How To Write A Business Plan That Will Get Investors

If you’re thinking about launching a new business and want to attract investors, then the first thing you need to do is write a compelling business plan. But what does it take to impress potential investors? You don’t need a team of lawyers or executives from the top firms in town just the right information in your pitch, presented in an organized way.

How to write a business plan for investors – YouTube
Understand the investors’ perspective and tailor your business plan to address their specific needs and concerns.
Clearly articulate your unique value proposition and differentiation in the market to stand out among competitors.
Thoroughly research and analyze your target market to demonstrate a deep understanding of its dynamics and potential.
Develop a well-defined and realistic financial plan, including projections and growth strategies, to showcase the business’s profitability.
Present a strong and capable management team that inspires confidence in investors regarding your ability to execute the plan.
Keep the business plan concise, focused, and visually appealing to maintain investors’ interest and attention.
Include a compelling executive summary that captures the essence of your business and entices investors to read further.
Address potential risks and challenges proactively, showcasing your ability to mitigate them effectively.
Seek feedback from trusted advisors or mentors to refine and strengthen your business plan before presenting it to investors.
Show passion and conviction for your business idea, instilling confidence in investors about your commitment to success.

Have A Solid Mission Statement

A solid mission statement is the first thing that investors will read when they open your business plan, so it can make or break your chances of getting funded. It’s also an important consideration for anyone who will be working with you on your business, from employees to prospective buyers.

Mission statements should be short and easy to understand (usually one sentence). You’ll want to avoid using any jargon or industry-specific terminology to communicate clearly with all readers. 

Instead, write in plain English and use simple language, after all, if someone who’s not familiar with what you do can’t understand it from just reading this sentence then there’s a problem with how effective your entire proposal will be!

In addition, it’s important that mission statements are consistent throughout the rest of the document; this means using similar words when describing similar concepts as well as making sure everything jives nicely together at both an overall level (i.e., mission statement vs financial projections) 

But also more granular levels such as aligning values within each section (i.e., marketing plan vs financial projections).

Transforming your brilliant idea into a thriving business requires a solid roadmap. Learn how to craft a compelling business plan that brings your vision to life with our guide on how writing a business plan can turn your idea into reality.

Demand Accountability On All Levels

Before you can start writing, you need to know who the main players are and what their roles are within your business plan. Here’s a quick rundown of key personnel:

Board of Directors: This is made up of individuals or groups who have no direct ownership stake in the company but have influence over it. 

Their core task is to provide oversight for their organization through governance and strategic decision-making, although their scope may vary depending on what type of entity they’re serving (i.e., nonprofit vs. for-profit).

CEO/President/Chairman: These terms are often used interchangeably for someone who serves as an executive leader in charge of a company’s operations; however there are some differences between these titles which we’ll explore here. 

First off, there’s no distinction between whether yours is an entrepreneurial venture vs one with a more formal structure both can benefit from having someone at its helm whose primary responsibility lies with overseeing all aspects including hiring new staff members. 

While also making decisions related directly back to finance issues like cash flow management strategies!

Be Able To Explain The Role Of Each Member Of The Team

When writing your business plan, you need to be able to explain the role of each member of the team. This is especially true if you’re trying to raise money from investors who may want a piece of your company. Investors need to see that each member has important skills and experience that they can bring to the table. 

Not only will this help convince them that your company is worth investing in, but it will also help ensure that everyone has clear responsibilities and expectations for their work so there are no misunderstandings or overlapping tasks.

If possible, it’s best if each member handles one specific task or area as opposed to having multiple people doing similar things at once (like having two co-founders who both handle marketing). 

This makes it easier for investors and other stakeholders alike because it allows them an opportunity for clarity about what each person does on an ongoing basis so there aren’t any questions about where things stand in terms of progress or quality standards being met consistently over time

Crafting a business plan doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to write a business plan in 9 simple steps to create a well-structured and persuasive plan that sets your venture up for success.

Include All Relevant Financials

You should include all relevant financials in your business plan. A detailed financial plan gives the reader a clear picture of the money aspect of your business and helps them to understand what it is that you’re trying to achieve. 

This includes all of your projected financial statements (a profit and loss statement, balance sheet, cash flow forecast), as well as a list of assets and liabilities for each year. You can also provide a detailed breakdown of capital structure (the breakdown between debt and equity) if asked for by your potential investors.

When writing about these numbers, don’t just say “we’ll make x amount” or “we’ll sell y products”. Instead, give specific numbers so it’s easy for an investor to understand how much money they could make on their investment if everything goes according to plan.

Show How The Business Will Be Profitable

Show how the business will be profitable. The most obvious way to do this is by showing that you have a solid plan for increasing sales, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency. 

You can also explain ways that your company will grow over time or even expand into new markets. Investors want to see that you have a strategy for making money, not just an idea or product that’s cool right now.

Understand Your Target Market

To properly write a business plan that will get investors, you need to understand your target market.

It’s important to understand who your target market is and what their needs are. You should also be aware of the problems that they face, as well as their lifestyle and demographics. It’s also helpful to know the psychographics of your target audiences, such as attitudes and opinions.

Tell A Compelling Story About Your Brand

Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to communicate and connect with your audience, so you must tell a compelling story about your brand. Your story should show what makes you special, why people would want to work with or buy from you, and how they might benefit from doing so.

When it comes to business plans and investor pitches, storytelling can take many forms: sharing anecdotes about how you came up with an idea; explaining how customers benefit from using your product or service; detailing the benefits of partnering with other companies who are relevant in your industry (such as sales agents or suppliers).

For example, if someone wanted to start a business selling organic dog treats online but didn’t have any experience in pet food manufacturing before starting their own company they might tell this story:

After my beloved family dog passed away last year at age 15 (and yes we had him cremated), I decided I wanted something better for our next four-legged furry companion.”

Securing funding for your business is a critical step in its growth. Discover the importance of a well-crafted business plan in attracting investors and lenders in our article on does a business plan help you get funding.

Describe Your Competitors

Next, you’ll want to describe your competitors. This is an opportunity to show off your knowledge of the industry, and maybe even get a little snarky about it. You can use this section as an opportunity to explain why you’re better than your competitors.

Do not just list their strengths and weaknesses. Instead, compare them against each other so that it will be clear who has more to offer than the others in their niche market.

Define Your Unique Value Proposition

You hear the phrase “Unique Value Proposition” (or USP) bandied about a lot in business. But what does it mean? And how can you use it to get investors interested in your startup?

A unique value proposition is essentially an answer to the question: “What makes us different from the competition?” The answer should highlight the competitive advantage that your company has over its competitors. It might also include a description of your target market, depending on who you’re selling to.

If you don’t have a solid, clear USP for why someone would want to buy from you over anyone else selling similar products or services, then there’s no reason for potential investors or customers to pay attention when they see your business plan sitting on their desk (or inbox).

Bring Technology Into The Mix

Technology is an essential part of the business plan. If you are in a technology-related field, it will be especially important to explain how you’ll use technology to achieve your goals.

For example:

Technology can help you save time and money. For instance, you might use software that automatically generates invoices or payroll checks. You could also make use of marketing automation tools like Hubspot or MailChimp (or both!) to streamline your outreach efforts and reach out to customers more often than ever before.

Technology can help you reach your goals by making processes more efficient and effective than they were before. If there was no way for people to access their files from anywhere at any given moment without having them stored on their computer hard drives everywhere else, then employees would have difficulty completing projects even if they wanted to do so! 

This means that setting up remote access options through cloud storage services like Dropbox will allow employees who travel frequently or work remotely full-time still have access to critical documents needed when working remotely as well as when working at home on nights/weekends etcetera.

To win over potential investors, your business plan must capture their attention. Learn the key elements of a compelling plan that investors will devour in our guide on how to write a business plan that investors actually read.

A Well-Written Business Plan Will Get Investors To Take Notice Of Your Business And Consider It Worthy Of An Investment

A well-written business plan will get investors to take notice of your business and consider it worthy of an investment. The initial response is often the one that makes all the difference in getting investments. 

This is why you must write a good plan that communicates clearly and concisely, has factual statements and details, and shows how you are going to make money for your investors.

Running a business without a plan is like sailing without a map. Discover the benefits of having a well-structured business plan and get started with our comprehensive article on why you should write a business plan and how to do it.


A business plan is the first step in getting an investor to take notice of your business, so we hope you found our tips helpful. Remember, every company has its own unique needs and challenges what works for one startup might not work for another. 

But if you follow our advice on how to write a good plan and keep it simple with just the right amount of detail, then there’s no doubt that your next pitch will be successful.

Further Reading

How to Write a Winning Business Plan: A classic Harvard Business Review article offering insights on crafting a successful business plan.

Writing a Business Plan Investors Will Love: Expert advice on creating a business plan that captures the attention of potential investors.

Business Plan Options for Investors: Explore various business plan options tailored to attract investors and secure funding.


What are the key elements of a winning business plan?

A winning business plan includes a compelling executive summary, a detailed market analysis, a well-defined value proposition, financial projections, and a clear marketing strategy.

How long should a business plan be?

The length of a business plan depends on the complexity of the business, but it’s generally recommended to keep it concise and focused, typically ranging from 15 to 30 pages.

How can I make my business plan stand out to investors?

To make your business plan stand out, ensure it presents a unique and innovative business idea, demonstrates a strong market need, and showcases a team with relevant expertise and a solid execution plan.

Should I tailor my business plan for different types of investors?

Yes, customizing your business plan to align with the interests and preferences of different types of investors can increase your chances of securing funding. Highlight aspects that resonate with specific investors, such as financial returns or social impact.

What role does storytelling play in a business plan?

Storytelling can make your business plan more engaging and memorable. Using storytelling techniques to convey your vision, mission, and passion for the business can create an emotional connection with investors and stakeholders.