Not everyone can write well, but the good news is that it’s not something you’re born with. Writing isn’t just about having a natural talent or being blessed with a high IQ.
I’ve seen plenty of people who weren’t “good” writers at all before they started working with me, and then suddenly become great ones after learning some simple principles.
So if your writing isn’t where you want it to be and if your audience isn’t responding well to what you’re putting out there then this article is for you!
Takeaways |
1. Understand your audience’s needs and preferences. |
2. Craft compelling and relatable storytelling. |
3. Use emotional appeals to create a connection. |
4. Provide valuable insights and actionable takeaways. |
5. Regularly update and repurpose your content. |
6. Engage with your audience for feedback and improvement. |
7. Measure engagement metrics to gauge resonance. |
8. Tailor content to address audience pain points. |
9. Utilize content marketing tools for efficiency. |
10. Continuously refine content to stay relevant. |
Identify Your Audience’s Core Message
When writing for your audience, it’s important to identify their core message. This is the feeling or experience that they want to communicate in their content.
For example, a fitness blog might want its readers to feel motivated and empowered by reading it. It would be helpful if this were reflected in the tone and language that you use when writing for them a casual, upbeat style might best suit those goals.
Writing articles that truly connect with your audience requires understanding their needs and preferences. Learn how to write articles that resonate with your audience in our comprehensive guide on How to Write Articles That Resonate With Your Audience.
Search For Your Audience’s Strongest Emotion
Your audience’s strongest emotion is the one that will keep them coming back to your content. And if you can connect with them on an emotional level, then you’ll have a much easier time of getting your message across.
Emotions are the most important factor in decision making and persuasion; there’s a reason why campaigns like “The Empathy Project” exist because it works!
When someone feels an emotion, they’re more likely to help out or join the cause because they want to feel good again. It’s human nature!
Use The Right Tone Of Voice
While it’s tempting to adopt the tone of a professor, don’t forget that your audience is reading for pleasure. If you write like a professor, readers will be put off by the academic feel of your writing and will feel no connection to you or your brand.
Instead, use a conversational tone that feels natural in conversation. I personally try to write as if I’m having a conversation with one person who is interested in my content but doesn’t know much about it yet.
Also consider how people might speak when they’re discussing their favorite topic: they’ll use words like “awesome” and “cool,” so why wouldn’t we incorporate those same phrases into our writing?
It helps break up blocks of text into more easily digestible chunks while also keeping up with current trends in language (which tend to change faster than most marketing managers would like).
If you’re considering ghostwriting, it’s crucial to understand what it’s all about and how it can benefit you. Check out our article on What Ghostwriting Is All About & How It Can Help You to gain insights into this fascinating writing profession.
Use Data And Case Studies To Back Up Conclusions
The best research papers, reports and articles use hard data and case studies to back up their conclusions.
You can utilize your own experience as a data source. For example, if your article is on running a marathon then you can talk about what it was like for you during training.
You could also use a case study of someone who has run marathons in the past and share what they learned along the way (for example: using a foam roller after every run).
A reputable source such as Runner’s World magazine also has some great advice on how to train for marathons that might be helpful for anyone considering running one for the first time (or even experienced runners!).
Deep Dive Into The Topic
- First, you should identify the core message of your article. This is the main point that you want readers to take away from it.
- Next, you should ask yourself what question is being answered or solved by your piece. This will help you determine how much detail to include in each section and make sure that everything flows together logically.
- Next, figure out what problem(s) need(s) solving before someone can implement your advice or product/service (and why this problem(s) exists). This will help guide how much time and effort goes into explaining each step of the process needed to solve said issue(s).
- Once you’ve identified these three things, see if there are any other elements they connect with or relate back to as well (you may also be able to find additional information through interviews with experts on related topics).
Crafting compelling blog titles and meta descriptions is essential for attracting readers. Learn how to write captivating titles and descriptions with our comprehensive guide on writing great blog article titles and meta descriptions.
Find Essentials For The Topic You’re Writing About
When you’re writing an article, the most important thing is to make sure that your message will be understood clearly by its reader. This means that you need to find the core issue of your topic and address it with a strong emotion. In other words, what are the essentials of this topic?
To figure out what they are, ask yourself these questions:
- What is my overall message? What am I trying to say here?
- What is my audience’s strongest emotion right now? How can I connect with them on an emotional level using this article (and vice versa)?
- What are the essential elements of a great piece of content in general (for example, SEO)
Make It Easy To Scan
It’s important to make it easy for readers to scan your article and find what they want. To do this, use subheadings, bullet points, bold and italics so that important points stand out.
The best way to ensure that your content is easy-to-read is by using short paragraphs that contain just one idea each. This will help your readers focus their attention on what you want them to notice without being distracted by long sentences or unnecessary information.
Keep It Simple, Short And Sweet
Keep it simple. If you can’t explain something in a short sentence, then you don’t really understand it yourself. If you’re struggling to describe something in writing, ask friends and family if they can explain it to you in two sentences or less.
Keep it short: Your audience is busy and doesn’t have time for long articles that go off on tangents or repeat themselves unnecessarily. When writing an article, keep the main point at the top of your mind and use everything else as support for that one idea.
You may find yourself cutting out entire paragraphs as a result of this exercise don’t worry about it! Whatever gets cut will be covered by other material later on anyway (assuming there’s some cohesion).
Keep it sweet: The best way to ensure your article resonates with people is by making sure its tone matches what they expect from reading content online (or anywhere else).
This means avoiding jargon where possible; using active voice instead of passive; avoiding complex sentences and complex words; not overloading readers with too much information at once; etcetera ad nauseum…
Writing for the internet requires a unique approach. Discover the 10 essential steps to craft engaging online content in our article on How to Write for the Internet in 10 Steps.
Develop A Consistent Style Guide To Give Your Writing Clarity And A Coherent “Voice”
The first step to writing for your audience is defining your audience.
You can’t write for everyone, so start by narrowing down the type of people you want to speak with. For example:
- Do they live in a certain region?
- Are they of a certain age range?
- Is their income level higher than average or lower than average?
- Do they have children, or are they childless?
From there, determine what their goals are and how those goals align with yours: Are my readers trying to save money on groceries this month?
Will my article help them reach that goal by teaching them how to make their own homemade ice cream cones (and then saving money on ice cream when they’re done)?
Or do my readers want more time around the house because they’re working full-time jobs outside of the home; will this article help them maximize their free time by offering tips on how to organize an evening at home so that it feels relaxing instead of overwhelming (i.e., exhausting)?
Diversify Your Selection Of Writing Tools, And Use Them Often
A good writer is a well-rounded writer, and that means using a variety of tools.
The dictionary is an essential tool for any writer. It will help you understand the words you’re using, their definitions and origins. And it’s fun!
A thesaurus is also important because it gives you new vocabulary options for describing your subjects or characters in different ways you don’t want to use the same word over and over again (unless it fits perfectly).
A style guide can help answer questions about formatting (like how far apart should I space my paragraphs?) or grammar rules, like how do I punctuate a sentence that ends with an abbreviation?
In addition to helping you avoid errors in style, this kind of reference book also reminds us that there’s more than one way to do things right.
Learn From Other Great Writers In Your Field, But Don’t Imitate Them
You can learn a lot from other great writers, but don’t aim for imitation. Think about the elements that make their work so compelling, and then experiment with your own writing style to see if you can incorporate those elements into your work.
Don’t be afraid to try something new you may come up with something incredible!
Use Strong Words That Are Short And Simple When Possible
Short and simple words are the easiest to remember. They also allow you to write without getting bogged down in sentences that get longer than two or three lines.
Short and simple sentences are another way to keep your writing from becoming too complicated or boring. This can help make it easier for readers with low reading comprehension skills, or those who don’t speak English as their first language.
Keeping your paragraphs short also makes it easier on the reader, who doesn’t have to spend too much time reading each paragraph before they move on if they’re not interested in what’s being said in that paragraph.
Short words are often easier for readers who struggle with reading comprehension skills because they’re shorter than more complex words like “polygamously” (which is actually one of my favorite words).
They’re also less intimidating for someone who hasn’t learned English as well as someone else might have learned their native language!
Crafting news stories that captivate millions of readers is an art. Find out the secrets to achieving this feat in our comprehensive guide on The Secrets to Writing Great News Stories That Get Read by Millions.
Use Active Language To Put Emphasis On Your Points
Using active voice is the key to writing persuasively and engagingly. When using active language, your sentences will be shorter and more concise, which makes them easier to read.
Active voice also helps your readers understand exactly what you’re trying to say and when it’s not at all ambiguous, active language can make your points appear much more persuasive than if you were to use passive voice instead.
Here are some examples of sentences written in both the active and the passive:
- Active: “We are going outside now.” (This sentence is short and direct.)
- Passive: “It has been decided that we go outside now.” (This sentence is longer than necessary.)
Don’t Just Tell Readers What You Know
When you’re writing, it’s tempting to just tell the reader what you know. But if your writing is going to resonate with an audience, it has to be more than that it has to feel like something they can relate to.
One way to do this is by using active language, which makes your sentences and paragraphs sound more conversational and less formal.
Active verbs are a great place to start when you’re looking for ways to write with more energy: instead of saying “I wrote a blog post about X topic,” say “I wrote my first blog post on how X works!”
You can also use strong words and phrases instead of weak ones. Words like “amazing,” “lovely,” and “delicious” might be nice sometimes, but they’re not going to get anyone excited about reading what you’ve written unless there’s context behind them and there usually isn’t!
By contrast, words like “incredible” (in reference) or “astounding” (to describe) will draw readers in because they’re exciting on their own merits without needing further explanation or context from you
Spend Ample Time On Research And Editing
Research and editing are two vital steps in the writing process. Without thorough and accurate research, you’ll be unable to write an article of any value. Likewise, no matter how much you like what you’ve written, if it’s not well-written it won’t resonate with your audience.
Research Should Be Thorough And Accurate
It may seem obvious that research is important when writing an article or blog post, but many writers don’t give it enough time or attention and then they wonder why their content isn’t resonating with their readers!
The best way to learn how to do something is by doing it yourself; however, there’s no substitute for reading up on the topic so that you’re confident about what information needs adding into a piece and where it needs sourcing.
Editing Can Take A Lot Of Time And Effort
If editing sounds like a chore (who wants to spend hours making sure every comma is in place?), consider that this step often takes more time than either researching or writing an article!
But if done well, editing will make sure your work has been properly proofread from start to finish before publishing so as not only to ensure its quality but also to improve its chances of being shared widely across social networks.
Such as Pinterest or Instagram – both huge drivers for traffic back into our sites thanks largely due their visual nature.”
So, there you have it. A brief guide to writing effective articles that resonate with your audience. We’ve covered a lot of ground here, but hopefully we’ve also given you some useful tips to get started on your next piece of content.
Remember to keep it simple, short and sweet; use strong words; and make sure that everything works together cohesively rather than against each other, and before long, people will be flocking to read what you have to say!
Further Reading
Resonant Content Marketing: Learn advanced techniques and strategies for creating content that deeply resonates with your target audience.
How to Create Content That Resonates With Your Audience Long After They’ve Viewed It: Discover effective tips to ensure your content leaves a lasting impact on your audience, keeping them engaged long after consumption.
How to Write Content That Resonates With Your Readers: Uncover the secrets of crafting content that strikes a chord with your readers and keeps them coming back for more.
How can I create content that resonates with my audience?
Crafting resonant content requires understanding your audience’s preferences, pain points, and interests. Conduct thorough research and tailor your content to address their needs effectively.
What are some techniques for writing content that deeply connects with readers?
Use storytelling, emotional appeals, and relatable examples to create an emotional bond with your audience. Also, focus on providing valuable insights and actionable takeaways that solve their problems.
How can I ensure my content continues to resonate with my audience over time?
Regularly update and repurpose your content to keep it relevant and fresh. Engage with your audience through comments, surveys, and social media to gather feedback and make improvements.
Are there any tools or platforms to help with creating resonant content?
Yes, several content marketing platforms offer features like content research, analysis, and scheduling to help you create and distribute resonant content effectively. Explore tools like, SEMrush, and BuzzSumo.
How can I measure the resonance of my content with the audience?
Track key metrics such as engagement, time-on-page, bounce rate, and social media shares to gauge the resonance of your content. Analyze user feedback and comments to gain valuable insights into audience reactions.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.