The best way to make a name for yourself in the business world is by building relationships with your clients. Here are some tips on how to stay in touch with them:
- Keep them up-to-date on what you’re doing
- Send them information about new products or services that can help them with their businesses (don’t be pushy)
Takeaways |
1. Regular communication builds trust. |
2. Client relationships impact business growth. |
3. Personalized interactions enhance satisfaction. |
4. Staying connected fosters brand loyalty. |
5. Communication boosts client retention. |
Start A Blog
A blog is a website with regularly updated content. Blogs are generally used to express the owner’s personal opinions or to share information on a particular subject matter in an informal manner.
With blogs, you can choose whether or not you want your readers to leave comments. If you do allow comments, you’re responsible for moderating them so they don’t become offensive or defamatory.
To start your own blog, go through the following steps:
Decide on a topic for your blog and identify one specific angle that makes it stand out from other similar blogs. For example, if you’re starting a travel blog about visiting Europe after graduating college, then focus on sharing tips for getting discounts on airfare (or whatever else).
This will help differentiate yourself from other bloggers who also write about traveling abroad without any unique perspective or expertise.
Create an attractive design using templates from WordPress (the most popular blogging platform) or hire someone who knows how to design websites professionally.
You’ll need some basic HTML skills here but don’t worry if yours aren’t very good; there are tons of tutorials online in case something goes wrong! Just stay vigilant when editing code so nothing breaks later down the line when someone tries accessing those pages again (like me).
Building strong client relationships is essential for business growth. Discover 8 Ways Inbound Marketing Beats Outbound and learn how to engage clients effectively through meaningful interactions.
Increase Your Frequency Of Communication
The easiest way to stay in touch with your clients is through email. You should have a newsletter system where you can send out emails to people who subscribe to it and include a link for them to unsubscribe, if they don’t want to receive any further emails from you.
If you’re not familiar with newsletters and how they work, then I recommend reading an article about them here:
You can also use text messages or even phone calls as ways of contacting customers if they haven’t responded to the above methods of communication (such as sending an email). This can be helpful if their inbox is full or they don’t check it often enough because there are many benefits over calling someone directly such as:
1) no chance of accidentally dialing wrong number;
2) caller ID so that person knows what company called before answering the phone call;
3) voicemail so person doesn’t have a call interrupting anything important he/she may be doing at this moment;
4) making sure the message reaches the intended recipient by the ing “auto-dial” feature which allows him/to answer the call after hearing the ing message played on throthe ugh speakerphone first before getting cut off by the answering machine which gives opportunity for response rather than hanging up immediately like normal cell conversations do!
To maintain strong client engagement, understanding conversion funnels is key. Explore the guide on Using Conversion Funnels to Grow Your Business to enhance your communication strategy and drive success.
Do Something Unexpected
Do something unexpected. You don’t have to be the first person to think of something new, or even the best at it.
But if you do something that’s different from the norm, people will remember it and talk about it. It could be as simple as sending your clients a Christmas card every year (we loved getting ours).
Or maybe making them custom shirts for their birthday (you can see some examples here). The point is: do something that stands out from all the other businesses in your field and make sure everyone knows about it!
Be personal. This doesn’t mean creating an overly-intimate relationship with your customers; rather, it means putting yourself in their shoes so you can better understand what they want from you and how they want to communicate with you and then giving them exactly that!
For example: imagine being asked by one of our clients “Why did I get this email?” versus “What did he mean when he said ‘I want more?'”
They were two very different questions but both required us answering according to our understanding of what had been requested prior;
One was easy while one took some time because we had not yet been given enough information for us know exactly what our client wanted specifically
Share Your Successes
Sharing your successes isn’t just a business practice it’s a social obligation. When it comes to communicating with your clients, you should share your wins and losses with them. The same goes for employees, family members, and friends.
If you’ve ever been in the position where someone has shared their success with you, then you know how good it feels to hear about the good things going on in their life. It’s important that we all keep each other informed of what we’re doing so everyone can be excited together!
Collect Feedback From Your Clients
There are many different ways to collect feedback from your clients. You can survey them, give them a phone call, or even send them a text message. Perhaps you want to take it one step further and record their response and post it on Facebook!
The point is that you need to be collecting this information so that you know how well your business is doing.
Embracing the rise of inbound marketing is crucial for effective client communication. Dive into the article about The Transition from Online Marketing to Inbound Marketing to stay relevant and connected in the evolving digital landscape.
Make Your Clients More Than Just Customers
Invite them to events that are open to the public, such as seminars and conferences that you’re attending. Let them know about the event, and ask them if they’d like to join you.
Consider inviting clients from different departments in the company who might not otherwise cross paths with each other.
Ask your client which of their employees would be interested in being a part of an internal project team on which you’re working, or let them know if there is something specific that interests them (e.g., new product development).
If one or more clients express interest in participating, send out an email or post on social media inviting people who have expressed interest along with their colleagues who may not have initially responded but may now feel comfortable getting involved as well!
Be More Proactive
Being more proactive is just one of the many ways you can improve your communication with clients.
Asking how they are doing and if they have any questions will not only show them how much you care about their experience, but it can also help you identify what problems to solve now or in the future.
If a client has no complaints, ask them if there’s anything that could be done to make their service better. They might give some great ideas that would improve your business!
Send A Quarterly Newsletter (Paper Or Email)
A newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your clients. You can send it out quarterly, or even monthly if you want to.
If you decide to go the email route, I recommend using a template that includes space for pictures and links to your social media sites so that recipients can easily click on them and follow you on Facebook or Twitter (or any other platform).
You should include information about what’s new in your business, share stories about your clients, employees or community members who have been affected by what you do, or tell some fun anecdotes from behind-the-scenes at work.
Strengthening client connections involves appreciating the power of inbound marketing. Explore 15 Examples of Inbound Marketing Strategies to gain insights into engaging your audience and fostering lasting relationships.
Host An Event And Invite Your Clients
Hosting an event is a fun and easy way to get your clients excited about you, while also creating new opportunities for networking and relationship-building.
The first thing you’ll need to do is decide on the type of event that will work best for you, your clients and their guests. You can do this through an informal survey or by asking a few trusted colleagues. Some ideas include:
- A lunch or dinner at their office
- A happy hour at a local bar
- An open house at their home (with food, drinks, and games)
- Enhance your reputation in the field
You’re a thought leader in your field. You know more about your industry than most other people and have a lot to offer others. Think about how you can share your knowledge with others, and make it easier for them to learn from you.
You could be a mentor to someone new in the field, or offer advice and guidance whenever it is needed. Your clients will appreciate learning from an expert like you, as they seek out services and products that they need.
You don’t have to be an expert on everything that relates to your business there are plenty of other experts out there who can help fill any gaps in knowledge on certain topics!
Just by networking with these people (and also connecting with potential clients), it will show everyone how knowledgeable and helpful you really are!
Reinforce The Relationship With An Activity
To reinforce the relationship between you and your clients, consider doing something fun together. This could be a group activity like going to an amusement park, playing tennis, or taking a cooking class. It should be something that everyone enjoys and can take part in.
If you have a large number of clients, consider setting up an event where they can meet each other over lunch or dinner. You could also organize a meet-and-greet at your office where they can get to know each other better.
Give Them A Gift Card For Referrals (If Appropriate)
Gift cards are a great way to thank your clients for being loyal, returning customers. They’re also a great way to encourage referral business from others in their network.
When someone refers a new customer, they should be rewarded for it and so should you! That’s where gift cards come into play.
If your business allows it, consider giving (or selling) gift cards for referrals as a way of rewarding the person who introduced you to that new customer.
Gift cards can be redeemed at any time and used toward anything in-store or online it’s really up to you how they’re redeemed and spent.
For example: A client buys $5 worth of merchandise from me per week and gets her nails done every two weeks by me. She tells another friend about my services; she then becomes my newest customer ($20 worth of product purchased).
The first client receives her next treatment free as part of our reward program (this is not mandatory but encouraged). This may seem like an insignificant amount but over time all those small purchases add up!
If giving out free treatments isn’t something your salon or spa would do, why not offer yourself as an option? For example: “Hey thanks again for referring me!”
You could say something like this… “Anytime I can return the favor just remember I’m here anytime! Call me if there’s ever anything else I can help with.”
Send A Hand-Written Note
A handwritten note is a great way to stay in touch with clients. It shows that you care about their business and want to keep them informed of developments, even if the news isn’t necessarily good.
A handwritten note shows your appreciation for their business and can be used as a reminder of how valuable they are to you.
Show Appreciation For Their Business By Going Above And Beyond
When it comes to customer service, the best thing you can do is go above and beyond. Be creative, sincere, specific, and personal. Be grateful for their business by going out of your way to show that you care about what they want and need from you.
Be timely in communicating with clients, and don’t forget about the frequency! For example: if someone asks how things are going with an order or project, respond as quickly as possible (like within a few hours). If someone has asked for advice on where to eat in town?
Respond immediately with suggestions based on personal experience or research done beforehand.
When people know they can count on you for answers right away (or at least within 24 hours), they’ll feel much more comfortable doing business with you in the future because they know they won’t need wait around forever just trying figure out whether or not anyone will help them out!
Listen to your clients and cultivate effective communication strategies with our insights from Listen to Your Customers and Follow Inbound Marketing. Discover how attentive listening can lead to impactful client interactions and drive business success.
Staying In Touch With Your Clients Is Important
There are many reasons why you should stay in touch with your clients. One of the most important reasons is that it could lead to repeat business, which is always something to consider.
If you can build a solid rapport with the people who have bought from you in the past, they’re more likely to remain loyal and come back for more.
It’s also important that you keep up with your clients because it shows them how much effort and care goes into making sure that everything runs smoothly when working together on projects or dealing one-on-one.
We hope that this post has given you some ideas for staying in touch with your clients. If there’s one tip we want to leave you with, it’s this: make sure the content of your communication is personal, not transactional.
Treating your relationship with a customer as a two-way street and proactively building it will pay off in the long run and who doesn’t want that?
Further Reading
Expand your knowledge on the importance of staying in touch with clients by exploring these valuable resources:
Why Is It Important to Stay in Touch with Your Customers?: Discover the significance of maintaining client connections and how it impacts business growth.
The Value of Staying in Touch with Clients: Learn about the tangible benefits that come from consistent communication with your clients.
Effective Strategies to Stay in Touch with Existing Clients: Explore practical methods for nurturing relationships and retaining loyal clients.
Why is staying in touch with clients important?
Maintaining regular communication with clients is crucial for building trust, fostering long-term relationships, and ensuring customer satisfaction.
How does staying in touch enhance business growth?
Staying connected with clients allows you to identify their evolving needs, offer personalized solutions, and increase the likelihood of repeat business and referrals.
What are some effective methods to stay in touch with clients?
Effective methods include sending personalized emails, providing relevant updates, conducting periodic check-ins, and engaging through social media platforms.
Can staying in touch with clients improve brand loyalty?
Absolutely, consistent communication helps clients feel valued and understood, which in turn enhances their loyalty to your brand and services.
What impact does staying in touch have on client retention?
Staying in touch helps you stay top-of-mind for clients, reducing the likelihood of them seeking alternatives and ultimately improving client retention rates.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.