It’s the worst. You’re stuck. Or you feel stuck: no ideas, no inspiration, no nothing. You stare at your sketchbook or notepad and you can’t get anything out on the page.
Maybe you’ve got a deadline coming up, maybe it’s just that your life has been so chaotic lately that all of your art mojos have disappeared. You’re feeling like you’ll never get any new ideas again and that everything you’ve made in the past was just beginner’s luck.
Don’t worry! We’ve all been there and we all will be again someday (maybe today!). It happens to every creative person in every industry at some point; it’s normal, but it can also be terrifying (and I know because I’m terrified right now).
The good news is there are hundreds of ways to overcome those blocks: some work instantly, others take time but are still effective. Here are my favorite ways to start getting new ideas again like a pro.”
Takeaways |
1. Recognize that creative blocks are normal and can happen to anyone. |
2. Experiment with different techniques to break through blocks, such as changing your environment or taking breaks. |
3. Embrace a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities for growth. |
4. Seek inspiration from various sources, like nature, books, or conversations. |
5. Don’t be afraid to collaborate with others; their perspectives can spark new ideas. |
6. Keep a creative journal to capture fleeting thoughts and ideas for future use. |
7. Overcome perfectionism by allowing yourself to create imperfect drafts. |
8. Use constraints as a creative tool to stimulate innovative thinking. |
9. Prioritize self-care, as physical and mental well-being can significantly impact creativity. |
10. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success; learn from mistakes and move forward. |
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Getting out of your comfort zone is a great way to come up with new ideas. This might mean doing something a little scary, like speaking in public or getting over your fear of heights by going on a roller coaster.
Or it could mean trying something you feel uncomfortable with, like wearing some clothes that are outside your style comfort zone or trying out a brand new food at dinner (crickets and tofu anyone?).
If you’re feeling apprehensive about doing something outside your normal routine, think about whether this fear is well-founded or just an excuse for not pushing yourself. You won’t get anywhere if you never try anything new!
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Go On A Hike Or Walk
Get out of your comfort zone, and get some fresh air. Not only does this help you think more clearly, but it also helps you get more ideas for your creative project. It will also help you relax and get your mind off of things that have been bothering you. If possible, try to take some exercise when going for walks or hikes this will increase the effects of nature on your creativity!
Create Time And Space For Ideation
The first thing you can do to get ideas again is to create time and space for ideation. The more energy you spend on being productive, the less energy you have for idea generation. This is why it’s important to set aside some time each day (or week) when you don’t need to be doing something else for those ideas to come through.
Idea generation requires some downtime so that your mind can wander into areas that are unfamiliar you can’t force ideas out of anywhere if you’re too busy trying not only thinking about things but also doing them!
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Stop Trying To Do Everything Yourself
You’ve probably heard that most creative people are introverts, but what does this mean?
Well, it means that they need alone time and don’t take well to crowds or other people. It also means they tend to be more of a thinker than a talker they prefer action over words.
This is great news for you! Because we all know how hard it can be to get your ideas out of your head and onto the page when you have so many things on your plate already. So if your creative blocks are coming from being too busy doing everything yourself… then stop trying!
Start Journaling
I’m talking about that old-school journal the one you keep at the back of your closet or in a drawer that’s seen better days. The one where you write down any and everything that comes to mind. The act of writing anything down can be cathartic, but when it comes to getting unstuck and finding new ideas, there are some specific things you should be writing down:
- Your dreams and goals (or even just one of them)
- Your feelings about what’s going on in your life right now
- An experience from the day that stood out to you (a great meal, an encounter with someone who inspired you)
- Thoughts about a project or idea that has been stuck in the back of your head
Explore Other Creative Processes
Try a different medium. There’s nothing worse than getting stuck trying to create something in a medium that you aren’t comfortable with, especially if you have different skills and strengths.
Explore other subjects or themes. You may be so used to working on one thing that it becomes stale, but if you try something new and unexpected, the results could surprise even yourself!
Try Meditation Or Mindfulness Exercises
You may not think that meditation would get your creative juices flowing, but it can be a great tool for getting in touch with yourself and helping you focus on what’s important.
If you have trouble focusing, try taking a short break to meditate. You could also use this time to practice mindfulness exercises like breathing exercises or guided visualizations (such as imagining yourself in a peaceful space).
You might feel more focused after doing these exercises because they help you relax and calm down. After all, when we feel relaxed and calm, we tend to be in tune with our inner selves, and being able to tap into this part of ourselves is key if you want to get ideas flowing again!
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Find A New Source Of Inspiration
It’s hard to get inspired when you’re in a rut, but it’s also important to remember that inspiration is everywhere. If you’re feeling out of ideas, try changing your routine from time to time so inspiration can catch up with you.
Here are some ways you can find new sources of inspiration:
Try a new medium: Pick up another type of pencil or paintbrush and draw something different than what you normally do. For example, if you usually do pencil sketches on paper or canvas, try doing them with acrylic paints instead! You’ll discover exciting new techniques and materials as well as see things differently depending on the medium used.
Try a new subject: If landscapes aren’t doing it for you anymore (or they never did), why not try drawing people? Or animals? Or abstract forms? The best way to come up with good ideas is just by doing something different once in a while!
Try a new type of project: Do more sketches than paintings; make more sculptures than drawings; write more poems than essays…whatever it takes for inspiration! The worst thing that could happen is coming up blank because your brain isn’t used to this kind of work yet (which means practice!). But there’s also a chance that something amazing happens along the way too if patience perseveres through all this trial and error process.”
Collaborate With Others
A great way to get ideas flowing is to collaborate with someone else. You can brainstorm together, write a blog post or article together, or even just bounce ideas off each other at the coffee shop. Though creative blocks are often caused by our mindsets and habits, there’s no reason why we should have to fight through them alone!
Another benefit of collaboration is that it helps you get feedback on your best work before publishing it publicly (or privately). This is especially helpful if you’re working on something that could be considered controversial or risky having a trusted friend look over it will help you avoid any embarrassing mistakes in the future!
Take Yourself Off The Clock For A Few Days
Get away from the things you associate with work and creativity. Get out of your comfort zone and into an unfamiliar space where you can’t rely on old habits or processes to get you through your day. If possible, take yourself off the clock for a few days even if that means checking out of civilization for a short stretch.
Being unplugged from our usual routines is one of the most effective ways to break through creative blocks because it allows us to see things from new perspectives. Without distractions, we can focus on our work without worrying about how much time we have left before lunch or what time our next appointment is scheduled in 10 minutes.
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Think About The Root Of Your Block And Focus On Fixing The Root Issue
If you’re trying to come up with ideas and you find yourself stuck, the first thing to do is take a step back. Ask yourself why you’re struggling. Is it because you feel like your current work isn’t good enough? Is it because you’re feeling undervalued or unappreciated at work? Keep asking why until you get to the root of your creative block and then focus on fixing that issue or problem rather than thinking about your ideas again.
Explore Project Management Tools And Change Up Your Creative Process
Use a project management tool. Project management tools are great for keeping track of your progress, as well as for getting an overall view of the project so you can stay focused on what’s important. It’s easier to get out of a mental rut when you have all the information at your fingertips in one place.
Change up your creative process. Even if it’s just for one project, try switching things up and using a different method than usual to get ideas flowing again!
Stop Beating Yourself Up When You’re Blocked
Stop beating yourself up when you’re blocked, get to work on fixing things then throw it all away and start over fresh tomorrow if you need to!
When I was stuck on my first book, I would sit there and stare at the blank page for hours. Then I would feel terrible about myself when nothing came out of it.
No matter how many times I told myself not to feel bad about being blocked, or that this was just a normal part of creation, it didn’t help much. But once I realized that there was no point in torturing myself with negative thoughts (and started doing something else), it got easier!
Burst Through Creative Blocks By Approaching Them In New Ways
Creative blocks are a normal part of being human. They’re not fun, but they happen to everyone from established authors to famous artists and designers.
Creative blocks can be easy to miss at first because it’s tempting to immediately dismiss your lack of inspiration as laziness or a lack of discipline. But if you’ve been working on something for a while and suddenly feel stuck, it’s usually because something isn’t working in your process or life.
Recognizing the signs of a creative block is important because then you’ll know what steps need to be taken next! Here are some common signs:
- You’re not making progress towards your goal no matter how hard you try
- You feel like nothing is good enough or that everything lacks inspiration
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Final Thoughts
Creativity is a process, not an event. While you can’t force creativity to happen, there are things you can do to encourage it and make it more likely that you’ll experience the burst of inspiration that leads to your next great idea or breakthrough.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to cultivating creativity—but if you go through these steps regularly, they will help ensure that your best ideas get heard by others in time for them to impact your work and life as quickly as possible.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you overcome creative blocks and boost your creative thinking:
14 Ways to Beat Creative Block
Explore practical techniques and strategies to overcome creative blocks and regain your inspiration.
Overcoming Creative Block: Tips and Techniques
Learn about various tips and techniques to break through creative blocks and keep your ideas flowing.
Break Through Creative Block: Tips for Designers
Discover valuable insights and advice for designers on how to effectively break through creative blocks.
People Also Ask
What Is A Creative Block?
A creative block is like writer’s block, but for everything else. It’s that feeling of being stuck and not knowing how to move forward on something you’re working on. You know it when you feel it!
How Can I Get Past This Creative Block?
It all comes down to your mindset and how you think about yourself and your work. For Example; Ask yourself if there isn’t a different way to look at what’s happening right now to find solutions or new ideas (for example, maybe there are other ways around this problem than just forcing through it). If so, try those out!
The key here is flexibility and openness. Open up your mind to new possibilities instead of focusing on one specific outcome only
What Do I Do If I’m Out Of Ideas?
If your creativity has reached a standstill, don’t worry. You can break through this creative block by asking yourself some questions. There are many ways to unblock your thoughts and get back in touch with what makes you truly unique as an artist or writer.
Consider taking a long walk, reading a book unrelated to your current project, or doing something completely different for an hour or two anything to get away from the project at hand and give yourself some distance from it so that you can see things differently when you come back.
How Can I Overcome Writer’s Block?
It’s frustrating when the words won’t come! Our minds often seem to freeze up during periods of intense pressure and stress, leaving us unable to think clearly enough to write anything sensible at all but there are ways around this too!
Try taking short breaks (five minutes every twenty minutes is usually enough) throughout the day; drink plenty of water; eat healthy snacks like fruits and nuts instead of sugary foods like cookies; don’t write while hungry or tired because both will affect your ability to focus on what needs to be done next (e..g., resting after lunch).
How Can I Make Sure My Creative Block Is A Creative Block And Not Just Me Being Lazy?
Answer: If you have a creative block, then it means that for some reason, your brain won’t let you do what’s required to get an idea. If the ideas are there (or if they’re not), but something in your mind is preventing them from coming out, then it’s a creative block.
How Long Should I Work On The Same Problem Before Giving Up?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. You may need to spend a few days or even weeks working on a problem before you give up. It all depends on how much time you have available, how determined and motivated you are, and how important your goal is.
If it’s important enough that it keeps coming back into your mind (whether as an idea or an urge), then there is probably something useful in there for you if only you can get at it!
How Do I Know Whether My Idea Will Sell?
This question is best answered by asking yourself: “what happens if my idea doesn’t work out? What am I going to do then? Will I still be happy with my life? And more importantly, will anyone else care what I do next?”. If the answers are yes and no respectively – then go ahead with your idea!
I Have Multiple Creative Blocks, And They’re All Different. How Do I Address All Of Them At Once?
You can’t. Some of your creative blocks may be related to one another, but most likely they’re not so you should focus on each block individually.
If a creative block is affecting multiple aspects of your life, then it makes sense to tackle all those aspects at once (e.g., if writer’s block is making it difficult for you to sleep). But if two or three separate problems are causing your creativity to stagnate, then it’s best to address one problem at a time until that issue is resolved before moving on to the next one.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.