When I first started freelancing, it was just for fun. Writing and editing were things I’d always loved to do, so I figured why not take a shot at getting paid to do them?
Before long, I discovered that the world of freelancing had more to offer than just writing books or articles for magazines. Once you start putting yourself out there as a freelancer, it doesn’t take long for the word-of-mouth referrals to start rolling in.
Suddenly, friends are asking you to help them with their resumes and cover letters so they can find work in a field they love (this is where my free content portfolio built up by volunteering my time comes in handy).
Then they mention your services to their friends. And now you’ve got a part-time job doing something you love while making extra money on the side!
Takeaways |
1. Freelancing offers a flexible way to earn income from home, allowing you to work on your own schedule and terms. |
2. Identify your skills and expertise to offer valuable services that align with market demand, increasing your earning potential. |
3. Utilize reputable freelancing platforms to find clients and projects that match your skillset and preferences. |
4. Balancing freelancing with other commitments is possible with proper time management and setting realistic goals. |
5. Invest in self-improvement, such as learning new skills or improving existing ones, to stay competitive and attract higher-paying opportunities. |
1. Build Your Portfolio With Free Content
The easiest way to start making money freelancing is by creating a portfolio of your past work. The more samples you have, the easier it will be for you to find clients who need your services.
So create a blog, write articles for free, create a website, and build an audience around that content by starting conversations with people on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. You can also create a podcast or YouTube channel where you share tips and advice on topics related to freelancing (or anything else).
If you want even better results than those listed above when it comes to finding paying clients online then consider creating:
1) An online course;
2) A membership site;
3) An e-book/ebooks;
4) A video course;
5) A software program/applet/extension etc.,
6) And/or even just 7).
Side hustles offer a flexible way to earn extra income, and freelancing can be a great option. If you’re interested in exploring freelancing as a part-time job, check out our guide on Freelancing as a Part-Time Job to get started.
2. Load Up On Testimonials From Past Clients
When it comes to building trust with prospective clients, testimonials are one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. Prospective clients need reassurance that you can do the job well, and testimonials will help you provide that assurance.
Here are three reasons why:
They show off your strengths as a freelancer. A good freelancer should have lots of happy past clients who will be eager to share their experiences working with them on projects and they should be more than happy to offer their positive feedback and recommendations on social media or wherever else is appropriate (like on LinkedIn).
This will give new potential clients an idea of what kind of work experience you have, which makes them more likely to hire someone without first doing thorough due diligence like background checks or asking for references from former employers (you may not even want those).
3. Manage Your Time Well Or Get The Help Of A Part-Time Business Administrator
Time management is an important skill for freelancers to learn. You might be a great writer, but if you’re not able to manage your time well and keep track of all your tasks, it will be harder for you to succeed.
If this is the case, hire someone as part of your team who can help manage your business activities and make sure that they are completed on time and according to our standards.
A part-time business administrator usually has experience with handling multiple projects at once, so they should be able to help you out in areas where you may need assistance:
- Finding new clients
- Managing existing clients
- Tracking hours worked by employees or contractors
Wondering if it’s possible to balance freelancing with other commitments? Learn more about the reality of juggling work and life in our article on Working Part-Time as a Freelancer and discover tips for maintaining a successful freelance career.
4. Monitor Your Monthly Expenses, And Plan For Them Accordingly
When you’re freelancing from home, it’s easy to forget about your expenses if you don’t have a boss telling you what to do. But think about this: If your computer breaks, or if there’s an emergency at home and your kid needs stitches (true story), who is going to pay for that? The answer is probably not your boss (unless they are really good).
So make sure that before starting a business from home, or even just trying freelancing part-time while working another job, you have enough money saved up so that if anything were to happen like someone breaking into your house or having an unplanned surgery you could cover it without getting into debt.
How much should I save ahead of time? That depends on how much flexibility you want in terms of taking paychecks off when necessary (without losing jobs) and how big those checks will be each month. But as a rule of thumb: You should ideally have enough savings for six months’ worth of living expenses in case something comes up as we mentioned above.
5. Don’t Be Afraid To Negotiate Salary As You Become More Experienced, Especially As A Contractor
It’s easy to get into the mindset that if someone is offering you work, it will never be worth your while to walk away. However, there may come a time when it makes sense for you to turn down work because of certain conditions that don’t align with your goals or values (for example, working from home).
Negotiation isn’t just about money it’s also about other factors like location and time commitment. You can still negotiate even if someone has already offered a rate that seems fair: Ask for more flexible working hours or request less travel time and fewer mandatory meetings at the office instead of simply accepting what has been offered without questioning it first!
6. Find Ways To Market Your Services Outside Of Searching Online
If you are just starting in the freelancing world and want to build up a portfolio of work experience before trying to find clients on your own, consider asking for referrals from people who have worked with you before or know the type of work that you do best.
And don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations either! The worst thing they can say is no but ultimately this will not hold back your business growth if it means getting more exposure for yourself and what it is that makes up your brand as an independent contractor.
It’s also important when doing this kind of marketing strategy that if someone does refer to someone else by name (or even themselves), then make sure they receive credit where due; otherwise, there will be consequences down the road when no one knows who referred them in some cases!
Are you considering freelancing in Africa? We’ve got you covered with 15 valuable tips to help you kickstart a successful career. Check out our guide on Starting a Freelancing Career in Africa to make the most of your freelance journey.
7. Don’t Be Afraid To Turn Down Projects That Don’t Fit Anymore
The more you work, the more you will earn. But there is a limit to this principle if you work too much and don’t give yourself time off, it can be detrimental to your mental health. So don’t be afraid to turn down projects that don’t fit anymore or have an end date so you have the flexibility to turn down work whenever you need it.
This isn’t about being lazy or not making as much money; rather, it’s about maintaining a balance between your physical and mental health with freelancing on the side of your regular job (and personal life).
If you’re feeling burnt out from freelancing and need a change, starting a side hustle business might be the answer. Our article on Transitioning from Freelancing to a Side Hustle Business offers valuable insights and tips to help you embark on a new entrepreneurial journey.
8. Consider Learning More Advanced Skills That Not Everyone Knows
To increase your freelance service prices like becoming a project manager or knowing how to use various design programs like photoshop, canva, or adobe illustrator in addition to basic marketing skills like writing and editing for websites, social media or ads, creating graphics with images and typography, making videos and more
As you become an expert in your field, it’s important to learn more advanced skills that not everyone knows to increase your freelance service prices. For example, if you know how to use project management programs like Basecamp or Trello, this could make a big difference for clients who want someone who can help them set up their webinars and events.
Learning how to use other design programs like Photoshop, Canva, or Adobe Illustrator in addition to basic marketing skills like writing and editing for websites, social media, or ads, creating graphics with images and typography, and making videos (you can even make money doing this)
Learning how to use more advanced marketing skills such as PPC and SEO (search engine optimization) which are essential if you want to get more traffic on your website
Breaking into the competitive fashion industry can be challenging, especially without prior experience. Find out how you can land a fashion job with our guide on Securing a Fashion Job Without Any Experience and take the first steps toward your dream career.
Hopefully, we’ve got you more excited (and maybe a little less nervous) about embarking on a freelance career. We know the struggle, and we came to these tips even the one about watching badminton! through our trial and error. Remember that the important thing is to keep on trying.
As we covered earlier, you don’t have to go super hard on yourself for slip-ups, because this journey can take time and looks different for everyone.
Plus, don’t forget that the best way to keep yourself on track is to keep it fun, keep positive, and keep yourself engaged with the people and the world around you. After all, caring about others is a great reason to switch to this lifestyle in the first place!
Further Reading
How to Make Money: A Comprehensive Guide Learn various strategies and methods to increase your income and make money from different sources.
How to Make Extra Money from Home Discover legitimate opportunities to earn extra income from the comfort of your home.
Earn More Money Freelancing for Beginners If you’re new to freelancing, this guide will help you explore ways to boost your earnings and succeed as a freelancer.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Freelancing?
Freelancing is a term that refers to the work you do for yourself, rather than for an employer. You can be a freelancer in any industry from writing and editing to graphic design and web development.
Freelance writers are often paid per article or project, depending on their experience level and the type of work they do. They can also be hired by companies to write blogs or market content on their behalf.
How To Make Money Freelancing From Home Part-Time?
You can make money freelancing by creating websites and writing content for them. You can also write articles or blog posts for other people’s websites, usually through an online platform such as Upwork or Fiverr (more on these later).
Additionally, some people use social media platforms like Instagram to sell their services as photographers or models, while others use YouTube videos to promote themselves as experts in certain topics (like makeup).
How Do I Become A Freelancer?
There are several ways to become a freelancer. You can start by looking for jobs on sites like Upwork and Fiverr, which connect freelancers with people who need their services.
If you already have experience working with clients, you might consider offering your services through these sites as well; if not, you can start by completing small tasks that will help you build up your reputation as a reliable worker and build up your portfolio of past work while you gain experience.
What Do I Need To Start?
You don’t need any special skills or qualifications to start freelancing! Just make sure you have a computer and an internet connection. Will I need to invest in any equipment?
It depends on what kind of work you want to do. If you’re doing something creative like writing or designing, then no!
But if you’re doing more technical work like programming or web development, then it might be worth investing in some equipment like software licenses (which can cost anywhere between $100–$800 depending on what type of software).
How Much Money Should I Expect?
This really depends on what type of work you’re doing some jobs pay more than others but generally speaking, freelancers charge between $30–$200 per hour for their services. Can I get paid immediately?
How Much Will I Be Paid?
Freelancers are paid by the hour or job, not by the project. This means that you’ll be paid for every hour you work, so there’s no risk in taking on a project that takes longer than expected!
Can I Make Money Freelancing From Home?
Yes! We offer flexible hours so it’s never too late or early to get started. If you prefer to work in the morning or evening, we’ve got you covered!

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.