How To Write An Effective Facebook Post That Gets A Ton Of Traffic

Facebook is a great tool for staying in touch with friends and family. It’s also a powerful platform for connecting with an audience of customers, potential customers, and fans. 

If you’re managing your company’s Facebook page, it’s extremely important to know how to write effective Facebook posts that will engage your followers and, most importantly, lead to increased web traffic. 

The good news is that there are several small actions you can take that will have a big impact on the effectiveness of your Facebook updates.

Boost Facebook Posts (Step-by-step tutorial and best practices)
1. Craft attention-grabbing headlines.
2. Use compelling visuals to enhance engagement.
3. Keep your copy concise and to the point.
4. Incorporate relevant hashtags strategically.
5. Include a clear call to action for user interaction.
6. Experiment with post formats to gauge audience response.
7. Post consistently to maintain audience engagement.
8. Analyze post metrics to optimize future content.
9. Engage authentically with users in the comments section.
10. Use storytelling techniques to resonate with your audience.

Post A Video

Post a video. If your goal is to get the most traffic possible, then posting a video on Facebook is the way to go. According to HubSpot, posts with videos receive 2x more engagement than those without and this is especially true for Facebook pages (1). 

Videos are also one of the best ways to increase engagement on your page and get more likes, comments, and shares as well as click-throughs from users who see it in their newsfeed or when they visit your page directly (2).

Make sure your video is relevant. Make sure that whatever type of content you choose fits into what you’re trying to achieve with the post (i.e., entertainment, education, etc.). 

For example, if you have an eCommerce website then maybe use a funny video about how dogs react differently when there’s bacon nearby versus when there’s cat food nearby! 

Or maybe use something related to holidays like Halloween – people love watching funny pranks so why not create some fun ones? Whatever it may be make sure whatever materializes from these ideas has something at least semi-relevant (this will be important later).

Enhancing your visual marketing strategy is essential for captivating your audience. Learn about the 16 surefire ways to take your visual content to the next level and engage your viewers effectively.

Keep It Short

This will sound obvious, but make sure you keep it short. The longer the post, the less likely people are to read it. Don’t use all caps or all emojis (unless you have a good reason). 

You should also avoid using ALL CAPS AND EMOTICON because it looks like you’re shouting at your readers and can be off-putting. If you must write long posts, try splitting them up into multiple parts so as not to overwhelm people with too much content at once.

Use Images

Adding images makes your content more visually appealing and memorable. You can use them to add context, emotion, and credibility to your post. 

They also help you increase interaction with readers which increases reach. Images are also a good way to break up the text on your page so that it’s easier for people to read.

Here are some tips we recommend when adding images:

Use relevant images whenever possible – related images can make the difference between getting 100 or 500 views on a post! 

The image should be relevant or have some connection with what you’re talking about in the post (this doesn’t mean that the image has to tell part of the story). 

Not only does this help keep readers engaged with what’s happening on their screen for longer periods but it helps them remember more of what they’ve read too!

Use particular types of headlines – if you want people viewing other sites like yours then try using titles such as “A Guide To…” or “How To…” 

These kinds of headlines tend not just to get clicks but conversions too! This may seem obvious but sometimes we forget how important it is not just to get clicks from other sites via links back here but also conversions through these links as well!

Crafting compelling marketing content requires specific techniques. Discover how to write content that entices your readers to take action with these tips for getting more click-throughs and boosting engagement.

Share Inspiring And Entertaining Stories

Stories are the best way to get your audience to connect with you and your brand, so you must share stories that will resonate with them. 

You can do this by sharing stories that make them feel good or laugh, or even cry. When telling a story, ask yourself how would this make someone else feel?

Asking yourself these questions will help you figure out what kind of content resonates with your audience. If it makes them happy or inspires them in some way, then it’s probably going to be a popular post!

Announce Promotions, Events, Or Sales

You can also use Facebook to announce promotions, events, or sales. This is where you’ll want to use a call to action (see above). 

For example, if you’re opening a new store location, make sure that people know when and where it’s happening! If there’s a special sale going on at your store that lasts for only one day, let them know about it!

If you’re running an event that requires tickets in advance (like a concert), give people the details of how they can purchase those tickets. 

If there is no other way for them to get the ticket besides purchasing one from you directly at the door on the night of your event (which I would say should never happen), then feel free to post this information as well.

Embrace Humor (But Don’t Rely On It)

Humor is an incredibly effective tool for engaging your audience. It can be used to break up the monotony of a post, or it can be used to make a statement. Humor is infectious and people want to share things that make them laugh or feel good. 

As such, it’s a great way to get people on board with your content and keep them there long enough for you to drive home an important point or statement.

It’s important not to rely solely on humor though; if all you do is use funny pictures or videos in posts without actually saying anything meaningful then no one will take you seriously! 

If possible try adding some more serious content into each post too so as not to alienate readers who are looking for something more than just laughs from their feeds

Effective copywriting is a cornerstone of successful marketing. Dive into the 19 most used copy techniques in the B2B realm and learn how to craft compelling messages that resonate with your audience.

Ask Questions

Questions are one of the most effective ways to get people talking about your brand. A good question can spark a conversation, get feedback on a product or service, and even give you some valuable insight into what your audience thinks of your page.

Here’s an example:

`Yesterday we wrote up a guide on how to write an effective Facebook post that gets a ton of traffic. It was received well by our readers (thank you!), but we’re curious what did you like about it? Did anything surprise or confuse you? Let us know!`

Use Polls To Your Advantage

A poll can be a great way to get feedback from your audience, or it can help you gauge interest in a topic.

For example, if you’re writing about the different types of spiders that live in the United States, you could ask your readers which type of spider is the most terrifying and see what they respond with. 

This will help you know if people want to hear more about those spiders or something else entirely!

Or maybe all of this information is overwhelming and too much for one post. You can use a poll as a way to gauge how much information people want at once. For example: “What do you think would be most helpful? An introduction and then two paragraphs on each type of spider?” 

Or maybe: “What do people want more than anything else? An article about all eight kinds of spiders or just one kind?”

Use Your Social Media Ads To Amplify Your Content

You can use social media ads to amplify your content and drive traffic to your website, blog, or other landing pages.

When you’re creating an ad, be sure to include a compelling call-to-action: “Download my free guide,” “Subscribe now,” or “Get my daily tips!”

The link for the ad should point directly back at one of your articles so that when someone clicks on it, they land right where you want them to go. You can also include links in the description of the image or video content itself if there is no room for text in the image itself.

Creating content that goes viral requires strategic planning. Uncover the 13 tips for crafting blog posts with the potential to spread like wildfire and capture the attention of a wide audience.

Engage With Your Followers And The Larger Facebook Community

Engage with your followers and the larger Facebook community.

Use the Facebook group feature to create a community around your brand, then use it as a platform for engaging with people who are interested in what you have to say.

Use the Messenger feature to build relationships with the followers who respond best to your posts and engage them on a more intimate level by using it as an extension of your blog or website content.

Engage with other brands and companies that share similar interests as yours; this helps build trust among readers because they know there’s more than one voice out there speaking about certain topics (and if someone likes something from one brand, odds are it’ll be just as good from another).

Post At The Right Time (And Track It)

The second step to effective Facebook marketing is knowing when and how often to post. This is a question that’s been asked so many times, it doesn’t need another answer. But we can give you one anyway:

Post at the right time (and track it).

That said, I have some good news for those of us who don’t live in New York or San Francisco you’re not likely to get much traction on your posts if they go up at 4:00 AM EST because your audience is either not online yet or already asleep.

So, what’s the best time for posting? It depends on your audience and brand. To find out more about what works best for you and where your audience lives geographically, visit this website called SocialPilot; 

It’ll tell you exactly when most people are active on Facebook depending on their age group and location so that each of your posts gets maximum exposure!

Be Concise, Use Images And Videos Where Appropriate

Make it short, sweet, and to the point. This is the motto of good copywriting. You want to get your point across in as few words as possible.

The following are some examples of how this works:

Use short sentences and paragraphs. Don’t ramble on about your grandma’s cooking or how much you love dogs this isn’t an essay assignment! 

Be concise, use images where appropriate, and keep things moving along quickly so that people don’t get bored or distracted by other stuff on their Facebook feed (which will happen if you’re not careful).

Use short videos instead of photos or GIFs if they will help illustrate what you are saying better than words alone could do justice to it’s one thing when someone sees a picture but another thing entirely when they witness something happening before their eyes! That said…

Keep links short too–we’re talking five characters max; longer ones look unprofessional because they take up too much space on social media platforms such as Twitter etcetera. 

The same goes for hashtags: try not to go over 10 characters here either; anything longer than 15 characters looks awkward because it takes up too much room which detracts from visibility.

Nurturing a successful writing career involves continuous learning and growth. Explore the books you should read to gain insights into improving your craft, engaging your readers, and advancing your career in the world of writing.


We’ve shared everything we know about making great Facebook posts, but there’s still one thing you need to do: Try these tips out for yourself. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies and find what works best for your audience! 

Remember that social media marketing is always changing, so even if a post doesn’t get much engagement right away it could become successful over time as people share it on other platforms like Twitter or Instagram as well. 

In addition, try posting at different times of the day – maybe even multiple times in one day just to see how they do. If something isn’t working well then move on and try something new until you find what works best 🙂

Further Reading

The Perfect Facebook Post: Key Ingredients: Explore the essential elements that make up a successful Facebook post and learn how to optimize your content for maximum engagement.

Fresh Facebook Post Ideas for 2022: Need inspiration for your Facebook posts? Discover creative and up-to-date ideas to keep your content engaging and relevant.

Creating Effective Facebook Posts: Dive into strategies and tactics for crafting effective Facebook posts that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful interactions.


What are the key components of a successful Facebook post?

A successful Facebook post usually includes compelling visuals, concise and engaging copy, relevant hashtags, and a clear call to action. These elements collectively enhance user engagement.

How can I come up with fresh ideas for my Facebook posts?

To generate fresh ideas, consider tapping into trending topics, sharing user-generated content, conducting polls, showcasing behind-the-scenes glimpses, and sharing relevant industry news.

What makes a Facebook post effective in driving engagement?

An effective Facebook post engages users through relatable content, intriguing questions, visual storytelling, and authentic interactions, prompting likes, comments, and shares.

How do I optimize my Facebook posts for higher reach?

To increase reach, focus on posting at optimal times, using relevant hashtags, creating shareable content, and encouraging user participation through contests, challenges, or interactive posts.

What strategies can I employ to improve my Facebook post’s overall performance?

Experiment with different post formats, analyze metrics to understand what resonates with your audience, leverage Facebook’s built-in analytics tools, and consider boosting well-performing posts to extend their reach.