How To Pick A Topic And Write An Article

Writing articles is a common task for students and professionals alike. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a memoir, a historical research paper, or an article about your favorite band the same techniques will make your writing stand out. 

So, let’s start off with this question: what makes a good article? Here’s the secret: no matter what type of article you write, if it’s well-written and answers the reader’s questions, it will be successful. But how do you know if an article is well-written? 

Think about why readers would read an article in the first place. They have questions they want to be answered. 

You’ve got to address those questions directly and completely so that people come away satisfied that they’ve gotten what they came for (and maybe even learned something new). Here are some tips to get you going on your next great content creation project!

How to write an article – YouTube
1. Choosing a topic is a critical step in the writing process.
2. Consider your interests, expertise, and target audience when selecting a topic.
3. Research the chosen topic to gather relevant information and insights.
4. Plan your article’s structure, including introduction, body, and conclusion.
5. Craft a captivating introduction to hook the reader and provide context.
6. Organize the main points logically in the article’s body paragraphs.
7. Use supporting evidence, examples, and data to strengthen your points.
8. Maintain a consistent tone and style throughout the article.
9. Edit and revise your article for clarity, coherence, and grammar.
10. Proofread the final draft to catch any spelling or typographical errors.

Know Your Audience

When writing content for any audience, it’s important to know who you’re writing for. You need to think about what they want to read and what they don’t. 

You also want to consider if your audience has any specific interests or needs that are important for you to address in your article.

If you’re writing an article about pets, a cat owner would probably be more interested in reading about the different breeds of cats than a dog lover would. This is why knowing what your audience wants is so important you can tailor your content accordingly!

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Know Your Skill Level

Before you choose a topic, it’s important to know your skill level. Are you a beginner or an expert? If you’re just starting, then it’s best to write about something simple and familiar. 

That way, as soon as your readers see the first few words of your article (assuming they haven’t already clicked away), they’ll know that they can follow along without having to put in much effort themselves.

If you’re new at writing content for the web, try using simple language so that even people with little knowledge of grammar and spelling will be able to understand what it says. 

You might also want to use shorter sentences or even bullet points if there are multiple points within an idea this will help keep things easy to understand as well!

Finally: if possible/necessary (depending on how technical a topic is), use a simpler vocabulary than normal when writing beginner articles like these; 

Otherwise, people won’t understand what we mean by “kicking off” our careers in digital marketing (as opposed to just starting them somewhere else).

Pick A Topic That You Know Or Can Learn About

The first step to writing a great article is picking a topic that you are interested in. If you can’t get excited about your subject matter, there’s no way it will come across in your writing. 

Make sure that the topic you pick has enough variety and depth to write about. You don’t want to find yourself running out of material halfway through the article!

Once you’ve decided on a topic, make sure that it’s relevant to your audience and will interest them as well. A good rule of thumb is: if they care about this subject matter right now, then it would be great for them if I wrote about it too!

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Choose A Topic That You Can Write Several Articles About

To write an article that people will want to read, you need a topic. Topics are the most important part of any article because, without one, there is no point in writing anything at all.

You should focus on picking a topic that you can write several articles about. This means it has more than one angle of attack and isn’t just going to be covered once and forgotten about (for example: ‘How To Make Cupcakes’). 

It also needs to interest you enough so that after your first article is published, you’ll still have some things left to say on the subject.

Finally, it’s best if your chosen topic doesn’t require too much research or effort because then all of your time will go into researching/writing instead of publishing!

Create An Outline Before You Write An Article

Writing an article without a plan is like trying to build something without knowing how it will look or where the pieces go. An outline will help you organize your thoughts, see if you are missing any important points, and make sure that your writing is well-paced.

If you’re writing a blog post, it’s really easy to get carried away by all the ideas floating around in your head. 

But while they might be great topics for articles someday, they may not work as part of this particular post – or vice versa! Writing an outline can help keep everything on track so that you don’t lose sight of what matters most within each piece of content.

When writing an outline:

Create A Headline That Grabs Attention

You’ve done the hard work of brainstorming and picking out a topic you’d like to write about. Now it’s time to create a headline that grabs your reader’s attention.

Headlines should be short and to the point, specific, catchy, compelling, and relevant. They should also be clear: 

Don’t leave anything open-ended or vague to entice people into reading more. The more specific you are about what your article is about before they click on it.

The better chance you have at getting them interested enough in what you’re writing about that they’ll stick around for a while–and maybe even come back for more!

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Use The Inverted Pyramid Writing Method

The inverted pyramid writing method is used by journalists and publications that publish news. The point of this method is to get the information out there first, and then provide details at the end.

This way, readers can get a quick idea of what happened in an event or story without having to read through every detail. For example:

“Rescuers say they’re searching for survivors after an earthquake struck Mexico City today.”

“The 8.1 magnitude quake hit just before noon on Tuesday (local time), toppling buildings into rubble and sending people fleeing into the streets.”

Make Sure To Include A Call To Action In Any Article You Write

A call to action is a phrase included in an article that encourages the reader to take a specific action. For example, if you’re writing an article about how to buy a used car online, your call to action could be something like “Click here for more information.” 

The goal of including a call to action in your writing is that it can help drive traffic and sales for your business or brand. The more people who click on the link provided by your article, the better chance there is that they’ll make an informed decision about their next purchase.

It’s important not only because it gets more people reading what you’ve written (and therefore engaging with it).

But also because calls-to-action are essential to any marketing campaign because they motivate consumers into doing something specific – which in this case would be clicking on their website link!

Use The Appropriate Writing Style For The Article

To write an effective article, you should use the appropriate style. For instance, if your article is about a formal subject like “How To Pick A Topic And Write An Article,” it would be appropriate to use a formal tone.

The same holds for more casual topics, such as “How To Make An Awesome Chicken Pie.” For these articles, you should use a casual tone.

Keep Your Sentences Short And To Point In Your Articles

Keeping your sentences short and to the point is a great way to keep your readers engaged. You don’t want them getting bored, after all! 

If you’re thinking about writing a series of articles on a specific topic or theme, then it’s even more important that you keep things interesting and engaging.

Here are some tips for writing in such a way:

Use short sentences. Short sentences are easier to read than longer ones, and they force you as the writer to be more concise with what you say. That makes them better suited for communicating ideas quickly without losing meaning or importance in the process.

Use short words when possible in place of longer ones (e.g., “the” instead of “this”). The shorter word may not always be the best choice when considering style or tone; however, it can serve as an effective tool for keeping up momentum while reading through your text!

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Use Transitions When Moving From One Idea To Another In Your Articles

Transition words and phrases are used to show the relationship between ideas. They can be used to show cause and effect, time, comparison, and other relationships between ideas.

Transition words or phrases help make your writing clearer and easier to read. Here is an example:

“The boss said he had a busy day ahead of him.” This sentence has no transitions and is hard to follow because it doesn’t tell us what happened next in chronological order. Instead, try this: “When I arrived at work today, my boss told me he had a busy day ahead of him.” 

This version uses transition words that help tell us what happened next in time sequence order (i.e., first one thing happened then another thing happened).

Keep Information Flow Constant

Transitions are words or phrases that link one idea to another. They give your readers a clear picture of how your sentences relate to each other. 

They keep you from giving them too much information at once, and they also help them understand what you’re trying to say. You can use transitions in two ways: between sentences and within sentences (between ideas).

Use transitions between sentences: To connect two things or ideas that are not directly related, use some kind of transition word like “however” or “although.” 

If it’s more than two ideas, try using a comma after each idea, then follow up with the transition word before going on with the next thought. For example:

The dog ran away; however, I found him right away because he was still wearing his collar.

I hate peas, but I love broccoli; however, this is an article about picking topics so let’s move on!

Avoid Using Passive Voice

Use Active Voice

You will also notice that when you use an active voice, your writing becomes more interesting for the reader. Why? Because it’s more direct and engaging. As an example: “I ate the hamburger” is not as interesting as “The hamburger was eaten by me.”

Be Concise

Using short sentences makes your article easier to read and understand. An active sentence consists of one subject and verb (e.g., I ate) while a passive sentence contains more than one word (e.g., The hamburger was eaten by me). 

If you look at these two examples, one is much simpler than the other; therefore, it’s better to use active voice rather than passive voice wherever possible to make things shorter and clearer!

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Don’t Ignore Grammar, Punctuation, Or Spelling

It’s also important to make sure that your content is free of errors. Here are a few tips:

Use a spell checker before submitting it to your editor or publishing it online. Learn how to use the spell checker in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and other tools by checking out this article on how to do just that!

Make sure you’re using the right words for each part of speech (nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.). This can be done by using a grammar lesson like this one from as a guide!

When writing articles about events in history or science facts like equations or chemical structures it’s important not only to use correct grammar but also to make sure everything makes sense grammatically as well! 

For example “The dog ate my homework.” might not make sense if we consider who said those words (did they come out of someone else’s mouth?) but would make sense if attributed differently: “My dog ate my homework.”


Writing articles is a great way to make money online. It is also a good way to get your brand noticed by people. You can write about anything you want, and it can be targeted at any audience. 

The best part is that if you have written a few articles on the same topic, you start to become an expert in that area. This helps build trust with your audience and gets them wanting more information from you.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you expand your knowledge on article writing and topic selection:

Indeed Career Advice – How to Write Articles Learn the essential steps and techniques for crafting compelling articles in the professional world. Visit the article on How to Write Articles for valuable insights into effective writing practices.

Content Marketing Institute – Choosing a Topic for Guest Blogging Discover the art of selecting the right topics for guest blog posts to enhance your content marketing strategy. Check out this guide on Choosing a Topic for Guest Blogging to improve your outreach efforts.

CliffsNotes – Guidelines for Choosing a Writing Topic Need help with choosing a topic for your writing assignment? Explore the guidelines provided in this resource: Guidelines for Choosing a Topic from CliffsNotes to make informed decisions about your writing subjects.


How can I improve my article writing skills?

Improving your article writing skills involves practicing writing regularly, studying well-written articles, and seeking feedback from peers and mentors.

What factors should I consider when choosing a topic for guest blogging?

When choosing a topic for guest blogging, consider the target audience of the host blog, your expertise, the relevance of the topic to the blog’s niche, and the potential value your content can offer.

How do I overcome writer’s block when starting a writing assignment?

To overcome writer’s block, start by brainstorming ideas, setting a timer for focused writing sessions, and allowing yourself to write freely without worrying about perfection in the initial drafts.

What are some strategies for creating engaging article introductions?

Engaging article introductions can be created by using intriguing anecdotes, posing thought-provoking questions, presenting surprising statistics, or addressing a common problem that the article will solve.

How do I ensure my chosen writing topic is well-focused and manageable?

To ensure your writing topic is well-focused and manageable, narrow down the subject, define clear objectives for the piece, and avoid overly broad or vague topics that could lead to scattered content.