How To Land Your Dream Job As A Public Relations Account Manager

You know how you want to land your dream job as a public relations account manager, but the career path isn’t clear at all. 

You’re not alone! That’s why we’re here to help you find your way. This article will teach you everything that you need to know about being a PR account manager and landing your dream job in this field.

How to become PR MANAGER |Career in PUBLIC RELATIONS
1. Public relations account managers play a crucial role in building and maintaining client relationships.
2. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, are essential for success in this role.
3. Developing strategic communication plans and managing PR campaigns are key responsibilities.
4. Media relations expertise and the ability to navigate the media landscape are highly valued.
5. Building a strong portfolio and showcasing relevant experience can help you stand out during the application process.
6. Continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends are important for career growth in PR.
7. Networking and building professional relationships can open doors to new opportunities in the field.
8. Being adaptable, creative, and able to handle crisis situations are valuable skills for a PR account manager.
9. The role offers potential for advancement to senior PR positions or transitioning to related roles in corporate communications or marketing.
10. Preparation and research are key when it comes to job interviews in the field of public relations.

Know What You Want

This seems like a no-brainer, but really take some time to think about your life and career goals. The first step in any job search is knowing where you want to go: 

Be realistic and specific in your goals, but also flexible enough that they can change over time as circumstances do (or if you decide that the industry isn’t for you).

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Find Out If PR Is Right For You

As with any other position out there, PR must fit into your interests and skill set before committing yourself to it even if the job description sounds perfect! It’s better for everyone involved if all parties know what they’re getting into from the start.

Do Your Research

There’s no better time to do so than before an interview. Research the company and industry, but also research the interviewer and his or her company. Find out as much as you can about them, including the following:

  • Who are they?
  • How long have they worked there?
  • What did they do before working at this company?
  • What does their LinkedIn profile look like (and what does it reveal about them)?

Once you know who your interviewer is, consider researching both their current employer’s clients (or potential clients) and their competitors’ clients. 

This will help you understand more about how this person’s work fits into a larger picture of public relations strategy within the field in general and how his or her job relates to your own career goals.

Use Your Resources, Including Alumni Networks, Linkedin, And Available Literature

Now that you’ve identified your goals and resources, it’s time to reach out! You can use your alumni network, LinkedIn, and available literature to find potential contacts.

Many major universities have alumni databases where you can search for people with specific job titles or companies. 

For example, if I am looking for a public relations account manager at a large corporation in New York City who graduated from Penn State University, I would type “PR Account Manager” and “Penn State” into the search bar on the Alumni Directory website (linked below).

After finding someone who has experience working as a PR Account Manager at my desired company or organization or even someone with similar experience I would send them an email asking if they’d be willing to chat about their career path. 

They may not be able to give much advice during one conversation but perhaps we would still become good acquaintances after spending some time talking about our careers in person or over the phone.

In addition to networking through alumni databases and directories on university websites, there are many ways professionals can connect via social media platforms.

Like LinkedIn. We mustn’t limit ourselves when searching for opportunities; any connection could lead us closer to landing our dream job!

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Get Recommendations

It’s important to ask for recommendations from people who can give you a good one. This means asking individuals who know you well and have worked with you in the past. 

If they will be willing to provide a recommendation, they need to be able to describe why they believe that you would be a good PR Account Manager, based on what they have seen of your work and personal qualities.

You should also make sure these references are specific as well: Don’t ask someone who doesn’t know much about your job (such as an employer) or someone who has never worked with you directly (like a colleague).

Work With A Recruiter

Working with a recruiter is an excellent way to land your dream job. Recruiters are experts in their field, and they’re good at what they do. 

They know what hiring managers are looking for, so when you’re working with one, it makes sense to ask them questions about the position and how best to prepare for the interview. 

Moreover, recruiters can help you negotiate salary if needed and that’s just another great reason why you should work with them!

Be Ready For The Interview

When you get the call from your interviewer, be ready to answer questions about your resume. Prepare a summary of your professional experience as well as any key accomplishments. 

Also, be prepared to discuss why you are interested in public relations and what you hope to gain from this role.

Be prepared for questions about how you learned or developed specific skills that were listed on your resume, such as writing copy or crafting social media posts. 

You should also have examples ready if they want more detail on something specific the interviewer might ask “Tell me more about this project…” or “How did that come together?”

The interviewer may ask how well-connected you think you are within the industry (or community). 

It’s important that when answering this question, it’s not just about being able to brag about connections but rather showing why those connections are valuable assets for an organization and its overall goals. 

Be sure to share examples of how these relationships have helped with past projects and/or clientele development efforts throughout business operations at other companies where these relationships existed (i.e., do not simply say “I know everyone.”).

An interviewer might also inquire about leadership style preferences; some people like themselves being told what needs doing while others like having autonomy over planning their day-to-day work routine so long as deadlines are met consistently without fail! 

It’s important that when answering this question it doesn’t feel like there is only one way someone could lead – every team member will react differently depending on personality type!

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Try To Meet With People Who Do The Job Or Working In The Field

One of the best ways to learn more about a job is by talking to people who do it. It’s also one of the easiest ways, especially if you know someone in that field. 

If not, try reaching out to companies in your area or via social media and asking them if they’d be willing to chat with you about their jobs. You can discuss what they do on a day-to-day basis and where they see themselves going in the future. 

The more information you have about how a company works internally and how it treats its employees and vice versa the better prepared for success at that company will be when it comes time for an interview (and hopefully, landing the job).

If this sounds like something that could work for you but may be too daunting or scary at first glance, start small! Ask questions like “What was your favorite part of working here?” or “Are there any changes coming up soon?”

Practice Answering Common Interview Questions

One of the keys to being a successful PR account manager is being prepared. For this reason, you’ll want to practice your responses to common interview questions. Here are some examples:

  • What is your leadership style and what experience have you had with it? How would someone describe your leadership style?
  • What are some examples of accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to work well with others?
  • Talk about a time when you had an idea for something new or innovative in public relations that was met with resistance from others in the company/team. 

How did you convince them of its value and get them on board? How did this make things better for everyone involved?”

Make Good First Impressions

  • Being on time is a must there’s nothing more off-putting than a potential employer who shows up late.
  • Dress appropriately: it’s okay to make a good impression, but don’t wear anything too ostentatious or flashy. 

For men, avoid wearing suits or other business attire unless otherwise instructed (in some cases, you may be asked to dress in formal attire). 

Women should be mindful of their cleavage; if the rule at your prospective employer requires low-cut tops with plunging necklines and tight skirts, this could be an indication that they want salespeople rather than PR pros.

A firm handshake is vital when you meet someone new it says both “I am confident and competent” and “I can handle whatever comes my way!” 

But don’t overdo it either: gripping too tightly or holding on for too long might send the wrong message about you as well as cause discomfort for your new acquaintance.

Smiling is an essential part of making good first impressions because it shows warmth toward other people and trusts us: no one wants to hire someone who seems cold (or worse yet…angry!). 

People naturally respond better when we can see the joy radiating from their faces; smiling also helps put others at ease around us so there’s less pressure on them during interactions.”

Show That You Are A Good Listener And Communicator

So, you’ve heard that listening is the key to a successful career in public relations. But how do you demonstrate that skill? Well, it’s simple: show them! Demonstrate your listening skills by encouraging others to talk about their work and interests. 

Ask questions that open up conversation rather than giving a speech. 

By showing off this skill during an interview or networking event, you’re demonstrating that you can listen well enough to have conversations with people when they don’t have anything specific for which they need your help.

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Have Something To Say About Current Events In The Industry

If you’re going to be working with clients, you must have some knowledge about what is happening in the world of public relations and advertising. 

You don’t need to be an expert on every piece of news that comes out though if you are interested in something specific, like sports or pop culture, it will help your case but having an opinion about recent trends is key for impressing a potential employer. 

If someone asks you how you feel about Pepsi using Kendall Jenner as their spokesperson (as they did recently), being able to respond with “I think it was a bad idea.

Because they failed to take into account how this would affect their brand image…” will show them that not only do you care about these things but also understand them well enough to provide insight into this particular issue.

If what interests me isn’t relevant

Prepare For Alternative Interview Scenarios, Such As A Skype Interview Or Panel Interview

If you’re not sure how to use the technology or if you’re interviewing an unfamiliar person, keep these tips in mind:

  • If possible, do a dry run before your interview to make sure that everything will go smoothly.
  • If you’re still nervous about using video conferencing or interviewing over Skype, consider taking the initiative to meet your interviewer in person for the first round of interviews. 

It shows integrity and interest in the job and it gives both parties a chance to get comfortable with each other before jumping into another round of interviews.

If you haven’t interviewed much before, don’t be afraid to ask questions throughout the process especially if something seems confusing or out of place! 

The interviewer should be able to give honest answers as well as advice on how best to prepare for future interviews within their organization (or how they prefer applicants to approach them).

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Be Ready To Talk About Your Leadership Style And Experience

Although you may be more comfortable talking about the skills and experience you’ve gained in your previous roles, it’s also important to be able to discuss what type of leader you are. How do others see you? Are they inspired by your ability to deliver results? 

Do they consider themselves lucky to have such a strong leader on their team? Or are they more likely to describe you as someone distant, controlling, or even intimidating?

The answers to these questions can help determine whether or not an employer will come away from an interview with a positive impression of who YOU are as a person and manager…which can be just as important as knowing what skills are needed for them!


We hope that this article has helped you in your quest to land your dream job. Remember, it’s not just about what you know it’s about how well you present yourself. 

And when it comes down to it, we believe that the best people get hired because they have an amazing attitude and work ethic, regardless of their qualifications or experience level.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on related topics:

3 Ways to Land Your Dream PR Job: Explore practical tips and strategies to help you secure your dream job in the field of public relations.

What Does a Public Relations Account Manager Do?: Learn more about the responsibilities, skills, and qualifications required for a career as a public relations account manager.

How to Land Your Dream Job: Discover valuable insights and advice from industry experts on how to position yourself for success and land your dream job.


What are the key skills required for a PR job?

Public relations professionals often need excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, as they are responsible for crafting compelling messages and interacting with various stakeholders. Additionally, strong interpersonal skills, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and media relations expertise are highly valued in the field.

How can I stand out during the PR job application process?

To stand out during the PR job application process, consider tailoring your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant experiences and accomplishments. It’s also beneficial to showcase your portfolio or examples of your work, demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and media landscape, and network with professionals in the field.

What is the role of a public relations account manager?

A public relations account manager is responsible for building and maintaining relationships with clients, developing strategic communication plans, managing PR campaigns, overseeing media relations, and ensuring client satisfaction. They serve as a liaison between the agency and the clients, providing guidance and support throughout the PR process.

How can I prepare for a PR job interview?

To prepare for a PR job interview, research the company and its clients, familiarize yourself with recent industry trends, and be prepared to discuss your relevant experiences and accomplishments. Practice answering common interview questions, such as how you handle crisis situations, how you measure PR success, and how you manage client relationships.

What are the career growth opportunities in the field of public relations?

In the field of public relations, career growth opportunities can include moving into senior PR roles such as PR manager or director, specializing in a particular industry or sector, transitioning to a corporate communications or marketing role, or starting your own PR agency. Continuous professional development, networking, and staying updated on industry trends can enhance career prospects in PR.