How To Land Your Dream Job As A Product Designer

If you’re a product designer looking for tips on how to land your dream job, this article is for you. Here, we’ll give you some actionable advice and share our experiences of what makes a great portfolio. 

We’ll also discuss whether it’s good to use a personal blog or not – and why it’s important to focus on the right things that attract employers.

Become a Product Designer | Getting Started – YouTube
Tailor your portfolio to showcase your design skills and highlight relevant projects.
Develop a strong understanding of user-centered design principles and methodologies.
Stay up-to-date with industry trends and technologies to demonstrate your passion and adaptability.
Network with professionals in the design industry to gain insights, mentorship, and potential job opportunities.
Prepare for interviews by practicing common design-related questions and presenting your portfolio effectively.
Continuously improve your design skills through ongoing learning, courses, and personal projects.
Seek internships or freelance opportunities to gain practical experience and build your portfolio.
Demonstrate strong communication and collaboration skills, as teamwork is often crucial in product design roles.
Show enthusiasm, curiosity, and a problem-solving mindset in your job applications and interviews.
Research and target companies that align with your design interests and values for a better fit.

Seriously! Do You Really Want To Be A Product Designer?

A friend once told me that if you’re not passionate about something, then don’t do it. I think this applies to product design, especially in the early stages of your career when money isn’t as much of an issue and you can work on things that are more fun for you. 

The real question is: How can we make sure that people who want to be product designers will succeed at it?

To begin with, good product designers need communication skills. They should be able to articulate their ideas in words and visuals so that others on the team understand what they mean and can help improve them further. 

Product designers also need empathy and the ability to put themselves into someone else’s shoes to ensure that the result is useful for everyone who uses it (which includes potential users).

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Know What Success Looks Like To You

Success is a tricky thing to define, and it’s even harder to use as a yardstick for success. The easiest way to understand what success looks like for yourself is by looking at your talents, skills, and interests. 

If you’re an expert swimmer who always dreamed of being an Olympic swimmer but never had the chance because you were born with no arms or legs.

Then success may mean going from being able to complete one lap in a pool (and still only barely) to swimming 10 laps without stopping for a breath or getting help from anyone else.

If you’re an experienced photographer who wants to work with high-end fashion brands like Chanel or Louis Vuitton as their senior photographer, then success might mean landing that job and having your photos featured in Vogue magazine every month or at least once every year.

If all of this sounds hard and confusing…good! It should be hard because there are so many factors involved which makes it easy not just on ourselves but also on our employers when we don’t know exactly what we want out of this world until well after graduation day arrives. 

But if there’s any advice I could give myself now looking back on my past self: do whatever makes sense given where you live right now (location), what kind of person/career path would suit you best with how much free time versus paid hours off per week (time constraints).

How much money is needed each month based solely on experience paying bills etcetera ad infinitum…

It’s About Quality Not Quantity

The quality of your portfolio is the most important thing to show off in your job search, so you should focus on that. Don’t get me wrong, quantity is important too, but only after you have mastered the basics.

Once you can create good work consistently, then start asking yourself: What else can I do? 

How can I take this design further? What more can I learn? How strong am I at working with color and typography? Is there any way that my work could be even better than it already is?

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Ask For Help

When you are feeling stuck and confused, it can be hard to ask for help. But remember that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It takes courage to ask someone else to explain something or walk you through your work so they can give their input.

That’s why being able to properly communicate with your team members is so important; they’ll know exactly how they can best support you if they understand where you are coming from and what the end goal is.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Failure

It’s important to remember that failure is an integral part of the process. You can learn more from mistakes than you can from successes, so don’t allow yourself to get discouraged when things go wrong. Embrace failure and see it as a chance to grow and improve.

As with any field, there are going to be times when you feel like giving up on your dream job as a product designer but don’t! It might seem overwhelming at first, but if you keep at it and trust in yourself, then eventually everything will fall into place.

Meet Lots Of People And Make Friends!

In the spirit of “you never know what you don’t know”, I have met many people who are doing what I want to do in other companies and cities. 

These are friends that I can call up when I need advice or help, but more importantly, they show me how many different ways there are to do product design. This can be just as valuable as learning from someone who you think is doing it right.

Make Your Portfolio Work For You

Your portfolio is a reflection of you and your work. It’s a collection of your best work, but also a tool to show your skills and experience. Your portfolio should reflect both the professional and personal side of who you are as an individual.

Your portfolio needs to be visually appealing and easy to read so that hiring managers can get a quick grasp on what it is that you do best. 

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, having strong typography will help reinforce the message coming across in the content itself: “This person cares about their work.”

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Make Sure That You Are Prepared For Your Interview, But Also Be Prepared For The Unexpected

The interview process can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone. You might be nervous about the position or the company, or even about how you will perform yourself. But don’t worry it’s normal!

You may feel like you have done all the research and preparation necessary to nail this interview, but there are still some things that could go wrong and ruin your chances of landing your dream job. 

I have listed here some things to keep in mind as well as some very important tips on how to make sure that you get hired!

Prepare yourself physically: Brush up on your interview skills so that when it finally comes time for the big day, everything goes smoothly. Practice with friends who have no stake in whether or not they like working with you.

They should not care what kind of impression they give off during these practice sessions since they aren’t on either side of those imaginary ropes separating the interviewer from the applicant (or vice versa).

Be prepared for anything: The best thing applicants can do is educate themselves about their potential employer by reading reviews online; researching industry news articles; talking with friends who work there already (if possible); etc. 

With this information at hand beforehand then any questions asked during an interview should already be answered before being asked because most people forget halfway through saying something.

Because they were thinking too hard about what was coming next instead of just answering quickly without thinking first!

Do Some Research On The Company You Are Applying For

When you are applying for a job, the first thing you should do is research the company. This is your best opportunity to show your potential employer that you know what they do and how they do it. 

You might not be able to put together an entire product or service, but knowing about them will help make sure that when asked questions in an interview setting, you can give detailed answers as opposed to generic ones.

In addition to knowing what a company does and how they do it, also learn about their culture and values by reading through their website or doing some other research online. 

Knowing who this company is will help you relate better with them later on if hired as well as determine whether this job is right for me because I may not align with their values or culture.

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Think Big Picture, Not Micro-Features

The biggest mistake I see designers make is that they focus on micro-features rather than the big picture, holistic design problems. 

For example, if you’re interviewing for a job as a UI designer at Facebook and you’re asked to talk about a redesign that would improve the app’s main navigation bar, it’s tempting to dive into details like font size or color palette. 

But remember: This interview is not about your ability to make small changes in an isolated part of the product; it’s about how well you understand what makes this product successful overall. 

You need to be able to articulate why these changes will help users better navigate their way through Facebook and what’s standing in the way of this happening now.”

Always Be Building

While you are working your day job and networking, always be building. Building things that you care about is what will get you noticed. It’s important to build something that has a purpose and a story behind it, even if it’s just for yourself or as an exercise in learning something new.

If we want others to notice our work, we need to make something they can connect with something they can relate to or understand more deeply because of the effort put into it by its creator.

Join Some Local Design Communities, Attend Their Meetups And Get Involved

The best way to become a product designer is to get out of your house and meet other designers. Join some local design communities, attend their meetups and get involved.

  • Meet people who share your interests.
  • Get involved in local communities.
  • Get involved in local events.
  • Get involved in local meetups (and not just the ones that are advertised on Facebook).

Get involved in local workshops (many companies or universities host them for free). These are especially useful if you want to learn something specific like user research or prototyping tools like InVision or Framer Studio. 

We’ve even hosted our workshop series called Product Talk where we talk about all things product design!

We’ve also had great experiences with hackathons they’re great opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals while working on a creative project together under time pressure!

Product designers play a crucial role in shaping the user experience and bringing innovative ideas to life. If you’re passionate about design and interested in pursuing a career as a product designer, our comprehensive guide on how to land your dream job as a product designer can provide you with valuable insights, tips, and resources to help you navigate your path to success in this exciting field.


Design is a great career option. You can use it in many ways, and it’s not just limited to graphic design or fashion. If you’re interested in product design, there are many opportunities out there for you! 

Remember that practice makes perfect: try designing products on your own time, apply for internships at companies like Google or Apple where they will give you feedback on your work so that when you go into interviews with other companies.

Like theirs later down the road (or even now), they’ll recognize what makes them different from other options out there as well

Further Reading

Land Your Dream Design Job: A comprehensive guide that provides practical advice and strategies to help you secure your dream job in the design industry.

Landing on a Product Designer Job: This article offers valuable insights and tips for aspiring product designers looking to break into the industry and land their dream job.

Job in User Experience Design: Explore this blog post to gain a better understanding of what it takes to pursue a career in user experience (UX) design and discover valuable resources and advice for landing a job in this field.

And here’s the FAQs section in markdown format:


Q: What skills are important for landing a design job?

A: When pursuing a design job, it’s crucial to have a strong portfolio showcasing your design skills, proficiency in relevant design tools, good communication skills, and the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams.

Q: How can I stand out during the job application process?

A: To stand out during the job application process, tailor your resume and portfolio to highlight your relevant experience and skills, write a compelling cover letter, and showcase your passion and enthusiasm for design.

Q: What can I do to improve my chances of getting hired as a product designer?

A: To increase your chances of getting hired as a product designer, continue learning and honing your design skills, stay up-to-date with industry trends, network with professionals in the field, and seek opportunities to gain practical experience through internships or freelance projects.

Q: How important is networking in the design industry?

A: Networking is highly important in the design industry as it allows you to make valuable connections, learn from experienced professionals, and discover potential job opportunities. Attend design events, join online design communities, and engage with professionals in the field to expand your network.

Q: How can I prepare for design job interviews?

A: To prepare for design job interviews, research the company and its products, practice answering common design-related interview questions, prepare your own questions to ask the interviewer, and consider creating a portfolio presentation showcasing your work and design process.