Writing is a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your writing goals, you’re not alone many people who come into my office do, too. In this article, I’m going to share some tips with you that will help make the process less stressful and more realistic.
Takeaways |
1. Clear Direction: Setting goals gives your writing a clear direction, helping you stay focused on your objectives. |
2. Motivation Booster: Goals provide the motivation you need to overcome challenges and keep making progress. |
3. Structured Process: Goal-setting breaks down your writing process into manageable steps, making it less daunting. |
4. Effective Planning: Well-defined goals allow you to plan your writing projects, outlining tasks and deadlines. |
5. Adaptability: Flexibility in goal-setting enables you to adjust your approach based on obstacles and changing circumstances. |
Realize You’re Not Going To Get Everything Done Right Away
Now, this will probably be a bit of a blow to those of you who are used to getting everything done and doing it well in one fell swoop. It’s not going to happen.
Writing is hard work, and sometimes there are days when you don’t feel like writing at all. You can set aside X amount of time per day/week/month to write your book, but sometimes life happens and takes over our plans.
That doesn’t mean that we have failed as writers or that we need to give up on our dreams; it just means that real life happens and sometimes writing comes to the second priority.
I know this may be difficult for some people who like order in their lives, but trust me: the best thing for you right now is to accept that this is where we are right now!
Writing a book is a creative journey that requires careful planning and execution. Our comprehensive collection of Book Writing Guides & Tools offers insights into various aspects of the writing and publishing process, helping you navigate your way to a successful book.
Your Writing Life Is Your Writing Life
Your writing life is your writing life. You can’t write if you don’t have time, or a place to write, or a routine and plan for the days when you do.
It’s great that you want to be a writer! That’s awesome! But there are so many things that need to come together for this dream of yours to become reality. If you’re struggling with any of these things (or all of them), take it as an opportunity for growth and change. Don’t let yourself get bogged down by excuses; find solutions instead.
Figure Out What Kind Of Writer You Are
Write down your answers to these questions:
What kind of writer are you? The fastest way to figure this out is to count the number of words you write per day. If it’s less than 300, then maybe writing isn’t your thing. You may be better suited for being a copyeditor or proofreader instead.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? This will help determine what kind of book or genre you should focus on writing in the future. For example, if you’re an amazing scene-writer but can’t seem to develop a good plotline or character arcs, then maybe horror novels aren’t going to work well for you at least not yet!
How do I like my coffee? Are there any specific things I need from my workspace before I start writing (music playing in the background; silence)?
Or do I prefer working with headphones in so that no one can interrupt me? Write down everything about how and where it’s best for you as an individual writer doing your own thing at your speed in your ways to get through these steps to finish a book!!
Embarking on the path to becoming a book writer can be exciting yet challenging. Discover the essential steps in our guide on How to Become a Book Writer, where you’ll find valuable tips and guidance to kickstart your writing journey.
Know The Difference Between A Goal And A To-Do List
It’s important to differentiate between a goal and a to-do list. A goal is something you dream of achieving, like finishing a novel or writing in your blog every day. A to-do list is just the opposite; it’s all the things you have to do, like clean your room and make dinner.
A goal is more than just an idea; it’s something that sets you on a path of achievement, while still leaving room for flexibility and change along the way. That doesn’t mean that goals can’t be broken down into smaller tasks, but those tasks aren’t necessarily part of the goal itself they’re steps toward achieving it.
Find A Good Distraction And A Good Reward
Find a Good Distraction
Find something that you enjoy, and do it often. This can be anything from playing video games to reading a book or watching TV.
The key is finding something that helps you relax when writing becomes stressful. When the time comes for your writing session, turn off your phone and computer, sit down at the table with pen in hand, and let yourself get lost in whatever it is that’s relaxing for you at the moment (as long as it isn’t distracting).
Find A Good Reward
You should also find an incentive for reaching each daily goal something that will help motivate you towards completing those goals on time each day.
It should be something that motivates but also doesn’t feel like work itself (because remember: this is supposed to be relaxing!). One good option? Treat yourself after finishing some pages by taking a break from work to watch something funny on Netflix or Hulu before coming back fresh tomorrow morning!
Determine What Will Happen If You Don’t Meet Your Goal
If you don’t meet your goal, you’ll feel like a failure.
You will be discouraged and demoralized.
Your sense of guilt may be overpowering, especially if you were already feeling bad about not having been able to meet your last few goals.
You could start questioning yourself as a writer: “Why did I even bother getting started on this project? It was going so well until now! Why can’t I do anything right? What is wrong with me?”
These questions are all part of the normal process of writing and they’re especially natural when things aren’t going well (and they often aren’t). But it’s important to remember that these feelings are temporary they’ll pass if you keep working through them.
Creating a novel using the Snowflake Method can provide a structured approach to your storytelling. Learn how to craft compelling narratives with our guide on How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method, which breaks down the process into manageable steps.
Give Yourself Some Extra Time
It’s important to take some time to yourself, away from the hustle and bustle of life. It’s okay to take a few days off from writing, reading, or doing anything else related to your book. This can help you recharge and come back with a fresh perspective on what you’re working on.
Make sure that you give yourself enough time for other things in life as well. You need time for your family, friends, and self-care so that you don’t burn out too quickly. If something comes up unexpectedly (like an illness) then it should be allowed without guilt or shame!
Figure Out How Much Time You Can Devote To Writing
The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out how much time you can realistically devote to writing. In other words, don’t try to do too little, because that will cause a lot of stress and probably result in falling behind on your goals.
On the other hand, don’t also try to do too much at once: if you’re trying to write an entire novel in one month (or even two), the quality of your writing will likely suffer as well as its quantity!
Make sure not only that this schedule is realistic but also sustainable throughout all stages of your work the most important thing when making plans is being able to stick with them!
Do At Least Five Minutes Of Writing Every Day
Writing a book is a big task. It takes time, energy, and creativity to write an entire novel from scratch. But the key to getting that first draft written is consistency. If you want to finish your book in a year (or even faster), then do at least five minutes of writing every day.
The reason why writers need to write consistently is simple: if you don’t write every day, it will be hard for you to remember what happens next in your story because so much time has passed between writing sessions, and not writing can also make your brain go numb when it comes time for editing or revising later on down the line.
Crafting a book that captures readers’ attention and resonates with them is a goal every writer aspires to achieve. Explore our article on 11 Ways to Write a Book That Sells for practical insights and strategies to create a marketable and compelling book.
Make Sure To Leave Yourself Time For Editing In Your Schedule
Editing is an important part of the writing process, and it is something you should budget your time for. Even if you have a great editor, they can only go so fast.
If editing doesn’t come naturally to you, don’t worry! Editing is a skill that can be learned. If you’ve taken any English classes in school, then chances are good that they have touched on editing skills within those classes. It just takes practice and dedication!
Make Sure You Have Time to Write Before Your Deadlines Looming Overhead Destroy All Hope of Ever Finishing Anything
You need to make sure that you have time to write before your deadline looms overhead, destroying all hope of ever finishing anything. If you don’t set aside this time, then you’ll be forced to rush through the writing process and end up with a lot of mistakes. This will frustrate you, which will make it hard for you to keep going.
The result? You’ll be disappointed in yourself for wasting your time on a project that was never completed!
Determining the subject of your first book can be a challenging decision. Our guide on How to Decide What to Write About in Your First Book offers guidance and exercises to help you identify a topic that resonates with your passion and target audience.
When you look at your writing goals and think about how you’re going to accomplish them, remember that there will be ups and downs along the way and that’s okay!
Your goal is to keep working toward your dream of being a writer, even if sometimes it feels like you’re not making any progress.
Always keep in mind what makes writing worth it for you: whether it’s the feeling of having something new on paper or just having fun with friends in group chats online; if those reasons are enough motivation for you then it doesn’t matter what others say about their own goals because no one cares more than yourself when it comes down to accomplishing goals!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you explore the topic of setting realistic book writing goals further:
DabbleWriter: Writing Goals Short Description: Discover the importance of setting clear writing goals and how they can shape your creative journey.
Author Learning Center: How to Write a Book in 2023 – A 10-Step Guide Short Description: Get insights into a step-by-step guide for writing a book in the current year, with a focus on goal-setting and the writing process.
Clever Girl Author: Writing Goals Short Description: Explore effective strategies for setting and achieving your writing goals, along with valuable tips to keep you motivated.
What are the key benefits of setting writing goals?
Setting writing goals provides direction and purpose for your writing journey. Goals help you stay focused, motivated, and track your progress effectively.
How can goal-setting improve my book writing process?
Goal-setting can help you break down your writing process into manageable steps, making it less overwhelming. It also enhances your productivity and ensures you’re making consistent progress.
Should I set specific deadlines for my writing goals?
Yes, setting deadlines is crucial. Deadlines create a sense of urgency and accountability, pushing you to work consistently and complete your writing projects within a defined timeframe.
How do I adjust my goals if I encounter obstacles during writing?
Flexibility is key. If you encounter obstacles, review and adjust your goals accordingly. Adapt to challenges while keeping your end objective in mind.
How can I maintain my motivation to achieve my writing goals?
Regularly remind yourself of the bigger picture. Celebrate small victories, seek support from writing communities, and consistently engage in activities that reignite your passion for writing.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.