How To Mentally Prepare For Book Writing

If you’re an avid writer who has been working on a book for some time now, you should be proud of yourself. Writing a book is no easy feat. But if you feel that the process is becoming tedious and exhausting, then it’s time to take some time off from writing.

Don’t worry – I’m not suggesting that you quit writing altogether! Instead, I want to share with you some tips on how to mentally prepare yourself so that when it comes down to getting back into the “zone” again (which can be hard after taking some time off), it’ll be easier on your mind and body alike!

Book Writing 101! How to Write A Book – YouTube
1. Recognize the Importance of Mental Preparation
2. Embrace Mindfulness for Clarity and Focus
3. Cultivate a Supportive Writing Environment
4. Set Realistic Expectations and Goals
5. Practice Self-Care to Enhance Creativity
6. Overcome Self-Doubt through Positive Affirmations
7. Break the Writing Process into Manageable Steps
8. Seek Inspiration and Learn from Other Authors
9. Use Visualization Techniques for Motivation

Take Some Time Off From Writing

The most important thing you can do is take some time off from writing.

This may sound counterintuitive, but when I say “take some time off,” I mean you should get away from your project for a while. It’s hard to relax when you’re still immersed in the project and can’t stop thinking about it. 

If you don’t take some time away from your book and its details, it will be too easy to lose perspective on what’s important or make decisions because they feel right at the moment—but then later regret them once they’re made!

After taking some time off, before returning to work on your book again, try doing something else entirely unrelated: go out with friends or family; play video games; watch TV; read novels (not related to your genre); etc. anything that allows you to relax and gives your mind a break from writing is good!

Setting realistic goals is a crucial step in your book writing journey. Having a clear direction can keep you motivated and focused. Explore our guide on setting realistic book writing goals to ensure your path to success.

Get Excited About Writing Again

As an author, you are in a privileged position. You can write whatever you want and your words will be heard by thousands if not millions of people around the world. 

This is an amazing feeling to have to be able to share your perspective with others in a way that will help them improve their lives or inspire them to do better. Getting back into writing when you’ve been away from it for a while is all about getting excited again about the process and why you decided to write in the first place:

You love writing

You love telling stories

You love creating characters and helping them grow through their experiences

You love conveying messages that affect change in other people’s lives (positively)

You love creating worlds that exist beyond our reality, as well as exploring what might happen if certain things changed about our world as we know it now (*cough cough*, zombies *cough*).

Don’t Wait For The Perfect Idea

The best time to write a book is right this second. The worst time to write a book is any other second.

Don’t wait for the perfect idea. Because there are no such things as perfect ideas, just as there are no such things as perfect times, moments, and moods they are all relative and subjective. 

Your idea may be great to you but terrible to me; your moment may be perfect but boring; your mood certainly can affect your writing style but I don’t think we should let it stop us from putting pen (or fingers) on paper (or screen).

Writing and publishing a book involves numerous intricacies. To navigate this process effectively, check out our comprehensive book writing guides and tools to access valuable resources and insights.

Set Yourself A Schedule

Setting a schedule for yourself is the first and best way to mentally prepare for book writing. Instead of just saying “I’m going to write my book” and then wondering when you’ll have time, set a daily schedule from the get-go. 

If you’re serious about your goal, this can be done by looking at your calendar and making sure every day has some time dedicated specifically to writing. 

If a friend wants to spend time with you on Sunday afternoon, tell them beforehand that it’s not going to work because it’s your writing day! 

If your kids need help with their homework on Tuesday morning but all their classes are finished by noon, volunteer now: “Hey guys, I’m glad we got those assignments done early so I can help Mommy work on her book.” Make sure that nothing distracts or interferes with your daily schedule. 

The only thing that should matter is making progress toward completing the first draft of your book and setting aside specific times each day where getting started is easy as pie will keep even the busiest among us focused enough (and motivated) enough to stick with it until we’ve finished our manuscript

Read As Much As You Can

This is a really helpful step because reading will help you write better. It will also help you understand what your readers want, what’s trending in the literary world at large, and most importantly: it will help you see what’s popular so that you can avoid doing something that everyone else has already done (and then you’ll be able to do something new!).

Assess Your Strengths And Weaknesses

Before you jump into writing your book, it’s important to take some time to assess your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you determine how much time you should allocate for each activity related to the publication of your book.

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

What are the things that interest you most about this project? Are there any topics that excite or interest you?

What do other people think when they see the name of someone else on a successful book cover or title page? Do they feel like something great is happening in their lives just because they have read one of my books or maybe even thought about what I’m doing this week as an author who has had some great successes so far?

Choosing the right topic for your first book can be overwhelming. However, making an informed decision is vital for your success. Dive into our guide on how to decide what to write about to uncover strategies that align with your passion and target audience.

Choose A Theme That’s Close To Your Heart

The topic of your book is a very important decision. You want to choose something that you’re passionate about, so it’s going to be enjoyable and fulfilling for you to write about. It also needs to be something that has enough depth for your readership, so they’ll feel like the book is valuable and worth their time. When choosing a theme, consider these points:

What Do You Have Experience With?

How can you connect with your readers?

Can you write about this topic easily or will it require lots of research?

Find The Right Outlet To Write For

When it comes to finding the right outlet to write for, there are several factors to consider. You want a relevant outlet and a good fit for your style, skill level, and personality. For example, if you have no experience writing about finance but are passionate about personal finance, then writing for a site like NerdWallet would be an ideal fit. 

If you’re more of an expert in cooking than business and want to focus on recipes or recipe-related subjects such as food photography, then Foodista might be a better fit.

As long as you find the right platform that fits with what you’re doing now and what type of content they allow (and don’t allow), then there will be no problem getting started with your new career as a writer!

Study Bestselling Books In The Genre

Reading the bestseller lists is a great way to get inspired. You’ll see what’s selling and where readers are looking for satisfying experiences. You can also research reviews of these books, which will teach you what readers like and don’t like about various books in your genre.

This isn’t just about studying the bestsellers you should also read critically acclaimed books that aren’t necessarily selling millions of copies (yet). These books may be more niche or require more commitment from readers than the latest blockbuster, but they might end up being your favorite reads!

When you read these books, keep an eye out for common themes: how do authors build tension? What types of characters do they create? How do they handle dialogue?

Make Sure You Have An Interesting Plotline

When it comes to planning your book, you have to have an interesting plotline. That’s the most important thing.

You can’t just write about whatever you want and expect people to buy your book or read it online. You need a good story with a beginning, middle, and end (and maybe even a moral) so that people enjoy reading your work in the first place.

A story needs conflict something that keeps the characters from getting what they want until the very end of the novel when everything falls into place for them again as if nothing ever happened! A good plot has twists and turns, too: something that makes us think “Oh wow! Now I get why this character did what they did!”

Procrastination can hinder your creative process, but taking immediate action can jumpstart your book writing endeavor. Discover our tips for starting to write a book within 48 hours to overcome hesitation and embark on your writing journey.

Learn How To Edit Your Work

Editing is a learned skill. There’s no way to get around that. It will take time and effort, but if you want to improve the quality of your work, editing is essential. 

You can always pay someone else to edit for you (I recommend leaving it up to someone who knows what they’re doing), but it helps if you have at least some experience with the process yourself so that when you hire an editor, later on, they don’t feel like they need to start from scratch with every project.

When most people think about editing their work, they immediately picture themselves reading through all of their writing and correcting grammar or spelling mistakes as they go along. While this is certainly part of editing and should be done before sending off any manuscript there are other aspects involved as well:

Do Some Research If Necessary To Write Your Book

Before you start writing your book, it’s important to do some research. This is especially the case if you’re writing nonfiction, but even fiction writers should do some reading up on their story’s setting and characters’ traits before they begin writing.

The reason for this is two-fold: firstly, research helps ensure that what you’re writing about is true and accurate and secondly, it can help ensure that what you write sounds interesting! Researching the subject matter allows writers to see the bigger picture of their work; they’ll be able to get a sense of its importance to other subjects in the field or genre.

Don’t Be Shy – Reach Out To Influencers In The Field Or People Who Will Be Reading Your Work For Advice And input.

Reaching out to others in the field or people who will be reading your work for advice and input is extremely important. It’s something I’ve always done, but it wasn’t until recently when I reached out to a few people that they were able to share with me what they thought of my novel, as well as give me some pointers on how I could improve it.

I was also able to ask them about their experiences with publishing and marketing their books. This was incredibly helpful because it gave me an idea of how long certain things take (i.e., editing and distribution) and what kind of marketing would be best suited for my book based on its subject matter and genre (i.e., fantasy).

Before embarking on the writing process, it’s crucial to be aware of potential challenges and preparations needed for a successful book. Learn about the 13 essential aspects in our guide on things to know before writing a book to ensure a smoother experience.


I hope that this article provides you with some guidance on how to mentally prepare for book writing. It’s a big undertaking, but it’s worth it in the end. You’ll have an amazing story and the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with others who are interested in what you have to say.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further exploring the topic of mentally preparing for book writing:

MasterClass: How to Write a Book Learn from expert authors and get insights into the process of writing a book, from idea generation to publication.

Writer’s Digest: Preparing Your Mind for Writing Discover strategies to mentally prepare yourself for the writing journey and overcome creative blocks.

Writer’s Life: How to Mentally Prepare for Writing a Book Gain practical advice on mentally gearing up for the challenges and rewards of writing a book.


How can I overcome writer’s block during book writing?

Writer’s block is a common challenge, but techniques such as free writing, changing your environment, and setting small goals can help you overcome it.

What role does setting realistic goals play in book writing?

Setting realistic goals is crucial as it helps you stay focused, motivated, and organized throughout your book writing process.

How do I decide on a suitable topic for my book?

Choosing a book topic involves considering your interests, target audience, and market trends. Research and introspection can guide your decision.

What strategies can I use to manage self-doubt while writing?

Self-doubt is natural, but practicing self-compassion, seeking support from peers, and focusing on the process rather than perfection can help manage it.

How do experienced writers mentally prepare for their writing projects?

Experienced writers often engage in rituals, maintain a consistent writing schedule, and cultivate a growth mindset to mentally prepare for their writing endeavors.