If you dream of traveling the world, writing for National Geographic could be a good place to start. The publication offers many opportunities for people who want to write about their travels and experiences.
Takeaways |
1. Explore the possibilities of writing for National Geographic. |
2. Understand the expectations and requirements for submissions. |
3. Learn from experienced travel and nature writers. |
4. Find your unique voice and storytelling style. |
5. Embrace the thrill of contributing to a renowned publication. |
Travel The World
You’d be surprised at how much you can learn from traveling. For example, I used to think that the best way to learn about a new country was by reading its history and government, but now I understand that it’s just as important to experience the country: eat its food, meet its people, and see how they live their lives.
If you’re interested in writing for National Geographic, consider visiting places around the world before writing about them.
Unlock the secrets of successful freelance magazine writing and pave your way to a thrilling career. Discover valuable insights in our guide on how to break into freelance magazine writing and take your passion for storytelling to new heights.
Spend Time Outdoors
Spending time outdoors is critical for anyone who wants to be a writer. If you’re stuck in an office all day, there’s no way you can write well. If you’re always indoors, your mind will get stale and lose its ability to be creative.
When we spend too much time indoors, our brains are deprived of fresh air and sunshine. This makes us feel sluggish and drowsy (which can lead to bad moods). It also limits our exposure to natural light a crucial source of vitamin D that helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm and boosts brainpower by increasing serotonin levels (which helps improve mood).
The benefits of being outdoors are many: getting exercise while enjoying fresh air; exploring nature; feeling connected with the world around us; experiencing new environments that spark curiosity or stir creativity; getting sunlight exposure which boosts energy levels so we feel happier overall!
Plus if it rains it’s great because then there won’t be any mosquitoes flying around 🙂
Develop An Appreciation For Your Senses
It’s important to develop an appreciation for your senses and those of others.
Sight: The first thing a writer learns to manipulate is their sight. Make sure you’re taking note of what’s around you so that as soon as inspiration strikes, you’re ready to write it down.
If it helps, keep a notebook in your bag or car so that the moment inspiration hits whether it be at work or on vacation you can immediately get started on capturing the idea before it slips away again (which happens more often than not).
Sound: Hearing is processing information faster than any other sense this means we can use sound to help us understand complex situations quickly and accurately without having all the details available yet!
For example: if someone tells me they were robbed by two masked men wielding knives, my brain processes this information through a hearing before my eyes even see that person; therefore I can help them make decisions about what actions should be taken next without needing any additional details about their experience just yet!
This skill comes in handy when writing fiction too because characters don’t always tell each other everything so how do writers know how much or little detail should be included?
By using their hearing abilities (and maybe asking some questions) writers can determine just how much backstory each character needs before continuing forward with dialogue/action scenes between characters where they interact with others while sharing personal stories/secrets.
Dreaming of writing for National Geographic? Our article on Imagine Writing for National Geographic: What to Do? will help you navigate the exciting possibilities and equip you with essential tips to stand out in the world of nature and travel journalism.
Keep A Journal Of Your Experiences
To write for National Geographic, you’ll need a journal. A journal is a great place to keep track of your experiences in the field and write them down later. It’s also important to keep your journal safe so that no one can read it without permission! Here are some tips on keeping a good field notebook:
- Keep it locked up when you’re not using it
- Store your notes somewhere physical, like in a drawer or even outside if possible (not just online)
Develop A Good Sense Of Direction
One of the most important things to develop as a writer is a good sense of direction. You should know where you are and how to get back there, even if it’s in the middle of nowhere. You should also be able to navigate by the sun, moon, and stars.
The wind will tell you which direction is east, moss on trees grows more on one side than another (depending on water accumulation), and flowing water has a definite current that points in a direction. Knowing how to navigate by these means could save your life someday!
You may find it helpful to carry some gear with you when exploring nature: a compass, map(s), whistle (for signaling help), waterproof matches, or lighter(s).
Want to learn from the best in the business? Delve into the wisdom of accomplished writers with our captivating feature – Top Magazine Writers Reveal Their Secret to Success. Uncover the tried-and-true strategies that set them apart in the competitive landscape of magazine journalism.
Communicate With People From Different Cultures
When you are writing for National Geographic, it is important to take the time to learn about the culture of the country or region in which you are traveling. This means learning how people speak and understand one another, as well as their customs and traditions.
Most importantly, learning a new language can help you have more meaningful conversations with locals and also help them feel comfortable talking with you!
When interacting with people from different cultures:
- Ask questions about their lives (but never ask personal questions)
- Listen carefully when they answer your questions; don’t interrupt!
- Be friendly, respectful, and open-minded
Identify Native Plants And Animals
This task is important because you want to make sure that you’re not accidentally writing about something that isn’t native to the area.
The reason for this is two-fold: first, it’s important for a national geographic readership that you represent each location accurately, and secondly, if your article gets picked up by a local paper or blog (which it most likely will), they may print incorrect information if they don’t know what’s native or not.
If you aren’t familiar with the local flora and fauna, do some research before spending time in nature.
Seek Out Unusual Situations
It’s important to seek out unusual situations. For example, if you’re at a party and someone says something that sparks your interest, ask them more about it. If they’re willing to talk, ask them questions and listen carefully as they answer.
If you have an unusual hobby or interest, find others who share the same passion. It can be easier than you might think!
Look for opportunities to learn new things: try something challenging like rock climbing or fly fishing this weekend; attend an art museum exhibit; check out a new restaurant in town, or take a class at your local community college the options are endless!
Embark on a journey into the magazine writing business with our comprehensive guide – A Guide to Getting a Job in the Magazine Writing Business. Find practical tips and expert advice to kickstart your career and make your mark in the world of glossy pages.
Understand Other People’s Points Of View
“Understanding other people’s points of view” is a skill that will help you in many aspects of your life. It’s especially important when traveling to other countries, but it can also be helpful if you apply for a job at National Geographic and want to communicate with people from all over the world.
Another reason this skill is so important is that it helps you understand yourself better. When it comes to communicating with others, one thing that can help us out is knowing how we often come across as different from how we see ourselves in our heads it’s hard enough trying to guess what someone else might think about our actions or words!
Being able to step outside yourself and see yourself objectively allows you not only greater self-awareness but also the ability to communicate more effectively with others
Be Comfortable Camping Outside And Cooking Over A Fire
One of the biggest things you need to know about being a writer for National Geographic is that you’re going to be camping. A lot. You’ll be living outdoors for months at a time, and since there aren’t any hotels on location and since traveling with all your gear would just slow you down you’ll need to become comfortable setting up a tent and sleeping under the stars.
Furthermore, since there are no restaurants or grocery stores at these remote locations (and considering how much weight items like food add), it’s important that you can cook over an open flame without burning down everything in sight.
And if you do manage to start a fire (either accidentally or on purpose), then learning how to put it out will be crucial as well.
Maintain A Sense Of Humor No Matter Where You Are Or What You’re Doing
As a writer, you need to maintain a sense of humor. When I was in the desert in New Mexico, I fell face-first into some morels and got covered with dirt. My mom thought it was hilarious. So did my boyfriend at the time.
But it wasn’t so easy for me I was mortified! So what did I do? Well, first off, I laughed along with them (and let’s be honest here: laughing is always good). And then I made light of the situation by saying something like “Well, at least now there won’t be any bugs or worms hiding on my clothes!”
The point is that when we are uncomfortable or embarrassed about something silly that has happened to us a slip-up in conversation or an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction we should not take ourselves too seriously and make jokes about our embarrassment!
This kind of self-deprecating humor will go a long way toward helping us avoid taking ourselves too seriously when writing for National Geographic.
Have Strong Swimming Skills And Know How To Travel By Water
Here’s a great idea: If you have strong swimming skills and know how to travel by water, then you should consider writing for National Geographic.
That may sound like a lot of work learning how to swim, and studying water safety but it won’t be as tough as learning how to write well.
The first step is simple: find yourself in an area where there are lots of lakes and rivers that are accessible for swimming (or at least wading).
You can also try asking around at your local pool if they offer lessons on basic water safety. If they don’t offer classes on the subject, ask them if they’d be willing to let you take some time off from your regular swim schedule to learn what you need during your scheduled swims.
If pool employees aren’t willing or able to get involved with helping out with this project, then there’s good news!
There are plenty of other ways someone could teach themselves these skills without ever stepping foot in a classroom again: books exist everywhere in libraries and bookstores alike and online resources abound as well!
Just take time each day until everything feels comfortable again before venturing back into more challenging situations (i.e., deep ocean waters).
Crafting an exclusive magazine feature requires finesse and skill. Elevate your writing prowess with our illuminating piece – How to Write an Exclusive Magazine Feature. Gain insights into captivating storytelling and make your articles stand out in the minds of readers.
Learn Survival Skills In The Event Of An Emergency
At the very least, you should learn how to start a fire, build a shelter, and find water and food. You should also know how to navigate by the stars and signal for help. It would also be useful if you were able to treat injuries such as cuts or broken bones.
Fortunately, it’s not necessary to go out into the wilderness yourself to learn these skills you can get most of them from books or taking classes at your local library.
Take Photographs Whenever Possible
Photographs are a great way to tell a story. They can show the reader or viewer where and when something happened, who was involved in what event, and how the people involved felt about it. Photographs also serve as a record of history and help us remember important events like wars or natural disasters.
Photographs can be used to illustrate points made in your text by showing examples of things you’re talking about. For example: “A picture of Bob with large ears is an example of someone with big ears.”
If you want to document something that happened at some point in time like an event or scene from nature photographs will help you do this effectively.
Dream Big, But Don’t Be Discouraged If You Don’t Land Your Dream Job Right Away
If you have a dream job, then it’s likely that you’ve thought about what it would be like to work for National Geographic. If you haven’t, please stop reading this article and follow your dreams instead!
But if you do have a dream job, and if that dream job involves writing for National Geographic well, there are no guarantees. It can be intimidating to try to break into something like this because the odds are stacked against you even the best writers have had their fair share of rejections and failures before they achieved success.
So what’s the takeaway? Dream big! But don’t get discouraged if your first attempt at landing an internship or entry-level position doesn’t go as planned.
Don’t think less of yourself just because someone else got offered your dream job before you did; keep on trying until something clicks! And even if nothing ever does click (and I hope things do!), remember: You’ll always have passion behind your words and that’s something money can’t buy
Be Ready And Willing To Do Some Things That Might Not Seem Glamorous, S
To write for National Geographic, you need to be ready and willing to do some things that might not seem glamorous. You’ll need
to work long hours and in uncomfortable conditions. You may find yourself working in difficult environments or remote locations with no internet or phone service. In short, you will have to be ready for anything!
If you can handle this type of lifestyle and are willing to put in the hard work necessary—then there is no reason why your dream job should elude you!
If this is the path that you’re taking, then we applaud you! The world has so much to offer and National Geographic will provide you with all the tools necessary to be successful in your dream job. Most importantly, never lose sight of what got you here in the first place: passion, curiosity, and a love of adventure.
Further Reading
How Can I Write for National Geographic?: Explore the guidelines and submission process to become a contributor to the renowned National Geographic magazine.
Travel Writing Tips from Experts: Learn valuable insights and tricks of the trade from seasoned travel writers to enhance your own travel writing skills.
Can I Contribute to a Blog?: Find out if there are opportunities for aspiring writers to contribute to National Geographic’s blog and share their unique perspectives.
What are the submission guidelines for National Geographic magazine?
National Geographic magazine has specific submission guidelines that aspiring writers must adhere to. These guidelines typically cover topics such as article length, content themes, and photo requirements. For more details, refer to the official submission guidelines on their website.
How can I pitch a travel-related article to National Geographic?
To pitch a travel-related article to National Geographic, it is essential to conduct thorough research and tailor your pitch to match their publication style. Familiarize yourself with the magazine’s past travel features and find a unique angle for your pitch that aligns with their editorial focus.
Does National Geographic accept unsolicited manuscripts?
National Geographic typically does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Writers interested in contributing to the magazine are usually required to submit a query letter or proposal first, outlining their article idea and relevant experience.
Are there any specific themes or topics National Geographic is currently seeking?
National Geographic often has specific themes or topics they are interested in featuring. These themes may be tied to environmental issues, cultural events, scientific discoveries, or wildlife conservation efforts. Check their website or editorial calendar to see if there are any current calls for submissions on particular subjects.
Can I contribute to National Geographic’s online platforms as a freelance writer?
Yes, National Geographic does accept contributions from freelance writers for their online platforms, including the blog. If you have a compelling story or unique expertise to share, you can explore opportunities to contribute to their digital content.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.