How To Cold Call Like A Ninja

Cold calling is a useful tool for salespeople. It helps them to build relationships with customers, it provides a way to get their name out there and it can be used as an effective method of prospecting. 

However, the problem is that most people don’t think they know how to cold call like a ninja – even those who are good at sales! Let’s face it: cold calling can be scary and intimidating, but if you follow these steps you’ll be able to make sales calls like a pro in no time at all:

How to Make a Cold Call [Cold Calling that WORKS]!
Key Takeaways
1. Cold calling requires strategic planning and execution.
2. Building rapport and creating a personalized approach are crucial.
3. Overcoming objections with empathy and confidence is essential.
4. Continuous learning and refinement of cold calling techniques are recommended.
5. Utilize innovative and non-traditional methods for effective cold calling.

It’s All In The Preparation

You can’t sell without preparation. The sheer act of cold calling is a massive gamble what if you’re unprepared? What if you don’t know your product? What if you have no idea who to call?

Preparation is key, but it’s not just about the information you’ve gathered on your own. It’s also about how much time and effort the company has put into their own knowledge base and training programs. 

Cold callers are taught about everything from how to find leads to which words work best when making sales pitches. 

The more prepared they are for an interaction with a potential customer, the better off everyone will be: 

Customers get better service; companies make more money through increased sales; and cold callers feel like their hard work has paid off (which makes them more likely to stick around).

Mastering cold calling is an essential skill for marketers. Learn how to enhance your approach with the Master Cold Calling Marketing Strategy to drive substantial business growth.

Research Well, Then Research Again

Before you start cold calling, you should do your research. This means using Google and LinkedIn to find contacts, as well as getting all the information about the company and person you have in mind.

Start with Google: search for the company name (or CEO’s name). Check out their website and social media profiles – are they active on Twitter or Facebook? How many followers do they have? What is their web traffic like?

Now head over to LinkedIn! Search for that same person’s profile. Most likely, they will list their previous companies and positions on there. 

Find out what type of industry they work in – if it’s not yours, continue your search elsewhere or try someone else who might be able to refer them down the road. 

You can also use LinkedIn Advanced Search by adding filters such as Industry/Company Name + Location + Current Employer + Group Management Team Member Search which allows users access into exclusive groups where key decision makers hangout daily!

Make A List Of Companies You Want To Work With

Before you start cold calling, you need a list of companies to call. This can be as simple as writing down the names of five companies that you want to work for, or it can be more complex if you have a long list of places that are potential prospects. 

If it’s the latter, then I suggest using a spreadsheet or CRM (both discussed later in this article) to keep track of your list so that there is no confusion when it comes time to cold call them all.

When it comes to cold calling, having a strategy that’s both effective and practical is crucial. Discover the insights of an actually useful Cold Calling Marketing Strategy that can yield tangible results.

Set A Target

Once you’ve decided that cold calling is something you want to do, set a target. You’ll need to do this in order to plan your day and be accountable for your actions. 

Your targets can be anything from how many calls you want to make in a day, how many appointments you want to book in a week and how many sales (or leads) you want to make in a month.

Choose The Right People To Contact

When you’ve identified the right person to call, it’s time to get on the phone and start dialing. The first thing you need to do is introduce yourself and state your reason for calling. I recommend using something like this: “Hi [name], my name is [first name]. 

I am a marketing manager at [company] and we are looking for ways to improve our current customer experience process so that we can provide better service for all of our customers. Can you help me with that?

Make Sure You Can Get Your Script Right!

Scripts can be useful, but make sure it’s short and sweet. A script that’s too long will put people off the conversation before you start.

Make sure your script is personalised for each company/prospect you call on. Use information from their website and other sources to personalise your pitch as much as possible.

Your script should be clear, concise and easy to follow for both you and the prospect. This means writing it in simple language with a logical structure that makes sense when read out loud by someone else so there aren’t any awkward pauses or missed words along the way!

Think About Timing And Frequency Of Calls

Recruiting calls are often a last resort for candidates, so it’s important that you don’t call at the wrong times.

  • Don’t call when people are busy.
  • Don’t call too often. (We’ll talk about this more in a minute.)
  • Consider calling at times of day when people are not likely to be in the office but may still have time to talk to you: after lunch break or after work hours, for example. 

And if you do this, make sure your voicemail message doesn’t sound like an automated system! This kind of thing gives off a robotic vibe that does not inspire confidence and trust in your company culture or brand identity as an employer. 

Hopefully by now you’re starting to see how much thought goes into cold calling like a ninja it’s not just about picking up your phone and dialing away!

For those new to cold calling, getting started can be daunting. Gain confidence with actionable Cold Calling Tips for Beginners that can help you initiate successful conversations.

Consider Your Surroundings When Making Cold Calls

Before you make your cold call, take a quick second to think about the environment around you. For example, if you’re in an office and there’s a lot of background noise, try to find a quiet spot where it will be easier for the person on the other end of your call to hear what you’re saying. 

If that’s not possible, consider using a headset before dialing. Similarly, if at home or otherwise out in public and finding yourself distracted by the surrounding environment (a crowd of people may be walking by).

Consider wearing headphones so that only those nearby are privy to what is said during your call.

Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Silence

Silence is a powerful tool. In fact, the power of silence is so strong that it can make people feel like you are judging them, rushing through your pitch and ignoring them.

If you’re in sales or marketing and have ever made cold calls before then you have probably found yourself on the receiving end of this technique when speaking with other professionals. It’s also likely that you have used it as well.

Silence can be extremely intimidating for most people because it makes us feel like what we are saying is being weighed against some kind of standard – whether real or imagined – that we may not meet. 

As such, even if someone doesn’t actually take issue with whatever you were saying they will still feel compelled to speak up in order to fill in these uncomfortable gaps of silence which might otherwise make them appear awkward or unprepared during your call.

Don’t Be Afraid To Leave Voice Messages

The second thing that you need to know about cold calling is that voice messages are more personal than an email. This makes them more likely to be listened to than an email, and even more likely than a cold call.

When you leave a voice message, it lets the person on the other end know that they should pay attention. 

You’re not just another number in their inbox, you’re someone who took the time out of their day (and possibly their busy schedule) to reach out personally and listen to what they have to say.

Break away from conventional cold calling techniques and explore innovative ways to engage prospects. Explore these 10 Non-Sucky Ways to Cold Call Prospects that resonate with modern audiences.

Practice, Practice, Practice Calling Until You Get It Right

Practice makes perfect. The only way to get good at cold calling is to do a lot of it. This means getting used to picking up the phone and talking with strangers, which can be intimidating for many people. 

If you’re shy or introverted, there are plenty of tactics that will help you feel more confident on the phone (see below). 

But even if you’re already comfortable with cold calls, practice is still going to make a big difference in your results and this is especially true when it comes time for those dreaded follow-up calls (more on those later).

You might think that calling friends and family would be sufficient for practice purposes. After all, these people know who you are and may even be expecting an occasional call from you about something specific but don’t get too comfortable here! 

Calling people whom we know well tends not only toward predictability but also complacency: 

We start thinking that because we’ve talked before with someone close enough to us that they won’t mind being bothered again now or later on down the road when they’re not expecting anything as long as SOMEONE communicates regularly (and “regularly” begins at two years).

So instead of using our own contacts as guinea pigs for our new skillset or relying on them exclusively as sources of feedback during training sessions? Make sure those calls aren’t just practice runs! 

Instead, try out some different approaches: call random numbers from old address books; use an app like Call Recorder ($4) so that every conversation can be saved online; 

Dial outbound numbers from free resources like, and contact companies whose products/services may interest potential clients…the possibilities are endless!

Cold Calling Is A Useful Tool For Salespeople

Cold calling can be a great way to start a conversation with a company and get your name out there. It’s also an effective way to get on the radar of decision-makers when you’re trying to break into new markets. 

You never know who might be listening in or what opportunities could arise from cold calling, so it’s worth it even if you don’t land any new clients right away.

The path to mastering cold calling involves understanding its realities. Embrace the Brutal Truth About Cold Calling and unlock insights on how to overcome challenges and achieve success.


There are a lot of ways to make cold calling more effective, and we hope that this article has given you some insight into how to do it. Remember that the key to being successful at cold calling is preparation.

You need to know what you’re talking about, have some good questions in mind for when people don’t answer immediately, and be ready for anything! If you put in the time and effort required for research ahead of time, then call after the call will be much easier on your nerves

Further Reading

Explore these additional resources to enhance your understanding of cold calling strategies:

Cold Calling Scripts: How to Craft Effective Pitches Learn how to create persuasive cold calling scripts that resonate with prospects and drive meaningful conversations.

Mastering the Art of Cold Calling Discover advanced techniques for mastering cold calling, including tips for building rapport and overcoming objections.

Enhancing Procurement Cold Calls: Strategies for Success Understand why cold calls to procurement often fall short and gain insights into strategies that can lead to more successful interactions.


How can I create effective cold calling scripts?

Crafting effective cold calling scripts involves understanding your target audience, highlighting benefits, and addressing pain points. Focus on creating a personalized approach that resonates with prospects.

What are some advanced strategies for successful cold calling?

Advanced cold calling strategies include researching prospects beforehand, utilizing storytelling techniques, and incorporating social proof to build credibility and trust.

How can I improve my cold calling technique for procurement professionals?

To improve cold calling to procurement, tailor your approach to the unique needs and challenges of procurement professionals. Focus on showcasing value and addressing their specific concerns.

How do I handle objections during cold calls?

When facing objections during cold calls, listen actively, empathize with the prospect’s concerns, and provide solutions that address their objections. Practice objection-handling scenarios to become more confident.

How can I measure the success of my cold calling efforts?

Measuring cold calling success involves tracking key metrics such as call-to-conversion rates, response rates, and customer feedback. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and refinement.