I’ve always found that a well-written cover letter can make all the difference in getting an interview. It’s your opportunity to introduce yourself to someone and tell them why you’re looking for the job, so it needs to be just as strong as anything else you’re writing or sending out.
And some things can help make a cover letter stand out from all of the other ones floating around out there:
Takeaways |
Always capitalize job titles on your resume and cover letter. |
Proper capitalization of job titles is an important aspect of professional business writing. |
Use standard capitalization rules when capitalizing job titles. |
Avoid using lowercase letters or abbreviations when referring to job titles. |
Job titles should not be capitalized when used generically. |
Cover Letter Capitalization Rules
A cover letter is a formal business document, so there are some rules surrounding how you should format it. It’s one of those documents where capitalization matters! So what are the guidelines for capitalizing words? Here’s a quick rundown of everything you need to know about cover letter capitalization:
The opening lines of your cover letter can make or break your chances of getting the job. Start strong by using our tips on how to begin writing a cover letter that will grab the hiring manager’s attention and keep them interested throughout.
When Do You Capitalize?
Generally, capitalization is used to show importance or respect.
Capitalizing someone’s title shows that you hold them in high regards, such as when you refer to a doctor as “Dr.” or use the full title of their job.
Capitalizing someone’s name indicates that they are an important person in your life and you want them to know it, like when you write a letter or email to your boss and address it “Dear Mr./Ms. Smith.”
Capitalizing the first word in a sentence also serves as an indication of importance; however, this rule only applies when using formal writing styles (e.g., APA).
Do Cover Letters Count As Business Writing?
A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume, which is typically aimed at getting you an interview. It introduces you to the person reading it, summarizes your qualifications and experience, and briefly explains why you’re interested in the position.
The purpose of a cover letter is to act as a bridge between you and employers by showcasing your personality and showing why they should hire you over other applicants.
Cover letters can be formal or informal. You can even write them like an email if it makes sense for what you’re applying for just make sure to proofread thoroughly first!
Cover letters are generally single-spaced but always double-spaced from the rest of your writing; if there’s room on the page, feel free to use it up!
The best way not to get a job is by sending out multiple resumes without corresponding cover letters or essays about yourself or why exactly this job would be perfect for someone like them (you).
Be confident in yourself; don’t sell yourself short because if someone doesn’t want something badly enough then chances are they won’t work hard enough either way so there isn’t much difference between working hard at something else versus working hard at something else
While also having fun doing so-especially when both options have similar rewards available once completed successfully (which again might not happen anyways).”
Writing a cover letter may seem like a daunting task, but our comprehensive guide on all you need to know about cover letters will walk you through the process step-by-step and help you create a compelling and professional letter that will impress any employer.
Is The Word Capitalize Capitalized In A Sentence?
Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence.
Capitalize the first letter of the first word of titles, such as president or governor.
Capitalize the first word following a colon if it begins a complete sentence (example: He was a very successful pilot: he had flown thousands of hours). Otherwise, don’t capitalize it (example: We have many children enrolled at our school: one is an exchange student from Japan).
Never capitalize words like this, which are not proper nouns just common phrases that happen to begin with capitalized words (for example, in my opinion, and by my calculations).
Should I Capitalize on Cover Letter?
“Should I capitalize cover letter?” is one of the most common questions we get regarding cover letters.
While you might think that capitalizing on a cover letter is unnecessary, or even a sign that you are inexperienced, it has some important uses in your document. Here’s why:
Capitalization is used to emphasize words and phrases in sentences. This can be done by highlighting those words with upper case letters or bolding them. Capital letters can also be used to show the start of a sentence and proper nouns (names).
Should A Cover Letter Be Capitalized?
A cover letter is a formal letter, so it should be capitalized. It’s written in the third person and addressed to a specific person (the hiring manager). Cover letters are also written using business letter format and are typically written in a formal tone.
To make sure you’re using the proper capitalization rules for your cover letter, check out this article on Capitalization Rules for Cover Letters:
Is It Always Necessary To Capitalize “I” In A Written Letter?
There are a few rules you should follow when it comes to capitalizing “I” in your written letter.
When you are the subject of a sentence, then the word “I” is capitalized. The following examples illustrate this rule:
- I am celebrating my birthday next week.
- I finished writing my paper last night.
If however, the word “I” is used as an object or predicate (in other words, if it follows another noun or verb), then it should not be capitalized:
My mom bought me some new shoes for my birthday present!
I went to school yesterday evening but didn’t have time to finish my homework assignment because I was busy watching TV shows after dinner with my family members who were visiting us from our out-of-town vacation this weekend!
Wondering if writing a cover letter is really worth your time and effort? The answer is yes! Our article on how important is a cover letter when applying for a job provides compelling evidence to show that a well-crafted cover letter can greatly increase your chances of getting hired.
Should You Capitalize On A Resume?
The answer depends on your personal preference, but you should capitalize on a resume when you are using someone’s name. For example, if you are writing about John Smith and John is his first name, then it would be appropriate to capitalize the “J” in John.
When addressing people in general such as “I am happy to meet you” or “I appreciate your time” capitalize the first letters of each word except prepositions like “of” or articles such as “the” and “a.”
Is ‘and’ Capitalized After A Colon?
Most of the time, you won’t need to capitalize “and” after a colon.
The word “and” is not capitalized in the middle of a sentence. For example, this is correct:
You are required to submit your resume and cover letter with your application.
But sometimes you might see this instead:
You are required to submit your resume AND Cover Letter with your application.
This second option is considered incorrect because it uses two colons in one sentence (the first for the title, then another right after it) and omits conjunction between them (“and”).
Where Is Capitalization Used In Business Documents?
- The first letter of the first word of a sentence: The yellow marker was on the desk.
- Proper nouns: John Smith, Texas A&M University, Microsoft Corporation
- Titles: Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Professor, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Lead Engineer (LE)
- Names of companies: Microsoft Corporation; Texas A&M University; Apple Inc.; General Motors Company (GM); Amazon Studios LLC
- Names of people: John Smith; Jane Doe; Mark Zuckerberg; Martin Luther King Jr.; Barack Obama
- Names of products/services that are well-known brand names or trademarks (often plural): Coca-Cola®, Google® Search Engine
What Words Should Be Capitalized In A Title?
When you’re writing a letter, the first word in the title should be capitalized. That’s because titles are not just names: they’re descriptions that tell you something about what to expect from your reader or recipient. Here’s an example of how to capitalize titles:
“Dear Mr. Smith” is a salutation; “Hello There, My Wonderful Friend” is a complimentary close; “I Can’t Believe You’re Going To Miss The Last Game,” says that there will be one more game after this one (and it would be great if he could come).
If it were written as “I Can’t Believe You’re Going To Miss the Last game,” then this would only mean that there were two games total and now he wouldn’t get to see either of them!
When it comes to writing a cover letter, it’s important to strike the right tone and maintain a professional demeanor throughout. Our article on is cover letter a formal letter will help you understand the appropriate level of formality to use in your letter, ensuring that you make the best impression possible on potential employers.
Are Degrees Capitalized In Resumes?
The degree you have earned is capitalized on your resume, as per AP style. If the degree name is written in full, it should go in parentheses after the person’s name and follow by a comma:
Jane Smith (MBA)
If the degree name uses initials instead of words, then each letter of that abbreviation should be capitalized and put in quotation marks. These are not included in parentheses:
“John Doe” (BIC)
How Do You Write A Letter To A Company When Requesting Something?
A cover letter is not necessary when contacting employers by email. If you are emailing your resume and other documents, it’s fine to send them without including a cover letter.
Do not use the word “cover” in your subject line. The subject of an email should be straightforward so both recipients know what they are looking at: “My Resume for Position with Your Company” for example. A good subject line puts the reader in the right frame of mind before even opening the email itself!
What kinds of information should be included in a resume? Your objective or summary statement should reflect what you want out of life and why this career path is important to achieving those goals (and not just because it pays well).
It’s also helpful if candidates include some details about their work experience on resumes so recruiters can figure out how long they’ve been doing certain tasks; this helps determine whether or not they’re ready to move on within an organization if hired!
Are you on the fence about whether or not to include a cover letter with your job application? Our article on how effective is a cover letter explains why a strong cover letter can make all the difference in landing your dream job, and provides tips on how to create a letter that will showcase your skills and experience in the best possible light.
Capitalization is all about respect and formality. When writing business letters or emails, capitalization is a way to show respect for the people you’re communicating with.
While there are some exceptions in which capitalization isn’t necessary (such as when addressing people by name), it’s still important to know when you should use capitals in your documents so that they look professional.
Further Reading
Do You Capitalize Job Titles in a Cover Letter? – This Indeed article explains whether or not to capitalize job titles in a cover letter, and provides tips for formatting your cover letter properly.
Should You Capitalize Job Titles on a Resume? – This Indeed article provides advice on when to capitalize job titles on a resume, and offers examples of correct capitalization.
Should You Capitalize Job Titles? – This article on Fairygodboss offers tips on how to capitalize job titles correctly, and explains why proper capitalization is important for a professional appearance.
Should I capitalize job titles in a cover letter?
Yes, job titles should be capitalized in a cover letter. This is considered standard business writing etiquette and shows respect for the recipient.
Do I need to capitalize job titles on my resume?
Yes, job titles should be capitalized on a resume. This helps to make the document easier to read and shows attention to detail.
When should I not capitalize a job title?
Job titles should not be capitalized when used generically. For example, if you are referring to a profession in general, such as “accountant,” it should not be capitalized.
Can I use lowercase letters for job titles on my resume or cover letter?
No, job titles should always be capitalized in business writing. Using lowercase letters can make you appear unprofessional and careless.
Is it okay to use abbreviations for job titles in business writing?
It depends on the context. In most cases, it is best to spell out the job title in full to avoid confusion. However, if the abbreviation is well-known and widely accepted in your industry, it may be okay to use it.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.