Neuromarketing: It’s About The Experience, Not Just The Product

We used to talk about brands as if they lived in a vacuum, but that doesn’t work anymore. The way we interact with products and services has changed, and the experience a brand provides has become just as important as the products it sells. 

If you want your customers to love your brand, then you need to understand neuromarketing: how consumers’ brains work and how that affects their buying decisions. 

We’ve put together some tips for incorporating neuromarketing into your marketing strategy so you can make more sales (and have more fun).

Neuromarketing: How Brands are Manipulating Your Brain
1. Successful marketing goes beyond the product itself.
2. The customer experience plays a crucial role in purchasing.
3. Neuromarketing explores psychological aspects of buying.
4. Creating positive experiences can drive brand loyalty.
5. Understanding consumer behavior enhances marketing tactics.

The Experience Is Everything

There is one major takeaway from neuromarketing: the customer experience is now more important than ever before. 

Your customers are using their senses to judge your brand and products, so you need to create an enjoyable experience for them at every touchpoint from their first impression of your ad on Instagram to the moment they open the packaging for the product they bought.

Neuromarketing research has found that people form an opinion about a company in less than 90 seconds, which means it’s essential for companies to focus on creating an experience that will engage consumers and encourage them to buy again. 

According to Kim Ducharme of The Future Laboratory, 65% of consumers say that positive experiences make them want more from brands; this number increases when shopping online or via mobile devices (73%).

Focusing on the customer experience is essential in modern marketing. Discover insights on how to sell products and services online in my TEDx talk: How I Gave a TEDx Talk on How to Sell Products and Services Online.

Becoming A Trusted Source Of Information

In order to become a trusted source of information, it is critical that you provide your customers with the right kind of information. 

This means you should be serving up relevant and useful content to your audience on a regular basis. It also means that the content should be accurate and up-to-date; otherwise, it will not be viewed as authoritative or trustworthy by your readership.

Finally, when publishing blog posts or other types of information online, make sure that they are easy for readers to find and understand (e.g., use keywords in titles). 

Make sure that if there are actionable takeaways from your blog post or video (e.g., buying a product), those are clearly laid out for users so they can easily act on them!

In-Person Or Virtual Events

An in-person or virtual event can be a great way to meet your customers. It’s also a great way to meet your employees, partners and investors. It might even be a great way to get connected with potential vendors.

But what if you don’t have the budget for an in-person event? What if you or your team are remote workers? 

If so, there are plenty of other ways that neuromarketing can help you create a better overall experience for your audience – whether they’re on their couch watching Netflix or checking out what’s new at your booth at CES 2019!

Neuromarketing is a science that’s even studied by rocket scientists. Explore the 15 key takeaways from a rocket scientist’s perspective on neuromarketing: 15 Things We Learned from a Rocket Scientist About Neuromarketing.

Community Engagement And “Happenings”

The main idea here is to get people talking, whether that be through social media or in-person. This can be as simple as posting an event on Facebook and inviting your friends, or it could mean hosting a meetup at your place of business. 

The important thing to note here is that the goal isn’t necessarily about making money; it’s about creating an opportunity for communication between people and brands (or businesses).

Creativity Is Contagious, So Be A Carrie

Creativity is contagious, so be a carrier. The brand is a conduit to other experiences and ideas, after all. 

And if you want to get creative with your marketing message, don’t forget that it doesn’t have to be just about the product or service it can also be about how you present that information.

It’s not just about what you say; it’s also about how you say it. The better experience you create for your audience through neuromarketing techniques like these will help them remember who they are and what they do and encourage them to come back again and again.

Establish An Emotional Connection

Establishing an emotional connection is the key to success. Emotional connections are what drive trust, loyalty, retention, referrals and advocacy. 

In fact, research by Harvard Business School shows that 3 out of 4 people will pay more for a product they feel has a personal connection to them.

Don’t just sell your products or services create experiences that provide customers with value beyond what they expected. 

Focus on creating an emotional connection between you and your audience by creating content that resonates with them on a deeper level than just pure facts about your product or service this leads to increased engagement and brand loyalty as well as increased sales!

Marketing is intricately linked with understanding human psychology. Delve into the relationship between marketing and human behavior in my article: Understanding Marketing Is Understanding Human Beings.

“If You Love Them, They Will Come”

It’s a phrase that has been used in advertising since the dawn of time. It’s a simple concept: give people what they want and they will reward you with loyalty and money. The problem is that it assumes that giving customers something they want is enough to keep them coming back.

The truth is, there’s more to it than that. A customer wants more than just your product or service they want an experience. 

They’re looking for something deeper than just another purchase on their credit card statement each month; as human beings we crave relationships with other people and experiences that feel authentic, special and meaningful.

The Brand As A Conduit To Other Experiences

In the same way that your brand is a promise of something else, it’s also a promise about the experience. Customers want to know what it’s going to feel like before they buy. They want you to tell them how it will make them feel and what they can expect from your product or service.

While this is happening on an unconscious level, customers still have feelings about the brand. If we go back to our example above: The customer sees Nike and feels athletic, strong, fit and powerful all things that are important in their lives right now! 

If a customer buys into Nike (and not some other brand), then that feeling becomes associated with Nike products as well because they associate these positive emotions with wearing those shoes or sports gear when playing sports themselves!

Brands are not just about logos anymore; brands are everything from packaging design to advertising campaigns designed specifically for each platform where consumers will interact with them.

From print ads in magazines through social media feeds on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram etc., even downplaying colors used in these platforms so as not distract from key messaging such as call-to-actions etcetera…

Building trust is the cornerstone of successful marketing. Learn how to employ neuromarketing to establish trust with your prospects and customers: Neuromarketing Posts to Build Trust with Your Prospects and Customers.

Bring In The Experts – Or The Customers Themselves

Have you ever gotten a bad haircut? You know the feeling the hair is too short and it’s just not working.

If you’re like me, your experience with this situation is probably to go back to the same salon and ask them to fix it. This time they’ll get it right, right?


The problem here isn’t that there’s something wrong with your hair or you can’t communicate what you want clearly. The root cause of this frustrating discovery (or lack thereof) is that we don’t have all the tools available for us to fully understand our customers’ needs and wants. 

As marketers, we need every advantage we can get in order to drive better results for our products or services and neuromarketing will help us do just that by providing an unprecedented view into what makes consumers tick from an emotional level.

Design Your Product To Enhance The Overall Experience

The whole point of neuromarketing is to design products that enhance the overall experience. We need to think of the customer experience as a product itself and think about what makes it memorable, interactive, personalized and social. 

And then add an element of informative content to it all that enhances the value of your brand through useful information or entertainment.

This can be done in many ways:

  • Personalized, tailored emails with relevant offers.
  • Interactive ads on Facebook that allow users to view content on other sites without leaving Facebook’s app environment (ie Instagram)
  • Social media “chatbots” that answer questions from customers and provide recommendations based on actual purchases made by other customers

Strike A Balance With Autonomy Vs. Structured Experiences

It’s no secret that we humans like autonomy in our work and life. We want to do things on our own terms, without too much oversight. But what about structure? What about milestones and deadlines? How can you strike a balance between these two seemingly contradictory forces?

To answer this question, let’s first look at why we need both autonomy and structure in the workplace. Autonomy allows us to feel like we have control over our work lives, which helps boost engagement levels among employees. 

On the other hand, there are times when we need structure to achieve specific goals as part of team projects or initiatives that require more collaboration than what one person can provide alone. 

The trick is finding ways to incorporate both elements so they complement each other instead of working against each other – especially if your goal is employee engagement!

Take Time To Process And Unplug – For Everyone’s Sake

The most important thing you can do, whether it’s a response to a campaign or something that happened in your personal life, is to take time to process what you’re feeling and understand what impact it had on you. 

This is how we grow as people by learning from our experiences and integrating them into our lives.

Take some time for yourself after work: go for a walk with the dog or sit outside with a cup of tea. 

Or if that doesn’t appeal to you, try listening to music or watching TV (you know what I’m getting at). Whatever helps keep things in perspective while also allowing your mind relax is great!

There’s No Such Thing As Having Too Much Fun!

The number one rule of neuromarketing is this: there’s no such thing as having too much fun!

The reason for this is that fun and pleasure are hardwired into our brains, so it’s the most powerful tool in a marketer’s arsenal. It can make people care about what you have to say and remember your brand in a positive light. 

And when people remember something positively, it means they’re more likely to buy from you in the future.

For example, imagine if you were selling a product that was traditionally considered boring – like home insurance or tax software. How could you make it seem more exciting? 

You could add some games or puzzles into your website with prizes for those who solve them correctly (like an iPad), or offer customers the chance to play games while they wait on hold on their phone call (like HQ Trivia).

The power of neuroimaging in marketing can’t be underestimated. Discover how neuroimaging research can elevate your marketing strategies: How Neuroimaging Research Can Help You Become a Better Marketer.

The Customer Experience Drives Sales Now More Than Ever Before

The customer experience drives sales now more than ever before. It’s not about the product anymore, it’s about the entire experience around that product. 

So what does this mean for your business? If you’re not thinking about how to improve your customers’ experiences, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to attract new customers and keep existing ones happy.


Bottom line? The customer experience drives sales now more than ever before. The consumer truly is king, and it’s up to retailers, brands and marketers alike to give them what they want. And what do they want? 

A personalized brand experience that reflects their values, interests and behaviors. This is no easy feat, but with the right tools and knowledge at your disposal (and maybe a little luck), you can make it happen!

Further Reading

Neuromarketing Definition and Overview Short Description: Explore a comprehensive overview of neuromarketing, understanding its core principles and applications in the field of customer experience.

The Power of Neuromarketing: Unveiling Consumer Insights Short Description: Dive into the world of neuromarketing and uncover how it taps into consumer insights through psychological and neurological perspectives.

Demystifying Neuromarketing: Insights for Marketers Short Description: Harvard Business Review offers insights on neuromarketing, providing marketers with a clear understanding of its relevance and implications.

And here’s the “FAQs” section with questions and answers in H3 without numbering:


What is neuromarketing and how does it work?

Neuromarketing is a multidisciplinary field that blends neuroscience, psychology, and marketing to understand how consumers make decisions and respond to marketing stimuli. It employs techniques such as brain imaging to measure neural responses and gain insights into consumer behavior.

How can neuromarketing enhance customer experience?

Neuromarketing offers valuable insights into consumer preferences, helping businesses tailor their marketing strategies to create more engaging and personalized customer experiences.

What are some common applications of neuromarketing in marketing campaigns?

Neuromarketing techniques can be applied to optimize advertisements, product packaging, pricing strategies, and website design, all aimed at influencing consumer decisions.

What ethical considerations should marketers keep in mind when using neuromarketing?

Marketers must balance the benefits of neuromarketing insights with ethical considerations, ensuring that consumer privacy is respected and that the use of neuroscientific techniques is transparent and consensual.

How does neuromarketing contribute to brand loyalty?

By understanding the emotional and cognitive processes underlying consumer decision-making, neuromarketing can help businesses build stronger connections with their audience, fostering long-term brand loyalty.