You’re here because you want to become a writer. Congratulations! You’ve come to the right place. It’s a big decision, but don’t worry:
I have made a list of the 20 easiest steps for becoming a writer. My steps will help you create great content and establish yourself as an authority in your field… no matter what field you’re in!
Takeaways |
1. Embrace your passion for writing. |
2. Read extensively to expand your knowledge. |
3. Set aside dedicated time for writing practice. |
4. Develop a routine to maintain consistency. |
5. Experiment with different writing styles. |
6. Seek constructive feedback to improve. |
7. Join writing communities for support and networking. |
8. Overcome writer’s block through various techniques. |
9. Learn from established authors and their journeys. |
10. Build a strong foundation in grammar and language. |
Read As Much As Possible
Make it a goal to read as much as possible. Read in your genre, but also read outside of it. Read classics and new releases. Read what you like to read, not what you think you should read.
The only thing worse than a book that’s bad is a book that’s boring—and if you don’t get into it, there’s no way for your brain to even consider the possibility of learning something from it (not even if it was written by Stephen King).
If you find an author whose style or voice speaks to you, then find out what else they have written so that when they release new books or projects there will be no excuse not to check them out!
One thing I do with all my favorite authors is follow them on social media so I can keep up with any news about upcoming projects before everyone else does (or at least as soon as everyone else does).
One great example would be following Chuck Wendig on Twitter: he often mentions when he has new projects coming out so this allows me time enough both mentally prepare myself before they come out while still being surprised at the same time when they actually do come out!
This brings me back around full circle again though; making sure enough time passes between releases so people actually want more instead wasting money buying books which nobody wants anymore because there hasn’t been anything released in awhile…
Building a successful writing routine is crucial for aspiring writers. If you’re wondering how to structure your writing process, take a look at our guide on process and productivity for writers to optimize your creative workflow.
Write Every Day
Write every day, even if it’s only a few minutes. Don’t wait for the muse to strike you; don’t just write when you feel inspired or motivated to do so. Write when you know nothing will happen, and then do it again tomorrow (and the next day). And if that sounds like too much pressure, then at least try writing once a week but commit yourself to sticking with it for the long haul.
Writing is like exercise: It takes discipline and dedication in order to see results. You won’t get stronger overnight by lifting weights just once or twice; keep at it, and soon enough you will be able to lift more than ever before!
But remember that even though we talk about “getting stronger as a writer” as though it were some physical feat (which makes us sound cool), this isn’t actually true writers don’t get stronger until they open up their minds and let themselves grow as individuals through their experiences while they’re writing!
Use Prompts
Prompts are a great way to get started as a writer. They can be used to help you explore a topic or they can be used to help you organize your thoughts around an idea. A prompt is an easy way for someone who isn’t sure what they’re writing about, but wants to start writing anyway, to find their footing and figure out what it is that they want to say.
Consistency is key when it comes to writing. Learn how to maintain a steady output with our tips on writing 500 words in 30 minutes every day, helping you make progress on your writing journey.
Be Aware Of Language
Do you know the difference between “who” and “whom”? Or how about “that” and “which”? These are some of the words that people often mix up. If you’re writing a novel or story, and you want it to come across as professional, then make sure that your readers can understand everything you write. You should also be careful with punctuation marks like hyphens, dashes and parentheses.
If someone were to read your work over after publishing it on Amazon, would they notice any mistakes? You wouldn’t want them to leave one star reviews because of something silly like that!
Carry A Notebook
Carry a notebook. A writer is someone who writes, and you can’t write if you don’t have anything to write with and on. If you are one of the people who has never been able to get their hands on a notebook or pen, then start by carrying whatever might help you jot down your thoughts—a phone app or even scraps of paper that can be easily discarded later.
The most important thing about carrying a notebook is that it should always be with you, so that when inspiration strikes, there will be no excuse for not being able to capture it before it fades away forever.
Depending on how often ideas come to me and how long they last before vanishing into thin air (sometimes less than five minutes), I keep at least three notebooks in my bag at any given time: one for fiction writing; one for creative nonfiction; and one just in case something else comes up during an extended period without access to technology (like during travel).
Take Yourself Seriously
It’s really easy to get caught up in the idea that your work is too personal and should never be shared with anyone. But I’m here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth: your writing is for other people, not for yourself. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and try it out!
There’s no better way of learning how to write well than by putting yourself out there on paper (or screen). Once you start sharing your work with others, they’ll tell you their thoughts on it which will help you improve as a writer—and everyone knows what happens when we improve!
Don’t Use Social Media, At Least Not Too Much
- Don’t spend too much time on social media. I know, this is not what you want to hear. But it’s true: social media can be a huge distraction and will take up hours of your day that could be better spent writing, reading or taking care of yourself (i.e., eating and sleeping).
- Don’t expect anyone to understand your writing journey. Unless you have written something that has gone viral, people don’t really care about your writing process because most likely they are not writers themselves. And even if they are writers, chances are their stories will be different than yours—and that’s okay!
- Don’t compare yourself to other writers too much. While it’s okay and natural to want to see what other writers are doing in order to improve yourself as a writer, comparing yourself can lead down an unhealthy path where you feel like a failure because someone else is producing more content than you or making more money than you from their work (even though there may be many factors involved).
Sometimes, promoting your work can be challenging, especially if it’s a niche interest. Discover effective strategies for marketing even the most unique content in our article on pushing a product that no one wants, which can be applied to the world of writing too.
Hone Your Craft In Small Spaces
If you’re a writer, then you know what it feels like to have the urge to create. You feel like an artist, but when it comes time to act on those feelings and actually create something, things get tough.
How do we get from feeling inspired with our work in progress to actually finishing a draft? The answer lies in being mindful of your surroundings and how they affect your brain. You can train yourself not only to create but also finish by focusing on smaller tasks first before taking on larger ones that may leave you feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.
Get Some Feedback And Be Ready To Accept It
Once you’ve written your first draft, it’s time to get some feedback from other people. You can get this from fellow writers, friends or family members who are willing to read your work and offer constructive criticism.
This is important because writing is very subjective and everyone writes differentlywhat one person likes another might not like at all.
Getting feedback will help you see the things about your writing that aren’t working for others; it may also help you understand what parts of your writing work for others (and vice versa).
This information can be useful if you plan on having someone else edit your work later on in the process, as well as giving yourself an idea of what’s working well so far so that if something comes up later and needs changing it doesn’t catch anyone off guard (or worse yet make them stop reading).
Be Honest, Or At Least Honest Enough
If you want to write well, be honest.
This might seem obvious, but it’s worth repeating: don’t be afraid to say what you think and don’t be afraid to say what others think. Writing is a conversation between you and the reader they’re going to judge your work against their own experiences, just like you will with them.
If your writing contains lies or half-truths, no matter how well executed they are (and even if they’re not), then it’s going to fall flat when compared to someone who tells it honestly even if that honesty makes them look bad sometimes.
Know Your Goals, But Avoid Being Too Goal-Oriented
You need to know what you want to achieve before you start. It’s okay if your goals are ambitious, but make sure they’re realistic for the time frame you have in mind. If you’re planning on writing a novel within six months, it’s safe to say that it’s not a good idea to set your goal as “write a bestseller and get published by Random House!”
That being said, it’s also important not to be too goal-oriented when starting out as a writer. In fact, if there were no more books written after the ones currently published (with the exception of those still in copyright), then we wouldn’t need any more writers than we already have today. Writing is something anyone can do you don’t need special talent or skills; all you need is determination and passion!
Don’t Be Afraid To Break Some Rules
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told to “follow the rules” when it comes to writing. I’m not sure who came up with these rules or even what they are, but it seems like people are always telling writers: “Obey these certain laws.”
But if we’re going to be honest with ourselves, we’ll realize that there aren’t any actual laws in writing. There isn’t one single set of instructions that tells us how to write our story and make it good enough for publication (at least not as far as I know).
In fact, most of the time when someone tells me about some arbitrary rule in writing that I’ve broken like my character should never use a gun or my plot should never involve aliens coming down from space I can point right back at them and say something like “you broke this rule too!”
So here’s the thing: Don’t be afraid of breaking any rules when you’re writing! Feel free! The only way we grow as writers is by trying new things and experimenting with different styles; otherwise we’ll just end up stuck in our own ways forever (and who wants that?).
As a writer, understanding your audience is paramount. Delve into the world of marketing research to uncover insights that can help you tailor your content to resonate with readers on a deeper level.
Write Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
- Try writing a short story or poem. It doesn’t need to be the next Great American Novel, just something that flows out of you and feels right.
- Try writing in a different genre. If you’re used to writing plays, try writing some poetry; if you’re used to writing poetry, try prose; if you’ve never written anything before at all, start with an outline and see where it takes you!
- Write a letter to a friend or family member who has been out of touch lately but whom you know would love to hear from them again (or even better: write one out of character for someone else entirely!)
- Write about your favorite topic in any way whatsoever – perhaps through lists? The possibilities are endless here! Just remember that this exercise is about breaking outside of your comfort zone – so don’t feel like there’s only one way possible way for this idea translate into practice…
Avoid Criticism, But Don’t Be Afraid Of Criticism Either
You should be able to take criticism and not take it personally. It’s part of writing, after all. If you can’t handle criticism, then you’re going to have a really hard time even getting your book published in the first place. You’ll have to be able to deal with bad reviews from bloggers and reviewers as well as feedback from people who don’t like your work at all (or maybe even just one person).
The other side of this is that criticism can help improve your work! You might think that everyone will love everything you write, but that’s not always going to happen – people are different and they’ll react differently based on their own experiences and preferences.
If someone doesn’t like something about your story or characters or plot choices then consider it constructive advice: what could be changed? How could the problem be fixed?
Don’t Go It Alone! Writers Need Community And Support, Too
It’s important to have a community of writers around you who can support you and help you grow as an artist. This community can be very beneficial in providing feedback, advice, support, and even inspiration when times get tough.
A strong writer’s community is also important because it allows you to share your work with others who are going through similar experiences (or at least understand what it’s like). You’ll be able to learn from each other while helping each other grow on this journey.
Navigating the literary landscape requires identifying your target readership. Explore the concept of market segmentation to carve out your niche and connect with the audience most interested in your writing style and subject matter.
And there you have it! You’re a writer now. If you’ve followed the steps, you should be well on your way to becoming a writer. And while they may sound daunting at first glance (and even more so when reading them), these tips are really just a starting point for any aspiring writer.
The important thing to remember is that writing is fun, and whatever your dream job might be whether it’s journalism or romance novels or ghostwriting for celebrities you can do it if you work hard enough at getting better every day.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you on your journey to becoming a writer:
WikiHow’s Guide on Becoming a Writer Learn practical steps and tips on how to start your writing journey and develop your skills.
Become a Writer Today’s Guide Explore actionable advice and strategies for aspiring writers to build a successful writing career.
Scribendi’s Article on How to Become a Writer Gain insights into the writing process, getting published, and establishing yourself as a writer.
How do I begin my journey as a writer?
Starting as a writer involves discovering your passion, reading widely, and practicing writing regularly to develop your skills.
What are some essential writing habits to cultivate?
Cultivating habits like setting aside dedicated writing time, seeking feedback, and continuously learning from different sources can greatly improve your writing.
How can I overcome writer’s block?
Writer’s block can be tackled by trying freewriting, changing your environment, or breaking down your writing into smaller, manageable tasks.
What’s the best way to improve my writing style?
Improving your writing style requires studying diverse writing styles, experimenting with different techniques, and revising your work critically.
How do I get my work published?
To get published, consider submitting to literary magazines, online platforms, or self-publishing. Building a portfolio and networking in writing communities can also help.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.