How To Promote A Campaign Using SEO and Attract Brand New Customers

SEO is a complicated thing, but it can be used for good. For example, we’re going to look at how you can promote small businesses and large organizations through SEO.

Section: Know what your ideal customers are looking for before writing a single word of content. First and foremost, know the audience you want to reach with the campaign

Section: The hardest part of any SEO campaign is knowing where to start when it comes to keywords. 

One way that I like to do this is by using Google’s Keyword Planner Tool to get keyword ideas related to my product/service as well as ones that have high searches/low competition. I also like using tools like Ubersuggest (a free alternative)

Section: If you have an existing website or blog post that could use some love in search results, check out our guide on how to increase organic traffic with backlinks! 

It’ll help get more eyes on your content by building relationships with people who can link back from their websites or blogs. (You can also find us at https://www.mikemichalowicz.)com if you need more information about what kind of links are best suited for your industry).

Takeaway: You’re never too small of an online business owner not to think big! Use these tools & tactics today so tomorrow everyone will know who’s boss!

Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Implementing SEO strategies is crucial for promoting campaigns effectively.
2. SEO helps in increasing visibility on search engines, leading to higher organic traffic.
3. Utilize relevant keywords and optimize on-page content to attract target customers.
4. Backlinks from authoritative sources enhance campaign credibility and visibility.
5. SEO efforts should align with content marketing and user experience for optimal results.
6. Consistent monitoring and analysis of SEO performance are essential for adjustments.
7. SEO can drive brand new customers to your campaign and boost overall engagement.

1. Keyword Research

It’s important to understand the user intent behind the search queries that you’re targeting. 

For example, if your website is about selling sweaters and a user searches for “where can I buy a sweater?” you’ll want to find out where else people are looking for information about buying sweaters so that you can offer more than one answer.

Another thing you’ll want to know is how many people will see your ad when it shows up in search results. 

You can estimate this by looking at how many people have searched for similar terms in the past (and thus how much competition there is).

How much does it cost per click (CPC) for each keyword, and what percentage of those searchers click on ads instead of just seeing them appear on their screens without clicking them at all (which we call ‘clickthrough rate’ or CTR).

When it comes to establishing your online presence in the tourism industry, nothing beats effective SEO. Learn how to build an expert authority website in just 3 months and boost your tourism business.

2. Improve Your Website User Experience

As a business owner, you know that your website is a key marketing asset. It’s the first impression visitors have of your company, and it’s the only way to give them access to your products and services. 

If you want to attract new customers, improve existing customer loyalty and increase sales for your business then you need to make sure that the user experience on your website is up to scratch.

Here are some ways in which you can ensure users have an enjoyable time when visiting:

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly – Google search results now favor sites with the responsive design over static ones as they offer a better user experience across all devices. 

This means making sure all content can be scrolled through smoothly by finger swipes or pinches on mobile devices, as well as ensuring navigation menus are easily accessible via buttons rather than links at the bottom of each page.

Ensure it loads quickly – Velocity matters! If people don’t see what they’re looking for within two seconds then they may well click away from the site before seeing any content at all – so make sure images load quickly and only add what needs adding (if anything). 

You should also keep an eye on how much data each page uses so that unnecessary images or scripts aren’t slowing down things too much when browsing online with limited bandwidth such as 3G connections or public WiFi hotspots like those found at coffee shops or cafes etcetera…

Transforming into a content marketing powerhouse takes a strategic approach. Discover the 14 essential steps to becoming a content marketing machine and watch your campaigns thrive.

3. Utilize Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for analyzing traffic to your website. It will tell you what your audience is looking for, what they’re responding to, and what’s not working as well.

This can help you determine if there are any gaps in the information that’s currently being shared about your brand on the internet. 

If there are any gaps, then it’s time to start thinking about how those gaps might best be filled to attract new customers who haven’t heard of your business before now.

4. Create Content For Targeted Keywords

You can also use your website to create content for targeted keywords. These are words or phrases that relate to your business, industry, and niche. 

For example, if you’re running a marketing agency in London and have recently launched a new campaign that helps local restaurants find new customers on Google Ads, you might want to target the keywords “SEO Agency London” or “Search Engine Optimisation Agency London”.

You should also consider creating content around long-tail keywords (words with three or more words). According to Moz’s blog post on how long-tails affect search engine rankings: “Longer search queries typically produce better results than shorter ones.”

For example, if I wanted my company name at the top of Google when someone searched for “SEO Company”, but there were too many other businesses all competing for that term.

I’d try targeting something like “Best SEO Company San Francisco Bay Area” instead – where there would be fewer competitors because it has four words instead of just one!

In today’s dynamic online landscape, link building remains a critical aspect of SEO success. Uncover the secrets of effective link building with our 11 tips for Google’s new era of search.

5. Run A blog

Blogging is a great way to get your name out there. It’s a great way to attract new customers, and it’s also a great way to increase brand awareness. 

One of the most important things you can do is start blogging on your website, then you need to make sure that you have some proper SEO writing so that people will find it when they’re searching for something relevant in Google search engines or Bing.

A lot of times when people are looking for information about something like marketing or sales or anything related to business development and marketing, they’ll use keywords like “How do I market my product?”

“What are some good ways I can market myself?”, “How do I start my own business?” If someone types those questions into the Google search engine, if your blog has those keywords embedded within its pages then people will find them!

6. Speed Up Your Website

If you’re not using a content delivery network (CDN), you should be. A CDN is a layer of servers distributed around the world that stores your website’s data and serves it back to visitors. 

This means that when someone visits your site, they’re getting data closer to them than if it were coming from across the country or even continent. 

It also means that if one of those distant locations goes offline for any reason like an earthquake or a hurricane the user won’t even notice because their request will automatically be redirected internally until it can be served again from an alternative location.

The other benefit of using a good CDN is speed: by caching files closer to users, web pages load faster and are more responsive even on mobile devices!

7. Post Client Testimonials And Case Studies


Testimonials are a great way to demonstrate your products or services in action. They show how you helped customers with their problems, and can be used on your website as well as in email marketing campaigns. 

If you’re a marketing agency, consider using case studies instead of testimonials to highlight the results of working with your clientele. Case studies are also useful tools for attracting new clients since they show that companies have benefited from working with you.

8. Create Quality Social Media Pages

Social media is one of the most effective ways to build trust and reputation with your audience. It’s also a great way to reach new customers, generate leads, and get feedback from potential customers.

If you have a Facebook page for your company or brand, it may be time to consider creating Twitter, Instagram, and/or LinkedIn pages as well. 

The more social media platforms that you create content on, the more effective your efforts will be at reaching new people who may not currently know about your business.

Is handling your website’s SEO in-house the right choice for your business? Gain insights into the benefits and considerations of professional SEO services by exploring SEO and the reasons to hire a professional guide.

9. Conduct Competitor Research

When you are trying to promote a campaign, it is essential to understand how your competitors are marketing themselves and what they are doing right. This can be done by conducting competitor research.

Knowing your competitors will help you determine what your strengths and weaknesses are in comparison with them. 

It also helps you know what they are offering, what customers think of their services, and how they can improve their marketing strategy so that they can attract more customers to their brand.

10. Optimize Your Images And Videos

Alt Tags

To help users find your photos, you can use alt tags to describe them. Alt tags are a good way to add more keywords and relevant information to your content.

Video Descriptions

Add a brief description (less than 200 characters) of each video on your site with relevant keywords in the first paragraph. 

Make sure that the description tag contains an accurate and detailed title for each video as well as links back to relevant landing pages.

Or videos on other channels that align with the content being promoted to drive viewers from other platforms back into their YouTube experience once they’re done watching.

Video Titles/Tags

Provide an accurate title for each video that includes searchable terms and unique identifiers (e.g., product name). 

Also, include at least two high-quality related terms within the title itself so YouTube will pick up those terms when people search YouTube using those words or phrases at some point down the road if they decide they want more info about what they saw advertised originally.

Via this particular piece posted by somebody else who wasn’t even aware of what was happening until later when she looked back through all her sources after thinking something might be missing somewhere but couldn’t tell why exactly without checking out everything again carefully one last time just before giving up altogether.

But then again maybe not because maybe all it took was changing out one word here instead of another there which means we could have just gone ahead with our original plan after all.

11. Perform Local Seo If You’re A Brick-And-Mortar Store, Or If You Offer Services In Specific Cities Or Regions

If your business has a physical location, then you need to be optimizing for local SEO. This means using Google My Business and Google Maps to make sure that your business appears at the top of searches when someone is looking for an establishment in their area. 

You also want to make sure that you have a solid reputation on Google+ as well as other platforms (e.g., Facebook). 

Local directories are important because they can provide links back to your website from other websites about businesses in the same market segment; these are called citation sources (see strategy #2). Social media should not be overlooked here either: 

Having profiles on major platforms like Facebook and Twitter can help spread awareness about who you are and what you do beyond just organic results from search engines like Google.

12. Be Found On Google Maps And Google My Business Listings If You’re A Local Business

If you’re a local business, make sure that your business is listed on Google Maps and Google My Business. These listings can help customers find your business when they search for products or services in the area.

Make sure you have a complete profile on both platforms. This includes accurate contact information, photos of your storefront or office space, links to social media profiles and menus (if applicable), hours of operation, and more.

Optimize your listing for local searches by including relevant keywords in the description field of each platform’s profile page. If possible, use both exact match keywords (“New York City dentist”) as well as phrase match terms (“dentist in New York”).

Building a strong online presence often begins with crafting quality backlinks. Learn the ins and outs of this vital strategy in our comprehensive guide to building backlinks, and watch your website’s authority soar.


SEO is not a one-time project, but rather a continuous process that requires constant care and attention. 

Therefore, the best way to get started with SEO is by taking small yet attainable steps. While you work on these simple goals, you’ll notice that your rankings and reach improve over time. 

As long as you stay consistent and focused, it’s only a matter of time until you start seeing results.

The most important thing to remember when embarking on an SEO campaign is that its success doesn’t depend solely on keywords or content alone. 

Instead, the secret lies in covering all angles of your strategy from user experience to backlinks and keeping up with the latest trends in the market without giving up your brand identity. 

That way, customers can easily find your website and recognize what makes it special among hundreds of other competitors vying for their attention every day.

Further Reading

Marketing Strategies to Attract and Retain Customers: Explore effective marketing strategies that can help you attract and retain valuable customers.

Effective Online Customer Attraction Strategies: Discover actionable strategies to attract customers online and drive business growth.

How to Promote a Product: A Comprehensive Guide: Learn the ins and outs of promoting a product successfully and reaching your target audience effectively.


How can I effectively attract and retain customers?

To effectively attract and retain customers, you can employ a combination of strategies such as personalized marketing campaigns, exceptional customer service, loyalty programs, and creating a positive brand image.

What are some online customer attraction strategies?

Online customer attraction strategies include optimizing your website for search engines, leveraging social media marketing, running targeted online advertising campaigns, and providing a seamless online shopping experience.

What steps are involved in promoting a product?

Promoting a product involves various steps, including identifying your target audience, creating compelling and relevant content, leveraging multiple marketing channels, tracking performance, and refining your approach based on results.

How can I use content marketing to attract customers?

Content marketing can be a powerful tool for attracting customers. By creating valuable and relevant content that addresses your audience’s pain points and needs, you can position your brand as an authority and attract potential customers to your website.

How important is social media in customer attraction?

Social media plays a significant role in customer attraction. It provides a platform to engage with your audience, share valuable content, showcase your products, and build a community around your brand, ultimately leading to increased customer attraction and engagement.