Inbound Marketing Is A Rarely Used Tool For Social Media

Inbound marketing is the process of attracting customers to your website or blog through content and engagement. 

It’s a way of doing business that makes sense in today’s digital world because it saves money, increases sales, and improves organizational culture. 

Inbound marketing is not just about digital tactics like search engine optimization (SEO) and social media. You can apply these principles across every channel by using an integrated approach to customer experience management (CEM).

Inbound Marketing vs Outbound Marketing Strategies
Inbound marketing is an underutilized approach within social media strategies.
Exploring the potential of inbound marketing in social media can yield unique benefits.
Combining inbound tactics with social media efforts can lead to more engaging and personalized interactions.
Incorporating inbound principles might help businesses stand out in the crowded social media landscape.
Evaluating the synergy between inbound marketing and social media could unveil untapped opportunities.

1. Personalize Your Content

Inbound Marketing is a tool that can help you create relevant content marketing. You need to make your social media strategy part of your overall inbound marketing strategy.

Use the customer’s name, location, industry, interests, and company size to personalize the content you publish for them on social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. 

This will increase the chances of them seeing posts that are relevant for them and also increase engagement rates for those posts as well as get you more followers too!

As online marketing strategies evolve, the power of inbound marketing is becoming more apparent. Learn about the transformation in our article on The Death of Online Marketing, The Rise of Inbound Marketing, and discover how inbound approaches are reshaping the digital landscape.

2. Create A Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a process by which you guide prospects through the stages of your business. It’s like a map that shows them where they are and where they’re going, so they know what to expect in each stage.

The first stage is to define the customer journey that is, the steps customers take when interacting with your company or brand. 

Then you create an effective sales funnel that addresses each step of this journey, including lead nurturing plans for every type of prospect. 

You should also integrate all marketing channels into one cohesive strategy so that customers can easily find helpful content throughout their experience with your brand (e.g., email marketing campaigns, and blog articles featuring tips from experts).

If you’re doing inbound marketing correctly, then people will come across your website organically through search engine results pages (SERPs), social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter etcetera; 

However, it would help if you hire an inbound marketing agency to help set up systems tailored specifically towards attracting new leads into the funnel (as opposed to simply relying on organic traffic).

3. Implement Lead Nurturing And Lead Scoring To Pass Qualified Leads To The Sales Team

Lead nurturing is the process of strategically communicating with leads you’ve passed to your sales team. The best way to do this is by using a lead scoring system that helps determine which leads are ready to be contacted and which ones need more time. 

This can be done manually by assigning points based on various criteria (e.g., number of inbound marketing activities completed, product interest, etc.) or automatically through a tool like Marketo or HubSpot.

As an example, let’s say someone signed up for an online course about how to get into the fitness industry. Your goal might be to have them sign up for a free trial gym membership after 90 days at the end of their course (or some other milestone). 

They could also download any resources or apps you provide as part of your onboarding process—and all these actions would add points toward closing them down once they’re ready!

Looking for effective growth strategies for your business? Explore the reasons why Inbound Marketing is the Best Way to Grow Your Business, and find out how inbound methodologies can drive sustainable growth in the modern business environment.

4. Integrate Your Marketing Channels

Integrate your marketing channels. A social media strategy should be more than just a Facebook page or Twitter feed it’s about creating content that is relevant to your customers, no matter where they are online. 

Make sure that you have an online presence in all of the places that they are: YouTube, Google+, Instagram, Reddit, and more.

Tell a story. Social media is built on sharing stories with our friends, family, and colleagues. When developing content for social media channels you need to think about how it would fit into the context of real-life conversations (or even a movie). 

Does this sound familiar? The work we did for X company was pretty awesome! I saw some cool videos of them at the conference! Hey, check out this blog post from them too…

This way when someone sees one piece of content they will want to find out more about your brand before making a purchase decision.

5. Use A CRM To Intelligently Manage Your Customer Relationships

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is an essential tool for managing customer relationships. It allows you to store customer information, manage their interactions, and track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

The purpose of a CRM is to help you understand who your customers are and what they want from you. This helps in creating customer profiles and also analyzing data about them so that you can create more effective marketing strategies.

A good CRM should be able to segment your customers based on their behavior patterns or preferences so that you can send them customized messages according to their needs.

Client relationships are the cornerstone of business success. Discover why maintaining strong connections is crucial in our article discussing Why Staying in Touch with Your Clients is Important. Learn strategies to foster long-lasting relationships and foster business growth.

6. Hire An Inbound Marketing Agency

Inbound marketing is a long-term strategy. It takes time to see results and can be challenging if you’re not comfortable with the entire process. Inbound marketing is also a team effort, so it’s best to hire an inbound marketing agency that has experience in the field. 

Even more important than having expertise, though, you need to find a company that uses tools that fit your needs. A good agency will have access to all of these things:

  • Blogging software
  • Lead generation tools like landing pages and email autoresponders
  • Social media management tools (like Hootsuite)

7. Ask Yourself Why You Are Doing It (Measurable Goals)

When you’re planning to do any form of marketing, it’s important to know why you’re doing it. If you don’t have a clear reason for doing inbound marketing, then why should anyone listen to you?

You should set measurable goals before starting any campaign or project. For example, if your goal is to get more people on your mailing list by launching an email newsletter series, then make sure that this goal is something that can be measured. 

That way, when the time comes for measuring how much success was achieved and whether or not certain efforts were worth it or not, there will be no question about how well things went.

When choosing measurable goals for social media campaigns (or any other form of inbound marketing), remember not to make them too ambitious at first: start small because if things go wrong early on then chances are no one will want anything else from us later down the line!

8. Create Content That Is Useful, Relevant, And Compelling

Now that you know the importance of creating inbound marketing content, here are some steps to take when creating social media content:

  • Create useful, relevant, and compelling content.
  • Use a content calendar and strategy to create your social media strategy. 

A good rule of thumb is to post at least 3 times per day and publish quality updates that readers will find helpful or interesting. If you don’t have time for this kind of heavy lifting, consider hiring someone who does!

  • Review all published material with a critical eye before it goes out into the world (and make sure you’re posting stuff people want to see). 

Your brand reputation depends on having high-quality content posted consistently across all channels – so don’t skimp on getting this right!

Inbound marketing offers room for creativity, allowing businesses to stand out with innovative approaches. Explore our compilation of Top 17 Most Creative Examples of Inbound Marketing and gain insights into successful campaigns that utilized inventive strategies.

9. Content Marketing Can Be Used Across All Channels (Website, Social Media, Email, Etc.)

Content marketing can be used across all channels (website, social media, email, etc.) to create a consistent message and drive traffic back to the site. Social media is a great way to share your content and get people talking about it. 

Email is another great way to spread the word about your content it’s a constant communication channel that can be used over time to build your brand. 

If you already have a blog or newsletter program in place, then integrating with those tools will help boost engagement with your audience as well.

Integrating with other tools such as website search engines like Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools is also important because they allow companies who index their sites’ pages into these search engines so that users can find them easily when looking up keywords related to their products/services online!

10. SEO Affects How You Publish Content And Reduces The Need For Paid Advertising

When your content is highly optimized for search engines, you don’t need to spend money on paid advertising. You can get your message in front of your target audience at no cost and build brand recognition while doing it.

Another benefit of SEO is that it’s a long-term strategy. If you’re not used to working with extended timelines, this may seem like an odd attribute, but unlike other forms of marketing, SEO doesn’t require immediate results or constant upkeep. 

It works more like an investment: The longer you put into it and the more effort you put into doing things right (such as optimizing titles and descriptions), the better chance you’ll have at ranking high in search engine results pages (SERPs).

11. Inbound Marketing Is Software-Driven, Data-Driven, And Measurable

Inbound marketing is a software-driven, data-driven, and measurable approach to marketing. It uses a series of techniques like search engine optimization, social media, and email marketing to drive qualified traffic to your business website.

Inbound marketing is about gaining an understanding of your customers so that you can provide relevant content that they want and need. 

With inbound marketing, you will be able to understand what type of content works best for your audience, what they are searching for, and how you can use this information to inform the content strategy on your website or blog. 

You will also be able to see which channels work best for each market segment or buyer persona that uses them.

Because inbound marketing focuses on providing quality content through different channels such as blogs, websites, newsletters, etc., it’s easier to track results than other traditional methods like pay-per-click advertising (PPC). 

This data can also be used by marketers throughout their organization so everyone understands how well their campaigns are working for both themselves as well as external partners such as agencies who may not know what else we do besides SEO!

A well-optimized sales funnel is the key to converting prospects into loyal customers. Dive into the details with our guide on How to Measure and Optimize a Winning Sales Funnel, where we break down the steps to assess and enhance your funnel’s performance for maximum success.

12. It Generates 54% More Leads Than Outbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is the process of attracting customers by providing them with valuable content and building trust and authority, rather than by interrupting them with ads or aggressive sales pitches.

Inbound marketing uses a variety of techniques to attract prospects and convert them into customers, including email, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO). 

The goal is to get potential buyers to start thinking about your company or product when they need what you sell. 

This approach can increase leads and sales at a lower cost than traditional outbound marketing activities such as direct mail campaigns or advertising on TV commercials.

13. Over Half Of Marketers Plan To Increase Their Inbound Marketing Budget This Year ( Hubspot )

With over 1,000 employees and more than 100,000 customers, HubSpot is one of the largest marketing software companies in the world. 

The company has been around since 2006 and has seen tremendous growth over the years as it expanded its product offerings and geographic reach. Today, HubSpot serves over 100 countries worldwide with offices in Boston (United States) and London (United Kingdom).

14. It’s Cost-Effective … For Every $1 You Spend On Inbound Marketing, You Can Expect $38 Return From Qualified Leads ( Hubspot )

Inbound marketing is the cheapest form of marketing. Unlike outbound marketing, it doesn’t require you to pay for ads or cold calls you only spend money on your content, which can be reused and repurposed many times over. 

HubSpot reports that every dollar you spend on inbound marketing generates a 38:1 ROI from qualified leads (that’s 9x cheaper than outbound!).

And if you think about all the time and money you waste when a customer clicks through your ad or email but then never buys anything? Think about how much more money would have been wasted if those visitors had never even clicked through in the first place!

That’s why we say that inbound marketing grants marketers “the power to control their destiny.”


If you’re looking to get more traffic and leads from your social media channels, inbound marketing is a great way to do that. 

It combines the best of both worlds the reach and engagement of large platforms like Facebook and Twitter with the personal connection of blogs or email newsletters. And it works for any business, including yours!

The key is keeping content relevant to your audience and sharing it in a way that draws them into your brand story. For example, you could write blog posts about topics relevant to your niche or share videos showcasing how happy customers use Your Product™. These kinds of posts can help build trust with readers who may not know much about your company yet but could become interested based on what they see in their feeds each day (or even just once).

Further Reading

Explore these resources to deepen your understanding of inbound marketing and its significance:

5 Reasons Why Social Media is Important for Your Inbound Marketing Strategies: Discover how social media plays a pivotal role in enhancing your inbound marketing efforts, boosting engagement, and expanding your reach.

HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Guide: Delve into HubSpot’s comprehensive guide to inbound marketing, covering strategies, best practices, and tactics to attract, engage, and delight customers.

The Role of Social Media in Inbound Marketing: Learn why integrating social media into your inbound marketing strategy is crucial for building brand awareness, driving traffic, and fostering meaningful interactions.


How does social media contribute to inbound marketing success?

Social media platforms provide a dynamic avenue for sharing valuable content, engaging with audiences, and attracting prospects to your inbound marketing funnel.

What distinguishes inbound marketing from traditional marketing approaches?

Inbound marketing focuses on attracting and nurturing leads through valuable content and personalized interactions, whereas traditional marketing often involves outbound tactics and broader messaging.

Can inbound marketing strategies be tailored for different industries?

Yes, inbound marketing strategies can be customized to align with the unique needs and characteristics of various industries, maximizing relevance and impact.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my inbound marketing efforts?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, and engagement metrics offer insights into the success of your inbound marketing campaigns.

Is inbound marketing suitable for both B2B and B2C businesses?

Absolutely, inbound marketing principles are adaptable to both B2B and B2C contexts, fostering connections, addressing pain points, and nurturing leads regardless of the business model.