Have you ever bought an item at full price and only to find out later that it was on sale? Or have you maybe even paid regular price for something only to see it marked down later? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there.
In fact, according to a study conducted by professor of marketing at Stanford University Dr. Jennifer Aaker and her colleagues, 89 percent of Americans have felt buyer’s remorse after making a purchase decision!
And this is where neuromarketing comes into play: if we understand what leads us to make those purchases in the first place then we can do better at predicting whether or not our customers will feel buyer’s remorse after making their own purchase decisions.
Key Takeaways |
1. Neuromarketing combines neuroscience and marketing to influence consumer behavior. |
2. Buyer’s remorse is a common post-purchase feeling that can impact consumer satisfaction. |
3. Understanding the neuroscience behind buyer’s remorse can help businesses mitigate its effects. |
4. Tailoring marketing strategies to align with consumer psychology can enhance engagement. |
5. Proper post-purchase support and clear return policies can alleviate buyer’s remorse. |
6. Addressing buyer’s remorse positively can foster trust and loyalty with customers. |
7. Incorporating neuromarketing insights can lead to more successful marketing campaigns. |
1. Increase Your Prices
If you want to increase your prices, here’s how:
Increase Your Prices To Attract Higher Quality Customers
The first thing you’ll notice is that people will be more willing to pay for things they want or need than before.
In addition, you’ll attract customers who are more likely to make repeat purchases from you because they know what they’re getting into. The result? More satisfied clients and increased profitability!
Unlocking the potential of online sales requires a deep understanding of effective strategies. Learn from my experience on giving a TEDx talk on selling products and services online to harness the power of persuasive techniques.
Increase Your Prices To Encourage More Sales
By raising your prices slightly (and again, I’m talking about very small increments), customers may become less price sensitive and be more willing to buy what they need or want.
This is especially true if it’s something that will benefit them in the long run like a new mattress or an improved IT infrastructure at work, rather than just an immediate purchase like food items at the grocery store where shoppers are often looking for bargains.
Instead of value-added services such as convenience or personalization options when making choices about which items might best suit their needs/wants.
2. Check In With Your Values
Now that you know where you’re at, it’s time to check in with your values.
This is a great way to see if there is any buyer’s remorse in the future.
If you find yourself feeling buyer’s remorse, or having second thoughts, take a step back and ask yourself: why isn’t this new venture working out? What has changed?
What do I need to do differently? How can I get back on track so that I can make sure my customers are happy and satisfied?
3. Check In With Your Customers
It’s important to get feedback from your customers so you can improve the experience for future users, but it should be done in a way that is not perceived as pushy or intrusive. Ask them questions like:
What do you think of our product?
- How did you like our service?
- What would you change? *
- Would you recommend us to friends and family?
- What was your favorite part about working with us today/this week/this month/this year so far?
If they seem hesitant or unwilling to give an opinion, don’t push them too hard they may simply not be ready yet! However if they’re willing but still reticent (e.g., “I’m not sure what I think,”), try asking open-ended questions instead: “What do YOU think about OUR PRODUCT?”
Harness the insights from neuroscience to supercharge your marketing efforts. Discover 15 valuable lessons from a rocket scientist about neuromarketing to enhance your approach and capture consumer attention.
4. Set Clear Boundaries
The next step is to set the boundaries. This is an area that many people find challenging and painful. It’s especially difficult for those who are used to being “nice” or “cooperative,” but it is essential if you want to be successful at neuromarketing.
If your business has customers, you have to decide what they can expect from you and what they cannot expect from you and stick with it!
If your employees are working for a paycheck, then their job should not be about making friends or being liked by everyone else in the office. They need clear directions on what they need to do, how they will get paid when they will get paid (or not), and where the bathroom is located so that they don’t have to ask too many questions.
If suppliers are providing goods or services at a discount they not only continue getting orders but also hopefully build up some goodwill over time (i.e., “the future”).
Then let them know exactly when their discounts end so there won’t be any surprises down the road (either way).
If there’s no date attached yet because it hasn’t happened yet (like building new infrastructure), then put yourself out there by saying something like: “When we build our new factory next year.”
That way both parties know exactly how long this deal lasts without any guesswork involved later on down
5. Remember It’s About Value, Not Price
Next, we need to remember that price is not the only factor that matters. It’s not even the most important factor in most purchases.
“Price is not the same as value,” says Taylor. “Price is not the same as cost,” he adds, explaining that while your product or service may have a high cost, it can also be very valuable compared with other options in its category.
And while there are exceptions when it comes to luxury products (like designer handbags).
Generally speaking, people want more value for their money than they’re willing to pay for and if something doesn’t look like it offers tremendous value for what you’re charging, then people won’t buy it no matter how low your price point might be!
Winning over buyers often hinges on understanding the psychological factors that drive decisions. Explore 11 reasons why your brain influences buyer decisions and discover the cognitive triggers that shape purchase choices.
6. Create A Great Follow-up System
A follow-up system is an excellent way to help make sure you have a healthy relationship with your customers. Here are some ways you can follow up:
Phone call – Send a voice message on their answering machine or leave a detailed message on their voicemail
Personal email – Write them an email saying hi, how’s everything going and let them know that you’d like to talk about their experience with your company as soon as possible. If they don’t respond within 24 hours, send another one in 2 days.
If they still haven’t responded by then, assume that everything went fine and move on to other people who were interested in buying from your company!
Handwritten note – This is similar to the previous step except it involves sending out handwritten notes (or cards) through snail mail instead of electronic messaging systems such as Facebook Messenger or Twitter Direct Messaging (DM).
Handwritten notes are always more personal than electronic messages because they’re more personal!
Gift/thank you present – Give away freebies like t-shirts or pens with your company logo printed on them;
These items may not cost much but will go towards boosting goodwill among potential customers who see them wearing these things around town when they’re shopping at local grocery stores or department stores near where they live/work (depending on what kind of business model works best for yours).
7. Share Your Experience
Share your experience with customers. As a person who uses the product or service, you probably have some insights into why it wasn’t perfect for you, even if you loved it overall.
You may even have some ideas about how it could be improved. Sharing these opinions and suggestions can help your business improve its products or services, which will benefit everyone in the long run.
Share your experience with colleagues at work and people in other departments within your company as well as outside of it (like suppliers).
If something goes wrong during production or delivery that might lead to unhappy customers or if there are ways to improve things for future customers let them know! The more people who know about such issues now before they become problems, later on, the better off we all will be.
8. Do A Comparable Analysis
The Comparable Analysis is a great way to analyze whether or not your product is worth the money. In this section, you’ll want to compare your product with similar items in the same industry and category.
If you’re trying to sell something that no one else has ever sold before (a game console), then you won’t have anything comparable for comparison purposes.
But if it’s something that other companies are already selling (such as a phone), then this technique can help you determine if there is enough demand for what you’re offering.
Once again, we can use an example: let’s say that I’m trying to sell a portable gaming device called Game Machine X-1 (GX1) at $400 per unit.
The first thing I would do is compare GX1 against other companies’ products which are also portable gaming devices, but at lower prices than mine say $300 per unit instead of $400 per unit.
And see if enough people are willing to pay more than double the price just so they don’t have buyer’s remorse later on down the road because they didn’t purchase from ME!
Crafting marketing strategies that resonate with consumers’ pleasure centers can yield impressive results. Dive into the world of marketing based on the neuroscience of pleasure to create campaigns that evoke positive emotions and engagement.
9. Skip A Step To Build Confidence
Confidence is sexy. People who are confident in what they do and are proud of their product and service come off as more personable, trustworthy, and relatable all important qualities when it comes to making a sale.
So how do you build confidence? Skip a step or two. When you’re selling your business (or yourself) as a whole package, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done: marketing, customer service, product development the list goes on forever!
So instead of trying to tackle it all at once and potentially losing sight of what matters focus on one thing at a time until each area has been covered before moving onto the next. For example:
Be confident in your product first; then move on to being confident about your brand/marketing/business model/customer service etc.
Be confident about pricing & promotions for one month before worrying about developing new products or services for another month etc., etc., etc…
10. Forget Perfection And Focus On Progress Over Perfection
Good news! You can stop worrying about attaining perfection in your marketing efforts. Instead, focus on progress over perfection.
As a business owner, you need to be able to see the big picture and know that no matter how good you do something or how well something turns out, there is always room for improvement.
Even if you are an expert in your field and can easily accomplish tasks with ease, there will always be room for improvement when it comes to your marketing efforts.
The key is learning how to move forward with confidence despite imperfections or setbacks that may occur along the way towards reaching your goals in neuromarketing (or any other area of life).
Rather than focusing on trying to achieve perfection before moving forward with new projects or ideas, try focusing on making measurable progress towards those goals each day so that eventually they will become reality without feeling overwhelmed by trying too hard at once!
11. Don’t Lower Prices, Increase Value Instead
Don’t lower prices, increase value instead. If you can provide your customer with more than they expected, they’ll be more likely to come back and spend their money on you again. This can be done in many ways:
The most common way is by using the “10x” technique, which simply means that the product or service you’re selling needs to be 10 times better than what your competitor offers.
For example, if an airline charges $25 for a flight and another airline charges $50, then the second airline has a higher value proposition because it’s only twice as expensive (and 10X better).
Another option is to create scarcity (like limited-edition items), which makes customers want something even if it isn’t necessarily worth more than other similar items from other companies.
You could also try and make yourself seem like an authority on whatever topic you’re discussing; this will increase trust among potential buyers and make them feel comfortable about spending money with your brand in mind.
12. Read The Comments For Support
If you want to get the most bang for your buck, talk to your customers. Find out what they like and don’t like about your business. Ask them what they would pay for a product or service that you offer.
The comments section of an online store is a gold mine of information that can be used in many ways.
It’s not just about reading the praise or criticism it’s also about reading between the lines to find out how you can improve in areas where your customers are struggling with certain features or aspects of using your site/service/product(s).
13. Read The Reviews For Ideas On How You Can Improve Your Business And/Or Product
Have you ever noticed that some businesses and/or products seem to get a bad rap? Like, you’re walking down the street and you see this one business with a giant line of people waiting in front of it, but then next door is another business that has hardly anyone waiting.
They both offer similar services, so why would people choose one over the other?
It could be because one business has been able to deliver an exceptional experience while the other has not.
This means that even if they have similar offerings on paper or through advertising materials, there may be differences in how they run their businesses and deliver their products or services.
The truth is that customers can tell when something isn’t right even if they aren’t sure what’s wrong or how exactly it can be improved upon.
If you want your company’s reputation to improve (and online reviews will help), then read what people say about your company as much as possible!
First impressions have a significant impact on product likability. Delve into the fascinating insights on how your brain decides to like a product from first sight, and understand the cognitive processes that shape initial perceptions.
Hopefully, this article has given you new insight into neuromarketing and how it can be used to improve your business. If you are still unsure whether or not this is something that could benefit your company, then perhaps some further reading on the topic would help.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources for further reading on the topic of neuromarketing:
Neuromarketing: Understanding the Power of Consumer Behavior Short Description: Explore the concept of neuromarketing and its impact on understanding consumer behavior in the modern marketplace.
Neuromarketing Definition and Applications Short Description: Discover a concise definition of neuromarketing and its practical applications in the realm of commerce.
Understanding Buyer’s Remorse: Causes and Strategies Short Description: Delve into the phenomenon of buyer’s remorse, uncovering its causes and exploring strategies to mitigate its effects.
What is neuromarketing?
Neuromarketing is a field that combines neuroscience and marketing to understand and influence consumer behavior using insights from brain and cognitive research.
How does neuromarketing impact business strategies?
Neuromarketing provides businesses with insights into how consumers perceive and react to marketing stimuli, enabling them to tailor strategies for more effective engagement and conversion.
What is buyer’s remorse?
Buyer’s remorse refers to the feeling of regret or doubt that a consumer experiences after making a purchase. It often arises due to cognitive dissonance between expectations and reality.
How can businesses address buyer’s remorse?
Businesses can address buyer’s remorse by offering transparent product information, clear return policies, and post-purchase support, helping consumers feel more confident about their decisions.
Are there strategies to minimize the impact of buyer’s remorse?
Yes, strategies to minimize buyer’s remorse include setting realistic expectations, providing social proof through reviews and testimonials, and offering reassurances about product quality and benefits.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.