How To Make A Living Freelance When You Are Just Starting Out

Freelancing is never easy, but it can be especially difficult for those just starting. It takes time to build a client base and establish yourself as a go-to freelancer in your field. In the meantime, you’ll have to find ways to make ends meet while you get your career up and running. 

Building a solid foundation as a freelancer is possible with the right amount of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It also helps if you have an idea of what to expect before getting started on this new chapter in your life:

5 Tips to start Freelancing (for Beginners) – YouTube
1. Start with a Strong Portfolio
2. Network and Build a Supportive Community
3. Embrace Time Management Techniques
4. Prioritize Your Health and Well-being
5. Ethically Attract Clients on Freelancing Platforms

Set Your Goals

You can’t achieve your goals without setting them. For example, if your goal is to earn $1 million a year, you need to know what that means exactly and how much it takes to make each month. You also need to know what it takes to get there, like how many hours per week you’ll need to work or whether or not you’ll have an assistant.

Once you’ve figured out your numbers and milestones, set up some business goals as well. Good business practices mean staying organized with time-tracking software and getting into the habit of tracking your income daily (or at least weekly). 

It’s also important that all of this fits within the scope of your business plan which should include:

  • Your mission statement
  • Your vision statement
  • Your target customer profile

As freelancing opens new doors to the future of work, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest trends. Explore our article on how the future of work is changing to discover the opportunities that await in the evolving landscape.

Create A Diverse Portfolio

You should have a diverse portfolio. This means that you should not just do one type of writing, design, video, music, or photography. To be successful you need to show your clients and potential clients that you are versatile in the work which you do. 

You need to show them that you can write about any subject and create something visually appealing from scratch with no guidance from anyone else thus being able to solve problems on their own without needing someone else’s input all the time will make for an excellent freelancer!

Get The Right Mindset

A freelance career is not for everyone, but if you’re cut out for it, it can be one of the most rewarding ways to work as an artist or designer.

Be positive and confident. Even when things are going badly (and they will go wrong sometimes), remember that failure is a vital part of the learning process and try not to take things personally.

Be a good listener. Your clients will have valuable information about their needs and want that you should be listening out for throughout each project; don’t just wait until they tell you what they want at the end of each phase! It’s also important to listen carefully to feedback from previous clients so that future ones get better service as well!

Be prepared to work hard – this may mean working up long hours but remember: even if other people seem more relaxed than yourself on holiday weeknights because they’ve been home since 9 am (or earlier), still manage some time off each day without feeling guilty about it later down the line when those extra hours finally catch up with them! 

Remember too: working hard doesn’t necessarily mean always doing actual physical labor sometimes it means sitting down with files open in front of them while thinking deeply about solutions using only their brainpower rather than any tools whatsoever which aren’t necessarily less exhausting but do tend towards being less messy overall!

Have Realistic Expectations

If you’re just starting, don’t expect to make a living right away. You might be able to make some extra cash on the side while you’re trying to build up your client base, but you mustn’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself in terms of what kind of money you can make and how quickly.

You should focus on building up a small portfolio before trying to go full-time freelance so that when someone does hire you, they know what kind of work they’re getting from you. If possible, try working with other freelancers who already have this experience under their belt and can help guide the way for newbies like yourself.

Your freelance portfolio is your gateway to success in the freelancing world. Learn how to showcase your skills effectively with our guide on creating a modern portfolio and make a lasting impression on potential clients.

Make A Plan

You need a plan for your business. You may have never thought of yourself as a planner, but if you want to make money and feel confident in your ability to choose the best opportunities, then having a business plan is essential.

It’s important to understand that there are many different kinds of plans and they can be used for very different purposes:

Business Plan – This is usually an extensive document that explains the purpose and mission of the organization, its activities, strategies, and goals for sustainability. It’s written by entrepreneurs who are seeking funding from investors or banks so that they can start their businesses. 

If this is not a requirement for where you work or what kind of freelance gig you’ve chosen (or even if it is), then don’t worry about writing one just yet! There are plenty more things on this list before we get into those specifics 🙂

Set Your Daily Freelance Routine

Once you have a freelance routine down, it can be easier to stick to it and make sure you get your work done.

Set aside time each day for your freelance work. You might want to carve out an hour or two at the beginning of each morning, or maybe it’s better if you do all of your work in the afternoon after dinner. Experiment with different times until you find what works best for you!

Work in a quiet, distraction-free environment. It can be tempting to set up camp at your favorite coffee shop where there are plenty of other tables and people around, but those distractions will likely end up being more frustrating than productive (unless they’re cute boys). 

Find yourself something quiet and comfortable where nobody is going to bother you unless they need their latte made just so and even then, only if they say please first!

Stop Whining And Start Writing

If you’re a newbie to the freelance writing world, it can be hard to get started. You might feel like there’s no market for your services or that you don’t have any “real” experience. These are just excuses. 

The truth is, anyone can write and make money doing it it just takes some effort on your part to learn how to do it well and develop practices that work for you as an individual freelancer.

There are many different ways for writers to make money online, but there is one essential skill that all of them share: writing ability. 

This is what will distinguish your services from those of other freelance writers (and also why some companies won’t hire first-time freelancers). If you want to succeed in this field, then start practicing now!

If this sounds intimidating or overwhelming, don’t worry there are plenty of resources available that can help guide you along the way (including ours!). But before we get into all that…

Time management is the key to unlocking your freelance potential. Check out our article on time management tips for freelancers to master productivity and balance in your freelancing journey.

Nail Down Your Niche

One of the first things you should do when starting as a freelancer is to define your niche. The world is full of people who will pay for different types of work and expertise, so don’t limit yourself by doing one thing only!

A good way to define your niche is by looking at what type of work you are most comfortable with doing and what type of people might need that kind of work done. If you were making cakes in high school, then maybe there’s a market for wedding cakes out there? 

Or maybe dinner parties are more up your alley? Or maybe even birthday parties if we want to get specific….

Grow Your Network And Get Referrals

One of the best ways to build your freelance business is by growing your network and getting referrals. Here are some things you can do:

Be proactive in building your network. You don’t want to be a freelancer who is constantly seeking out opportunities, but rather someone who has an active list of clients and contacts that they can call on when needed.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it! If there’s something specific that you need help with, reach out! Maybe someone knows someone who could refer a client or two their way (and vice versa). 

Maybe they know another freelancer who could give you some pointers or share tips with you on how they managed certain situations. There are so many people willing to help, especially if they know how much this means for both parties involved!

Don’t be afraid of asking for referrals either this goes back into having an active list, but also helps build trust and rapport with those around us so that we’re not just seen as “a number” but instead as real people doing real work; which leads me into my next point…

Be Willing To Take Risks

You will learn more by doing things that you know little or nothing about. You can’t be an expert in everything and if you don’t understand the basics of a particular field, you can’t really evaluate your work or even know if it is good enough. 

You don’t need to try all things at once, but as you go along, take on more challenging projects and let yourself fail occasionally (or even often). 

Sometimes, failure is what teaches us the most about ourselves and our abilities. It’s not just about taking risks for enjoyment, though; there are many other compelling reasons why freelancing should be fun!

Be Disciplined In Your Approach To Work

If you’re new to freelancing, it can be easy to get discouraged. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do and might even wonder if you can make a living with your craft. While this is normal, it’s important not to let that feeling take over your life.

There are several ways in which you can maintain the discipline to stay productive:

Procrastination is an enemy of any freelancer or entrepreneur looking at long-term success in their industry. If you find yourself putting off important tasks or opportunities that could help further your career, then ask yourself why this is happening? 

Are there other things occupying your mind at the moment? If so then make sure they don’t distract from what’s truly important getting back on track with what needs doing right now!

Don’t give up: It may not seem like much but even small improvements will add up over time – just keep working hard!

Prioritize your health and well-being on your freelance path. Discover the top reasons why freelancers should worry about their health and learn how to maintain a thriving freelance lifestyle.

Learn About Seo And How To Use It For Free Promotion

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing your website for search engines to increase the chances that your website appears when someone searches for a particular keyword. 

In other words, SEO helps you get free promotions by making it easier for people to find you. This can be a wonderful tool if you are trying to build up awareness about your business on the web. 

However, SEO requires patience and persistence because it is an ongoing process that requires attention to detail and analysis. It’s also important not to expect results overnight the best way to improve your ranking with Google is through a long-term strategy that builds over time!

Quality Content Is Key, No Matter What You’re Selling/Promoting/Marketing

Quality content is the number one thing that will help you get more clients and keep them happy. It’s important to understand that your clients are the people who need your service or product, not other freelancers. 

The reason why it’s important to offer quality content is that most of us have gotten used to getting everything we want at our fingertips and being able to find anything online within seconds, so if you don’t have good information on your website or in your social media profiles then chances are high that people won’t hire you right away.

You need a website. And you need to make sure it’s SEO optimized.

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, and if your business isn’t reaching people via Google (and other search engines), then you’re leaving money on the table. 

Search engine optimization is simply the process of making your website visible in search results so that people can find it when they’re looking for something related to what you do or sell.

Many freelance writers don’t realize just how important it is to have an optimized site until they get started with their first client and realize they’ve been going about things all wrong!

Build a reputable freelance career on Upwork without resorting to dishonest tactics. Our article on getting more clients on Upwork without lying, cheating, or stealing provides ethical strategies to attract clients and establish a flourishing freelance business.


Although my guide focuses on just freelancing, other sources have published guides to all the different jobs available in this niche, including freelance writing jobs, graphic design work, and even technical consulting. 

If you are interested in starting a business from home with little to no capital required, then these opportunities should be considered seriously. Digital nomads have more flexibility than their office-bound counterparts; they can take time off whenever they want without having to worry about what their boss thinks of the decision. 

They are living proof that you don’t need much money to start your venture and grow it into something successful.”

Further Reading

How to Make Money Freelancing: Learn valuable tips and strategies for earning income as a freelancer, maximizing your potential for success.

How to Be a Freelancer: Discover the essential steps to become a freelancer and embark on a fulfilling freelance career.

Earn More Money Freelancing for Beginners: If you’re new to freelancing, this guide offers insights on increasing your freelance income from the ground up.


How can I find freelancing opportunities?

Finding freelancing opportunities can be done through various platforms such as freelance marketplaces like Upwork or Fiverr, networking within your industry, or joining freelancing communities online.

How do I set the right freelance rates for my services?

Setting freelance rates requires consideration of factors like your skills, experience, market demand, and competition. Research industry standards and calculate your costs to establish competitive yet fair rates.

How can I manage my time effectively as a freelancer?

To manage your time efficiently, create a schedule, set clear goals, and prioritize tasks. Utilize time management tools and techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, to enhance productivity.

What are the essential skills for freelancing success?

Key skills for freelancing success include effective communication, time management, self-discipline, adaptability, and marketing your services to potential clients.

How can I handle freelance clients and negotiations?

Handling freelance clients involves active listening, understanding their needs, and setting clear expectations. During negotiations, focus on value proposition, deliverables, and fair compensation to reach mutually beneficial agreements.

What Kind Of Writing Should I Do?

Any kind! Seriously, there is no such thing as “good” or “bad” writing it just depends on who’s reading and what they’re looking for. You can write fiction, nonfiction, poetry, technical manuals, whatever you like! As long as there are people who want to read whatever it is you’re writing about, there will be a place for it on the internet (or printed in dead trees).

How Much Money Can I Expect To Make?

It depends on how hard you work and how good your marketing skills are! If you want to make a lot of money, then you’ll need to learn how to market yourself effectively so that clients find out about your services and hire them from YOU instead of going through someone else.

I’m Just Starting, And I Want To Make A Living Freelancing. What Are The First Steps?

Don’t rush into anything! The most important thing is that you take your time and do things right. The first step is to get your business set up with all of your legal documents, such as an LLC or corporation. 

Then you need to think about what kind of services or products you want to offer, what kind of clients you want to attract, and how much money you want to make. Once you know all of that, then it’s time for the fun stuff: marketing yourself and getting clients!

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