How To Land Your Dream Job As Medical Coder

Everyone wants a good job, but it can be hard to find one. The medical coding field is huge and growing, with plenty of opportunities for those who have the training and experience to get them. 

If you’re looking for a new career path or just want to find something new to do with your life, here are some tips on how you can land your dream job as a medical coder:

How To Get a Medical Coding Job Without Experience
Medical coding is a rewarding career path in the healthcare industry.
Strong knowledge of medical terminology and coding systems (such as ICD-10 and CPT) is essential for success in medical coding.
Attention to detail and accuracy are crucial skills for medical coders to ensure proper documentation and billing.
Pursuing certifications, such as Certified Professional Coder (CPC), can enhance job prospects and advancement opportunities.
Staying updated with coding guidelines and industry changes is important for maintaining proficiency in medical coding.
Building a network and gaining practical experience through internships or externships can be beneficial for landing a medical coding job.

Decide Which Medical Coding Job Best Suits You

You’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable with the responsibilities and expectations of the position you choose.

  • Are your strengths in working with numbers? If so, a medical coder job in an outpatient clinic may be perfect for you.
  • Do you like interacting with patients and their families? Consider a position at a private practice or hospital; these positions often include more direct patient contact than coding jobs in other settings.
  • Are computers your thing? You might enjoy working as an insurance coder, who uses software programs to assign codes based on claims information.
  • Do you thrive on challenge? Try becoming a specialty coder who learns new codes that are used only within certain areas of healthcare (such as emergency medicine).

Building a strong foundation in medical billing is crucial for landing your dream job as a Medical Biller. Our guide on how to become a proficient medical biller will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in this field.

Get Your Education And Qualifications

There are a few ways to become a medical coder. You can go to school for it, or you can get your certification through an online course. 

Either way, you need to understand the importance of becoming certified by passing two exams – the CCS and CPC exam. To get these certifications, you’ll need a degree in medical coding.

There are many programs available at colleges and universities that offer degrees in medical coding. If you’re interested in getting your Bachelor’s Degree, then look into some of these schools:

Consider An Internship

An internship is a great way to get experience and make connections in the medical coding industry.

Internships can lead to full time employment after graduation, especially if you’re doing well at your internship and have an excellent work ethic.

A good internship will allow you to learn about the different aspects of being a medical coder, not just one small portion. You’ll also be able to talk with other coders who have been in the field for years and learn from their experiences.

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Find A Mentor

Find a mentor. This is the most important step to landing your dream job as a medical coder. The best way to find a mentor is by asking around for advice. 

Once you’ve identified someone who might be able to help you, make sure that they are willing to spend time with you and not just throw some advice at you and send you on your way (which would be totally unhelpful). 

Make sure that they’re willing to give advice on what classes or certifications might help your career, how they landed their job in the first place, etc., because these types of things can really narrow down the path toward success!

Continuously Update Your Skills

  • Stay up to date with the latest coding guidelines.
  • Take courses and attend conferences.
  • Use online resources to learn new skills. 

There are many free options, such as Khan Academy and Lynda, which provide tutorials on coding and other related topics that can help you grow in your field of choice. 

You can also use resources like Pluralsight, Udemy and Coursera for more advanced training courses if you prefer them over free ones (although this may require an investment).

  • Take advantage of online coding courses if you need more formalized instruction than what is available through free or low-cost learning platforms.

This will allow your instructor or mentor to walk you through concepts in a way that’s most comfortable for your learning style! You’ll get personalized feedback during this process so that it’s tailored specifically toward how quickly or slowly each student learns something new!

Network, Network, Network!

Network with people in the industry. Ask your colleagues about upcoming shifts and get to know them better. 

You can also check with friends who are working in other departments to see if they have any connections that could help you land a shift or two at their hospital, clinic, or other facility.

Network with people in your field. If there’s an association for coders out there, join it! Not only will this give you access to networking events where you can meet like-minded folks from all over the country (and beyond).

But it will also give you access to a wealth of resources that can help guide your career path as well as track down job openings outside of your geographic area which is especially helpful when looking for seasonal work opportunities.

Or remote positions away from home during winter months when there may not be many jobs available locally due to inclement weather conditions making commutes difficult if not impossible altogether.

Network with people who aren’t even in healthcare – yet! You never know where conversations might lead once they start flowing freely toward topics unrelated

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Be Proactive In Looking For A Job

What does it mean to be proactive? Being proactive in your search for a job means actively looking for opportunities and applying for them on a regular basis. 

Do not wait for the perfect job or an interested employer to find you, or for them to be interested in you. Instead, do the work of proactively submitting your resume and application materials so that employers can learn about your experience and skills.

Proactive job seekers are those who are active participants in their own employment process; they seek out new opportunities rather than waiting around hoping to be discovered by someone else. To become more proactive, take these steps:

Set aside time each week (or month) when you will actively look at job postings online and apply directly through the company’s website if possible (more on this later).

Identify companies that interest you you may even want to create a spreadsheet with key information such as location, industry type/size of the organization, etc. 

And then research how frequently they post positions online so that there will always be plenty of opportunities available when it comes time for your weekly review session!

Write Your Resume Carefully

Your resume should be a concise, accurate representation of your skills and experience. Here are some tips for writing one:

Include your education and certifications. A medical coder with a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology is going to have different job opportunities than someone who graduated from high school.

List skills that apply directly to the job you’re applying for. If you’ve taken courses in coding and billing, include them; if not, leave them off until you’ve had more experience in the field.

Include relevant work experience this can be either paid or volunteer work as long as it shows how talented and hardworking you are at what matters most: coding! It doesn’t matter how much money was involved; if it applies here then write it down!

Don’t include personal information like race/ethnicity or gender unless specifically asked by an interviewer or potential employer.

Because these questions could lead them down an uncomfortable path when there’s already enough friction between healthcare workers due to their being underpaid compared to other industries like tech startups where employees make double their salaries.

Just by showing up (and where only 3% of employees identify themselves as black). Instead focus on listing only facts about yourself that have relevance toward getting hired into this line-of-work such as “I love coding!”

Prepare For The Interview

  • Research the company and be prepared to answer questions about it.
  • Dress appropriately; don’t overdress or underdress.
  • Be on time! If you show up late, they may think you don’t value their time.
  • Be friendly with everyone from your interviewer to anyone else who is there (receptionist, administrative staff, other candidates). You never know who will be asked for an opinion about you later on in the process!

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Practice Interviewing With A Friend Or Family Member

Interviewing is a skill you can learn, but it’s also something that takes practice. Try to get as much experience interviewing as possible. 

Even if your friend or family member doesn’t ask you any questions, just the act of going through the motions of answering them will help you get more comfortable with it.

If possible, try to do mock interviews with someone who has had a lot of experience interviewing people someone who might work at the company where you’d like to work, and be able to give valuable advice about how they conduct their interviews and what types of questions they ask candidates. 

If this isn’t possible, try asking around at your school or online; there might be some other students or professionals who could help out in this regard!

Dress Appropriately And Be On Time To The Interview

  • Dress appropriately.
  • Be on time to the interview.
  • Don’t be late. The person who is interviewing you has other things to do with their time, so don’t make them wait for you. 

Also, if you are late and they have already started talking to someone else after waiting for a few minutes, then it will be obvious that the only reason why they were willing to see you is because someone else was late!

Don’t arrive too early either; just go straight into the building at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time.

So that people who work there can get used to seeing you around and know what your face looks like when they open their office doors each morning/afternoon/evening etc.; 

This way if something happens (you get lost on your way), then no one needs any extra explanation about why exactly it took longer than expected before showing up again.

Since everyone knows by now who exactly arrived earlier than usual today at some point during those hours between 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm…

Do Not Ask About Pay Or Benefits During The Interview Phase

The most important thing you can do as you prepare for an interview is to arm yourself with knowledge. Know what the position pays and what benefits are included. You may even want to know if they offer extra perks, like a gym membership or stock options.

That being said, it’s also good practice to not ask about pay or benefits during the interview phase; this will come naturally when you’re offered an official offer letter (which we’ll talk about in a moment).

Research The Company Before The Interview

Researching the company you’re interviewing with is one of the most important parts of landing your dream job. You should be checking out as much information about them as possible, starting with their website and ending with any articles that may have been written about them.

You’ll want to search for reviews about the company, any news articles about their culture or any information regarding their values. 

This research will help you determine whether or not this is a good fit for both parties involved, which ultimately leads to an interview process that goes smoothly and ends in a successful offer!

Show Interest In The Company, Not Just What They Can Do For You

The best way to show a potential employer that you are interested in them as a whole, rather than just as an employer is by asking questions about their clients and employees. 

You should also be interested in the products or services they offer if possible, but this isn’t always possible depending on the job opening.

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Ask Questions During The Interview — But Not Too Many

  • Asking questions during an interview is a great way to demonstrate your interest in the company and show that you’ve done your research. But don’t ask too many, otherwise it may make you appear disinterested or unprepared for the job.
  • Best questions to ask:
  • What does this position entail?
  • How would someone in this role be successful?
  • What are some of your goals for my department over the next year?

Be Patient And Persistent, Then Use Your Connections To Get Your Foot In The Door

Be patient and persistent. It can take time to land your dream job as a medical coder, so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away. Keep applying to jobs, even if they aren’t exactly what you want or are paying less than you think is fair. 

When something comes up that seems like a good fit for your skillset, jump on it! 

You may not need this job forever (or even longer than next month), but at least it will give you some experience in the field before starting out on your own as an independent contractor later down the road.

Be sure to follow up with potential employers after submitting an application or interviewing for their position; many people forget this important step once they send their resume off into the ether. 

By calling attention back to yourself via email or phone call within 24 hours of sending off an application and then following up again two weeks later you show interest and willingness without being pushy or annoying


Good luck on your journey to becoming a medical coder! You’ll have many opportunities to learn from others and improve your skills. The best way is by doing it yourself, but you can also ask for help from friends and family members who have already done what you want to do. 

However, remember that patience and persistence are key elements in success; don’t give up if things don’t go as planned! Also make sure that every decision made in this process will lead towards your goals.

Further Reading

Medical Billing Opportunities on Monster: Explore the various opportunities available in the field of medical billing and learn how to kick-start your career in this growing industry.

Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Coding CDI Job on LinkedIn: Discover the top strategies recommended by industry professionals to secure your first coding CDI (Clinical Documentation Improvement) job.

Medical Coding Career Change on CareerWize: Thinking about transitioning to a career in medical coding? This blog post provides valuable insights and guidance for successfully making a career change into the field of medical coding.

Now, here’s the “FAQs” section with five questions and answers:


What skills are essential for a career in medical coding?

Medical coding professionals require a strong understanding of medical terminology, knowledge of coding systems (such as ICD-10 and CPT), attention to detail, analytical skills, and the ability to work with electronic health records (EHR) systems effectively.

How can I become a certified medical coder?

To become a certified medical coder, you need to complete a coding program or earn a degree in medical coding. Afterward, you can pursue certification through organizations like the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) or the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

What are the job prospects like for medical coders?

The demand for medical coders is projected to grow significantly in the coming years due to the expansion of the healthcare industry and the increasing need for accurate medical documentation. This creates favorable job prospects for individuals pursuing a career in medical coding.

Are there any career advancement opportunities in medical coding?

Yes, medical coding offers various career advancement opportunities. With experience and additional certifications, medical coders can progress to positions like coding auditor, coding supervisor, or even transition into healthcare management roles.

How can I stay updated with the latest coding guidelines and industry changes?

To stay up-to-date with the latest coding guidelines and industry changes, it is important to participate in continuing education programs, join professional associations, attend coding conferences, and regularly refer to reliable industry resources and publications.