Is AI Taking Over Freelance Writing Jobs? My Thoughts

A lot of people have been asking me whether AI is going to take over freelance writing jobs. And I get it technology is moving forward at an incredible pace, and with new software being made available that can create marketing copy, articles, blog posts, even novels. 

It’s easy to see why so many writers are concerned. But before you start panicking and going back to school for that degree in Computer Science you’ve always dreamed about…let me just say: don’t worry! The reality? Writing still requires a human mind. 

No matter how sophisticated the algorithms are behind AI and believe me, they ARE really impressive there are some things robots simply can not do. Yet. So let’s take a closer look at exactly what those things are today:

Is AI Replacing Professional Content Writers?
Key Takeaways
AI tools are becoming more sophisticated in the writing industry, but they are not expected to replace human writers entirely.
Collaboration between AI tools and human writers is likely to become more prevalent in the future.
Freelance writers can take advantage of AI tools to improve their writing and increase efficiency.
Learning new skills and staying up-to-date with technology can help freelance writers stay competitive in a changing industry.
Building strong relationships with clients and providing quality work remains essential for freelance writers to succeed in the industry.

You’re The Subject Matter Expert

You’re the subject matter expert. You have the knowledge, experience, and expertise that other writers don’t have. You can write about a subject you know well and are passionate about because you’re an expert on the topic.

AI is not taking over freelance writing jobs because it can only do so much in terms of content creation. AI can create basic articles but what it cannot do is create unique content which requires research, analysis, and data collection.

As the debate continues on the impact of AI on freelance writing, it’s important for writers to remember that their unique voice and creativity cannot be replaced. As one writer put it, ‘AI may be able to produce content, but it can never replicate the human experience.’ Learn more about the value of human writers in our article on why freelance writers need not worry about being replaced by AI.

AI Still Has Some Gaps To Fill In

As you might have guessed from the title, AI is still not a substitute for human writers. It’s improving by leaps and bounds, but it’s nowhere near being able to replace us just yet. Not even close.

AI can analyze data better than any human writer could ever hope to do in a lifetime of work, but it can’t apply that data creatively it needs someone who can write creatively to apply it effectively. 

And while AI has made tremendous strides in recent years when it comes to generating new content based on existing text (like paraphrasing or summarizing). 

This type of writing isn’t quite as simple as cutting and pasting something into WordArt you need someone with an understanding of language and grammar who knows how best to use the information provided by an algorithm.

For example: if you ask an AI program “What’s happening at the office?” it will likely spit out something like: “My coworkers are getting ready for Monday morning.” 

But if I asked myself what was happening at work today (and I’m not working on anything special), my response would probably be something like: “I spent most of yesterday afternoon writing about whether artificial intelligence will take over freelance writing jobs someday; 

Now instead of writing about it all day long today, I’m going home early because one coworker got promoted and another is taking over her role.” 

That’s not just because my personal experiences differ from those around me – there’s also no way some computer could ever know about them unless we tell them specifically what we’re doing during each day or week or month etcetera…

There are a lot of things that AI can’t do or understand (yet)

The Reality Is That AI Can’t Do Everything

While it does have a lot of advantages over human writers, for example, AI doesn’t need to be paid and it doesn’t mind working odd hours or writing about topics they don’t like there are also downsides. 

For one thing, AI-generated content isn’t perfect: sometimes it misses the mark when trying to convey meaning and context. For example, if you tell an algorithm that “this” means “that” then it will assume that’s true no matter what else is said in your text. 

That could result in an awkward sentence with multiple meanings depending on who reads it!

And even more importantly: AI can never answer questions by itself because there’s always so much more context involved than just words on a page (e.g., sarcasm). 

So if someone asks about something specific like “how many days are left until Christmas?” then humans will probably respond better than machines would (even though technically those questions could be answered by either).

The future of freelance writing is undoubtedly tied to AI technology, but this doesn’t necessarily mean the end of human writers. In fact, AI can help writers in many ways, from improving productivity to enhancing creativity. Discover the possibilities of AI in freelance writing with our article on why the future of freelance writing is bright with AI.

Writing Is More Than Just Writing

Writing is more than just writing. It’s a creative process, a social process, a business process, and more. It’s personal and technical; it’s political and scientific.

Humans Are Good At Reading Between The Lines

If you’re a human, you can probably tell that this paragraph is about AI and freelancing. If you’re an AI, the chances are pretty low that you would be able to guess what this paragraph is about.

I’m not saying that AI will never write better than humans, but it has a long way to go before it gets there. Humans are good at reading between the lines because we aren’t robots: we aren’t programmed to do a specific task; we aren’t programmed to think for ourselves; 

We aren’t programmed to make decisions; and we most certainly are not programmed with creativity as one of our core functions (if anything, creativity should be considered an anomaly). 

Therefore, when it comes down to doing any kind of creative writing like freelancing or even journalism (which has its own set of rules) human writers have an edge over their robotic counterparts

We All Make Mistakes, Even AI

While AI can do the legwork for you, it’s not good at being creative. It’s still hard for artificial intelligence to think outside the box and make decisions that deviate from established patterns. 

This is why an algorithm might say “Let’s go to the park,” when we want to go to a movie or out for dinner.

AI also can’t learn from its mistakes yet either; if it makes a mistake, there aren’t any repercussions that would force it to change its behavior in future situations (like maybe telling us about some cool places nearby). 

AI will just keep making mistakes unless we teach them how not to make those same mistakes again which means we still have plenty of room left over for our unique ideas and experiences as humans!

While some writers may fear that AI will replace them entirely, the truth is that AI and human writers can actually work together in a complementary way. As one writer notes, ‘AI can handle the heavy lifting, while humans can provide the creative spark.’ Learn more about the potential for collaboration between AI and freelance writers in our article on how AI is taking over freelance writing, but it’s more of a collaboration than a replacement.

Robots Do What They’re Programmed To Do, Humans Think For Themselves

AI is a tool that can help you achieve your goals. It does not replace human intelligence, so it will never replace the freelancer writer. To use a metaphor, it’s like two different people working on a project: 

One is an artist and the other has created an amazing app that can help that artist paint faster and better than they ever have before. 

The artist still needs to think creatively and apply their knowledge of color theory or perspective to their piece for it to be great, just as the programmer needs to know how many pixels should go into each stroke of paint on his canvas before he starts coding. 

So while AI may make certain tasks easier by giving us access to automated processes or hefty databases of information, we must still do our part by applying our own skill set (in this case writing) for our work to be successful.

Humans Have More Creative License

AI is not creative. Humans are.

AI cannot flexibly interpret and solve problems as humans can because it has predefined responses that are rigidly applied to each scenario. 

This means that AI will always have trouble with situations where a human could come up with a response that wasn’t predicted by the program’s design in advance.

AI doesn’t understand the big picture or see into the future as humans do; we can imagine how things might go wrong and take action before it becomes an issue (or if they do happen anyway). 

We’re also able to consider our actions’ long-term impact for instance, if we don’t write something now, will readers be confused later? That’s not something an algorithm could ever predict or prevent on its own (unless someone programmed it specifically for this purpose).

The rise of AI in freelance writing raises important questions about the future of the industry. How will AI impact the role of human writers, and what can writers do to adapt? Our article on how AI can help or hurt freelance writers explores these issues in depth, providing valuable insights for writers looking to stay ahead of the curve.

It Takes More Than Just An Algorithm To Write A Novel

There’s also the fact that AI can’t create something out of anything. It can’t make up a story, it can’t write a plot, and it certainly can’t create characters and settings with real depth. 

It’s been proven that computers don’t understand what they’ve written at all! Even if they’re programmed to think they do and this is a whole other issue there will always be some kind of human input involved in their output.

I’m not saying that AI isn’t improving leaps and bounds each year; it most definitely is, but there are still so many things about writing (and everything else) that we don’t know yet! 

So before we start handing over our jobs to machines, let’s take some time and learn more about what goes into writing fiction: 

Why do certain elements work together to create something memorable instead of just functional; how do certain messages affect readers on a subconscious level; etcetera…

What About The Jobs?

Easy. AI will not take over the job of a freelancer. The freelance writing industry is still growing, and there are many different kinds of content-writing jobs that are needed by companies and businesses across the world. 

AI will take over some jobs that aren’t usually done by freelancers, like data entry or simple research tasks. But it’s unlikely to ever replace actual writers who can create original content from scratch!

The Tools Are Out There…but The Technology Isn’t Quite Ready Yet

So, the short answer is no. AI will not take over freelance writing jobs any time soon. This doesn’t mean that you should be discouraged from using AI tools or technology to help you with your writing tasks; however, you shouldn’t expect these tools to be perfect just yet.

AI is still in its infancy, and we haven’t yet reached the point where we can say that AI has mastered all aspects of human creativity and intelligence. 

While artificial intelligence has made amazing strides in recent years and continues to do so it still has a ways to go before it reaches true perfection (or even true competence).

AI technology is changing the way we think about freelance writing, and there’s a lot that human writers can learn from it. From generating new ideas to improving efficiency, AI has a lot to teach us about the craft of writing. Discover the lessons that AI has to offer with our article on what AI has to teach us about freelance writing, and learn how you can use this knowledge to improve your own writing practice.

Freelance Writing Is Here To Stay

AI is not a threat to freelance writing jobs. AI can indeed write stories and articles, but it cannot replace the human touch. The best freelancers can put their personal experiences into every piece they write; AI lacks this ability. 

That being said, you should update your skills and learn how to use the latest technology to succeed as a freelance writer because they will continue to become more relevant as time goes on.


I’m not here to tell you that AI is going to take over the world and destroy human jobs with its superior logic. I want to dispel some myths about AI, and show you how it can make your job easier as a freelance writer.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on the topic of AI and freelance writing:

I Asked AI if It’s Taking Over My Job as a Writer: A personal account of a writer’s experience using AI writing tools and the impact on their job.

Will AI Tools Replace Writers in the Near Future?: A podcast episode exploring the potential for AI to replace human writers and the future of the writing industry.

The Guardian – ChatGPT: the AI writer revolution that never happened: A commentary on the limitations of AI writing technology and the impact on jobs and the economy.


What is AI in freelance writing?

AI, or artificial intelligence, refers to the use of computer systems to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as language translation or content generation. In the context of freelance writing, AI tools can be used to assist writers in tasks such as generating ideas, conducting research, and even writing entire articles or blog posts.

Will AI replace human writers in freelance writing?

While AI technology is certainly changing the landscape of the freelance writing industry, it is unlikely to completely replace human writers. While AI may be able to produce content that is grammatically correct and factually accurate, it lacks the creativity and nuance that comes from the human experience. Additionally, clients may prefer to work with human writers who can bring a unique voice and perspective to their content.

What are the benefits of using AI in freelance writing?

AI tools can offer a number of benefits to freelance writers, including improved productivity, enhanced creativity, and more efficient research and organization of ideas. By taking on some of the more tedious tasks of writing, AI can free up time for writers to focus on more complex and creative work.

What are some potential drawbacks of using AI in freelance writing?

One potential drawback of relying too heavily on AI in freelance writing is the risk of producing content that lacks a human touch or unique perspective. Additionally, some AI tools may not be able to accurately capture the tone or voice of a particular brand or client, which could lead to a disconnect between the writer and the audience.

How can freelance writers prepare for the impact of AI on their industry?

Freelance writers can prepare for the impact of AI on their industry by staying informed about new developments and technology in the field, developing new skills that complement AI technology, and focusing on providing unique value to clients that cannot be replicated by machines. By staying ahead of the curve and adapting to new technologies and trends, writers can continue to thrive in the changing landscape of freelance writing.

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