How To Write A Business Plan That Will Make You Money

Now that you’ve had a chance to read through this book, I’m hoping that you feel more confident about starting your own business. 

But before you take the plunge into entrepreneurship and start spending all of your hard-earned money on rent and office supplies you’ll want to have a plan. 

And not just any old plan; you need one that will help your business grow and make money. With these steps below, we’ll walk through everything from getting clear on your business idea (so your target audience is crystal clear) down to analyzing your competition.

How to Write a Business Plan – Entrepreneurship 101 – YouTube
1. A well-crafted business plan is a powerful tool for financial success.
2. Focus on outlining clear revenue streams and profit-generating strategies.
3. Market analysis and competitor research are essential for identifying money-making opportunities.
4. Highlight your unique selling proposition to attract potential investors.
5. Regularly review and adapt your business plan to stay profitable in a dynamic market.

Step 1: Get Clear On Your Business Idea

The first step to writing a business plan is to take the time to get clear on who you are and what you want from your business (and life). It may sound obvious, but it’s easy to forget that a lot of people have different ideas of what success looks like, so we must define these before we start writing our plans.

Define your target audience and the problem you are solving for them. Who is this product or service for? Who will benefit most from it? How will they benefit by using whatever it is that you’re offering? Why should they care? 

If there was no such thing as this product/service anywhere in the world, would they still want one? Or do they need one because no other options exist right now?

Set a clear goal for your business, which just means deciding exactly how much money or investment capital you’ll need to reach those goals. 

Don’t worry about things like location or equipment at this point; just focus on getting clear about the amount of funding required that’s all! Write down exactly how much money this entire process will cost from start-up costs (website design services) through hiring employees.”

Ever wondered what it takes to be a high-level business plan consultant? Step into the shoes of one in our article on A Day in the Life of a High-Level Business Plan Consultant and discover the challenges and rewards of this profession.

Step 2: Describe Your Customer

Next, you need to describe your customer. The problem they face, the buying process and decision-making process they go through, and their demographics, psychographics, behavior patterns, and language are all important factors in this step.

Demographics-A demographic is a group of people who share common characteristics such as age, gender, or income level. You can use demographics when writing your business plan because it helps you understand who your potential customers are. 

For example: If you are selling pet food online then knowing how many people own pets in North America will help you determine how much money there is to be made by selling pet food online.

Psychographics-Psychographics are more specific than demographics because instead of looking at groups of people based on shared attributes like age or income level they look at groups that share values or interests (such as parents with children under 5 years old). 

This information can be helpful when writing a business plan because it helps define what type of person might be interested in using your product or service

Business plans are more than just documents; they are roadmaps to success. Explore the significance and purpose of business plans in our insightful article on What Are Business Plans For?.

Step 3: Define Your Financials

Now it’s time to define your financials. This means you should include the following:

Cost of goods sold (COGS)-COGS is how much it costs for you to make and sell products, whether through labor or materials. For example, if you’re making T-shirts, then the COGS would be the price of fabric and thread (and any other materials).

Operating expenses-These are all your business-related expenses that aren’t directly related to making a product. 

They include things like rent or mortgage payments, utilities (electricity and water), payroll for employees if applicable, taxes/taxes on income earned from this business venture that has already been taxed at another level (for example self-employment tax), etc.

Other expenses-These are also business related but not necessarily tied directly into making or selling products/services; they could be anything from advertising costs on social media.

Platforms like Instagram or Facebook as well as marketing efforts like brochures printed up by local printers in town where people can pick them up off their front porch when they get home from work each day

Anything related but not directly tied in with production operations itself including professional services such as accounting fees paid out every quarter along with legal advice given out annually during tax season regarding what deductions are available under certain circumstances when filing taxes each April 15th deadline rolls around again next year.

Secure the future of your business with a well-thought-out business plan. Find out how to plan for success in our post on Planning for the Future by Writing a Business Plan.

Step 4: Analyze Your Competition.

You’re not the only one trying to make money off of your skills and knowledge. In fact, in many cases, several competitors are also trying to do exactly what you are.

This is why it’s important to pay attention to your competition: their strengths and weaknesses, how they advertise and promote themselves, how much money they make each year, and even how much time they spend doing all of this (you can usually find this information on their websites). 

This information will help you determine if there is room for another business in the same field as yours and if so, what makes yours different from theirs so that people will choose yours over theirs.

Step 5: Define Your Operations

You need to define your operations. This is a very important step, and you shouldn’t skip it. Your operations are the tasks that need to be completed for your business to function properly. For example, if you own a restaurant, your operations include cooking food, serving food and drinks to customers, cleaning tables and floors (and maybe even washing dishes).

If this sounds like it might take some time or money out of pocket for things like supplies or employees (e.g., dishwashers), then remember that those expenses can be factored into the profit and loss section of your plan later on!

Transform your business ideas into a concrete reality with a well-crafted business plan. Learn how in our guide on How Writing a Business Plan Can Turn Your Idea into Reality, and take the first step towards entrepreneurial success.

Step 6: Have The Right Mindset And Start Writing!

Now that you’ve done all the hard work, the fun part is ahead.

Just make sure your mind is in the right place when you start writing. You need to be focused on the big picture, not just on your idea or product. Your business plan has to be realistic and flexible, actionable, measurable, and achievable. It also needs to be tangible: if it’s not real yet if there are still a lot of specifics missing your plan won’t help much in making money!

No matter how excited you might feel about a new venture or project, always keep one thing in mind: any thought process leading up to putting pen (or keyboard) to the paper should always lead back here: what does this mean for me?

Take The Time To Plan Out Your Business Idea, It Will Save You A Lot Of Money In The Future

  • You will save yourself from making a lot of mistakes.
  • You will be able to make sure that your product or service is something people want and need.
  • You can get customers and clients before you even start in business.
  • It will give you a clear idea of how much money you need to start your business and how much money it will cost to keep it going each month.

Feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of writing a business plan? Fear not! Follow our comprehensive article on How to Write a Business Plan in 9 Simple Steps to break it down into manageable tasks.


The key takeaway is that every business has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses that require a unique solution. If you want to succeed in this world, you need to be able to demonstrate why your company is better than the competition in some way. 

That’s why it’s important to do research on your competitors before writing any plan you never know what insights you might find!

Further Reading

How to Write a Winning Business Plan: Learn valuable insights from this Harvard Business Review article on crafting a winning business plan for your entrepreneurial venture.

Write Your Business Plan: The Small Business Administration offers a comprehensive guide on writing a business plan to help you steer your business towards success.

Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide: Shopify’s blog provides a step-by-step guide to creating a well-structured business plan that aligns with your goals.


How do I start writing a business plan?

Begin by conducting thorough market research and outlining your business goals. Use these insights to build a strong foundation for your business plan.

What are the key elements of a business plan?

A typical business plan includes an executive summary, company description, market analysis, product/service offerings, marketing strategy, financial projections, and a section on organizational structure.

How important is a business plan for securing funding?

A well-written business plan is crucial for attracting investors and lenders as it demonstrates your business’s viability and growth potential.

Can I use a business plan for internal decision-making?

Absolutely! A business plan serves as a roadmap for your business’s future, helping you make informed decisions and track progress towards your goals.

How often should I update my business plan?

It’s advisable to review and update your business plan regularly, especially when there are significant changes in your industry, market conditions, or business objectives.