviated sentences for each subhead therefore, it’s best if you try to keep your headings short and to the point! This makes them easier to read and scan through quickly (and again: hooking people into reading your reviews is our goal here).

Turn your passion for product reviews into a source of income! Learn how to make money as a product reviewer and start earning while doing what you love.

Take Care When Writing A Product Review So That You Are Accurate And Fair

You should avoid being too negative or positive in your writing. You need to be honest and professional, but also concise, clear, and consistent. Here are some tips on how to make sure you are being fair in your product review:

Be objective. This means that you shouldn’t let feelings get in the way of what you’re writing about a product. 

For example, if someone has bought something from your store and sent it back because they didn’t like it, don’t suddenly start saying how awful the person was just because they didn’t like your product! 

Just write down why they didn’t like it without getting personal – this is called “objective” because all facts come out without any bias towards one side or another (like making assumptions about people with no proof).

Be accurate. Make sure everything about what you’re reviewing is true – if there’s something wrong with a product then say so but don’t exaggerate anything either! 

If someone doesn’t want their money back from Amazon then there must be something wrong with their decision-making process rather than any fault with the retailer; 

Likewise, if someone does return an item from an online store due to poor quality then that probably means there’s nothing wrong with them either…


The purpose of a product review is to help potential customers decide whether or not they want to buy the item under review. If you are hired to write about a product, make sure you are familiar with it before starting so that you can write an accurate review.

Further Reading

How to Write Product Reviews the Google Way: Discover Google’s approach to writing effective product reviews and learn valuable tips for creating content that resonates with your audience.

How to Write Product Review: A Comprehensive Guide: Dive into this comprehensive guide on writing product reviews, covering everything from structuring your review to optimizing it for better search visibility.

Write Product Reviews That Convert and Delight Readers: Unleash the power of product reviews to convert and delight your readers with insights from this informative blog post.


What are the key elements of a successful product review?

A successful product review should include a detailed description of the product’s features and benefits, honest opinions about its performance, and a clear recommendation for the target audience.

How can I make my product reviews more trustworthy?

To make your product reviews more trustworthy, ensure transparency by disclosing any affiliations, provide evidence to support your claims, and address both the pros and cons of the product.

How long should a product review be?

The length of a product review can vary depending on the complexity of the product and the amount of information needed to convey its value. In general, aim for a length that thoroughly covers the important aspects without being overly verbose.

Should I include images in my product reviews?

Yes, incorporating relevant images can enhance the visual appeal of your product reviews and provide readers with a better understanding of the product’s appearance and usage.

How can I promote my product reviews to reach a wider audience?

Promote your product reviews through various channels such as social media, email newsletters, and collaborations with other influencers or content creators. Additionally, consider optimizing your reviews for search engines to attract organic traffic.