Is Cover Note Same As Cover Letter? (Career Advice)

In the job market, making a good first impression is essential. From your résumé to your cover letter and beyond, each piece of your application makes an impact on potential employers. 

In this article, we’ll explore what exactly a cover letter is and how it differs from a resume or CV. We’ll also look at some of the best ways to write them so you can get noticed by hiring managers!

Know the difference between a cover letter and a resume
Key Takeaways
A cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume or job application.
A well-crafted cover letter can make a big difference in a job application.
A cover letter should generally be no longer than one page.
It is recommended to write a unique cover letter for each job application.
A cover letter should include an introduction, description of interest, summary of qualifications, and a conclusion.

Does A Cover Note Need To Be Signed?

A cover note should be signed, with your full name. The signature indicates that you are the author of the letter and not just a messenger or assistant. You’ll also want to check that your email address is correct in case anyone needs to contact you about additional questions or concerns.

What Should Be Included In A Cover Letter?

Your cover letter should include the following:

Your name

Contact information (address, email address)

The date you’re sending it to them, like “Tuesday, April 10 at 7:00 AM” or “April 12, 2019” (if it’s not a date-specific job opening)

The address of who you’re sending it. If they don’t have an email address listed on their website, use their physical address instead!

When it comes to writing a cover letter, there are several important elements to keep in mind. Check out our comprehensive guide on all you need to know about cover letter to ensure you are including everything that employers are looking for.

Should You Include References In A Cover Letter?

If you have references and think they will be helpful to your application or interview, then include them. You can also include contact information for professionals who can speak on your behalf about areas of expertise in which you are well-versed. 

If there is no one else who can give that information, then don’t bother including it you won’t hurt your chances by not having it there.

Do I Have To Send A Cover Letter?

The short answer is yes, a cover letter is required. A cover note is a formal document that is sent with your resume when applying for jobs, internships, or even scholarships. It’s a good idea to send an email with your resume attached, but it’s also worth writing and sending an actual letter on paper.

A cover note demonstrates that you have researched the company and its mission statement by showing how well you fit into its culture. 

For example, if the company values teamwork and collaboration above all else, then you should demonstrate in your application that this is something you value too by telling them about a time when you’ve worked well with others in a team setting (whether it was at school or elsewhere).

It shows that you know what they do & is passionate about what they do! You’ll want to explain why this job would be a great fit for YOU personally as well as show how interested & excited YOU are about working there!

Is It Ok To Put Your Photo On Your Resume Or CV?

A resume with your photo is fine, but only if it’s appropriate for the job you’re applying for. In many cases, particularly when applying for less prestigious positions (e.g., at a fast food restaurant), it may be better to leave out your photo. 

However, when applying for jobs where appearance matters (e.g., models), including your photo could help you get noticed and land an interview.

As a job seeker, it is important to understand how cover letters work and how they can help you stand out from the competition. Our guide explains the purpose of a cover letter and what employers are looking for when they read one.

What Makes A Great Résumé And Cover Letter?

The best résumés and cover letters are specific, concise, and honest. They do not waste the reader’s time by being long-winded or vague. They should also be unique to set them apart from other applicants.

In addition, your résumé and cover letter must be relevant to the position you’re applying for. Finally, they must be consistent with one another so that any inconsistencies can easily be spotted by an employer/recruiter before they even begin reading your application materials.

Being careful when writing both jobs documents will help ensure their readability; if something doesn’t make sense or seem right then it probably isn’t! 

Finally, confidence is key when applying for jobs online as well as in person; don’t get discouraged if one employer doesn’t want what you’ve written about yourself on paper because there will always be another company out there looking for what exactly makes up YOU!

Why Is A Cover Letter Important?

A cover letter is an essential part of your job application, and it can help you stand out from the crowd.

Many companies have indeed stopped using them, but if you don’t have a cover letter, the employer may think that you don’t care about your application. And that means they may think less of your chances of getting hired.

A good cover letter will show:

You’ve taken time to research the company and position before applying for it (which shows thoughtfulness)

You’ve done your homework on what they do, and how they work with their employees (which shows dedication)

You’re interested in what their mission statement says (which shows commitment).

What Should You Not Do In A Cover Letter?

In your cover letter, you want to make sure you are using correct grammar and spelling.

Use correct punctuation, especially commas and periods.

Don’t abbreviate words or use contractions like “don’t.”

Don’t use text speak (such as LOL).

Don’t use emoticons or emotive language (“I am very keen on this job opportunity”).

Do I need to write a new cover letter for every job application?

It depends on the job and the company.

If you are applying for a job similar to your previous job, then you don’t need to write a new cover letter.

However, if you are applying for a job that is different from your previous one, then yes, it’s best to write a new cover letter and make sure that it highlights what you can bring to the table in terms of skills or experience.

Starting a cover letter can be the most challenging part of the writing process. Our guide on how to start writing a cover letter provides practical tips on how to structure your introduction and make a strong first impression.

How Should I Email My Resume And Cover Letter?

You should email your resume and cover letter to the correct person. Make sure you have the correct contact information for that person, including their name and title.

Your email address should be professional, such as or (e.g., jdoe@examplecorporation). 

You can also use a professional-sounding nickname (e.g., “JaneDoe”) instead of your full name in the email address if you prefer it that way just make sure it sounds professional!

Attach both your resume and cover letter in PDF format only! Do not send them both in one attachment, or even two attachments; do not attach either document to an email unless it is necessary for some reason (and I mean like if someone emails me asking me specifically about how many resumes are needed).

What Does Double Space Mean When Typing?

When typing, you should use double spacing to separate paragraphs, sentences, and lines.

You can type a paragraph by putting two consecutive periods at the end of the line. If you want to start a new paragraph on the same page, press Enter on your keyboard. You can also use TAB as an alternative for entering a new line if you want to continue typing on another line instead of starting over at the top of your document.

How Do I Write The Perfect Cover Letter For Any Job?

You’re a smart person, so you know that the cover letter is the most important part of your job application. It’s a chance to sell yourself and your skills, but how do you write the perfect one?

We’ve got some tips for writing a killer cover letter:

Know exactly what job you want to apply for. If there’s no name listed in the ad or on the job board, look up who makes decisions at that company online and use it instead of “Dear Hiring Manager.” 

For example, if your dream job is working as an assistant editor at Cosmopolitan magazine, definitely don’t address it “To whom it may concern.” Instead, try something like “Dear Lauren Duca” (or whoever holds that position).

Be specific about which position(s) you’re applying for. If there are multiple openings listed within one company (like when they’re looking for someone who can both write copy and manage social media accounts), make sure your resume says which one applies best to your skillset and then focus on selling those particular abilities in detail in your cover letter! 

You can also mention other positions where they might need someone with similar experience as well; this will show them just how versatile and ready-to-go candidates are!

Although a cover letter and a resume are both important components of a job application, they serve different purposes. Learn about the key differences between the two in our guide on is a cover letter a resume and why it is essential to include both in your job application.

What Are Some Best Tips For Writing A Good Resume?

Make sure your resume is clear and easy to read. Use a clear, simple font that’s easy to read. Make sure the layout is consistent and your content is organized in a logical order, with key points highlighted.

Use white space to make it easier to read. White space is just as important as what you include on the page, so be sure there’s plenty of room between paragraphs and lines of text, as well as between lines within paragraphs (a line spacing setting of 1.5-2).

Use a professional email address for contact information instead of something like “joe@gmail.” or “jsmith@gmail.”

Be careful about typos! A typo on your resume could be enough for an employer not even open it or worse yet, get you passed over for another candidate who did not have any typos in their application materials (therefore making them appear more reliable).

How Do I Write An Effective Cover Letter When Applying For An Internship?

When you apply for an internship, your cover letter is the first impression you get to make on the employer. Make sure that it’s a good one! If you have previously worked with the company or know someone who works there, mention that in your introduction.

If you don’t have any experience with the company or haven’t had any professional connections with them yet, focus your attention on explaining why you’re applying for their internship program and how it fits into your long-term goals and ambitions.

Either way, explain why they should spend time reading through everything else below (and more importantly: why they should hire YOU).

Many job seekers wonder whether a cover letter is necessary when applying for a job. Our guide on how important is a cover letter when applying for a job explains why a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in landing your dream job.


In summary, a cover letter is a short document that you send with your resume when applying for a job. It’s designed to introduce yourself and explain why you should be hired for the position. 

The purpose of this document is to convince the employer that hiring you would be beneficial for them. You can write one in any format, but it’s best if it’s short and easy to read

Further Reading

Email Cover Letter Notes: This article provides tips for writing an effective cover letter in email format, including how to format your email and what to include in the body of the email.

Application Letter vs. Cover Letter: This article explains the difference between an application letter and a cover letter, and provides examples of when to use each one.

Cover Letter Definition: This article provides a clear definition of what a cover letter is, including its purpose and what information it should contain.

And here’s the “FAQs” section:


What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume or job application and provides additional information about the candidate’s qualifications and interest in the position.

What should be included in a cover letter?

A cover letter should include an introduction, a description of why you are interested in the position, a summary of your relevant experience and qualifications, and a conclusion.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should generally be no longer than one page, or approximately 250-400 words.

Do I need to write a cover letter for every job application?

It is generally recommended to write a unique cover letter for each job application, tailored to the specific requirements and qualifications of the position.

How important is a cover letter in a job application?

A well-crafted cover letter can make a big difference in a job application, as it allows you to showcase your personality, communication skills, and fit for the position in a way that a resume alone cannot.